Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Scientific Buddha & The Physics of Philosophy

This blog set began with an exceptionally eclectic, every-day background of an empty chair, in an empty house, which I loved because it felt so inviting, and, I hoped...non-threatening.  Then, a couple weeks into it, the formatting disappeared overnight.  It was a lot of work reformatting everything, and the empty chair, empty house background that felt so right was, at least then, no longer available. 

I stumbled upon the beautiful buddha background, and decided it would create at least a temporary *atmosphere* relative to my writing, and so I went with it for the primary Consciousness blog and its accompanying Workbook. (I'd written there that I am Universally Eclectic, that these blogs are not Buddhist, and that I *realizingly* perceive the buddha completely other than Buddhist-specific, which I will explain below.) Then, I created this "...for Scientists" blog, here, as part of the blog set, and chose a non-threatening-to-scientists space-to-earth background for it, but I was never happy with it myself.  After all, why bother helping scientists realize "how science, religion, spirit and love" become *One* at the *Universal Core,* if I'm going to assist them in segregating and isolating themselves from that *Core!*  I changed the "...for Scientists" blog background to the buddha image, and have wondered, ever since, just how many folks follow a url/topic, via Twitter or elsewhere, to this blog, only to quickly run away at the sight of that potentially threatening buddha!  o.O

"When they're ready, they're ready," I reminded myself.  If you've gotten this far, reading this "...for Scientists" superConsciousness blog, this post, then... you're *ready!* :)

No science student should ever be permitted to graduate from a college or university without at least a respectful, appreciative, required curriculum in basic philosophy and world religion, primarily for the purpose of learning what they are REALLY all about, in the real world, and not to be afraid of them, or to perceive them as "less than."  Time wasted, monies spent, otherwise, on an imbalanced direction that persists in TELLING the Universe what it 'has to' be, from the get-go (rigid, linear, AFTERmath), as opposed to learning "how to" ASK the Universe what it actually IS,  takes a humongous toll on humanity, overall, otherwise!   Unconscious scientists profoundly influence unconscious political and emergency services authorities, among others, as I've pointed out in other blog posts. The naïve comments and mistaken notions scientists persist upon, so often repeated by those who perceive their work as sanitized investigation, and themselves as 'above' all that "soft science" stuff, unwittingly destroy their own Answers out from under themselves, and in the case of those entrusted with the lives of millions of people, that's just not good enough!  There's no excuse!  Scientists have to put in the extra effort to approach their work selflessly.

Invertedly, of course, philosophy and religion students need to be respectfully and appreciatively exposed to science as required curriculum.  Enormous advances could be made if students of religion, in particular, were eclectically exposed to religions all around the world, along with science students, because after many are studied, it begins to become obvious that the *higher* question to ask becomes:

What is everybody REALLY doing? 

This would include scientists!!

If ever there was a *gateway* movement, or threshold to cross, toward Universal Consciousness/Enlightenment, one's evolving enough to at least begin to seriously ask that question would be it!  Suddenly walls begin to crumble, formulas start to fly out of campus windows!  There's something ELSE going on, beyond conventional understanding, that changes everything...for scientists as well as religionists!

Religion, in other words, is secondary to the primary dynamic taking place, as would likewise be science, and when folks begin to *realize* that primary dynamic, EVERYTHING begins to change, as *higher realizations* rush forth to provide Answers to questions almost before they are asked!  What do they all share in common?  People are all looking for the Truth, of themselves, of the Universe, of *Reality!* I mentioned only students of religion in that, because students of philosophy do tend to be exposed to various world religions, far moreso than, say, students of a particular religious focus, and are inescapably exposed to suggestions of mathematical patterning in those Answers, and therefore are far more likely to comfortably then..."question everything!"   Adding to that would be the relativity of each religion to have become *realized* already on its own (as I've suggested elsewhere to line up all religions along the 'yellow brick road' to truth, from least Universally *realized* to most!).  Which brings us back to...

"Buddha" is a Sanskrit word that simply refers to someone who is...Awake, Aware, Enlightened, Universally (NonLinearly) *realized.*  That's all!   It doesn't have to be applied to any particular religion or person to exist as such in its own right!  It is just a word, but one/*One* that says so much...

