Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Awakened vs Sleeping Scientist

(Written by... @AncientHerStory)

It is essential here to reiterate the profound importance, the incredible empowerment, of Awakening to the real *reality* of our Universe as NonLinear!

Wormholes, dimensions, parallel worlds, timeXspace signatures, dark energy, dark matter...are NOT OBJECTS!

They are *realized accesses!*

And so are the ongoing, ever-current dynamics of imminent devastations!

These NonLinear Physics reveal, actually detail (names, dates, faces, places...) the horrors of the evening/*even*-ing news, days, weeks, months, even years before they manifest to traumatize the world! Officially documented! Repeatedly proved! Actual observable, measurable physics!  (Hence, my "umpf!" in trying so hard to be heard and taken seriously here!). 9/11/01 detailed itself years before it manifested! The Indonesian/multi-country tsunami that killed a quarter of a million people in 2004 was detected more than a year prior to its manifestation, including the frequencyXintensity of its massive death toll! Earthquakes that devastate entire cities scream their imminent approach through "time" like a freight train that can be heard coming for miles! Hurricanes expose the paths they'll take when they haven't even begun yet! All 100% true! How can this not be CRUCIAL for scientists to wake up to, and the political, emergency management, and other conventionally unaware folks who EMULATE their taken-for-granted "authority?"

"Hocus pocus?" Absolutely NOT!  Don't fool yourself, getting further lost in conventional misuse and abuse of language physics! Everything happening is SHARING the exact same physics at the Core, including with yourself, and inescapably using that physics to do what it's all doing, with or without your awareness of those events! Why not evolve into those *higher accesses?!* If you're a scientist/emulated authority figure, you have a responsibility to evolve!  It's all ...*energy*..., taken away from collective unconscious convention and its make-believe notions, and redefined in the REAL REALITY!

Our NonLinear Universe has an ENORMOUS "parade view," a totally 'open book' for the world, anyone superConscious enough of its true physics dynamics (which inherently superimpose their own), to tap into! Don't stunt yourself into processing life from only the perspective of relatively tiny little, highly distracted from the "Bigger Picture" humans! A tsunami is barely a trickle of water to the overall Universe! A volcano is a blip in your spaghetti sauce pot!  Earthquakes destroying cities are hiccups! Humans have trapped themselves into extremely self-oppressive perspectives, but if you process like the Universe itself, which you CAN with superConsciousness because you are an integrated part of that Universe and hence its physics are your true, inherent physics, as well, SHARED at the *Core,* you really can Awaken yourself to what is really going on!

No matter how far out into the cosmos, no matter how tiny or minute under the most powerful microscopes, 100% of ALL Answers sought by "hard science" must inescapably be processed through the human mind!

The most rigid laboratory investigations are only as good as the mind(s) perceiving them, yet while all sorts of supposed safeguards and controls are put into place to ascertain a valid, respectable outcome, scientists again and again persist in ignoring the ultimate processor/perceiver of their work, of all: their own mind(s)!

There is no such thing as "hard science" vs "soft science," in reality! The only thing "hard" about science is its hard-nosed refusal to reflect upon itself!

A vivid demonstration of this reality can be found in the Carl Sagan movie, "Contact," which is, for adults, what "The NeverEnding Story" is for children: a serious hidden revelation of Universal Physics Truth / Consciousness / Enlightenment.  For unconscious conventional scientists, however, the movie is laughable "fantasy!"

In "Contact," while ripe for *higher truth* Ellie falls through wormholes via her contact-inspired pod, realizing and experiencing the mathematical structure in translucence, the multidimensionality of language, the living, breathing Universe right before her very own eyes, the supposed best of the best scientists staffing the control room witness only static, haven't a clue what's really going on, and proclaim the mission a failure, because "nothing happened!"

Nothing happened, all right! And left, too/two!

Deemed top secret/confidential, the White House inquisition *quietly* acknowledges within its own walls that those seconds of "nothing happening" / static were measured as lasting..."18 hours!"

*Now* ...Do you really want to be the last to know?!

(Writing underway...More to come!)

In Search of Wormholes - Dependently Arisen

Hey, they're a whole lot closer than you think! And you'll never find them without your feelings! *Think*...reversibility!

Wormholes are all over your everyday life, and I'm going to introduce you to them, and teach you to *experience* them directly, for yourself, right here!

From there, it's all about allowing yourself to *far more highly evolve* into *higher* Universal physics reality!

Scientists (and others) so often claim that Answers won't be discoverable "for centuries," but...why?  What does that really mean?

What is it, exactly, that is supposed to transpire between now/Now and then?

