Thursday, January 9, 2014

Still/*Still* / Here/*Hear*

Updated Thursday, August 28, 2014

I'm baaaaccckkk...and hopefully to stay!  I have so many notes to contribute here, after taking a leave from my own blogs to once again brave the world of convention and its  scientific minds to see if what I am trying so hard to convey to the world could actually be heard.  Needless to say, if the Quantum Christ and his/her/its circle of *realizers* have not been very successful over thousands upon thousands of years, a year or so off on my part to make another direct attempt was doomed to meet the UNwelcome mats I've been encountering. No surprise there. But the proof of the Truth is in the doing, and I have decades of official documentation behind me in that, and wonderful new ideas have arisen in my adventures, toward helping folks take my writings seriously.  I've actually enjoyed the challenges immensely, and feel even more compassion toward folks who likely will never realize their own worth in their current lifetimes, but I realize I have to be here, most importantly, so here I am, ready to share with you the insights of my adventures, and to guide you on to the next essential steps, as I pick up from where I was here to now continue on.

I took some of my students along on my adventures, for the invaluable *experience* of their observing what happens when convention is confronted with *higher reality,* and I think that was a wonderful decision to make, because so much learning, for all, has come from those observations.

As I gather my refreshed (albeit anticipated) insights from my adventures during my not-so-absence from my blogs-set here (because I was here even when I didn't appear to be), soon to become blog entries, I have created a new blog, for this set, that is planned to be an addition here.  We'll get to that later, after I get its writings more underway.  At least for now, my original "chair in a house" setting / background I've mentioned (that began these blogs) is there, for a more laid back, social environment.  But we'll see... (it's very new, as in, created an hour or less ago)... where I decide to take it.

I'm going to be rereading all my blogs' entries, as "time" permits, toward my intent to refresh these blogs and eventually create a comfortable place for folks to contribute their own thoughts.  I have done that in the past, but after relentlessly having my important messages lost to the chaos that ensues when folks of all *places* in their journeys turn everything into a battle, my intent here has been to finally be heard, because I have responsibilities with my superConsciousness, and one of those is to teach folks "how to" *listen.*

I really want to go through the accompanying "Workbook" for these blogs and get that all updated!  I have always loved workbooks!  Fun to answer questions and go on scavenger hunts, etc., as I have created there! :)  (The Workbook is open for reader comments, I believe.)

It's good to be back!  I have soooo much more to convey, in the hope of saving and changing people's lives and Awakening/Enlightening Science!

Updated Sunday, May 4th, 2014

Last year, and while it suddenly became a ghost town here (Quantum Christ seems to have chased people away...anticipated! Filled with consistent Universal NonLinear Physics revelations!), I set out on a search for a big, beautiful new home, and devoted all my energy into finding exactly what I needed. That endeavor was very successful, and now I am in limbo between two homes, and how wonderfully appropriate is that, given the topic! ;)  (Another NonLinear physics tease there!)

I have a lot of writing done for these blogs here, and I am hoping to get this page, and others, well on their way again ASAP.

There's so much more intrigue to come!  The Universe is such an extraordinary *experience.*

Original entry here:

Nonlinear language tease! :)  (Meaning this entry's title and my quiet-for-a-while blogs!)

Back to writing asap!