Monday, February 14, 2022

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories, etc. Extended XIX

 Detailed for Replication Purposes... XIX  (Continuing...)

Going Inside the Living Process, AS It Processes Itself

... and as it Processes...YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable...

*Structure* in *Emptiness*

Frequency X Intensity: Doing the Math

If you think "Knowing" all this loooong BEFORE it reaches manifestation is ridiculous fantasy, that such things are "impossible to predict", your "science" is dangerously irresponsible and downright PRIMITIVE!

Despite what shallow humans mindlessly, unconsciously, do with it, everything is actually happening at the *energies* level, in the immediate *Now*. 

The more NonLinearly mindful / Conscious you are, the more and broader *access* you have to what's happening with those *energies*.


Getting back to your math homework... See the movement? See the stillness / *still*-ness?

That is your brain processing shifting *energies*!

Everything going on in the Universe, *without*, and the Universe of YOU, *within*, is made up of ever exchanging *energies*, every possible possibility existing in the immediate *Now*.

Each and every number has its own frequency, its own intensity / frequency X intensity, each relative to the other (same as: more time / less space, more space / less time). as well as every combination, but those combinations can be realized in their simplest forms. They are points of *energy*.

The more mindful you are of "the past", the more you can see into "the future* (as well as its inverse) ...which is really nothing / Nothing more (hear that?) than the reflective harmonics...

>< (((((((( )))))))) >< 

...being Consciously *accessed* (Nag Hammadi Library addressed this reality as well).

...  -3,  -2,  -1,  0,  +1,  +2,  +3  ...

Convention cannot hide its head in the sand and claim immunity from these ever exchanging / flowing *energies*. Rather than mindfully act, they unconsciously in, "act out" those *energies* inescapably without *even* (hear that?) realizing what they're doing or why they are doing it (Regis and Kelly example ...see Quantum...XV... with children learning to dial 9-1-1 for emergencies).

The easiest way to understand these ever flowing *energies* is simply to assign energy intensity, and energy frequency, to each number, and then to meditate on them, so you can begin to feel them, to *experience* them, to awaken your senses to higher and higher levels of processing them, and to evolve into larger and more frequently occurring empathic *experiences* with them.

In the movie "Knowing", an elementary time capsule was raised after 50 years, in which a young child's "drawing" (as opposed to classmates' assumed robots and the like) was of those numbers exposing the sequence of events that would be manifesting over those years...and proved to be deadly accurate, death toll intensity included. It further revealed what was yet to occur, realized by that professor / science teacher whose then desperate attempts to WARN were as worthless as my own repeated efforts have been to save people's lives throughout the world, falling on the deaf ears of collective unconscious convention, its emulating scientists and authorities.

I had detailed all this on a well-known theoretical physicist's message boards years ago prior to the movie coming out. I had also repeatedly said "it's like getting tomorrow's newspaper today" before that old TV show using that premise.

Your Mathematical MIND and Its Reflection

Keeping *energies* in mind (pardon the pun), let's do some basic mind math:

1... *One* (All inclusive.) The Nothing .

2... The Universe is a system of opposing forces, of opposites, simultaneously reflecting / arising: > < Within X Without.

3... Those opposites have a *middle way*:  > • <

4... *Even* the opposites have opposites, invertedly. Dependent origination:

MALE X female  Mf x Fm
FEMALE X male  Fm X Mf
Yin X yang
Yang X yin
over x under
up x down...

Think Old Maids! Match and cancel, match and cancel...

5. The opposites and their inverses have a *middle way*! 

MALE female • FEMALE male
Mf • Fm

YIN yang • YANG yin

OVER under • UNDER over
UP down • DOWN up

And so on... See their math?

HOMEWORK: Doing the math!

Draw two ovals, vertically, as if looking down to see the tops of the heads of two people interacting with each other. Within X Without. Similar to...

(  )
(  )

See the bottom one as yourself *within* and the top one as *without* yourself, that world outside yourself.

Divide each mind into 4, using horizontal and vertical lines.


Label your divisions L r (LEFT right) and R l (RIGHT left) within each.

Keeping it basic, locate 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

Remember to always maintain *balance* / the *middle way* and LEMs  /  Lateral Eye Movements.

These very basic patterns of *energy* are always in force.

Exactly in the same way if you behave 6 in a Truth of 9 you are inviting the missing 3 into your life / *energy* system inescapably as your destiny / karma (relative simultaneity), likewise the information relative to an earthquake, tsunami, weather or any other natural or human-initiated event / happening.

Every everything, everywhere, is using these very same basic mathematical patterns, inescapably. How is that even possible? It is all a reflection of YOUR mind! (Tao 47!). In fact, it is all soooo easy that humans overlook its simplicity, linearly projecting complexity onto it where none exists, persisting in repelling the Answers away from themselves instead (projecting). But when you stop, it stops, too / two, and the Answers appear!

Clinging to mistaken notions of linearity, conventionally-emulating humans have inadvertently positioned themselves NOT to be able to see the Answers, using rules of engagement that relentlessly encourage distraction / unconsciousness.

When you are mindful of *balance* and have a heightened sensitivity to / Consciousness of these basic *energies*, you can recognize (feel, see, sense, detect, define, identify...) imbalances and observe their congealing formations and imminent manifestations, and because language in itself is labelled *energies* originated and continuing to change and evolve from these same *energies*, sounds we make that we use to interact with each other and the world outside ourselves parallel in our minds with congealing events, expressing the details of what will occur.

Human evolution has increasingly sped people's re-activity (acting out of these ever-flowing *energies*), such that they've (de)volved from internal interconnectedness / dependency (contemplation) to external dependency, mindlessly buying right into what everybody else is doing. So like in a tsunami or tidal wave, they're collectively picked up and carried along for the shallow ride, leaving out the other half of their mathematical *energy* recognition, sending natural Order into Chaos.

Cerebral neglect!