The answer to that question is rather obvious: time!  But what IS time, anyway, other than simply an evolution in thought, in a more highly evolved ability to *process* on the necessary advanced level of dealing with (seeming) complexities, as if something magical is supposed to happen between today and "centuries" off into "the future."  But, what if there is no "future?"  What if everything is just...now?!  (And higher and lower dimensions, *accesses,* of now?!)

Humans are unwittingly (almost pathologically) socially-dependent creatures, nearly to the point of their own demise, seeking to find solace in doing "what everybody else is doing!"  Look at old pics on the internet and it is almost disturbing how it brings to light just how externally dependent folks really are! Everyone dresses alike, grooms alike in personal appearance, speaks alike, behaves/conducts themselves alike, etc., according to their era.  It's as shockingly undeniable as it is frustrating, especially when the task of awakening folks to their own inherent nature requires getting them to step out of that external dependency, long enough to evolve/grow into Universal Inherent Balance, from *within!* Observing folks moving through life like a bunch of closely-huddled cartoon characters all bunched up together, taking baby steps, leaves little to be wondered about why it takes so long for any kind of progress to be made.  Reality is...the only thing standing in the way of that evolution in thought/*processing* is the Conscious mindfulness required to step out of those huddled masses with the courage and forethought to grow in the Now, and not store away that mindful courage in an inaccessible linear "future" passively and naively (and conveniently) delegated ~ away from ~ oneself.

Evolving "in the NonLinear Now" requires giving oneself permission to process the dynamics of life more extensively than the floating social cartoon aroma of "what everybody else is doing!"  One of the biggest mistakes people make is in their misguided belief that there MUST be truth in whatever the masses are doing and believing because otherwise "how could so many people be wrong?!"  Well, a few words for ya: holocaust, apartheid, slavery, war...!  Need I go on?!  Passive or aggressive or both, massive participation!

The collective unconscious, linearly-lost convention has a long, long way to go to be able to claim any legitimate authority.

In NonLinear reality, everything is accessible in the Now, sitting right there on layers upon layers of not-at-all-hidden dimensions, immediately available to anyone with enough mindfulness to notice.  Trust to "go there" and advocacy to evolve further and further into those *accesses* as they multiply exponentially has got to come from *within* oneself, when the rest of the world is sound asleep!

Complexity is simply a matter of *focus,* of ridding oneself of distractions in the way of noticing what ELSE is going on in the world, in the Universe, besides the limited allure of blind convention.

NonLinear physics revealed just about every detail of September 11, 2001, screaming its presence several years before it manifested (including the Pentagon, the dome as another intended target, and Pennsylvania was also already known, not a random accident in nature... How creepy is that?!), building a tidal wave as it approached, but ALL events do that very same thing!

NonLinear physics detected the Indonesian EQ and tsunami that killed nearly a quarter of a million people, revealing its multi-country involvement and horrific death toll intensity more than a year prior to December 26, 2004.  Many earthquakes (Kobe, Japan, Mexico City, Northern California's pancaked freeway EQ, etc.) have been detected NonLinearly, without any actual attempt to look for them.  Their dynamics come to you, via math and multidimensional language recognition, when you are fluent in the physics revealing time and space reality.  It's just the way the physics work, in the real world of reality.

NonLinear physics revealed the separate kidnappings of five female children, detailed the kidnappers (name, appearance, etc.), and warned of the death of a man upon the fifth kidnapping, all of which manifested precisely as detected.  Can you see the *structure* in (only seeming) chaos?

Hurricane paths before the hurricanes have even begun, accidents, incidents and the evening/*even*-ing news!

Medical conditions and cures also can be heard!  And soooo, soooo much more!  You name it, it'll find it, if you simply learn to ASK the right/correct questions!

Still/*still* here, reading this?  This thread is entitled "In Search of Wormholes," and from the looks of my site stats, folks rush in, intrigued, apparently don't find what their immediate-most perception of such things by conventional understanding would have them locked into, and so quickly they run away!  But if you do what you've always done, you're gonna get what you've always got, right?!  If you really want to find those very real wormholes you're looking for, you have to commit yourself to *processing* the Universe from a far more highly evolved manner of processing...and that is exactly where I am guiding you!

How on earth can NonLinear Reality NOT be important enough to stir the Awakening of modern science to the REAL Universal Answers they seek, and many they didn't *even* yet know to seek!

What only looks like "hocus pocus" to modern science is, in actuality, its simply attempting to approach/address a situation similar to, say, ancient alien devotees taking their HUGE LEAPS from conventional "la-la-land" to "the aliens did it," with little to no consideration for a more highly evolved functioning of regular folks, aka earthlings, right here on our own planet!

