Sunday, July 22, 2018

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XXI

How are Time and Space both cause and effect media?

Today's social media exposes global humanity as a very shallow, impulsive place right now. Time and Space hold the Answers to how it got that way, and what has to be done to redirect it.

A discussion... (Writing)

There's an expression that goes...

"You can live life, ...or... you can analyze it, but you can't do both!"

I respectfully disagree with this extremist (in either direction) idea! There IS a "middle way" (Madhyamaka), a way to be spontaneous enough to live your life comfortably, while remaining mindful enough to behave and process within *balance.*

World society is seriously, dangerously, spinning out of control! Modern scientists, emulated as they are by collective unconscious convention, themselves are seriously out of control! And unless and until they become aware of themselves in that static state of mindless impulse, things are only going to keep getting worse.

All else SHARING that same identical *energy* (weather, geological phenomena, war, terrorism, domestic abuse, etc.) has no choice, physics wise, but to express (absorb, expel) all those abundant negative *energies,* synergistically.

Nothing and no one is detached or gets a free pass. Move any one, move every one.

While it would be easy to argue that perhaps world society has lost its mind(fulness) because it's expressing those meteorological, geological, etc., energies invertedly, and I have written about how the overall Universal *Energies* via Patriarchical vs Matriarchical polar exchanges, play an important role, that is still no excuse to passively take a fatalistic approach and just irresponsibly go with the flow.

We are like the Universe's neurons and neural pathways, its thoughts and feelings as it turns around to reflect upon itself, and the most obvious (to ourselves, at least) ones with a brain/mindfulness (potential) to recognize those *energies* and their manifestations, and bring them back into some semblance of control and balance.

Purposeful, beneficial, meaningful *change* can only happen with awareness, so let's take a closer look at society and what is going on, and what needs to be done to elicit the redirection it needs toward that necessary *balance.*

Continued HERE...

(Writing...Lots of wonderful handwritten notes to get on time.)

Monday, July 9, 2018

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XX

Language and Physicality as Energy Expression: Important TimeXSpace Catalyst to *Change*

So, why "Nuclear," and why...

It's all about extreme *energy* at the Universal Core (Nucleus), and how quickly (or not) that *energy* is released. To project, or not project, Time and Space! *One*

Grocery list, telephone book, scribbled jottings of a crumpled paper found on the street? Universal Answers, microscope to Cosmos.

I've felt inspired to write this particular blog post as I have been pulling myself back out of the usual depression (aka "oppression," as I've always called it) that follows my being bombarded with waaaay too much information, aka recognition of horrors on the evening news congealing toward manifestation, in this case the Vegas Mandalay Bay massacre, the terror attacks in NYC, the Washington state train derailment over the freeway, and several others over the last several months. Still working on 9/11, 2004 tsunami killing a quarter million people, and well...heck, all of them! There's a human being in here, and *knowing* thousands of people, hundreds of thousands, are going to be destroyed, and having no way to intervene, is...pretty darned depressing! Tibetan Buddhist monks have advised it's best "not to intervene," as I've talked about before, because "there are lessons to be learned" by society in going through those horrors, but I still respectfully have issues with that. College/grad school professors always reminded me that I "have a responsibility to elicit *change* in this world," with this superConscious level of mind (being "far more highly evolved"). It is painfully difficult to realize, via teachable, measurable physics, how and what is congealing toward manifestation in time to protect people, and have no outlet for it on this planet. It makes me angry, very angry, and of course anger turned inward is depression. Oppression, stuck in the middle.

The problem that is so stressful for me is that for conventional folks to hear me (let alone authorities in place to apply the information I can provide for them well in advance, my being not one iota psychic and having nothing whatsoever to do with any of that), and take me seriously, they have to have achieved a certain level of awareness/awakening for themselves at that point, to even appreciate, respect and process what I am saying and where I am getting my information from, including the most extraordinary details of the events, because otherwise it, and I, just get dismissed as they run back to their blind, naïve trust in linear convention instead. To conventional minds, language is nothing more than that...language, as if in a whole different world of its own. But in real life, in the real Universe, language is actually ...*ENERGY*…, and I was born able to process language at its tiniest math/energy level!

