Friday, January 30, 2015

*Structure* Within: Mapping the Mind of the (Conscious vs Old Boy School) Scientist

The more you actually *do the work* to *balance* yourself, the more the Answers you seek "out there"/*without* yourself arise within you, reflectively.  Fight as you might, it really is all a reflection of yourself, but that reflection cannot easily be seen by conventional minds.  It is a far more complex process than collective unconscious convention allows itself to see or accept.

I'll walk you through that complex process, but you can't just passively observe.  You have to apply yourself to that process, and that process to yourself.

The last post ended with:

"The most important lesson for modern scientists to learn is that they can no longer project safely and conveniently away from themselves the Universal Answers they seek. They have to "wear them" into *Balance,* dependent origination and all!  But dependent origination does NOT mean that the Ultimate Answers are going to be subjectively different for each person.  Rather, it means that those Ultimate Universal Truths will come to you only when you are *ready* for them!  I've always found it fascinating that it is as though, while each of us is inherently entrusted with the entire Library of Universal Truths in our dna, the Universal Physics Processes ensure that they don't wind up in the hands of anyone who has not yet earned the right/trust in having *access* to them!  That's the power of *Ultimate Balance!*

"If you really want to truly *realize* the ...structure... in the chaos, in the emptiness/translucence of the Universe, in other words, you have to also realize the ...structure... in the chaos, emptiness and translucence of you!

"No one is magically, individually plopped down into the world disconnected, disjointed from all else!  Our physics processes are fully integrated into the Universe's processes, because we are an inescapable part of its process. There is no hope of your ever legitimately figuring out the Universe without yourself until you have figured out its reflection within yourself!  Alignment is the *key!*"

So you have to actually *experience* the physics involved in the Universal Process through your very own inherent physics, directly, for that unified reality to lead you to the Universal truth.  You can't conveniently hope to observe those Universal Answers from a safe, uncommitted, audience-like distance.  You really do have to *wear* the Answers directly by locating their physics counterpart in your own mirror.

If you try to settle for forever playing the role of "the missing link" to justify partaking in "old boy school science," it won't be just yourself that's missing, but rather an entire, reflective turn-around of *neglected* data relative to your inquiry.  It's that powerful, and that important!

YOU are that important!  (We are not what we think we are!  We are all soooo much more important in this Universe than that, via our inherent physics processes!)

Again, and I cannot emphasize this enough... If you want to truly *realize* the Universal ...structure... in the (seeming) chaos, in the Emptiness and Translucence, of the Universe, you have to first realize the ...structure... in the (seeming) chaos, Emptiness and Translucence of YOU!  How else will you *even* know how to process your findings in terms of Ultimate Reality, otherwise?!  There will never be a time or space when anyone, scientist or not, will be able to process the farthest reaches of the cosmos or the most minute goings-on under their microscopes, except through their human mind.  None of those findings will be true without the integration of the physics of the inquirer.

The Answers all scientists (everyone) seek are locked inside themselves, and already NonLinearly present, everything you could ever want or hope to discover.  YOU are that extraordinary, that powerful, that entrusted, that far more highly evolve-able!  Getting to those Universal Answers is only a matter of balance.  The only obstacles standing between yourself and those Universal Answers you seek are your own imbalances.  Reconfigure those, and the more you behave your way back into equilibrium, the more those inquiries you pursue will reveal themselves to you.  You are looking at life through a kaleidescope, turning it into seemingly endless combinations of those puzzle pieces (previously discussed).  Every time you hit the jackpot of aligning those pieces with what the Universe itself is actually doing, you suddenly find yourself with the most magnificent *access* to Answers!  Every next "aha!" reveals a myriad of new clues, as the Universe hints and haunts, teases and taunts you toward its, and your own, inherent *Core.*

One of the most shocking (and for many, frightening) realizations on the way to evolving *higher* is in your learning and having to come to terms with the reality that "mind" is NOT a private, impenetrable sanctuary within yourself!  Try as you might to hold onto that notion, the reality is that "mind" is a Universally SHARED physics process running throughout everybody and everything, everywhere, including events, happenings, the weather, geological activities (earthquakes, tsunami, etc.), and...that *even*-ing news!  There is nothing "soft science" about "mind!"  What causes folks to assume so is that they have macro-attributed labels and ideas to concepts and happenings, via language, and, unbeknownst to them, that language is actually made up of tiny, minute *energies* moving and motivating everybody and everything *at the Core,* no matter how distracted humans are or how much they think it's all about themselves and their surface notions.  We are all really responding to and interacting with those *energies* deeply and mathematically hidden within language.