Once modern science learns to clear away the clutter of its having gotten lost in misguided convention, it'll become obvious to its' scientists that there are actual observable, measurable physics behind what they had been considering "fantasy!"

You can't just rush in with labels and stereotypical name calling without being responsible enough to put some verbs in your sentences, and adverbs, adjectives, and so on.  Conventional fad and fashion name calling is anything but science, but so quickly scientists jump on that bandwagon to laugh with the rest, irate at any suggestion that they evolve!

Wormholes are considered only "theoretical," and if real at all won't be found for (here we go again) centuries!  But why wait hundreds of years when you can actually *experience* falling through them, today?

Wormholes are not objects, they are realizations, accesses, as I have already pointed out.  NOT being objects, if you really want to "locate" (realize, access) them in the Universe, you have to ...earn... your way into them!  For that to happen, you have to learn how to start small, master that task, stay consistent, not allow yourself to slide back down that ladder to "what everybody else is doing," and permit yourself to grow from there, into larger and more complex wormhole situations, and then evolve further from that level of accomplishment, solidifying your commitment and trust with each "aha!" along the way, as you master the task of the necessary increases in complexity you encounter to reach your goal.

In the true Universal Physics, the more complex the task seems to become, the easier, ironically, and that is because the Universe is using a very simple dynamic, repetitiously, and once you master that simple dynamic, you can *know* / realize / *access* whatever it is you choose!

Wormholes are everywhere, all around you, taunting you constantly!

If you have been reading all these interconnecting, superConsciousness teaching blogs, and have actually been *doing the work* suggested in them, you surely by now can see that the Universe is NonLinear, that everything is Now, and higher and lower dimensions/*accesses*/realizations of Now, and that everything is superimposed and transpiring simultaneously, whether or not you are attentively aware of their presence in your Now!

The Universe, being NonLinear and all, is at all times still/*still,* resolved, and dauntingly holding firm to that stillness/*stillness,* and as a result, neverendingly, relentlessly protecting the Ultimate-most  Balance at the Universal Core (that dot "in the middle" of the circles/harmonics you were to draw), as that jigsaw puzzle with all its pieces already put together.  The only "chaos" is the Something/Existence side of the Physics, made up of the jumbled up puzzle pieces of living life itself, which requires, by its very nature, the imbalance of projection!  Modern science appears to the world to be making all sorts of wonderful advances in technology, space exploration, etc., but those are all ...projections/movement away from... the Universal Core!  Higher Truth requires that you turn around and begin the often painful journey of UNprojecting all those *stories you tell yourself,* those tangled webs you weave, as you dream your way through life!  Getting scientists to turn around, to reflect upon their own mirrors, is precisely where the walls and barriers are these days, because scientists have established a very convenient little niche for themselves in the world, one providing them with social status, monies for their dreamworks, and a seemingly untouchable, unchallenge-able place on the planet that the "little people" don't feel learned or confident enough in themselves to bridge!  And so the scientific community laughs away when someone does challenge them to grow beyond themselves!

"Buried within the message itself is the key to decoding it" is a line in the Carl Sagan movie, "Contact," but it is a very profound line, because it is blatant Universal Truth!  The NonLinear Universe requires ultimate-most *Balance,* and it is that profound level of *Balance* that allows you to *access* genuine wormholes!  But scientists are never going to achieve that profound *access* if they don't have the forethought and mindfulness to include themselves in their work, and moreso the *Balance* of themselves in their work!  Why? Because what NonLinearly propels you through wormholes is when you have soooo mastered that *Balance* that you can't go right, you can't go left, you can't go up, you can't go down, etc... which moves you into a higher dimension than the one you've just mastered into "the middle way," upon which you once again begin the *work* of owning your way into that next level of ultimate-most *Balance,* and on and on you evolve!

A previous example I provided quite a long while ago is that of another example of exploring a jigsaw puzzle.  As you ponder the complexity of all those jumbled, abstract pieces, your *energy* is trapped, the more you are stuck in bewilderment.  Then you happen to notice something familiar and realize that other pieces nearby increase that familiarity, and you fumble with the pieces and find a natural fit, and then another and another and another!  Suddenly, your stuckness begins to thaw, your movement increases, both mentally and physically, and the more success you find the faster you move, and then faster and faster and faster as you rush to place all those pieces, and...you've just fallen through a wormhole, like playing the children's game of chutes and ladders, or like Alice falling through her looking glass/mirror/reflection, only to discover herself *suspended* in her falling at a level consistent with her progress/depth of Awakening.  According to *where* she is on her level of realizations/*aha!s," she begins again, in search of that ultimate-most *Balance,* her ticket for her next ride through Reality.  At each level, the "physical" manifestations coming into her/your life directly *reflect* precisely *where* you *are,* but none of this happens if you try to hide out from your own inherent physics, discard your feelings, deny the Universe's system of opposing forces/opposites, and lock yourself into linear, one-sided perceptions of life.