The "Buddha" that cultures have established meaningful religious life around is NOT some mystical, magical, invented, make-believe "God" of sorts, as many assume, but simply a regular man like any other, a simple, everyday person such as yourself, who just so happened to "figure it all out!"  That's all!  Nothing more!  His name was Siddhartha Gautama, and while he was born a prince over 2500 years ago, he grew to require more of himself than segregation from regular folks and their plight in life, and so he joined them to explore life from a more *balanced* perspective.  After years of self-and-other exploration, he *evolved* into becoming Universally *realized,* and set out to share what he had learned.  That's all there is to it!  Folks who respected his teachings enough to devote their lives aspiring to share in his *realizations* created then, and have maintained to this day, a following and meaningful lifestyle that many label as "Buddhism," although clearly, as with the extraordinary popularity of the (comes with the territory) highly eclectic Dalai Lama, that label isn't necessary to the task.

Siddhartha Gautama was not the only *One!*

All throughout human history, sages and other "solitary realizers" have *balanced* themselves into Universal Truth, but most have met the fate, or kept themselves protected from meeting the fate, put forth by politicized religious zealots who, in all their insecurity, have brought forth laws of blasphemy and heresy and the like, to demand no one ever dare question their chosen-for-others life direction.  These political and religious leaders were too personally insecure to risk folks' evolving beyond those perceptions, and so anyone overtly daring to question such narrow authority were quickly severely punished, imprisoned, and/or put to death!  Famous artists, for instance, whose tedious work on minutia eventually led them to *higher realizations* through countless hours of artistic contemplation, were forced to express their *more highly evolved* awakenings *quietly* by hiding them in their work for future recognition and resolution.

The historical Jesus, when approached from an Enlightened perspective, was perhaps the most famous of those whose less than covert *realizations* got them sentenced to death for being Conscious and trying to awaken others! 

In the 1940s, ancient books dating back to around 300 AD, were found in Nag Hammadi, Egypt.  These books, now called "The Nag Hammadi Library," represent the many additional "gospels" (simply, accounts) that were conveniently left out of the Bible when Constantine chose to politicize Christianity for his own purposes, leading to the banning of any and all gospels/accounts that would convince anyone otherwise.  These banned Gnostic (knowledge-based) texts were hidden, rather than destroyed, and can you just imagine what it must have felt like to have their cherished *higher realizations* actually rendered illegal, punishable by death, such that they weren't even allowed to have them in their possession?  All Gnostic writings aside, imagine what it felt like to not even/*even* be permitted to live in one's own *far more highly realized* reality!  I personally can totally identify with that, having been born directly into such extraordinary *realized accesses* that there was just no way I was ever going to be lost in the mistaken notions of convention.  As a result, I've found myself feeling like an alien, having landed on a planet of the lightyears lost!  It's excruciating, but never moreso than when I am detecting the approach of events that will take thousands, hundreds of thousands, of people's lives, and there's no way to communicate it to them, to protect them!  There's so much more going on in life than infantilized, external dependency.  We are NonLinear creatures with extraordinary accesses, in a NonLinear world, but most have forgotten how to *remember* that!  Always reminds me of one of those little animated icons of *whack-whack!*

The Nag Hammadi Library, meaning those Gnostic texts found in Nag Hammadi, Egypt in the 1940s, include "The Gospel of Thomas," which dates back to Jesus's time (believed 60 AD and earlier).  This "Gospel of Thomas" is made up of a list of "The Sayings of Jesus," and nothing more (no additional commentary),  and if one reads those sayings from a place of Enlightenment, they consistently suggest that the person attempting to share them with the poorest of the poor, to free and empower them, (meaning Jesus himself), was indeed Universally Conscious, which inescapably includes an advanced understanding of NonLinear Physics, which is rather interesting, given how advanced science today assumes itself, relative to 2000 years ago!  But much of what is being spoken in those "Sayings of Jesus" could not even/*even* be mathematically *realized* without those *higher* Universal Physics acknowledgments!  If for no other reason, scientists today should be incredibly intrigued by what was being ac-*knowledge*-d in Jesus' time!  But, keep in mind that the 2500+ year old Siddhartha Gautama/Buddha was also NonLinearly *Realized,* 500 years before Jesus came along, and many sages before him!

*Now* what does that suggest about "modern" science/physics today?  When with Enlightenment comes NonLinear Cognition, and with *highly realized* sages throughout the ages (over thousands of years) able to detect imminent earthquakes and other disasters months or more in advance (inescapably, because it comes with the territory of Universal Physics Enlightenment), and given those *accesses,* many, many more, multiplying exponentially, modern science, with its adamant determination not to be caught dead going near the "soft sciences," has obviously gotten itself distracted and detached somewhere along the way. And that is precisely why modern science is running into its dreaded nemesis: Philosophy!