"Mind" is an interconnecting thread running unchallenged, undaunted by human redefinition, throughout all things, all beings.  It is a SHARED *Energy* that humans actually have little to say about when it comes to trying to deny or change that fact.  While you may assume your mind is yours and yours alone, the physics truth is that it is a totally open book that anyone Conscious enough can invade.  But don't rush away just yet here, because those fluent enough in the SHARED Universal Physics are also by that level responsible enough to know how to respectfully  and responsibly turn it off (their *access,* that is!) when needed.  But when needed, having fluent, superConscious *access* to those SHARED mindful *energies* running throughout all beings and all things, events, including those imminent, is...extraordinary!

The important thing to grasp here from this, though, is that "mind" is SHARED *energy,* inescapably being moved and motivated at the Universal *Core.*  That NonLinear Core, demanding *balance* at all times, is relentless in its great universal chess game it plays with each and every one of us, hinting and haunting, teasing and taunting every move we make, every breath we take, toward that *balance.* The more we comply, the more *even* we behave, the more *even* we are able to *process* the true Universal Physics, and the more we fall through those wormholes of penetrating *accesses,* as the true Universal process reveals itself to us.  There's no going around it.  If you want its true Answers, you have to actually *experience* its NonLinear, multidimensional physics processes directly!

Your mind is like a map to Universal Physics Truth!  *Realize* it within yourself, empathically/Empathically *access* it all, without yourself!  Like going on an adventurous ride through an amusement park, the deeper and higher you go, the more the most extraordinary, and yes often terrifying, events/experiences/Answers expose themselves to you!

On this Universal journey, each newly revealed complexity shows you, directly, via your firsthand experience, the physics it is using to do what it does and be where it is.

You can argue with it, try to fight it off, debate it with thousands, millions of people (highly recommended) all you want, and the truth remains what it is, where it is!

The Universe realizes what it is doing!  What's missing is the seekers' learning to realize it, too/two! ;)

We'll continue mapping the ...structure... of SHARED Universal Mind in the next post, as we go through the assignments already posted in the...

...(that's separate from this ..."for Scientists" blog), since scientists are people, too, and extend and apply your readings there, to the topic of Awakening scientists, here!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Processing Multidimensional TimeXSpace Relative Reality

Musical chairs be done!  All aspects of yourself arise and stay arisen ... dependently!

It's how the true Universe does what it does, and the only way to realize and respect that reality is to directly experience it for yourself inescapably...empathically!

When you evolve enough to allow yourself to process reality naturally, in its/your inherent, intrinsic multidimensionality, you grow into a fluency in life that brings and keeps to light / the surface the simultaneous parallel worlds taking place all around you that are happening whether you put in the effort to notice them or not.

On those relative timeXspace signatures/parallel layers of reality, still/*still* one/*One* reality, are the Answers you seek, whether you realize you seek them or not (as you are pushed and pulled, moved and motivated, by the inescapable need for *balance*)!

What's the next world crisis? Where and how powerful will be the next earthquakes/tsunamis?  What's really going on under your microscopes, way out into the farthest reaches of the cosmos? With the weather/whether?  In your mirror?  On that *even*-ing news?

Modern science can no longer claim itself credible without open-minded, *balanced* investigation, and that *balance* has got to begin with its scientists!  With the information available, *accessible* in the Now, those unable or unwilling to *process higher* need to be realized as putting millions of people's lives at risk and step out of the way, to make way for those who are ready and capable of processing the real reality!  It's just common sense!  The events can be detected long before they manifest, millions of lives depend on their having placed folks in credible positions of "authority" who are selflessly willing to keep them safe and protected, and there is no room for those who want to live in a status of authority and not selflessly do what it takes to actually earn it!

It all comes down to TRUST!

