Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The *Now* _IS_ The Nothing, Translucence, Emptiness, Beginning & End

Scientists, look no further! The Core of the Universe, the beginning, the end, is not way out there in the Cosmos! Turn around! It's right behind you, lurking there, waiting for you to notice.

But that's not all that's trying to get your attention! The profound implications of Albert Einstein's timeXspace _RELATIVITY_ are still not being fully realized by the scientific community, let alone by everyday folks around the world, and the consequences are costing countless people their lives and quality of life.

Before you read any further, please take a moment to watch the following 2 minute video:

What the Ancients & Einstein *Knew* (Remembered) & Modern Science Has Forgotten

That math is DEADLY ACCURATE!  Teachable! Measurable! Realizable physics Truth!

The "whisperer people"...NonLinear multidimensionality (or those fluent in it) trying to help you far more highly evolve.

There is no such thing as "future" as linear (line-ar/past>present>future) one-sided clock-deluded convention assumes!  That's all projection! The Universe is NonLinear, meaning only Now, and higher and lower dimensions/*accesses* of Now, and as such ALL information is available to us right now, in the immediate moment, about what is to come, about what truly has been, because the Universal Truth is Now, simply *change,* like a bushel of data that, no matter how much *change* is going on, no matter how much shuffling and reshuffling, 100% ALL the data is still/*still* in that bushel, a kaleidoscope twisted and turned but forever all there.  With superConsciousness, and *higher realization* of our being fully integrated within that process (not a detached audience to it), we have *access* to the ever-changing, congealing, approaching/imminent manifestations coming our way!

Language is microscopic/mathematical value packets of *energy* _telling on_ the ever-changing *state of the art of the heart* of our Universe, our world, ourselves...if you *know* how to hear it and process it.  Whether or not you recognize it, your brain is processing those *energy values* at every moment, which is why so many folks, in hindsight of devastating events, suddenly realize they "had a feeling" about something, or a dream, because MIND is not at all the personal, private sanctuary most folks believe for themselves, but rather a vast Universal "wifi"-like exchange of energy values, and you have no choice but to participate in it all.  Your every moment, therefore, is like ocean waves flowing to and through you, your immediate moment their reaching the sand.  So, wouldn't you really want to know what is determining your life experiences, and what is happening reflectively in the world around you, helping you Consciously redirect them, rather than just suddenly find yourself surprised by them?  The Answers to everything we seek are right there, waiting for someone to notice.

We are NOT what we think we are! We are soooo much more! And the Universe is completely *other than* most scientists have evolved enough to process, let alone handle.

There is ...Structure... in the Chaos, the Translucence, the ever-*change*-ing *Now,* and within it is a WARNING process, a constant insight, into what will be!  A window into what is congealing toward manifestation... Every Answer to every question, microscope to Cosmos!

Next to nobody hears!

A Universal "parade view!" Next to nobody sees!

For many decades I have been trying to Awaken the world to the _reality_ of, well, Reality! The view of the Universe, of life, that more than 99%** of the world's population, and the majority of its scientists, have inadvertently bought right into, is...WRONG!

Relative to that of us tiny little distracted humans, the Universe has an ENORMOUS "parade view," a vast timeless, spaceless overview of everything that's going on, of what has been, and of what will be, and none of this has anything whatsoever to do with anything "psychic," which I, myself, don't adhere to. It's just basic reality, basic physics.

Observable, measurable, teachable physics reality.

With the Universe's vast, enormous overview, imminent events that are approaching manifestation and soon to be part of the even-ing (hear that?! As in...balancing!) news are available to us, reflectively, because we share that physics as fully integrated entities within its system, and Albert Einstein's general relativity is just another effort of MANY realizers over thousands of years to Awaken the sleeping world (what psychiatrist Carl Jung called the "collective unconscious") to just how very sound asleep more than 99%** of the entire world's population really is!

Tragic, devastating events (earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricane paths before even starting, floods, landslides, accidents, incidents, kidnappings and other crimes, human-initiated atrocities, etc.) are "already in the cards," so to speak, with everything, including names, dates, faces, places and, scariest yet, even accurate death tolls/intensities _ALREADY KNOWN_ with extraordinary precision by the living, breathing Universe itself, and it does everything possible to WARN/REVEAL it all, even tell you precisely _how_ it already "knows," but sleeping world society just goes right on sleeping away!

Thing is...the Universe has a built-in assistance for these horrific events, a specific mathematical dynamic that has the ability to REDIRECT/deflect these horrors/tragedies toward saving and protecting countless people's lives, and that simply translates into everyday behavior that requires a collective effort. Unfortunately, that collective effort requires a far more highly evolved Consciousness than convention has as yet been able to process.