In those historic times, perhaps the conventionally-determined political leaders oppressed the incredible *accesses* of the more highly evolved Enlightened, threatened by science as well, but where is the oppression coming from today?

Interesting, isn't it, that because Linearity inescapably leads to something / Something...More, it seems science itself has been the epitome of all things philosophical all along!  Any declaration of (unproven) "rigidity" in its very first breath reveals modern science to have unwittingly and inadvertently founded itself! =0

The Universe is... *Translucent,* which can so easily be fluently Empathically *experienced* at its *Core* with superConsciousness / Enlightenment, and the only way for scientists to fluently Awaken themselves to that *reality* is to approach their work from a NonLinear, *reflective* stance, which then provides that Unifying *Access* to, and *Pure (Unobstructed) Observation* of, the physics of...   

...The (*Empty*) Nothing. 

Quantum Mechanics, Echolocation & Synchronicity

It is only through the mind of the conventionally unconscious that one would perceive "quantum entanglement" as the 'single freakiest thing' to come out of quantum mechanics.  

In addition to the mistaken notion of linear past>present>future, making that "future" inaccessible and "impossible" in the minds of the unconscious, convention and most of its "scientists" still actually believe that each of us, and pretty much everything else in life, such as events being "random," are somehow magically plopped down into the world, completely "other than" everyone and everything else!  But there is no "probability" about any of it!  It is only one's inability to *process* the complexity of it all that causes that distraction/perception of probability!  Approaching life from a linear perception, as I've explained, means forever repelling the Answers from yourself as you go!  No wonder it would appear to be a system of "probabilities!"  It's simply a reflection of the chaos in one's own mirror!

The NonLinear Universe is what it is, and it's determined/*determined* to stay that way/Way!  This is a perfect example of what happens when conventional, linear scientists approach their work from a place of unconsciousness! As I've said elsewhere in this blog, just as anyone with superConsciousness/Enlightenment can see through everyone else, clear to their *Core,* because all life shares the same physics at the *Core,* likewise everything else, including events, can also be *realized* for their own nonlinear physics, as well.

Einstein's "spooky action AT A DISTANCE" best describes the distance between the collective unconscious convention's observations of itself and its awakening.

How on earth, or in the Universe, could changing one particle or wave directly influence another?

Everything in the entire Universe does that!

Everything in the Universe is all ~ connected ~ at the SHARED *Core!* Particles and/or waves are not immune to that *reality!*

Even if you never, ever met your mother/father/sister/brother and they lived on the other side of the world from you, your behavior, including basic (seemingly) unexpressed thoughts or feelings, directly influences their own, inescapably, and likewise theirs to yours!

Let's bring it into a *place* more easily seen.

Block a dolphin's vision from sign language presented to the other of a pair, giving that receiver complex sentences of tasks to perform, and then release them both, and off they go to immediately and simultaneously perform those tasks!

Catch a talk show in the evening/*evening,* and discover yourself jolted out of one dimension and into another when a comedian suddenly switches up a simple word on you that immediately changes everything you thought you were experiencing!

Suddenly, "out of no where," have a powerful sense that someone from your past is going to come into your life, and...whoa! There they appear!

Echolocation, analogies and metaphors, synchronicity... There's a reason these things have a reality within *reality!*

The Nothing ~ IS ~ The *Now*

The Universe uses a persistent system of nonlinear mathematics to protect the relative simultaneity integrity of its exploding X imploding (living, breathing, pulsating) Stasis/*Now.*  Hard to catch a *Now* when it's The Nothing that establishes that *Now!*  If that Stasis it is protecting is 9 and you go 6, it is going to *behave* 3, if something acts on 5, it responds in kind with 4, and so on... While math like this when taken to a far more complex level seems "impossible" to most folks, the Universe itself doesn't miss a trick and can never be fooled.

Move any one, move every one!

Everybody/everything/every event/every happening SHARES the same physics at the Universal *Core!*  The origin of shared communication, therefore, is inherent to Existence itself!