Millions, billions of people around the world need to be able to trust the scientists they put into place to protect them and keep them safe. Those scientists need to trust *higher physics processes* than the projected, intellectualized narrow scope of old boys' school "science." But that trust cannot come for scientists who choose to remain 'where they are' and wait out "centuries" for that "authority" to come into their careers through the convenience of enough others having taken the risk, put their necks out there, and Awakened to *higher reality* that science's newly evolved status and reputation have been socially secured for them along the way. The need is in the Now because millions of people's lives are in the Now!  Someone has to bring forth the courage to lead the way!

Evolving, inquisitive scientists should not have to hide their *higher* inquiries behind the mask of "science fiction" to be able to explore the Universe from a place of *balance!* Teaching skeptics the path to "solid" TRUST, providing them the *tools* needed, has got to happen along with those explorations. It's there, but they/you have to want it enough to do the work involved in earning it!  Hopefully here I will not only help you to evolve *higher,* but provide you those *tools* you need to carry your colleagues *higher* along with you!

When you've been taught all your life to "keep your feet on the ground" and conduct yourself within the assumed secure confines of convention (what everybody else is doing), and you build your life/establish your career within that secured perimeter, any suggestion of venturing beyond those artificial boundaries has got to be pretty scary, especially when you have a career, tenure, status, financial security, etc., to worry about disrupting if you dare not keep your feet on the ground. But what if that convention you've invested yourself in is wrong?! What if the really hard questions needing to be asked of science, and of scientists themselves, cannot be found within that secured perimeter? Do you really want to wait for "centuries" and let others take the heat and lead the way, or do you choose to do whatever it takes to relentlessly secure the integrity of modern science, and your joy and passion for modern science, by allowing it, and yourself, to grow, evolve, learn, relentlessly question and redefine itself/yourself?  Just imagine all the *extraordinary accesses* you could actually have in the now/Now as a result of that growth!

The real obstacle in modern science's having run into its dreaded wall of "philosophy" is that its scientists have essentially run into the *neglected* side of themselves...their own mirrors, where the *balance* required of an evolved scientist needs to be happening, and having safely projected away from themselves personally any notion of scientific investigation, the very notion of having to resolve their "philosophy" obstacle by going through it, not looking for ways around it that don't exist, seems to hard-nosed investigators as an insult to their serious careers.  But for serious scientists more interested in legitimate science, wherever it takes them, than in egos and social status, reality is what it is, and just imagine all the amazing new experiences and Answers that can arise when you have the courage to delve right into the Universe's vast array of "spooky actions!"

Collective unconscious convention has locked its notions of legitimate science into a very elitist, incredibly narrow-minded, self-serving definition of what constitutes "physicality" and where any "physicality" has its place in the Universe of Truth and Answers. With its human-invented linear time clocks as "authority" and advocacy, its one-sided, horse-blinder determination to push forward, never look back, devalue reflection, and use its projected notions of past and future as convenient storage upon which to push away/displace everything too complex or abstract to contemplate in the Now, it has established a *faith* in itself that demands blind conformity, lest anyone dare risk its harsh sanctions in an effort to become *far more highly evolved* than the conventionally-minded are ready to go!

But when you *realize higher* than that, you have an inescapable responsibility to act on behalf of millions, billions of folks who don't yet know how to protect themselves/self-actualize!

"You do not have the right to enable people NOT to grow!," came the harshly presented, no-uncertain-terms words of my university dept. heads at me one day, when I just wanted to be liked and have friends for a while. When you're lightyears ahead of everyone around you, "genius" gets to be a really lonely place! But there's no place for it to be a selfish one! "You have a responsibility to elicit change in this world!," they continued. I realized they were instilling in me the permission I felt I needed at the time for little ole nobody me to be a force, a powerhouse, in this world, on behalf of that *change,* and all sentient beings unable to yet *be there* for themselves!

Now...I am instilling these words in YOU!

The most important lesson for modern scientists to learn is that they can no longer project safely and conveniently away from themselves the Universal Answers they seek. They have to "wear them" into *Balance,* dependent origination and all! But dependent origination does NOT mean that the Ultimate Answers are going to be subjectively different for each person.  Rather, it means that those Ultimate Universal Truths will come to you only when you are *ready* for them!  I've always found it fascinating that it is as though, while each of us is inherently entrusted with the entire Library of Universal Truths in our dna, the Universal Physics Processes ensure that they don't wind up in the hands of anyone who has not yet earned the right/trust in having *access* to them!  That's the power of *Ultimate Balance!*

If you want to truly *realize* the ...structure... in the chaos, in the emptiness/translucence of the Universe, in other words, you have to also realize the ...structure... in the chaos, emptiness and translucence of you!