As you *do the work* toward Awakening/superConsciousness (of NonLinear Truth/Physics inherently SHARED by all beings, all things, all events, all manifestations, all in Existence at the *Universal Core*), with each *aha!* you turn toward the world of life to apply your newly discovered *realization*/*access* to the reality of life needing to be lived, experienced, and with each of those applications, you learn *even* more!

With all of this being *accessible* to you relative to your own courage and commitment to make it all happen, can you see how passively and dutifully (blindly) "doing what everybody else is doing" to be a comforted member of the collective unconscious convention and its bandwagon advocacy is the ONLY true obstacle standing in your way, and NOT those "centuries" earlier attributed/blamed for the wait?!

Away from this, explore the similarities and superimpositions of relative timeXspace to your system of opposing forces/opposites, by creating a personalized list of situations in which you have felt very stuck in life, unable to move forward, and write about what you believe the obstacles are for you!

Write about situations in which you have found yourself with very little time, but lots and lots of space!  For example: Being in a mall with hundreds of stores, but you are pressed for time and need to be outta there in just a few minutes!

Invertedly, list examples of when you had lots of time on your hands, but very little space to enjoy it.  A prisoner in jail may well be able to vouch for the frustration of that!  Standing in a checkout line on a busy shopping day! A long plane ride across the country or world!  The 'hurry up and wait' of a doctor's office or other appointment!

Allow yourself to explore each of these very carefully, and watch for the consistencies, the *hints* and clues in the Universal physics that are your own inherent physics, as well!  Meditate on these, and write about what you are Awakening yourself to discovering, Universally.

So, wormholes are already here, all around us, and of course they would be in an 'everything already said and done' (at the *Core*) NonLinear Universe!  But now you can see that to actually use wormholes to traverse vast distances in space and time, it isn't actually the wormholes themselves (mere jolts/growth spurts in timeXspace) that have to grow broader, larger, but rather the mindfulnesses, the Awakenings, of the scientists and others hoping to exploit these wormholes for their cosmic odysseys.

And once again, it all goes back to those disdained-by-scientists Nuclear relatives/*relatives* that have to be *experienced,* realized and owned within each scientist himself or herself, along the way.  Why? Because they teach you the way to recognizing those mathematical patterns in the chaos, the *structure* in abstraction and translucence, relative timeXspace signatures so you can traverse them, the ultimate *energy* and empathy in complexity!

You cannot objectify wormholes and sit passively in an audience, making no personal commitment, shirking all inherent responsibility, conveniently playing detached "scientist" like those folks in "Contact"'s unconscious conventionally-minded control room, and hope to successfully traverse those "wormholes" in the Cosmos!

That's not "science!"  That's unconsciousness.

Wormholes, dimensions, parallel worlds, and other similarly sought concepts are not objects, but *accesses,* and those *accesses* evolve through relative time and space with increasing/deepening Awakening, step by step, one *Aha!* at a "time!"


Everyday Wormholes Can Be Fun! - A Review

So, imagine playing a video game in which you plunge your way through enemy territory, with protagonists coming at you from every direction.  With every success you plow your way further, having mastered each incidence of resistance.

With the intrinsic/inherent nature of the Universe one of NonLinear translucence, those pathways and resistances are multiplying exponentially all around you, fueled by your own intent.

With the Ultimate Nature of human capability one of extreme Balance of all possible balances, what propels you deeper into extraordinary accesses is your game-like ability to meet every next circumstance from a place of ultimate "can't go any further" balance, aka resolution of all dependently-arisen opposites, into the *core truth* of each of those  circumstances, and upon your having *accessed* those core realities, you "fall through" that reflective black hole-ish mirror of yourself, your dissolution into it all, as part of it all, to every next, deeper, more highly evolved challenge, where again and again your goal is to reason every next circumstance/Now presentation into Ultimate Balance, earning your way/Way into becoming more highly evolved.

The complexity comes from the inescapable task of having every next task complicated further, as it all multiplies exponentially in every direction, making the increasing resistances you experience a *reflection* of your own ability to handle them.