My use of *these* are intended as "wormhole opportunities," as I like to call them, to help you *realize* a far more *highly evolved* manner of processing, as I slip you suddenly out of one dimension and into another. (It is actually more accurate to say "out of one set of dimensions and into another set," but that's too complex for most to process that way, in the moment.)  Dimensions, as with wormholes and fabric-bending, are not objects.  They are *realized accesses!*

The more Enlightened you become, the more you travel through a wormhole, for real, which is actually observable, because it's all about *access,* and the MORE you allow yourself that *access,* or Awakening, the more your *realizations* multiply exponentially. Unless particles or waves have drifted into conventional distraction, they *know* exactly how to communicate and behave at and through the *Core.*  If they are sharing a math event, and one of them *behaves* 6, the other is going to behave 3!  It's just the nonlinear Universe protecting its nonlinearity persistently, that's all!  Everything and everybody is mathematical, nonlinearly, and interacting, intercommunicating, with the same "9" stasis (that gets waaaay more complex than that, but remains consistent and detectable nonetheless!), as the Universe overall!  In other words, when you are Conscious of the nonlinear mathematics involved, and aware of your own status with it, you can then reflectively detect the math status of whatever it is that you are trying to find!  If two events are going to happen together, for instance, you can detect the math that reveals that there will be two events happening together!

The only "supercomputer" needed to *grasp* just how it is that two particles or waves are able to communicate status with each other is...a Conscious brain!

Until then, it's all gonna look like "spooky action at a distance."  Your Answers are always going to be "at a distance" because you are linearly and inadvertently repelling them from yourself as you go!

Enlightenment, *Universal Empathy,* removes/*removes* that distance! ;)

Quantum Entanglement: "Spooky Action" to the Linear Unconscious

Einstein's "spooky action" of quantum entanglement is no where near as "spooky" as it may appear!  In fact, to one/One with nonlinear superConsciousness, there is no mystery whatsoever!

Everything, everybody, everywhere, from rocks to trees to mountains to rivers to sediment, to volcanoes to earthquakes to tsunamis, to human-initiated objects to people to the weather/whether, to horrific events on the evening news, and every subatomic particle, wave or whathaveyou, is SHARING the exact same physics at the Universal *Core!*  There is no escaping this *higher reality!*

That "spooky action" isn't spooky, after all!  It is very simply...Empathy! 

Universally SHARED Empathy!

The reason the concepts of quantum entanglement, empathy, telepathy, esp, precognition, "remote viewing," etc., all seem so "spooky," and, to many scientists and others influenced by them, downright ridiculous, is because those folks are mistakenly perceiving life as linear (past>present>future), which sets up all sorts of "impossible" scenarios, in their minds, when in the REAL *reality,* those scenarios, aka accesses, are sitting right there, immediately available, just waiting for someone to notice!  Those same minds are also unconsciously perceiving everything and everybody as somehow magically plopped down into the world, completely other than everything and everyone around them!  That is conventional unconsciousness at its finest!  Everybody, everything, every event, action, happening, experience, everything in existence, including the weather/whether, is all connected at the Universal *Core.*  Move any one, move every one!

It is essential that scientists learn to separate, though, in their minds, what unconscious convention has done with its notion of linear precognition FROM the reality of NonLinear Cognition!   The consequences, otherwise, are horrific, as repeatedly seen when scientists, and the political and emergency services folks they've wrongfully used misplaced authority to convince, rush forward to "scientifically" claim is "impossible to predict earthquakes," etc... That is unconscious linearity talking, and it is irresponsibly costing thousands of people their lives, hundreds of thousands in the 2004 Indonesian tsunami situation!

If you've done any of the *work* provided for you in the *Clear Path* to Universal superConsciousness blog accompanying this version ("...for Scientists," meant to be an extension, not an exclusive detachment in any manner),  particularly the *work* toward the nonlinear processing of the *withinXwithout* superimpositions of ultimate innermostXoutermost physics, including the *God Particle* and *Goddess Particle*  superimpositions and polar shifts, you can begin to actually *experience* the "quantum entanglement" of your own reflective reality.  While those are incredibly profound, there are plenty more to be *realized* as an inescapable truth of your very own inherent physics.  Master thousands upon thousands of those superimpositions and parallels, and it becomes inescapably *clear* just how determined/*determined* the Universe really is in its revealing itself to you!  If you don't *get it,* IT gets you, until you do!  When you do *get it,* and you fluently master the *reality* of Universal multidimensionality and nonlinearity, along with its superimpositions and parallels, that is when those "downright ridiculous" and "impossible" concepts mentioned above take on a whole 'nother respect altogether!