No one is magically, individually plopped down into the world disconnected, disjointed from all else!  Our physics processes are fully integrated into the Universe's processes, because we are an inescapable part of its process. There is no hope of your ever legitimately figuring out the Universe without yourself until you have figured out its reflection within yourself!  Alignment is the *key!*

I'll walk you through the physics processes of discovering the ...structure... in what only appears "subjective" chaos, but you'll never *get it*/*get there*/learn to TRUST these *higher processes* unless and until you personally wear them within yourself by *doing the work* required to break through that philosophy wall and put all end to modern science's dangerously oppressive *neglect syndrome!*

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Nuclear Relativity: Path to Pattern Recognition & Structural Integrity

In NonLinear superConsciousness, one transcends convention and its/one's own linear projections/*stories*/tangled webs/vested interests/need for control, to allow the Truth to *dependently arise* from both within and without, simultaneously!  In a living, breathing, pulsating Universe, of course, that simultaneity is relative, and it is that relative simultaneity, along with the concept of withinXwithout reflection, that is causing conventionally-minded scientists to negate the whole process.  I have actually seen scientists laughing at reflectivity by behaving in a certain manner and instantly using what appears an absence of immediate (recognizable) gratification/reflection from that world "out there" as instant "proof" that it's all nonsense.  But that kind of reasoning comes from linear, conventional unconsciousness, the inability to *process* the Universe *higher* than the collective unconscious convention and its artificial boundaries allow.

Little old men hanging their heads over "chicken scratch" mathematical symbols is likely the most conjured-up image in folks' minds of the only valid (as in taught) way to approach scientific investigation.  But, avoiding the pitfalls of "neglect syndrome" limitations, it's not the "only" way! That whole scenario comes from conventional stereotypes and learned expectations. Those "chicken scratch" formulations are really nothing more than a language (like any other) invented by humans to communicate and share their ideas, leaving it up to their own projections within those formulas to validate whatever outcomes arise.

But that's like programming a robot to perform in specifically-desired manners, and then relying on that robot to produce an other-than-yourself outcome!

Reality is, though, that the Answers then still have to be filtered through the human mind, which does all that computation quite naturally within itself, at least for one Awake enough to their own inherent processes, so why not employ the higher accesses of the mind directly, skip the projected "chicken scratch," and go straight to the Truth as Nature originally intended?!

No matter what we tiny, miniscule humans are doing with it, the Universal *energy* underlying all things is ruling the entire roost from the *Core!*  While humans live in the *stories* they've made up about words and concepts, or language in general, underneath surface language, any language, are minute *energies,* frequencies, intensities, that process things as they really are, reality as it really is!  It is those *energies* that need to be brought into awareness, because there are persistent patterns in the chaos, consistent structural integrity, undaunted by human projection, that persistence and integrity discoverable through (wormhole-required) *balance.*  To reach that level of equanimity, one needs to look into the inescapable physics of their own intrinsic *reflectivity.*

Scientists quickly run away/balk at any suggestion of extensive analogical function, screaming "fantasy" and fearing losing control.  But rejecting/devaluing the NonLinear Universe's inescapably established superimpositions and fighting to maintain rigid control are precisely where the problems/serious oppressions are to be found in legitimate issues with modern science itself, because the only way to *access* higher, superConscious fluency is in their actually behaving/conducting themselves in the context of relativity, and relinquishing their need to maintain control.  You can't hope to ASK the Universe what it is REALLY doing and expect any credible outcome/Answer while standing guard over that outcome/Answer!  Again... "In NonLinear superConsciousness, one transcends convention and its/one's own linear projections/*stories*/tangled webs/vested interests/need for control, to allow the Truth to *dependently arise* from both within and without, simultaneously!" 