You're attempting to put a jigsaw puzzle together.  Your energy is trapped relative to the complexity of the pieces/task and the clues they suggest/offer.  Recognition of pattern consistency stirs that trapped energy into action.  Suddenly things are realized as *dependently arising* to make sense of a previously senseless situation, and your stuck energy bursts 'forward' as you rush to resolve those previously complex pieces of the puzzle with one another.  That spurt of fresh energy, stirred by resolution onto the next task, is, in actuality, a wormhole, *accessed* by such extreme "middle way" balance that you couldn't go left, you couldn't go right, forward or back, or any other preposition, and you just *evolved* a tiny movement onto the next task, the every next resolution, every next wormhole, toward *higher reality.*

And... Of course, this all boils down to the process of Awakening, the resolution of thought and feelings into Universal Truth/One *Energy*/Ultimately... Empathy!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

*Structure* in Emptiness, Translucence, Empathy

There is mathematical and (ultimately) empathic ....structure.... in the (seeming) chaos of science's dreaded "soft science" (there's no such thing) "philosophy," observable, measurable structure, but that complex, abstract (translucent) structure is being missed by scientists who cling to their devotion to conventional (profoundly limitedly defined) "physical" evidence ("scientific proof"), not realizing that conventional processing is only in place to "prove" and support more...convention.

*Higher access* comes with and requires *higher (relatively reflective) rules of reasoning/proof,* and vice versa, but it doesn't do science any good if scientists won't allow themselves to "go there," to directly realize and experience those  higher rules of reasoning / proof / access for themselves! Getting there requires a mindful adjustment, a re-*balancing,* in the way modern scientists approach their work and try to unwittingly reason themselves beyond conventional expectation.

Evolving further, *higher,* is going to require a serious recognition of the need, and direct personal commitment, to grow beyond how science has mistakenly bought into the collective unconscious convention's blind misuse / misinterpretation of language / concepts, and beyond all the mistaken "stories they collectively, unconsciously tell themselves over and over" about words and concepts that seriously oppress that growth.

Modern science has got to realize its huge mistake in using the collective unconscious convention as its authoritative advocate and role model!

This blog set is made up of five (5) connecting Consciousness-teaching blogs,** addressing Enlightenment/Awakening to the true Universal Physics from the perspectives of science, religion, spirit, and love (*balance*), to help folks learn how everything going on in life actually does all *connect* and superimpose, synergistically, physics-ally (putting an end to the "spooky action" concerns of quantum entanglement), into *One* Unified Answer/Everything/Everyone.

**(Direct links to these interconnecting blogs are in my profile, bottom left.)

Scientists wanting nothing to do with/feeling insulted/threatened by what only appears to them as "soft science," (remember, there's no such thing!) on the original "*Clear Path* to Universal superConsciousness" blog (that began this blog set of 5), where *doing the work* toward Awakening includes the "Nuclear Family" of mother, father, sisters, brothers, extended "relatives" and other such generations/*generations,* along with the seeming (to them as) "new age nonsense" of yinXyang, "foreign" or ancient words to be readily discarded as even more "nonsense," let alone any suggestion that they hold Universal Physics Answers and readily dismiss it all as a threat to "scientific investigation/proof," are unwittingly revealing their adherence to (and status within) the collective unconscious convention.  They are totally dis/missing the *higher reality* that these very genuine physics are guiding/leading them to the basic realizational foundation of the mathematical and ultimately empathic STRUCTURE of Universal Physics Truth hidden in the seeming "chaos" (of their own distractions)!

"Buried within the message itself (really) IS the key to decoding it!"

Don't kid yourself! That is far more than a script from the movie "Contact!" In fact, that entire movie is to adults, wall to wall, what "The NeverEnding Story" is to children...Universal Truth in disguise!

Dare to point out to them the superimpositional exposure and Answers to the *God Particle* physics, timeXspace signatures, multidimensionality,  wormholes, etc., as *accessible* revelations through these Nuclear and extended relative/*relative* physics, and they become  enraged!

And yet it's all 100% true!

Palm facing yourself...*within!* Palm facing away from yourself ("out there")...*without!* Back to yourself...*within!* Back out to the world...*without!* It is ALL an exact superimposition/reflection of yourself!

To be continued...

Friday, November 28, 2014

The Worst (Convention) Invention of All...Time!

Recently I watched the teachings of the Dalai Lama during his travels through Canada and the United States, amidst aggressive protests of folks totally missing the point of the *higher* priority.  I saw celebrations from folks around the world after scientists from L'Aquila, Italy were set free after charges of failure to predict a deadly earthquake (original reports were that they helped oppress/silence one who did correctly detect it, among claims that "no one can predict earthquakes").  Horrific atrocities of both human and natural origin continue to plague the evening news, a general free-for-all's going on in the streets over heated social issues, and throughout the world even the weather/whether seems to have lost its own direction.  Folks are out there killing each other over religious, racial, cultural and social perceptual hierarchy, and displaced self esteem issues.