All throughout human existence, there has been the profound, inescapable Universal Truth, and a very distracted, uneducated, culturally-blinded world of people trying to make sense of it, evolving into comfort zones of fabrications and belief systems they establish their lives around, and the more established they become, the more vested their interests in maintaining those belief systems become, until it is nearly impossible for them to untangle those tangled webs they've mistakenly and inadvertently woven themselves into.  Questioning those long-established vested interests is experienced by them as a serious threat, because, after all, should they be wrong, their entire lives would seem like a lie, and so they hold onto those tangled webs because the alternative feels like severe loss, even death!  Mixed in with all those tangles are the social factors involved in collective unconscious reasoning, and this is where concepts such as precognition, remote viewing, telepathy, etc., take on only what that collective unconscious conventional reasoning has been able to process!  For instance, if you buy into the linear notion of ONLY past>present>future, it is easy to see how one would "reason" that that past is no longer accessible, "because it's gone forever," and that that future is as yet inaccessible, "because it hasn't happened yet," and with enough of those mistakened notions floating around, and social influences making a mockery of such related things as precognition, telepathy, etc., rendering them "impossible," well, it's easy to see how linear science would also have bought into all that, as well!  But the living, breathing, pulsating Universe proves just how wrong that linear stance would be!

The Universal Reality of Telepathy
I've already mentioned, and even specifically posted about, the need for folks, including and especially scientists (and political and emergency services personnel) entrusted in positions to save enormities of people's lives, to wake up to a very clear distinction between the conventionally-perceived magical thinking of "precognition" vs the very real Universal physics reality of NonLinear Cognition!   "Precognition" is one of those words, as with countless others, that has been soooo misused and abused that any hope of its retaining a sense of reality "in the real world" has been lost to its social reputation, so any further use of it, particularly as a teaching tool, is only likely to be lost as well.  That "real world" it has been lost to is the world of unconscious convention!  The reality and practical applications of NonLinear Truth are far too important to be conflicted with all that mess, especially in terms of saving people's lives, so let's move on to the, as yet undamaged, concept of NonLinear Cognition, and we'll focus, here, on the reality of *telepathy!*

I have actually experienced telepathy, and that experience was so incredibly profound, in addition to a timeXspace signature redefinition, that it is certainly unforgettable.  In fact, much of what I do, given my nonlinear, mathematical, multidimensional superConsciousness, is closely related to "telepathy!"

Years ago, I had an extended acquaintance with someone who, like myself, however rare, was fluent in nonlinear superConsciousness, including nonlinear mathematical superConsciousness, which essentially means that the *patterns in the chaos,* which seem so permanently chaotic to the unconscious collective convention, and so lost to "probability" to unconscious, linear scientists, were just as fluently ordered and organized, aka Universally *realized,* for that acquaintance, as with myself!  As a result, nearly every interaction was like endlessly falling through wormholes with a simple momentary gaze!  It was such an extraordinary experience!  It was like, by simply observing each others' eyes, every split-second balanced itself out and kept on going, as if falling through space and time!  It was like standing on a beach, gazing out across thousands of miles of ocean, *experiencing* it calling to you with the same anticipation of a future as with the *remembrance* of a past, suspending you into the depth of forever *Now,* into layers upon layers of multidimensionality.  It was like a roller coaster whose every hill and valley were leveling themselves fluidly, instantaneously, every step of the way!  And it all happened so quickly that time and space themselves appeared to disappear!  Nonlinearly mathematical from birth, Consciously, I've been to the Universal *Core* repeatedly, where all physicality disappears, all everything disappears, even/*even* mind, and there truly are "No words! No words!  ...Poetry!" as Contact's Ellie expresses.  All that energy out there floating around you?  It's made up of all the "minds" of all those who (and that) came before you, and after you, all dissolved into *One!*  It's like visiting *The Nothing!* (Emptiness of all projection, not meant as conventional "nothing!")  It's next to "impossible" to explain!  You have to go there yourself to directly experience it!  There truly are "no words" sufficient enough to explain it (though dark energy and dark matter can be understood from it)!  But to experience that *non-experience* of being so much a part of that Universal *energy* and *empathy* that there is nothing/Nothing more is the most profound *experience*/*non-experience* of all/Awe!

