Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XVI

The Inevitable Convergence of Science and Religion...Happening *Now*
TimeXSpace Relativity meets superConsciousness: (A Review)

(Updating April 1, 2018)
Wonderful Dalai Lama VIDEOS to Include in this ScienceXReligion Convergence Review (Extraordinary):

Quantum Physics, Relativity in Ancient Awakening w/HH Dalai Lama & Modern Scientists
The Nature of Reality - Theory of Relativity, Quantum Science and Buddhist Thought 1/2
The Nature of Reality - Theory of Relativity, Quantum Science and Buddhist Thought 2/2

Notice how quickly the Dalai Lama CORRECTS the opening scientist (beginning of first video), as soon as it's the Dalai Lama's turn to speak (beginning of second video), about how this is NOT NEW, that it has been realized by those with Awakening for a very long, long time! (Thousands of years!)

Please spend a few hours "participating" in these brilliant, fun and friendly albeit complex conversations.  

Includes current and other noted scientists: Copernicus, Galileo, Einstein, Kant, Aristotle, Newton, Bohr, etc...


Quantum Physics and Madhyamaka (Middle Way/Balance) with the Dalai Lama and attending scientists.

(High level Buddhist monks are first and foremost very serious, highly-realized physicists.)

This is an incredibly important topic toward the detection of earthquakes, tsunamis and other natural disasters, and human-initiated chaos, long before they manifest to reach the (get) even-ing news!  Mention wave-particle duality and everyone runs away so fast they leave you in the dust of their escape, but yet it is all so much easier to grasp and process, and in a very every-day meaningful and feelings-inclusive way, if folks would simply stop trying to tell the Universe what it has to be and instead quiet themselves enough to simply *listen* as it reveals precisely what it is!

The dynamic the Universe is using is actually very basic, and repetitious.  The complexity mostly comes from human resistance, from folks' refusal to learn anything new, to let go of their collective conventional assumptions, and to have enough courage to simply *focus* and stay-on-task long enough to realize their way beyond unconscious convention.

When you mistakenly process the Universe linearly, as if there are past and future (there aren't!), you inadvertently REPEL the Answers ~ away from ~ yourself. Hence, unconscious scientists' "centuries" waiting, probability, and uncertainty principle. Any wonder "the Universe is expanding?!" Projection is far more than scientists are evolved enough to grasp!

If you process the Universe NonLinearly, as a donut/circle pulsating through relative timeXspace, the more Aware/Awake/superConscious you are, the more *access*/multidimensionality you have in detecting horrific events as they congeal toward manifestation. Tiny parade view of collective unconscious convention vs VAST Universal Parade View! Documented/proved/demonstrated (by me) for decades with highly credible, highly interested authorities. Do you really prefer a "5 second modern science warning" of earthquakes/tsunamis/tragedies heading your way when you could have days/weeks/months or more to prepare?!

(Note: Buddhists, high lama level, Dalai Lama included, are first and foremost very serious actual PhD/Doctoral (Geshe) level physicists.)

Additional notes are already handwritten and ready. I just have to get them here. In time...**

** I have intentionally slowed down my extensive writing here for a while, needing to recover from becoming bombarded with *realizations*/recognitions of horrific events congealing toward manifestation, which actually gets very painful, because society/unconscious convention cannot process it, dismissing my warnings of imminent horrors approaching the evening news, and it is agony *realizing* that hundreds, thousands of people are going to be harmed or killed, when it is considered worthless information to the unconscious world. Writing this blog, *focusing* on the NonLinear Physics, I detected the Vegas/Mandalay Bay massacre, the Washington state train derailment, the horrible human-initiated incidents in New York City, etc...  Way too much information to be alone with, given that society's collective unconscious convention and its "authorities" so quickly dismiss it, and me. I am not one iota "psychic" and have zero interest in any of that stuff.  This is simply basic NonLinear Physics that everyone is born with, but most quickly forget to *remember.*

Monday, January 15, 2018

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XV

(Review, continued...)

De-Mystifying the Reality of Multidimensional, Mathematical, Translucent ...MIND...

("How to" find YOURSELF Einstein!)

The earth is not flat, timeXspaceXphysicality are directly, observably, experientially relative (and non-existent), as is simultaneity, we are not detached, disjointed, segregated individuals somehow conveniently, magically plopped down into the world disconnected from all else, and MIND is not the personal, private, inaccessible inner sanctuary nearly everyone the world over self-ishly, mistakenly, unconsciously assumes.