It is way beyond time for everyone to lay down their weapons of faith and frustration, of fury and folly...long enough to genuinely *realize* what they are ...really... doing when they pick them back up again!

There REALLY ARE UNIVERSAL ANSWERS in EVERYONE'S basic-most inherent Existence, planet-wide, that all of us can very comfortably and readily live with and lovingly, even joyfully, accept, Universal Answers in which everyone can feel heard and listened to, represented by, acknowledged and appreciated, and completely satisfied with...*One* Ultimate Answer inherent in all of us, in all beings, all events, all happenings, objects, causes, effects, adventures, discoveries...that truly UNITES ALL religions, all sciences, every spirit and every soul...into the *Balance* of all balances, the truest Physics of all physics!

But to get there, there has to be a reality-based confrontation with one of the most prolific culprits of WORLDWIDE CHAOS, of war after war after war after war, of hate and hurt and sorrow and insanity.  Everybody lives by it, billions die because of it!  It is perhaps the most convenient yet...

 WORST INVENTION of all...time!

Yes... Time!  That unfortunate convention-invention called the... Clock! :/

Say what?!

Yes, behind all the horrors and hellls of the world, that seemingly brilliant, impossible to function without otherwise, little convenient device has (pardon the pun) single-handedly gone on to destroy peace on earth, goodwill to all sentient kind!


Because those wars after wars are really taking place *within* ourselves, projected and displaced *without* ourselves where it's soooo much easier and more (selfishly) convenient to deal with them...at someone else's expense, anyone and everyone else's expense, whatever it takes to process them without direct confrontation, personal ownership, and/or reflection/*reflection.*

The breeding ground of unclaimed projection, of unsought reversibility, that distracting linear (line-ar) past-to-present-to-future "clock" has taught the whole wide world to process and reason one-sidedly, to not "even" (hear that?) consider the physics essential "other side" of everyday issues, in real/*real* time, aka NonLinear Now, when they ideally should be getting dealt with, and to store everything seemingly too complex and/or abstract on notions of inaccessible tomorrows and yesterdays, and to allow themselves to totally ignore the ...real... reality by ignoring their own inherent essential *balance* required of them by Nature itself, by their very own inherent nature, to *access* that true reality!

Yes, it all comes back to the clock!

Destroyer of personal ownership, reflection and reversibility in folks' constant mindfulness, linear time/that clock has nearly annihilated, and continues to annihilate, contemplation, compassion, and empathy, the Ultimate Universal ingredients of Truth and *Balance,* of the Universal Core Physics reality of all beings, all "things," all events, all experiences.

Ever try to step out of "the now?"  It can't be done!  That's because the physics of human-conceived "past" and "future" cancel each other out (as the past moves into the future X the future moves into the past), so the only way to time-travel is to move equally and simultaneously into "the future" as into "the past," which means that the real task is to experience relative simultaneity of *higher* and lower dimensions of Now...the pulsating Universe!

Please see...

(To insert previous blogpost links here)

The world of linearly lost (one-sided) convention is full of irrational dichotomy! While most folks readily no longer accept/believe that the world is flat, they nevertheless cling to their religions that place their heavens and deities "up there" in the clouds over their heads. Scientists the world over accept the reality of "relativity," yet adamantly persist in rock-solid "physical" evidence of scientific "proof" in their everyday research experiments.  Seems *relativity* is acceptable to scientists and the masses as long as it stays academically hidden behind university and laboratory doors, safely and conveniently projected and dissociated and displaced away from any direct, personal confrontation, not something needing to be applied to and owned in everyday life in general!

Nearly everyone on the planet, scientists included, mistakenly perceives himself/herself as somehow magically plopped down into the world completely disjointed, disconnected and detached from everyone else, from all else, with a notion of a totally private, impenetrable inner sanctuary/mind completely safe and inaccessible to invasion by any other!

Nothing could be further from the truth! The more Conscious one becomes, the more fluent in the Universally SHARED Physics of all in Existence, and so to let the Nag Hammadi Library's "Sayings of (Quantum Christ) Jesus" reveal it: the more Enlightened, the more one/*One* truly "reigns over all," because one/*One* is then fluent in the inherent nature/Nature (Universal Physics) underlying all things, all events, all beings, all everything.