As I have previously said...

"Language is to humans :: as :: Exhaust is to a vehicle!"

Language is the expression/expulsion of *energy*/*energies* flowing through each and every one of us, that "Universal wifi" that rushes toward and through us like dominoes every second/*second* of our lives (notice the math!/reflection), simultaneously pouring through us like waves in the ocean, drops of water in the seas, throughout all in Existence, all sentient beings, all events, happenings, horrors, the weather, earthquakes, tsunamis, criminal activity, any activity, any disaster, any catastrophe, any deviant sentient (or natural) plan, any "whatever" is "going down," and the Universe has a copy of it, of every tiny minute dynamic involved.  Do it, think it, feel it, wonder knows about it before you do! Because our physics are its physics, so do we all, but we can only process our copy of it, our *accesses* to that "whatever," if we are Conscious enough to notice it happening.

Language is simply energy, that conventional humans get totally lost in. Momentary, temporary, stopping points, "held"...  Like a "crust," that becomes the center of their attention, the main event, all underlying on-goings otherwise forgotten. (But not to someone with Awareness/Awakening! And not to a Universe with enormous parade view!)

Conventional humans live in their labels, and the *stories they tell themselves,* and the meaningfulnesses of those labels and stories, constructs that freeze themselves in time and space, "held" there (like high rise buildings, for instance) as long as it takes for them, individually and collectively, to *process* them through. Minutes, weeks, years, decades, centuries, millennia...all that "physical" energy is *suspended* in place while we all dance around it.

"Physicality" is simply temporary expressions/manifestations of energies we have yet to process through to Translucence/Emptiness/recognition of *energy* at the Core, the nucleus!  While we are continuing to *process* it, we hold it in place, as if set aside, while we work on everything else flowing through and around us, collectively projecting time and space, and all that physicality, and this is in what and where convention and its physically rigid/dependent scientists get lost, invalidating all else along the way, designating all else as that "awful waste of space!" (Missing the all-inclusive synergy process.)

I was, for whatever reason, born recognizing the math in everything, the language/letters/morphemes, sounds as tiny minute expressions of energy.  I haven't had to spend too much time thinking about it. My math brain does it all on its own, but I am able to realize what it is doing! Intriguing as all heck! Every letter has its own VALUE, like a "value packet," or energy value. It holds a certain amount of energy unique to itself.  Each letter has a different energy value.  Strung together into words, it is that collective energy value that provides the meaningfulness, and each collective string into sentences takes on a whole 'nother meaningfulness, which then, of course, gets strung (linearly!) into paragraphs and pages, ideas that go on and on and on and on...moving away from the Core, the Nucleus, the *silence* that is the Emptiness/Translucence of it all/Awe.

All my life, my math mind has been able to process the individual value packets of energy long before they grow into anything convention would recognize! As the waves of energy rush toward me, I am able to recognize the information it is rushing at me that, for most other folks, will simply keep on flowing, going unrecognized, unrealized. I have to admit it gets stressfully intimidating! Just driving down a road I can *see* a store that is about to be robbed (because my mind processes analogies/the energies spontaneously/simultaneously), what the owner looks like, if he'll survive, if a dead body is in the vicinity in split-second exposure to an area (there's an abrupt halt in energy), what a building/*building* looks like inside, who is in there, what they are doing...when I have never been in that building or seen those people (spontaneous fluency in Nuclear Family physics), and on and on and on. I've detailed some of them in my blog posts here. It is simply very basic NonLinearity, multidimensionality, "far more highly evolved" *accesses,* a truer vision of Universal reality. But intimidating to say the least, and those are only the beginning.  I am not one iota "psychic" and personally don't want anything to do with any of that stuff.  It is quite simply basic Nonlinear Physics! I have those actual physics!  Teachable, measurable physics!  It is simply just that, incredibly easy for anyone to understand if they would allow themselves *balance,* and it fascinates albeit sometimes terrorizes the heck outta me!

