Friday, December 29, 2017

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XIII

Holistic vs Third-Person Approach to Universal Answers:
... Are Western Scientists Falling Behind?

These NonLinear, Multidimensional, Nuclear Relativity (Universal) Physics are so accurate that just my focusing on them to write this blog has been getting me bombarded with the recognition, 100% through these very observable, measurable, teachable physics, of imminent devastating events harmonically congealing toward manifestation and the evening/*even*-ing news, including Vegas/Mandalay Bay, recent NYC incidents and the Washington state train derailment. Way too much information in a sleeping collective unconscious convention unable to process it, considering it worthless information.

So for now/Now I am going to *focus* on addressing the recent claim by Russian scientists, in their meetings in India with Tibet's Dalai Lama (who himself holds Tibetan Buddhist Geshe/PhD, equivalent in many ways to a doctorate in higher universal physics, Buddhism being founded upon physics) to be far ahead of western/American scientists in their recognition of the importance of Consciousness / Enlightenment to the advancement of modern science, which still linearly/backwardly persists in clinging to its primitive disdain of feelings, philosophy, religion...aka *reflection.*

These Russian scientists of various disciplines claim a more "holistic," more fully unified approach to scientific reality vs what they consider western scientists' less unified, less aware approach.

With my entire blog here entirely focused for years on awakening unconscious modern scientists to just how dangerously asleep they are on so many levels, and my *realization* of just how very naïve that can be, I am devoting this Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe XIII article in partnership with HH the Dalai Lama, whose reply to the Russian scientists' claiming a more "holistic" approach was...PROVE IT!

In my unique position to superConsciously recognize the truth/Truth of "holistic" vs "third person" applications by modern scientists, this could get quite intriguing.

A TRUE holistic approach would be one in which the scientists themselves have included themselves in their work, because Universal Physics Truths can only be *realized* relative to the Consciousness levels of the scientists seeking the Answers. Those physics truths require balance in the minds of the seekers, and no Unified Theory can be accurate conveniently leaving the scientists' sitting in a detached, disjointed audience as they hide out from full inclusion.

So, yes... Dalai Lama ...I agree! Let's see if these Russian scientists can "bring it!"

(More to come...)

Updating... January 11, 2018.  I am profoundly interested in this particular topic, with these particular folks, given my background in physiological psychology and obviously advanced Consciousness of the True Universal Physics, so I am pouring through every detail as they search for the earliest onset of MIND/basic-most consciousness (at all) within the brain. With 8 hours to pour through, this is obviously going to take a while, and I will get my notes on here as I can find the time. (Loving that play on words here!)

A third in four generations of neuroscientists/physiologists and grandson of a student of the very famous Pavlov is wonderfully presenting, but has made some important errors that both HH Dalai Lama and I have both caught. After I give him a chance to redeem himself, if he can, I'll write some more. I have a vast amount of notes, and important relevant realizations and thoughts of my own, from my Nonlinear, multidimensional, mathematical perspective,*** and I'd love to share them all, but I'll do what I can as time permits. This Nuclear Relativity post is going to be an ongoing playground for me for a while.


** Video link to the four 2-hour sessions (8 hours total) of HH Dalai Lama meeting with Russian scientists in India, discussing the Russian recognition of the importance of higher Consciousness to modern science and western scientists' unconscious "third party" approach.

*** Repeated over and over to help folks hear beyond/transcend collective unconscious convention's processing, reasoning and linear logic that just automatically kicks in without redirection, inhibiting Nonlinear recognition.