Friday, November 28, 2014

The Worst (Convention) Invention of All...Time!

Recently I watched the teachings of the Dalai Lama during his travels through Canada and the United States, amidst aggressive protests of folks totally missing the point of the *higher* priority.  I saw celebrations from folks around the world after scientists from L'Aquila, Italy were set free after charges of failure to predict a deadly earthquake (original reports were that they helped oppress/silence one who did correctly detect it, among claims that "no one can predict earthquakes").  Horrific atrocities of both human and natural origin continue to plague the evening news, a general free-for-all's going on in the streets over heated social issues, and throughout the world even the weather/whether seems to have lost its own direction.  Folks are out there killing each other over religious, racial, cultural and social perceptual hierarchy, and displaced self esteem issues.

It is way beyond time for everyone to lay down their weapons of faith and frustration, of fury and folly...long enough to genuinely *realize* what they are ...really... doing when they pick them back up again!

There REALLY ARE UNIVERSAL ANSWERS in EVERYONE'S basic-most inherent Existence, planet-wide, that all of us can very comfortably and readily live with and lovingly, even joyfully, accept, Universal Answers in which everyone can feel heard and listened to, represented by, acknowledged and appreciated, and completely satisfied with...*One* Ultimate Answer inherent in all of us, in all beings, all events, all happenings, objects, causes, effects, adventures, discoveries...that truly UNITES ALL religions, all sciences, every spirit and every soul...into the *Balance* of all balances, the truest Physics of all physics!

But to get there, there has to be a reality-based confrontation with one of the most prolific culprits of WORLDWIDE CHAOS, of war after war after war after war, of hate and hurt and sorrow and insanity.  Everybody lives by it, billions die because of it!  It is perhaps the most convenient yet...

 WORST INVENTION of all...time!

Yes... Time!  That unfortunate convention-invention called the... Clock! :/

Say what?!

Yes, behind all the horrors and hellls of the world, that seemingly brilliant, impossible to function without otherwise, little convenient device has (pardon the pun) single-handedly gone on to destroy peace on earth, goodwill to all sentient kind!


Because those wars after wars are really taking place *within* ourselves, projected and displaced *without* ourselves where it's soooo much easier and more (selfishly) convenient to deal with someone else's expense, anyone and everyone else's expense, whatever it takes to process them without direct confrontation, personal ownership, and/or reflection/*reflection.*

The breeding ground of unclaimed projection, of unsought reversibility, that distracting linear (line-ar) past-to-present-to-future "clock" has taught the whole wide world to process and reason one-sidedly, to not "even" (hear that?) consider the physics essential "other side" of everyday issues, in real/*real* time, aka NonLinear Now, when they ideally should be getting dealt with, and to store everything seemingly too complex and/or abstract on notions of inaccessible tomorrows and yesterdays, and to allow themselves to totally ignore the ...real... reality by ignoring their own inherent essential *balance* required of them by Nature itself, by their very own inherent nature, to *access* that true reality!

Yes, it all comes back to the clock!

Destroyer of personal ownership, reflection and reversibility in folks' constant mindfulness, linear time/that clock has nearly annihilated, and continues to annihilate, contemplation, compassion, and empathy, the Ultimate Universal ingredients of Truth and *Balance,* of the Universal Core Physics reality of all beings, all "things," all events, all experiences.

Ever try to step out of "the now?"  It can't be done!  That's because the physics of human-conceived "past" and "future" cancel each other out (as the past moves into the future X the future moves into the past), so the only way to time-travel is to move equally and simultaneously into "the future" as into "the past," which means that the real task is to experience relative simultaneity of *higher* and lower dimensions of Now...the pulsating Universe!

Please see...

(To insert previous blogpost links here)

The world of linearly lost (one-sided) convention is full of irrational dichotomy! While most folks readily no longer accept/believe that the world is flat, they nevertheless cling to their religions that place their heavens and deities "up there" in the clouds over their heads. Scientists the world over accept the reality of "relativity," yet adamantly persist in rock-solid "physical" evidence of scientific "proof" in their everyday research experiments.  Seems *relativity* is acceptable to scientists and the masses as long as it stays academically hidden behind university and laboratory doors, safely and conveniently projected and dissociated and displaced away from any direct, personal confrontation, not something needing to be applied to and owned in everyday life in general!

Nearly everyone on the planet, scientists included, mistakenly perceives himself/herself as somehow magically plopped down into the world completely disjointed, disconnected and detached from everyone else, from all else, with a notion of a totally private, impenetrable inner sanctuary/mind completely safe and inaccessible to invasion by any other!

Nothing could be further from the truth! The more Conscious one becomes, the more fluent in the Universally SHARED Physics of all in Existence, and so to let the Nag Hammadi Library's "Sayings of (Quantum Christ) Jesus" reveal it: the more Enlightened, the more one/*One* truly "reigns over all," because one/*One* is then fluent in the inherent nature/Nature (Universal Physics) underlying all things, all events, all beings, all everything.

Seismologists focus on (relatively) primitive gadgets in their attempts to out-wit every next earthly event, likewise perceiving every EQ/tsunami as an isolated (magically plopped/disjointed) isolated (did I mention isolated?) event/object from all else, and even the weather/whether isn't *realized* as inherently SHARED with all else! It is all *observable, measurable, realizable energy!*

The Cosmos is perceived by scientists and everyday folks alike as far too vast to ever be humanly/mindfully conquered, not *even* connecting that, besides the bottom line reality that none of it means a hill of beans without the brain required to experience any of it, without personal reflection and ownership, without reversibility, and with their minds hijacked by lifelong religious and modern scientific "faith" of themselves as "forever less than" their pedastalled, deified "Forever More Than," which includes their "far too vast" notions, the great Universal chess game continues its NonLinear match and check-mate message!

Religions are perceived as subjective make-believe, except for one's own, of course! But all religions are temporary musical chairs to rest upon until life jolts everyone up and on their way to spiritual uncertainty.

Speaking of uncertainty, as in Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle... Linear scientists persist in notions of "probability," as opposed to anything certain (an OVERALL Universal dynamic in place) and *realizable,* and to complete head-scratching disbelief and conundrum at their particles vs waves (the *Two Truths* of Existence vs Emptiness) and those "spooky actions" of quantum mechanics (entanglement via empathy). But none of it is "spooky" with the reflective reversibility of superConsciousness. It's downright sad that, though we are faaaar more (and far more capable) than most folks will ever realize of themselves and others, at least for many lifetimes, nearly everyone lives out their entire lives unable to recognize it, their ultimate quest for *worthiness* completely overlooked! "Probability" is where unconscious scientists persist in going (as their perceived ultimate Answer) when they are linearly projecting themselves further and further into chaos, where, as I have already explained, the NonLinear Universe plays chess with them until they do learn to stop (projecting), because when you stop, the Universe stops, two/too, reflectively.

Like I said, there really ARE fully *realizable,* totally *accessible* Universal Answers that everyone is overlooking! But because folks the world over are searching for those Answers by mistakenly projecting themselves further and further ~ away from ~ the Universal Inherent Core, as opposed to ~ TOWARD, ~ the only thing they are accomplishing is getting themselves even more tangled up in those *stories they tell themselves* over and over again until even they have long forgotten they made it all up!

And that linear clock just keeps on keeping on... So will this conversation, to be continued...