Seismologists focus on (relatively) primitive gadgets in their attempts to out-wit every next earthly event, likewise perceiving every EQ/tsunami as an isolated (magically plopped/disjointed) isolated (did I mention isolated?) event/object from all else, and even the weather/whether isn't *realized* as inherently SHARED with all else! It is all *observable, measurable, realizable energy!*

The Cosmos is perceived by scientists and everyday folks alike as far too vast to ever be humanly/mindfully conquered, not *even* connecting that, besides the bottom line reality that none of it means a hill of beans without the brain required to experience any of it, without personal reflection and ownership, without reversibility, and with their minds hijacked by lifelong religious and modern scientific "faith" of themselves as "forever less than" their pedastalled, deified "Forever More Than," which includes their "far too vast" notions, the great Universal chess game continues its NonLinear match and check-mate message!

Religions are perceived as subjective make-believe, except for one's own, of course! But all religions are temporary musical chairs to rest upon until life jolts everyone up and on their way to spiritual uncertainty.

Speaking of uncertainty, as in Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle... Linear scientists persist in notions of "probability," as opposed to anything certain (an OVERALL Universal dynamic in place) and *realizable,* and to complete head-scratching disbelief and conundrum at their particles vs waves (the *Two Truths* of Existence vs Emptiness) and those "spooky actions" of quantum mechanics (entanglement via empathy). But none of it is "spooky" with the reflective reversibility of superConsciousness. It's downright sad that, though we are faaaar more (and far more capable) than most folks will ever realize of themselves and others, at least for many lifetimes, nearly everyone lives out their entire lives unable to recognize it, their ultimate quest for *worthiness* completely overlooked! "Probability" is where unconscious scientists persist in going (as their perceived ultimate Answer) when they are linearly projecting themselves further and further into chaos, where, as I have already explained, the NonLinear Universe plays chess with them until they do learn to stop (projecting), because when you stop, the Universe stops, two/too, reflectively.

Like I said, there really ARE fully *realizable,* totally *accessible* Universal Answers that everyone is overlooking! But because folks the world over are searching for those Answers by mistakenly projecting themselves further and further ~ away from ~ the Universal Inherent Core, as opposed to ~ TOWARD, ~ the only thing they are accomplishing is getting themselves even more tangled up in those *stories they tell themselves* over and over again until even they have long forgotten they made it all up!

And that linear clock just keeps on keeping on... So will this conversation, to be continued...

Thursday, August 28, 2014

TimeXSpace Signatures of Multidimensionality

Please see the following NEW Notebook addition to this site: for my
"Not-Necessarily-So-Random Mutterings:" 

*ExtraOrdinary Access*...A General Social OverView

It is incredibly difficult to successfully convey what comes next (in every analogy) if the folks I am sharing the information with are not actually doing the work required of them to be in a *place* to receive, trust, *process* and *realize* the far more highly evolved data involved in that process for themselves.  The *higher* one moves into the complexity and abstraction of Universal Reality, the more language becomes multidimensional and more obviously superimposes mathematics, and so much of what is conveyed *there* needs to be shared via (it would be accurate to say here) quantum entanglement! It's a lot easier than it sounds if folks are on the same page in their ability to *process!* The essential physics of *higher access* are soooo complex to most folks that mere conventional persistence upon indirect observation, minus any genuine personal reflection/*reflection* commitment, as if a member of an audience passively, safely watching a performance, will simply only guarantee more convention, with its limited and dismissive reasoning that stops folks in their tracks from *far more highly evolving.*

I can teach folks toward it, guiding them directly into it, but if they haven't done their part to prepare themselves to truly *hear* what I'm saying, it is all gonna go straight through them, instead.  Think of it as if the language of a particular profession, or "shop talk," except that with higher Universal Physics that language, at such an advanced level of *processing* that physics, becomes, essentially, telepathy. Aka...Experiential! Now, of course, mention "telepathy," and instantly it becomes apparent who has truly been doing their work, and who hasn't, because if one instantly rushes to the collective unconscious convention's naive and distracted usages and misinterpretations of that word, and gets lost in the "stories they tell themselves" around those usages and misinterpretations, then he or she is only going to totally dis/miss what I am conveying, and won't be able to evolve any further.

Telepathy, when heard from a place of Enlightenment/superConsciousness, without all the chaos from unconscious folks and their "stories," is actually about being able to ...empathically... *process* the *experience* of NonLinear multidimensionality. This is where the essential timeXspace signatures, or addresses, are to be found!  So, it is crucial to Awakening that one personally commit oneself to the *process,* leaving out all their previous notions and dismissive reasonings.

To be continued...