Imagine, to make a simple example here, a V, and you and the world outside yourself begin to face off at the open end of the V, you on one side, the Universe you assume is out there at the other.  As you each make a legitimate effort to reflect upon the other in search of a truth/the Truth, with each balanced transcendence, each newly acquired *Aha!,* you slide down that V, edging closer and closer to the other...until you eventually meet at the point/pinnacle, dissolve empathically into each other, and become *One!*

In true scientific investigation, you can't just stand there on your side of the V, refuse to acknowledge your own reflection *out there,* and expect the Universe to come to you!  "No One-der" it'll take "centuries" with that kind of approach!  In fact, these NonLinear physics have been *realized* as Universal Truth for thousands upon thousands of years, but modern science is still "lightyears" behind!

Universal Answers are transparently available/*accessible* to anyone via acquired/earned points of *balance,* and that *balance* is accomplished when the questions being asked/answers being sought are respectfully done so in the context of translucence.

To *access* those translucent Answers/outcomes, scientists need to be superConscious enough to *access/process* and respect the ...structure... in that translucence, and that can only be achieved/accomplished *empathically* through the *accessing* of their own structured translucence.

In other words, when translucence is accessed from *within* yourself, the reflection/superimposition *without* yourself is also able to be seen/*realized* via alignment, that Ultimate Empathy SHARED throughout all/Awe that explains quantum entanglement!  When you *realize* the truth within yourself as inescapable, that is when you learn to respect the validity of its reflection without yourself!  So, if you don't put in the selfLESS effort to *do the work* within yourself to earn that trust, you're going to get the same unconscionable *neglect syndrome* that modern science is confronting with its "philosophical" disdain!

Quantum entanglement provides a convenient catalyst/vehicle here to help transition rigid-minded, linear, conventionally unconscious scientists into their permitting themselves to step back, welcome the scary vulnerability of higher processes of balance requiring them to surrender/relinquish control, and get beyond their mistaken notions of "philosophy" barriers, so they can get on with their own fluency in NonLinear superConsciousness and its *far more highly evolved* *extraordinary accesses!*

Here, then, it is essential for scientists, and others interested, to at least humor themselves, if nothing more, long enough to stop resisting *doing the work* provided them in the Nuclear Relatives posts in the original *Clear Path* to Universal superConsciousness* blog (for everyone,) that includes The Matriarch, The God Particle, The Goddess Particle, YinXYang, etc... posts, which include instructions for what to do towards learning to process the Universe multidimensionally.

You cannot hope to *access* multiple dimensions, transcend time and space, discover wormholes all around you, realize the presence of parallel universes, etc., if you won't actually put yourself into the *places* needed within yourself to realize their reflections without yourself!

There's so much more to come, as I walk you through all these processes, but if you assume success will come without any actual personal commitment to participate directly in experiencing these relative reflections for yourself, that's just never going to be possible!  You'll only be trapping yourself at that wall of disdained-by-scientists he said/she said "philosophy."  The only way to transcend that wall and get on with it is through direct confrontation!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Quantum Physics, Relativity in Ancient Awakening w/the Dalai Lama & Modern Scientists


The Nature of Reality - Theory of Relativity, Quantum Science and Buddhist Thought 1/2

The Nature of Reality - Theory of Relativity, Quantum Science and Buddhist Thought 2/2

Notice how quickly the Dalai Lama CORRECTS the opening scientist (beginning of first video), as soon as it's the Dalai Lama's turn to speak (beginning of second video), about how this is NOT NEW, that it has been realized by those with Awakening for a very long, long time! (Thousands of years!)

Please spend a few hours "participating" in these brilliant, fun and friendly albeit complex conversations.  

I'll add my comments soon, and link this (and other new topics) to the new MESSAGE BOARD.  Please join the boards and help get them underway!  Where are YOU on these complexities?  Create a random thread and express your interests there! :)

Includes current and other noted scientists: Copernicus, Galileo, Einstein, Kant, Aristotle, Newton, Bohr, etc...

(Note: Buddhists, high lama level, Dalai Lama included, are first and foremost very serious actual PhD/Doctoral (Geshe) level physicists.)

Socio-Cultural *Neglect Syndrome* in Modern Science

See this post on Facebook

Scientists have a HUGE RESPONSIBILITY, first and foremost, to SELFLESSLY protect, enhance and save the lives of billions of people, and in the messages they send to the world through their own actions and attitudes, and invalidating, devaluing and disrespecting FEELINGS in their work is about as irresponsible and naïve as they can get, in both the interests of science as well as the social world that emulates that irresponsible behavior.  Read further to realize this connection to the issues of VIOLENCE in our world today!