Telepathy is shared empathy, and the more similarly fluent each entity is with the nonlinear physics of Universal Truth, the more profound that shared empathy!  Likewise, within convention, the more similar or close any two entities are in their functioning and/or shared experience, such as twins, for instance, the more each others' immediate-most experiences, at least, can be empathically *realized.*

Albert Einstein, to someone with superConsciousness such as myself, can be realized as a fairly Universally Enlightened individual, which scientists of the "old boy school" always rush to quickly squash, insulted by any such suggestion, as if someone is daring to damage the reputation of a brilliant man who, in their minds, wouldn't have anything whatsoever to do with "soft science" or "mysticism!"  But that is only their linear misinterpretation of life talking, because there is no such thing as "soft science" or "mysticism!"  The Universe is what it is, and everything else is distraction and/or escape!  Much of Einstein's words and expressions refer to, and were born from, his Universal Enlightenment!  Conscious, enlightened folks can clearly hear and recognize his multidimensionality in his words! In fact, what makes brilliant scientists so brilliant, as I've mentioned in another post, is precisely their ability to Consciously reflect, and then to reflect that reflection upon their work, multidimensionally!  Therefore, I would suggest that Einstein's use of the "spooky action" terminology was more an intentional effort to communicate with distracted scientists than any such distraction from himself!  The only thing that messed Einstein up was his era's need to have everything presented to them in linear AFTERmath!... the very math Einstein couldn't do!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fundamentalist Dogmatism of Linear Science & Seismology - A *Must Read* for EVERY Scientist!

Critical earthquake, tsunami (and various other disasters) nonlinear prediction physics here!  Please read!  I'm being very assertive in this post after once again seeing the horrors of totally unnecessary trauma and loss of life to so many people, caused by unconscious scientists and the equally unconscious convention they are entrusted to protect!  I am trying so hard to SAVE PEOPLE'S LIVES!!!!  Please selflessly read this entire post!  As long as all those beautiful souls trapped under those buildings, lost to unnecessary tragedies, etc., can't scream for themselves, I'll scream FOR them, and for all those who will be next!  Could well be someone YOU love!

Rigid, narrow-minded, gadget-driven investigation is to conventional scientists as dogmatic deity worship is to fundamentalists! There is absolutely NO difference whatsoever! Universal Answers are all around you, everywhere you go, SCREAMING  at you to hear them, and you blatantly refuse to listen, because you cannot "reason" yourself out of linear convention!

What's also behind that is your sense of yourself, your career, your worry about reputation and tenure, the fear of daring to be seen thinking out of the "old boy school" box that has defined you and your field of study.  But it is not about you when you have been entrusted to save enormities of people's lives throughout the world!

What makes a brilliant scientist brilliant is his or her *realized, far more highly evolved  Consciousness* and guts to precisely step out of that conventional box!  Otherwise, they'd just be joining the ranks of the linear dominoes lining up with everyone else to be knocked down as the ripples come rushing through!  It takes courage, and selfLESSness!  It takes caring far more about genuine Answers than about prestige, reputation or "fitting in!"  Who wants to be a "team player" when it's a losing team again and again?!?!  Thousands die, and didn't have to!

Having once again just watched earthquake documentaries on television, in which scientists reveal just how lost in linear convention and its sleeping, misguided "reason-ing" they really are, I must is soooo painful, excruciating, when the Answers capable of saving millions, billions of people's lives, are right there, screaming at you to hear them, and you persist in keeping yourselves oblivious to them!  Geologists say that "one day someone will come along who will finally have 'the holy grail' of earthquake prediction!"  Would you even/*even know* how to recognize that person when they did?  

I am SCREAMING the Answers to you!!!!  

What's it gonna take?  With success being preparation to meet that opportunity...

Will you even bother to prepare yourself to recognize that person/"holy grail" Answer...when it does come to you?!
I can even/*even* teach YOU to BE that person with the "holy grail" Answer to earthquake/tsunami, etc., prediction!  Will you *go there?*

You say you have no clue about the physics of animals' sensitivity in their early detection of earthquakes, but that's only because you have no clue about your own inherent natural physics and instincts!  What kind of "rigid" science is it, when you don't bother to study the physics of the *perceiver* of your own work...your own brain and mind?  THAT is where your Answers are going to be discovered, and they are waiting there in your very own mirrors, but somehow "rigid science" very conveniently completely overlooks that cherished and hard-fought rigidity when it comes to its own adherents!

When you clearly don't *know* what you're doing, then you need to be quiet, stop resisting that reality, and listen to someone who does!  When I see all those precious souls crushed to death under those collapsed buildings from earthquakes, bodies floating in debris from tsunamis, folks' loved ones jumping 100 floors to their deaths to choose one nightmare over another, or millions dying from diseases that practically throw their cures in the faces of medical researchers who look away, it just breaks my heart, and infuriates me that I was born with such an extraordinary, beautiful gift, onto a planet full of people who perceive themselves *unworthy!*

It is soooo tremendously frustrating that scientists refuse to wake up to Universal Truth, because we are not talking about playing with basic intrigue here.  On one of the documentaries repeatedly shown on earthquake prediction, the geologist constantly referenced his field work like it was some kind of fun game to him, treating only the fact that earthquakes kill people and destroy cities like an inconvenient side effect of his play! How disjointed and distracted can one get?!  Don't lose sight of the real world reality that we are talking about saving people's lives by the millions, billions over time! time!!