The Myth of Mystics and Mysticism

Perhaps the hardest message to convey in the teaching of Consciousness, next to folks having such a difficult time defining/delineating "consciousness" vs "Consciousness," that is, is that "what's there" is NOT make-believe, religion, subjectivity or wayward "unscientific," unprovable, unmeasurable notions.

*Quite the contrary!*

Notions of "mystics" and "mysticism," by convention and its "sciences," come from adamant determination, realized or not, to keep themselves firmly planted in their extremely limited scope and definition of what actually constitutes "scientific proof!"

Little does conventional science realize that its standard of "proof" is really simply a way for convention to only prove and support...more convention!  It is not in a place to *process higher* than conventional understanding.  That *higher processing/proof* requires *higher Consciousness!*

Real proof is far more complex than convention's naïve, incredibly limited notion of "physical" measurement.

In other words, the ...rules... of "proof" change as the complexity changes, as one advances *higher* and further into Core Universal NonLinear Truth / Physics.  With *higher* Consciousness / superConsciousness, aka Enlightenment, those rather elementary conventional notions of what constitutes physicality and manifestation are replaced with consistently *realized* *patterns in the chaos,* of abstractions as having structure, of complexity as involving SHARED Universal Empathy!

As I've previously discussed, dimensions, wormholes, relative timeXspace signatures, parallel worlds, etc., are NOT "objects!"  As this blog set teaches you to experience directly for yourself, they are far more highly evolved  *realizations*/*accesses!*

(To be continued...)

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Still/*Still* / Here/*Hear*

Updated Thursday, August 28, 2014

I'm baaaaccckkk...and hopefully to stay!  I have so many notes to contribute here, after taking a leave from my own blogs to once again brave the world of convention and its  scientific minds to see if what I am trying so hard to convey to the world could actually be heard.  Needless to say, if the Quantum Christ and his/her/its circle of *realizers* have not been very successful over thousands upon thousands of years, a year or so off on my part to make another direct attempt was doomed to meet the UNwelcome mats I've been encountering. No surprise there. But the proof of the Truth is in the doing, and I have decades of official documentation behind me in that, and wonderful new ideas have arisen in my adventures, toward helping folks take my writings seriously.  I've actually enjoyed the challenges immensely, and feel even more compassion toward folks who likely will never realize their own worth in their current lifetimes, but I realize I have to be here, most importantly, so here I am, ready to share with you the insights of my adventures, and to guide you on to the next essential steps, as I pick up from where I was here to now continue on.

I took some of my students along on my adventures, for the invaluable *experience* of their observing what happens when convention is confronted with *higher reality,* and I think that was a wonderful decision to make, because so much learning, for all, has come from those observations.

As I gather my refreshed (albeit anticipated) insights from my adventures during my not-so-absence from my blogs-set here (because I was here even when I didn't appear to be), soon to become blog entries, I have created a new blog, for this set, that is planned to be an addition here.  We'll get to that later, after I get its writings more underway.  At least for now, my original "chair in a house" setting / background I've mentioned (that began these blogs) is there, for a more laid back, social environment.  But we'll see... (it's very new, as in, created an hour or less ago)... where I decide to take it.

I'm going to be rereading all my blogs' entries, as "time" permits, toward my intent to refresh these blogs and eventually create a comfortable place for folks to contribute their own thoughts.  I have done that in the past, but after relentlessly having my important messages lost to the chaos that ensues when folks of all *places* in their journeys turn everything into a battle, my intent here has been to finally be heard, because I have responsibilities with my superConsciousness, and one of those is to teach folks "how to" *listen.*

I really want to go through the accompanying "Workbook" for these blogs and get that all updated!  I have always loved workbooks!  Fun to answer questions and go on scavenger hunts, etc., as I have created there! :)  (The Workbook is open for reader comments, I believe.)

It's good to be back!  I have soooo much more to convey, in the hope of saving and changing people's lives and Awakening/Enlightening Science!

Updated Sunday, May 4th, 2014

Last year, and while it suddenly became a ghost town here (Quantum Christ seems to have chased people away...anticipated! Filled with consistent Universal NonLinear Physics revelations!), I set out on a search for a big, beautiful new home, and devoted all my energy into finding exactly what I needed. That endeavor was very successful, and now I am in limbo between two homes, and how wonderfully appropriate is that, given the topic! ;)  (Another NonLinear physics tease there!)

I have a lot of writing done for these blogs here, and I am hoping to get this page, and others, well on their way again ASAP.

There's so much more intrigue to come!  The Universe is such an extraordinary *experience.*

Original entry here:

Nonlinear language tease! :)  (Meaning this entry's title and my quiet-for-a-while blogs!)

Back to writing asap!