Scientific "authority" originates in a little-if-ever explored source found in the early lives of the scientists themselves, and the convention from which they come, and represent. Scientists are taught to function myopically, to deny, ignore, *neglect* a well-rounded influence of contributing factors, to focus only on the imbalanced/intellectualized task at hand.  So, it's important to take a closer look here to help put things in perspective.

It's a sad but so easily-witnessed reality in our world, around the world, that feelings and intuition, the softer side of everyday life, are held in little if any regard by primarily male dominated society, and are the least valued activities taking place within those societies.

Unfortunately, this includes the old boy schools of conventional science, politics, and pretty much all goings-on within those societies considered to have any semblance of trusted "authority."

Again, I am reminded of a line in the movie Contact:

"Seems like an awful waste of space!"

I mean, WHY would feelings and intuition even exist at all in the Universe unless they were of equal value to the overall workings/scheme of things in that Universe?! Would you invalidate the energies floating around the cosmos holding those planets and other celestial bodies in place?  What if those celestial bodies were really only there to hold those *energies* in place?!

Ironically, to one with *balanced* superConsciousness, it is very obvious just where all those Answers are not-so-hiding that scientists would rather put off for "centuries" than to wake up to in the NonLinear Now!  Their imbalances being far more valued by them than ...dare I suggest... their feelings!

But where does that imbalance really come from?  What really is behind modern sciences' increasing "neglect syndrome?"

As with everything else being overlooked in the world, the unfortunate dumping ground, and blatant confrontation "measuring" precisely how society/collective unconscious convention is doing in its inadvertent attempt to redirect/right/correct itself, is ...where else but ... the *even*-ing news!

Hear that? EVEN-ing news!  As in...

NonLinear Universal Truth* - Imbalances** = the Even-ing News***

* reality
** - mistakes made by unconscious society
*** = what unfortunately becomes the lessons needing to be learned to bring about that necessary *Balance.*

Again, I hear the Tibetan Buddhist monks advising me "not to intervene" when I detect imminent catastrophes in the NonLinear Physics, saying they are lessons society in general/overall needs to learn!

So, the *even*-ing news is...the great equalizer!

And... World society gets to decide that weather/whether report!

It is all SHARED *energy,* interacting with the Universal *Core!*

Try to play chess with it and...well, good luck with that!  It holds the completed jigsaw puzzle, after all!  The model, the *One* to meet, not arrogantly hope to beat!

All the "wiggle room" of life consists of all the wrong turns made, and the attempts to right those wrong turns.

Some of those most serious wrong turns begin when male children are taught NOT to feel!   Really, is it any wonder why so many grow up (I'm being a bit generous here!) to ~ OBJECT-ify ~ everything, including their notions of "science?!"

It isn't only "science" that gets lost in such object imbalances! It's people, too! Night after night, horrific reports on "the *even*-ing news" tell of domestic abuses, of women/wives and children being treated like objects/possessions and systematically discarded as if objects. Gangs and fighting, violence, terrorism, an inability to reason away every excuse possible to go to war ...after war after war after war! ...a direct reflection of those wars *within* themselves, conveniently projected/displaced *without.*

Like it or not, feelings and intuition are an inescapable reality of our own inherent physics. Trap those physics into imbalance, and worse yet years, decades of oppression, and that is one heckuva lot of unexpressed energy seeking relief, in any one individual, so imagine the pent up energies of the collective!  All that expression finds its outlet in convenient niches of society!  Males are taught to perceive any sort of vulnerability as failure, and so they fight to be sure they present themselves as anything but vulnerable, whatever and wherever it takes!

War is glorified, endlessly waged, celebrated like a sport, and like a sport, it is a socially rewarded expression of all that pent up energy!  Under a microscope, those relentlessly initiating the projected fighting unwittingly exhibit cowardice/fear of direct, personal confrontation. Fear of Universal *balance* requiring feelings and intuition, seen as "weak" and sissified, "less than" a more validated, even deified "More Than," a backing up for males who are constantly taught to present themselves with, again imbalance, strength/brute force and socio-cultural king-of-the-castle/media/etc., "authority," in collective unconscious society, is running rampant.

Collective unconscious convention has seriously mistaken, imbalanced notions of what constitutes "trusted authority!"