"Nuclear Family" is a psychology term referring to one's immediate-most family members and what your relationships with those members reveals about yourself on closer look. Taken higher, ownership of oneself, in reflection, begins the process of transcending your participation in and contribution to collective unconscious convention, tearing down its artificial walls and boundaries, logic, reasoning, "cartoon aroma"/allure, freeing you from that bunched hurdle of doing "what everybody else is doing" so you can think more clearly, feel more deeply, process far more independently, which releases you from convention's timeXspace signature (place in the grand scheme of things), which is far from any hope of balanced perception.

On closer look, a complex synergy starts coming into view, and respect for truth in your own mirror paves the way for an appreciation of higher and deeper, previously overlooked relationships.

Extended relatives loosen your tight hold on language, labels and concepts, and patterning begins to emerge as if calling you from afar, asking you to *remember* relationships long forgotten.

Time and space begin to crumble, clocks appear to spin faster and slower, forward and back, their sizes and shapes warping out of your control, and your own physicality stretches and morphs as you rush to your mirror, remote at hand, in an attempt to remove the static. "Where did (YOU) go?," you wonder, as that remote suggests seeing clear/*clear* through your reflection.

Disoriented, you regain a moment or two to allow your defenses to find you.

"How can that be?," you ponder. "Where did it all go?  Where am I now?  Will I ever get back?  Do I ever wanna go back?  What IS 'back?' 'back?'"

Suddenly you feel a need to...Question everything!

They say "you can never go home again!"  It all seems like just yesterday until it becomes obvious it never really even/*even* had a tomorrow.

Nuclear Relative...ity?  Say what?!**

*Now* what?

*Realizing* Relationships/*Relationships*
Quantum entanglement begins in your very own family portrait. What may seem as though it only belongs in an advanced university classroom, at Cern, Nasa or in difficult Einstein texts is actually a very real and natural part of yourself that you were born with that unfortunately collective unconscious convention, aka world society's accepted mindset, distracted you away from when you were a young toddler. You are so much more than you believe yourself to be, and life itself, and everything going on within it, is completely *other than* what you have been influenced to believe. There is soooo much more going on, and the only way for you to see it, to realize it, to respect and appreciate its profound importance is to directly experience it consistently for yourself, and that requires that you transcend the reasoning, logic and misguided advocacy of conventional interpretation.

* These teases are intentional physics hints and clues.
** Albert Einstein coming to mind?

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XIV

(Let's review, so far...)

"Seems like an awful waste of space!"... a line in the Carl Sagan movie "Contact," which I'm referencing because while I believe it's important to keep everything in as much everyday language as possible, I also hope to help you discover references to higher Universal Truth already closely flowing all around you in your everyday world/environment, and you'd be surprised just how much there is. It may not be taken to the levels taken here, but there is acknowledgment of higher (than-convention-can-handle) reality that has *quietly* made its way into some of the most important and iconic movies, books and music, such as The Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, The NeverEnding Story, The Shoes of the Fisherman, Kundun, Seven Years in Tibet, Contact, Knowing, Colors of the Wind, Total Eclipse of the Heart, Gypsy, When You Wish Upon a Star, etc..  Disney, for instance, has been particularly Consciously mindful in many of its works.  I find it very helpful to folks that I provide them supporting references in their everyday lives because it helps them to find the confidence, trust, curiosity and intrigue to explore further.

That "awful waste of space" mentioned above, which "old boy school" science tends to think, often quite adamantly, of feelings, religion, philosophy, psychology, personal reflection, etc., particularly at any daring suggestion that they be included in modern scientific method, is precisely where the highest Universal Answers have been not-so-hiding all along. "Feelings? What are they good for? Absolutely nothing!" starts bringing to mind "War!" And as long as collective unconscious convention and its scientists/emulated authorities persist in irresponsibly trying to TELL the Universe what it "has to be" instead of having the courage and more highly evolved mindfulness to ASK, those wars within will always be manifesting all those wars without.

Well, they got the nothing part right, and correct, too, to balance out a favorite of modern science here that also goes unrealized, Occam's Razor, which suggests that the simplest explanation tends to be the right one. It's that too/two part that they have yet to learn to recognize. There will never be a true Unified Theory while scientists/others try to simply observe it all from a "third party" detached, disjointed audience-like stance. The Universe is not a vast, mysterious, never-to-be-known convenient backdrop/scenery to a detached, disjointed, segregated, every person/sentient being for himself/herself situation as if we are somehow individualistically, magically plopped down into it all to subjectively and selfishly control and dominate and shirk any cohesive responsibility.