You "reason" that predicting earthquakes months in advance would be useless anyway, because you still wouldn't know exactly when or where they were going to happen, etc., so it's better to just give people a few seconds to step out of an elevator or whatever?  That type of reasoning shows just how naïve you really are to Universal NONLinear *processing!*

Not one iota "psychic," having nothing whatsoever to do with any of that conventional magic or "mystic" malarky, I have, with my nonlinear, mathematical superConsciousness, detected in the physics actual names (of people, places, equipment, etc!), dates, times, seen the faces of those actually involved, detected the intensity of the situations, the numbers of people who will be killed!  That plane that went down in Pennsylvania was *known* months in advance! Trust me...  It was no accident!  The Nonlinear Universe already *knew!*  Everything is happening on a much grander level than most mere humans understand!  With Nonlinear superconsciousness, YOU, too, can *process* on that extraordinary Universal level of Translucent *ACCESS,* as well! The Indonesian tsunami in 2004?  I literally watched it happening repeatedly right before my very eyes, just like watching a giant translucent movie, all year long, all throughout 2004, even/*even* detecting and observing that it was going to be so massive it would effect multiple countries in its process!

Lost, aren't you?  Wondering how the heck could anyone possibly have a clue about any of that level of detail?  That is because you are trying to process what I am saying to you using only linear, unconscious, collective conventional "reason-ing" and expectation that traps you again and again into more unconscious collective convention!  Remember!  Conventional "reason-ing" is only in place to protect convention!

In the real world, "the future" is neither what nor where most people assume it is!  The unconscious collective convention has so locked itself into the mistaken notion of linear past>present>future processing that places "the future" totally out of reach, except to its likewise naive "psychic" mess of magical thinking and exploitation.  But the Universe, in REALity, is NONlinear, the circle with the dot *in the middle,* making "the future" right *NOW,* and higher and lower dimensions/ACCESSES of *Now!*

Just as "The Neverending Story" movie says...  

"You seem to be afraid to get on a *real* one!"

So, are you still devoted to your conventional, misguided, linear science, or are you ready to "get on a real one" and *realize* the Universe as NonLinear,   Translucent, and therefore processing itself on a HUMONGOUS timeXspace level/dimension/signature of *access* that only superConsciousness can empathically detect?

What on earth are you waiting for?

You are waiting for information about your earthquakes and tsunamis, etc., by passively waiting for linear (unconscious) life to piece the pixels together FOR YOU, to make the only kind of picture you have trapped yourself into being able to conventionally, linearly process...with only seconds to spare!   

With NonLinear superConsciousness, you go way beyond that, to massively extend your "parade view" to see those pixels long before that puzzle is pieced together for you!  Rather than studying the AFTERmath (aka "too/two late") science of "already put together blatant puzzles," how about studying the science of the pixels themselves?  Study the science of what causes them to even/*even* begin to congeal in the first place, of their congealing in action, of the approach and recognition of imminent manifestation long before it reaches that point?  You have it all sitting right there, available to you the moment you step out of your conventional expectations to say YES to Universal Translucent Truth!

The most important gadget needed in earthquake prediction is your very own mirror!  Geologists and seismologists, etc., don't need billions in monies to far more accurately predict earthquakes.  They need to step back from their (applause) to far more highly evolve themselves into the *reality* of NonLinear Now!

It is NOT about projecting onto the Universe what is going to happen way before it does!  It's about being superConscious enough to empathically *realize* what IS happening in the Universe via *Pure (Unobstructed) Observation!*

I should not have to be sitting here writing blogs begging scientists and others to WAKE UP!!!!  I should be holding profoundly important, massive life-saving symposiums around the world for geologists and other scientists, emergency event personnel, political officials, medical researchers, and others entrusted by the collective unconscious convention to save their lives by the thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, billions to come!  Instead, I'm told to shut up and go away, called a "quack" and worse!  But there are people out there who live every moment of their lives knowing fully well that I begged them repeatedly to listen to me in time to save soooo many people's lives, in incident after incident, and what they gave me was..."We don't employ that technology!"  (What 'technology?'  The TRUTH?!), and "I'm not interested in no numerology," and... the likewise arrogant "Hahahahahahahahahaha!" as I was laughed out of a major university physics department!  They and many others now have to live with the *reality* /Universal Truth event after event, they let thousands of people die, HUNDREDS of thousands of people die, because they *knew,* too!  And I *know* they did, because I'm the *One* who told them!