"Consciousness" (Awakening/Enlightenment), despite what highly distracted convention and its equally naïve scientists try to do with it, has nothing whatsoever to do with cultural/college fads, make believe, metaphysical unprovable fantasy, religion, etc.. Higher Consciousness is the fluent and fluid reflection *realization* (via dependent origination, without imposing projection or distortion) of the TRUE Universal SYNERGISTIC NonLinear physics moving/motivating/bringing into being all things, all events, all sentient (experiencing/living) beings, which brings with it profound *access* to multidimensional language/math, timeXspace relativity/ability to transcend time and space relative to Awareness, and the ability to apply One's realizations to the everyday superimpositional world (microscope to Cosmos) toward the most incredible and inescapable insights!  Everything is connected and SHARING the exact same physics at the Universal Core! Suddenly the world just got a whole lot smaller than most folks allow themselves to see!

It really is a simple (easy enough for anyone to *grasp*) One Answer!

(Writing... Long article, already handwritten, with so, so much more to come! Continued in next post...)

Saturday, May 6, 2017

The Physics of superConsciousness

Come, let me teach you on Facebook: "How to" directly experience and witness quantum entanglement, timeXspace relativity, multidimensionality/parallel worlds, wormholes, relative simultaneity, Universal Truth for your very own self!

The Physics of superConsciousness on Facebook

(Take your genius back! Convention distracted you, that's all! Take it back!)

I am walking folks directly into their Universal Reflective (withinXwithout) Consciousness on Facebook, if anyone is interested, helping them experience Albert Einstein's insights (from inside his heart and soul) into Relativity and TimeXSpace as the NatGeo series "Genius" is wonderfully underway!

Why was he having so many problems with his teachers/professors?!  I'm explaining that, too!

This is NOT "metaphysical" psychobabble make believe! This is the REAL DEAL, and the more you allow yourself to evolve, to "go there," the more you'll realize just how very, VERY REAL this really is! It has been realized for thousands upon thousands of years, documented, but society got increasingly lost along the way, and today more than 99% of the world is completely distracted, including its scientists and world leaders! And its protectors! When people, scientists included, learn to stop trying to _TELL_ the Universe what it _"has to be"_ and start having the balance and courage to _ASK_ it instead, they will finally have their REALITY-based Universal Answers! Step out of the unconscious barriers of collective mistaken/distracted convention and become truly fluently *realized!*

Translucence/Emptiness/"The Nothing"/segregated physicality are NOT what you may think!

Next time you gaze with wonder and awe into the vast expanse of the night sky, you may want to take an extra deep breath because, in reality, reflectively, you are also gazing at a mirror image of your very own mind!

Yep, it's true!  But before you start naming planets and stars after yourself, you will need to save room for the trash dump a few miles away, the temple just down the street, the children playing in the alley, the frustrated person standing in a long checkout line at the local grocery store, the plane at the airport about to take off, the duck family waddling across the pond, the thunder rumbling its approach, the imminent earthquake about to jolt a country thousands of miles away, and the newborn babies who will arrive overnight!

Everybody, everything, everywhere...every event, every celebration, every tragedy, every feeling, every thought, every action of a complete stranger walking by or across the world, is an exact, identical copy of yourself!

How creepy is that?!  And how daunting, for sure!

But it's all true.  

Palm facing yourself...*within*
Palm facing away from yourself, *without*
Back to yourself, *within*
Back away from yourself, *without*


It is all/Awe an identical copy of yourself!  It moves as you move.  You move as it moves.

There is observable, *realizable* measurable STRUCTURE/structural physics underlying it all, us all, just like a ...blueprint... moving and motivating everything we do, everything we think, everything we feel...  Whodathunkit?!

You'll have to answer that one for yourself, after your ultimate *access* to the Core, via *balance.*

The purpose of this board is to "play tour guide" for anyone interested in becoming Awakened, Enlightened to the reality of this extraordinary phenomenon by providing a *clear path* to follow toward *accessing*  Universal superConsciousness for yourself, where one cannot help but see directly for herself/himself that there really IS an inescapable Answer to what's really going on in the Universe, within ourselves, without ourselves, where science, religion, spirit, and Love unite into...*One.*

And join me on Twitter: @1oaTao1 or @AncientHerStory

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Insights on Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Gravity & Quantum Entanglement - A superConsciousness Perspective

(Hand-wrote this over night while my dogs were 'keeping me awake.' ;)  Really important information to share, so I hope to get it posted asap.)

There really is observable, measurable, teachable ...Structure... in the chaos, in the translucence, in the Ultimate Empathy, and that structure is profoundly revealing in its provision of insights into understanding dark energy, dark matter, gravity and quantum entanglement.

Scientists don't have to wait "centuries" for realizations available in the Now!

(Writing new books and quite honestly hesitant about just how much I'm willing to give away.)

Observable, directly experience-able, measurable, teachable physics!