We are fully, 100% integrated entities within the Universal dynamic, synergistically and simultaneously (simultaneity being relative) SHARING its physics/our physics, such that the exact same Energy/Empathy/Translucence flowing through all sentient (experiencing) beings, all "objects"/physicalities/timeXspace relative/temporary signatures/places to be, all events/happenings, the weather and other phenomena of Nature, including earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, tragedies/catastrophic devastations, terror, war, crime, domestic situations, all Everything, Everywhere, microscope to Cosmos and everything in between, is flowing through us, moving and motivating every breath we take, every move we make. Hence, the more fluently and fluidly superConscious we are, the more Universally, multidimensionally *realized,* and the more highly evolved *accesses* we the NonLinear Now.

With higher Consciousness/Awakening/Enlightenment, the True Universal Process reveals a very different scenario going on than the narrow, one-sided (linear) cerebral neglect illusion that more than 99% of the entire world's population has bought into.

Linear convention's invention of the clock has inadvertently taught billions of minds not to turn around to reflect upon themselves/it all, and the more folks continue to project, the more "The Something"/Existence/Life expands to accommodate all those manifested projections, as Answers are repelled further and further away, as the Living, Breathing, Pulsating, Highly Interactive Universe** plays chess with us until we stop, reflect, and confront the reality that there is no past>present>future, that everything is simply *Now,* and higher and lower dimensions/*accesses* of now/Now, and that the Truth about "time and space" is completely *other than* what collective unconscious convention is perceiving.

Therefore, there is no actual "future"/centuries to wait through for legitimate Answers, bringing to light that the only true obstacle between now and "centuries from now" is...level of Awareness. A ...*change*...d mind. Change it *Now!*

Everything is *Now,* and higher and lower dimensions/*accesses* of Now, so the true objective can be realized here as scientists' (and others') need to *do the work* required by the Universe itself to position/rebalance/realign themselves to directly experience (wear) that Truth and those *accesses* for themselves.

Quantum physics, timeXspace relativity, etc. may be "new" to modern science, but their realization and recognition have been around for thousands of years, consistently documented.  Such ancient texts thousands of years old, taught in universities all around the world, include Tao Te Ching (The Way Things Work, a pendulum-like balancing challenge in 81 segments), I Ching (Book of Changes, Nonlinear math-based interactive guide *still* as relevant today as 3000 years ago), Bhagavad Gita (beautiful Hindu story of warriorXchariot driver each becoming the other, with Conscious recognition), Nag Hammadi Library's Gospel of Thomas, dating back to 60AD and earlier, 114 Sayings of Jesus, recorded by Judas Thomas the Twin, none of which could even have consistently been expressed without thorough recognition of Nonlinear physics and timeXspace relativity, etc.  Others include Sanskrit Vedas (Wisdoms), Patanjali Sutras, Upanishads, Mahabharata... and many more, and of course The Buddha, a regular man like any other, "buddha" being Sanskrit for *realizer* of Universal Truth, 2500 years old.  The Dalai Lama consistently corrects scientists and others he meets with all around the world to help them realize that other noted Buddhist scholars realized quantum physics and relativity over 2000 years ago. Yet modern scientists presenting their best insist it's all "new." It is only new to them!

Modern science is science deeply founded upon and rooted in collective unconscious convention, its scientists not actually, reflectively, living their everyday lives in mindful relative time, relative space, mindful/realized quantum entanglement, a thorough grasp of multidimensionality, language physics, Structural Translucence or Universal Empathy. Mention "reflection" and they laugh as they demonstrate doing something and "proving" their "See! Nothing happened!" stance when no immediate manifestation magically appears. But what they are missing is that even *simultaneity is relative!* The Universal Fabric/Tapestry is alive!

None of this is conjecture.  It all proves itself so beautifully and consistently, via Nuclear Relativity, because it does so using the direct confrontation with your own truthfulness with yourself to prove itself.  We are all born with the entire Library of Universal Truths in our mirrors, but most folks live out their entire lives having never Awakened to what is truly going on, and what they, themselves, were profoundly capable of. *Realizers* often say, "I can't imagine going through life NOT knowing!"

Bottom line is that everything in the Universe, microscope to Cosmos and everything in between, has no choice but to be filtered through and processed via the human mind of the explorer. What good is it, otherwise? Why bother, right? So why are modern scientists assuming they exclusively know so much, and that their scientific method is so accurate and powerful, when they haven't even/*even* put forth an effort to first learn how their own minds work, what Consciousness is, and why *balance* and Awakening are so important to everything else they do? Relative to human search for Answers, there's no other way to go, so why not first bother to discover how that searching MIND works, how mind processes? How the processor of their searching processes?