What science is doing wrong in its rigid dependency on physicality is selfishly/unconsciously STOPPING the process, very similar to a religious group that won't allow in any other information or interpretation, building a world around itself, going to war with anyone who tries to suggest them beyond their stopping point. As with my mention above about "high rise buildings" as a general analogy to explain that all physicality is/are temporary manifestations "held" in place while we are processing them, likewise everything scientists are mistakenly considering as forever rigid, closing their minds to the free flowing process that is higher Universal Reality. Hence, they are attempting to explain the Universe in one-sided conventional linear interpretation. Everything is an analogical superimposition, the same information repeated multidimensionally, repeatedly applied Applied APplied APPlied APPLied APPLIed APPLIEd APPLIED, but convention only recognizes one layer/dimension, whereas with superConsciousness layers upon layers are recognized, which is how I am able to become aware of what is approaching manifestation. Multiple dimensions are processed simultaneously, aka NonLinearly, all at once, which, in itself, provides a whole 'nother level of realization. Remember, the "future" is neither what nor where most people assume it is! On the conventional level of processing, it is simply a matter/*matter* of playing catch up, meaning, it hasn't as yet been able to mindfully process the current *energy.* While conventional minds are stuck at the first "applied" level mentioned above, I am able to see and recognize and process all of them at the same "time," simultaneously, which takes information processing to a whole 'nother level of *aha!* It is simply *energy intensity,* or depth of processing.

This is what is ...causing... conventional notions of Time and Space! The more Translucently/Awakening-ly you process the Universe, the less need for rigid physicality. (Static projection/linear manifestation!)

As mentioned on these blogs previously, a relationship I had with someone who was equally as superConscious as myself was so extraordinary in that we could communicate with each other via genuine telepathy, which simply means *shared energy* recognized by both of us simultaneously. If we were communicating the information on this page, for instance, the page would be blank, because the words, the letters/energy packets, would not be necessary.  It would be shared Translucence, in other words.

If a highly advanced civilization of "aliens" is ever discovered on/from another planet, they may very genuinely communicate as shown in sci-fi movies, where they simply communicate with their eyes. The likelihood of conventional earthlings having a clue ...what... they would be communicating would be a different situation, though, if they have not "more highly evolved" enough to process on that *energy* recognition level/dimension. So it might be a really good idea for modern science to Awaken itself to higher, NonLinear, Translucent Universal Reality, before they find themselves in the precarious situation of having no idea how to interact with *far more highly evolved* sentient (experiencing) beings. The earthlings who are *far more highly evolved* need to include themselves, but modern science is so rigidly allergic to their own mirrors/reflections that it is going to take a long while. Now THAT truly IS an "awful waste of space!" Why wait out "centuries" when the Answers are all immediately available in the...*Now!*

I've slowed myself down from writing my new books (book set, text and accompanying chapter by chapter workbook) because, as earlier noted, I'm so fluent in the multidimensional NonLinear physics (from birth, so no need to worry that it'll happen to you unless you reach high lama level) that waaaay too much information is coming into my Awareness about what is congealing toward manifestation (catastrophics), and I am going to spend more time with the Dalai Lama and Russian scientists' dialogues from both last year (The Nature of Consciousness) and their second meetings recently (inspired by the Dalai Lama's book, "The Universe in a Single Atom/Convergence of Science and Spirituality," (in previous posts here). Their "companionship" alone is important when functioning at this level, helping to alleviate the stress. Folks such as myself all throughout the ages have been severely oppressed from daring to awaken convention and its scientists. So, I have wonderful, intriguing handwritten notes on these dialogues to include in those respective blog posts here.  In this particular post, I am keeping it down to earth/informal because the most painful part of being this *far more highly evolved* (an actual diagnosis of me going back to 1980s by various professors) is breaking it all down enough to reach folks who have not yet evolved enough to hear me on a more advanced level. Projected mathematics, as in chalk board formulas, is NOT the ONLY way to decipher the Universe and what all it is doing. Our own neurophysiology is naturally inherent in the *higher physics* of superConsciousness, where it processes language AS the actual mathematics/energy that it is! I am fluent in breaking the language down, back to the Core/Nucleus of it all/Awe, to see what all is there, what all is going on, and then bringing it back out to the *surface* where convention uses language constructs, like the shape of a V. It's all simply a vortex, relative to everyone's level of Awakening, and the difference between what the Universe is actually doing, and what individual and collective convention assume it is doing, is what establishes "Time" and "Space."