And it all begins with the male child repeatedly told not to cry, not to feel, to "man up" no matter how young, and to never ever be a "sissy" or, behave like a lowly girl! "Be a little man"...and you'll remain a little man all your life!

The sad REALITY is that little "men" repeatedly taught not to value feelings and intuition grow up with the inability to feel the feelings of their victims, because they have never truly learned ~ how to feel their own feelings! ~

SHARED *Empathy,* the Ultimate Answer of the entire Translucent, NonLinear Universe (and of course, to the "spooky actions" of quantum entanglement), totally eludes those who invalidate feelings and intuition, because, having learned to experience no empathy for the other side of themselves, which, on the Universal level includes their own Awakening/Consciousness, they have no empathy for their victims and what those victims experience in their wrath, and scientists living in similar denial cannot experience Universal *Energy* / Empathy / empathy without those *key*-to-*Balance*-of-Universal Truth/Physics...FEELings!

No, of course I am not suggesting that scientists are intentionally invalidating of those around them, but unfortunately it is a reality that scientists who rigidly adhere to an old boys' school of scientific thought are at least inadvertently putting the lives of millions at risk!  Case in point: the Indonesian tsunami that killed nearly a quarter of a million people in 2004, earthquakes all around the world that devastate entire cities, human-initiated tragedies, horrific weather situations, etc., all of which reveal themselves long BEFORE they manifest, to anyone *balanced* and Conscious enough to realize the importance and validity of *processing* NonLinearly / multidimensionally, who are timeXspace relative / transcendent, etc...  Seismologists, for instance, are so proud of their "5 second warning," but why settle for a mere 5 seconds when those warnings could be weeks, months, even years prior?

It's just a matter/*matter* of Awakening!

The simplest explanation tends to be the right one...and correct, too/two!

Otherwise, it really IS an awful waste of space...AND time!

The Universe demands *balance,* and nothing distracted humans or conventionally unconscious scientists ever do to deny it will ever change that reality!

Raising male children with such *imbalance* (which cannot all be blamed on male parents) produces generations upon generations of grown men caught up in a vicious cycle of resentment, inherently programmed by Nature itself to feel and empathize, but punished and sanctioned by collective unconscious society if they *even* dare! What follows is the simultaneous craving to feel and the need to degrade and invalidate that "weakling"/softer side they hide *within* and interact with *without,* resenting women and girls (those inescapable superimposed nuclear relatives their denied *energy* deflects toward) they've object-ified as possessions because they freely are allowed to feel. Folks with such imbalanced experiences even grow to resent male children as well, in retrospect, because they resent and displace "the child" who didn't get to feel when they were small.

That inescapable, simultaneous moving toward/moving away from stirs the need for resolution, and in a convention sanctioning male feelings, that "resolution" becomes one of "justification" by "authority," and staying within the permitted boundaries of collective unconscious convention, the doting and dutiful unconscious mistakenly assign such intellectualizations to brute force sports, politics, and, unfortunately, to modern science, devaluing, ...*neglecting*... and invalidating *affect* altogether!

Lacking the *balanced* mindfulness to realize they've bought right into that societal / conventional, inadvertently volunteered *neglect (half-hemisphere) syndrome* settlement, scientists give such little credence and respect to their own or anyone else's feelings and intuition that they fail to recognize, or *even* know how to evolve enough to realize, the presence of observable, measurable STRUCTURE in those feelings and intuitions that provide the very tools of *balanced reality* that carry us all *higher!*

Feelings and intuition are the very tools required in a NonLinear Universe to hold and *process* multiple dimensions in place, mindfully, long enough to truly *grasp* and traverse them! With everything multiplying exponentially in every direction all around you as you evolve and *realize higher,* feelings and intuition are precisely the facilities needed to process layers upon layers, depths and heights of reality, without getting lost and losing sight of it all!  Intellectualizing (Yang energy) only gets you halfway!  It takes the support of affect/feelings (Yin energy) to bring up the other side required in dependent origination.  There IS no "intellect" without "feelings!" There are no feelings without intellect!  Scientists need to learn to "think with their feelings and feel with their thinking."

As with *wormholes,* it is ultimately the resolution/dissolution of opposing forces/opposite *energies* that evolve you into the Balanced Universal Core, through NonLinear Now and its *extraordinary accesses!*