The most carefully controlled, most rigid scientific experiment/investigation can only be as good as the MINDS perceiving its outcome, yet modern scientists neglect that ultimate filter, damaging, oppressing, hindering important Universal Answers that are right there, fully present throughout, going unrecognized.  For instance, a huge frustration for me in watching serious science documentaries is that the scientists in them have no idea that they are actually providing the very Answers they are insisting won't be discoverable "for centuries," as they talk!  They are not Conscious enough to hear themselves multidimensionally, mathematically, Nonlinearly!  They are not *processing* their own work from a place of higher Consciousness!

With superconscious recognition of what Time and Space really are, how relativity actually works, how quantum entanglement works, why feelings, philosophy, world religions, psychology, language, etc., are so important to modern scientific method and investigation, how and where there is Structure in Translucence, Emptiness, Energy-Empathy...Oneness and Stillness, those scientists would clearly hear what they are so seriously missing.

There is some semblance of hope, though, because increasingly scientists are traveling the world to meet with HH the Dalai Lama to discuss how Buddhist science and conventional science could possibly compare notes and help to enlighten each other, but consistently such scientists are showing up with their carefully architectured presentations bearing attitudes of priority and advancement, and pride in sharing what they assume is "new" to the world at large, while the Dalai Lama (Buddhism deeply rooted in physics) compassionately challenges them to awaken to the reality that modern science is not the first to is the last to know!

Why Nuclear Relativity?
Until you fully *grasp* the nature of MIND in general, and your own mind in particular, everything else will just simply seem a matter of subjective opinion and guesswork.  To discover the actual Universal Truth/Reality, withinXwithout, you need to relinquish conventional notions and defenses to position yourself to see it, via pure unobstructed observation and direct experience. Despite appearances, convention is not the "be all, end all," but rather a collective unconscious world mindset that has inadvertently *suspended* itself in a timeXspace signature (place in the grand scheme of things) that has (b)locked out its own ability to position itself to even/*even* attain the necessary higher *accesses* required to realize and process the True Dynamic.

Conventional rules, regulations, reasoning and logic only permit certain levels of feelings and thinking that redirect and distract you from your inherent ability to feel feelings unconscionably deeper than you ever imagined exist, and to *access* levels of intelligence you likely don't even know are humanly possible.  There are highly profound, extraordinarily intriguing revelations deeply embedded in your Nuclear Family physics, "relatives" that actually superimpose the very same relativities that Albert Einstein was waking up to.  They truly are one and the same. "Buried within the message itself is the KEY to decoding it!" When you do your Nuclear Family work, you are challenged into depths of yourself that convention rarely dares to go, and it is within those depths and their experiences within yourself that you begin to directly transcend all notions of time and space as collective unconscious convention mistakenly assumes exist, recognize the reality of language physics, multidimensionality/multiple dimensions, mathematical patterning, presence and ...Structure... in Translucence and Emptiness, Energy and Empathy (synergy, quantum entanglement) at the Universal level, none of which are *accessible* from a detached, disjointed, third party lack of direct commitment and responsibility.

It is truly a journey of one/*One,* the Universe's idea, not mine, and it is because you are the one who projected yourself into unconsciousness/distraction, lost in all the *stories you've told yourself*/tangled webs you've woven throughout your life, so you are the ONLY one who can UNproject and own all that, to rebalance yourself, each wormhole propelled step of the way, to directly experience the nature of Nature inherent within yourself and the Universe overall.

Nuclear Family Relatives deep within yourself superimpose everything going on everywhere without yourself, in actual provable physics, and once you are fully committed, no longer escaping that reality, all sorts of profound revelations/higher dynamics/*aha!*s increasingly reveal themselves to you, as balance and truthfulness within yourself propel/inch you through one wormhole after another, each successful confrontation becoming the foundation for every next challenge, as the Universe opens up and reveals itself to you, multiplying exponentially in your very own mirror, advancing you to the Universal Core.

Among those profound revelations: Direct confrontation, profound realization and application of the Truth about Time and Space, their fluid plasticity, and non-existence! Fluency in multidimensional, mathematical language/mind. Structure in Translucence and Emptiness. The Living, Breathing, Pulsating, highly interactive NonLinear Universal Presence.  The inescapable Oneness and Synergy of it all.  The congealing of imminent events (including natural and human-initiated catastrophes) long before they reach surface manifestation. The Living Fabric/Tapestry actually weaving itself, in action!  Recognition that the Cosmos's Answers are staring back at you in your mirror, reflectively!  And so much more...

The *Now* The Nothing, the Core, the Big Bang, the Beginning, the End.


** Any wonder so many folks anthropomorphize it and give it a Name?