So I am intentionally keeping this blog post "conversational" so I can just add to it as I feel a need to, to express the dynamics involved, without winding myself up *knowing* in detail all the next horrors that are going to wind up on the evening/*even*-ing news. (I would go bonkers if I didn't have a close friend who genuinely can actually *hear* me, multidimensionally!) =)

Monday, July 23, 2018 Update:  Checking back in... I swear I'm a glutton for punishment. I have always kept an ongoing journal, all my life, sometimes just for companionship, but there is always far more to it that I am so aware of, because, since everything is a superimposition of a superimposition of a superimposition and on and on and on...Universal Truth is...if I want to *know* what is going on in the world, be it disastrous human initiative or geological devastation, or quite truly "whatever!," all I have to do is go back over what I've written in my journal and *hidden* in deeper and deeper multidimensional/Nonlinear layers of my everyday, every moment ramblings (or grocery list) is a detailed analysis of precisely everything that is congealing toward manifestation and the *even*-ing news! The little kid in me is always profoundly curious and wanting to *know,* wanting to explore, loving falling through wormholes like conventional children love slides. Instead of being afraid of the information, I've always been extremely intrigued, from 3 years old and probably earlier, but given the horrors of the world over the last few decades it really can get to be way too much, especially when my *too much information* has no outlet, no place to go, as there are no conventional authorities capable of processing my warnings of those imminent congealings.  It's just that I am so aware that my simple little everyday journal ramblings hold all the activities of the world, in the Universe, in real time, in the *Now,* (Tao 47!) that could save countless people's lives!  "Could," though, is a word that makes me just recognize it is best not to *go there!*  It's the physics themselves that intrigue the heck outta me, anyway!  I love watching the process in action, observing and participating in the Universal interactions. But you know that expression, "be careful what you wish for!" Playing with the physics of it all inadvertently opens the floodgates to reveal all else. I just can never seem to NOT *remember* that writing in my journal is like writing on the lid of a magical chest holding all the secrets of the whole entire Universe, and it is soooo hard NOT to wanna open that lid and peek inside. ;)  Same goes for everything I am writing here! Ah... That magical Universal Chess Game! It's no wonder the Tibetan Buddhist monks and HH Dalai Lama so passionately love what they do! So do I! But listening to the multidimensionality of it all is how I *knew* about the Las Vegas massacre, etc, and I am so not ready for anything more on that level right now.  Gets really, reeeeally raw!

Updating Wednesday, July 25,2018
Life, Universality, all in Existence, is actually much like the dancing of hundreds, thousands of birds swarming the skies, swooping and swirling, around and around, synergistically forming patterns and pictures, however inadvertently, barely lasting long enough for observers to catch a glimpse, every suggestion, every *recognition,* a moment of poetry *held* in its very own timeXspace signature, its very own unique place to be in the Universe, and ever so quickly it's gone, on to something else, again and again, with *time* only a figment of the imagination, space nothing more than a manifestation of that figment.

Collective unconscious convention mistakenly, passively waits for something to happen, it waits for the AFTERmath, objectifies and labels that happenstance/AFTERmath, breathes power into it that it then assumes itself powerless to change, Deifies that power over themselves, entangles itself deeper and deeper into a chaos and helplessness of its own making, and goes to war at anyone suggesting reconsideration, redirection, a more awakened perspective/perception.

But the dancing of the Translucent Universal *Energies* is forever (*Now*) undaunted, and the difference between the *Universal Nucleus* and the ever-changing objectification becomes the karma, the destiny, the unconsciously chosen "lesson" to be learned, the manifestation of the evening/*even*-ing news. Individuality congeals into the collective mean, and that mean presents itself as "the real world" to sleeping unconscious convention.

What's it gonna take...?