*Now*... I've told YOU!

Monday, October 1, 2012

NonLinear Cognition vs "Impossible" Precognition

The concept of "pre-cognition" has been so misused, abused, and soooo totally lost and exploited in conventional unconsciousness that the very REAL *reality* of NONLINEAR COGNITION has been rendered "impossible," far too complex and so instantly unduly paired with that mess that distracted scientists and conventional "authorities" can't find their way out of the tangled webs they've naively woven themselves into, and millions of folks are literally suffering the consequences of that entanglement, with billions more to come until they do!

Folks need the appropriate tools, direction and guidance to reawaken themselves, and society needs its scientists to get it right/*right,* and correct two/too, because when they don't *get it,* their relied-upon political leaders, law enforcement agencies and emergency personnel, etc., emulating them, ALSO don't *get it!*

Repeatedly, Enlightened Ones have nonlinearly detected the horrors of imminent natural and human-initiated disasters, in the most extraordinary and life-saving detail, but conventionally celebrated scientists, unable to hear or process nonlinear physics, have taught convention's "authorities" that "precognition is impossible," and the Enlightened Ones continue to be called "charlatans" and completely ignored.  

Exploitation by Conventional "Psychics"
The extremely unfortunate charade of conventionally-initiated "psychics/mediums/seers" who admittedly have no clue what they are really doing and believe no one capable of seeing through their exploitations of their equally unconscious followers has inadvertently guaranteed that the already lost and misguided scientists and conventional "authorities" would also not have a clue how to decipher / delineate genuine Enlightened Ones (fluent in measurable, teachable nonlinear physics) from the charlatans of conventional exploitation, and millions upon millions of folks continue to die unnecessarily, when the information needed to save their lives was right there all along!

"Precognition is impossible," the celebrated scientists taught those "authorities," a mantra repeated by the scientists/authorities in L'Aquila, Italy recently, of many others, in their efforts to shut up one of their own who had accurately predicted an imminent earthquake and was desperately trying to WARN.  "Earthquake prediction is impossible," they said, bringing out their equally unconscious law enforcement to quell that 'public nuisance.'  The earthquake manifested shortly thereafter and unnecessarily killed over 300 people, who would be alive today had anyone bothered to WAKE UP and *LISTEN!!*

Over a quarter of a million people died in the Indonesian/multi-country tsunami. Enlightened Ones watched it happening...for MANY MONTHS...all year long, prior to its December 26, 2004 manifestation.  And on and and on...'s getting worse.

"The earth is flat" and "time is locked into place" are still behind the unrelinquished ritualisms of convention, and its past > present > future misinterpretation, misguided as it is, borrows on that continued misguided "logic" that "no one can know the future," but when you ACCURATELY process the Universe NONlinearly, that "future" is neither what nor where it seemed to be!  It is simply a far more highly evolved *ACCESS,* and with millions of folks suffering the consequences of a sleeping society with its equally sleeping "scientists," let alone its unconscious political leaders, there's no excuse that those entrusted  to protect them are given so much power and authority, when they haven't even/*even* bothered to...

...*do the work* of Awakening!

The Science of War...*Within* X *Without*

When you unwittingly project your own personal power away from yourself, onto a *Higher Power*/Universal Omnipotent Entity with 'answers you can't possibly ever access,' not only do you destroy your own *Core balance,* which also destroys your own *higher accesses,* cheating yourself out of an enormity of *balanced life experiences* along with it, but you also inadvertently set yourself up for a lifetime of perceiving yourself as "less than."

When MILLIONS of people, BILLIONS of people, in every era, are buying into that same "less than" imbalance/misinterpretation of life, trying to restore that lost personal power/inherent *balance* at the expense of everyone around them, you get precisely the endless WARS, hating, hurting, bullying, killing, reflective natural disasters, radical weather/*whether,* etc. that have been going on all throughout human history.

Holocausts, apartheids, slavery, terrorism, atom bombs, nuclear threats... Those unconscious millions, billions of folks wonder when it will ever end, and conveniently blame their deities, instead of themselves, for the "wake up calls."

Is external dependency really worth all that horror?