Monday, July 26, 2021

Nuclear Relatives/*Relatives,* Felt/Sensory Energy, Sleep & Even/*Even* Hypnosis

Sensory Physicality, A Closer Look...continued...

Feelings are *felt energies* of your very real inherent physics underwriting every breath you take, every move you make, every moment of your life, no matter where you are or what you are doing. No one can conveniently, selectively escape the real reality of all in existence itself, no matter what religion, culture, education level, street wisdom or what have you. None of us exists without it, like it or not.

Because the Universe is inescapably non-linear (past>present>future linear life a mere human invention billions have bought into and established themselves around), everything you do that is out of perfect *balance* becomes what determines the *energies* you feel coming at you and into your life every day, every moment, every choice, every instance. There is no escape, no matter how lost you get in your *storytelling.*

As I've previously written:

"The Value of Imperfection
Imagine that very first step, or breath, of life...

The West calls it "original sin." To the East, "one grain of sand." To scientists...the "god particle": when mass turned into matter. To millions worldwide, it's when mass began to matter!"

All life is imperfection, imbalance, projection. We'd turn into a pillar of stone if we sat on extreme equilibrium 100% of our lives. We have to move to live. Everything does, even if it doesn't even appear to be moving. But the nonlinear Universe is never ever asleep on the job! Every move you make in one direction causes an energy deficit in another, and the Universe makes sure you know about it by those *felt energies* you experience with your every decision.

So your real reality is determined by the choices you make, because what you don't choose becomes your destination!

So while you may think you're making your own choices, what you are really making is your own *karma,* and there is no hiding place from that! It *knows* what you are thinking and feeling, even if you don't even express them overtly. Hide in a closet, travel the world to the most remote places, it's right there with you every step of the way.

Your feelings/*felt energies* are always awaiting your recognition and acknowledgment.

Here's a simple example so you can see the underlying physics of feelings/sensory physicality involved:






With < 0 > being Ultimate Balance, any over adherence to one side creates an under adherence to the other. Can you *feel* that exchange? That's exactly what's going on in your life, every moment of your life. 

If you get angry and find yourself expressing outbursts, the thinking side of yourself tries to lure you back in the direction of center,  encouraging you back toward *equilibrium.* Invertedly, if you find yourself over-intellectualizing, your feelings, your *felt energies,* immediately are present to help you recognize where you are going wrong...always relative/*relative* to the level of frequencyXintensity of your expressions.

One side is always relative/*relative* to the other side. If you overindulge in one side, say at an intensity of 5, the other side of yourself is going to experience a deficiency of equal intensity on the other.

Can you see the physics, the energies, the mathematics behind sensory/feelings experiences? 

The purpose behind meditation is not to keep up with some college, preppy types or disproven fad, but rather to get you out of your own way so your very own natural physics can be freed to rebalance/recenter themselves.

What's really "new" to quantum physicists is their having to learn to rebalance themselves, to restore, or establish a foundation for, their appreciation, recognition and respect for the importance and validity of feelings/all sensory life. Nonlinearity! Translucence! Higher Universal Empathy!

The Other Side
That "other side" is not a waste of space after all, but rather the real reality, that everything is energy, and that if you can get yourself out of mindless adherence to that linear, one-sided "surface crust" convention has gotten itself so lost in and dependent upon, you can begin to *access* the real reality of what's really going on in the Universe, and what is congealing toward manifestation.

It's where ALL the Answers are forever present and waiting to be noticed and acknowledged. Cures for Alzheimer's, Parkinson" name it! Technologies! The Cosmos! It is so painful to see it and not be able to successfully communicate that to anyone! Excruciating!

While I was writing this article (longhand), an er doctor on TV (real one) was flabbergasted at his uninformed, amateurish attempt to try hypnosis on a patient, in need of a medical history he needed to help her, that she could not remember, in particular a telephone number. Desperate, he decided to try hypnotizing her, which he said he'd never done before and only heard about. She was successfully able to produce the number, leaving the er doctor delighted but beside himself trying to figure out why it had actually worked!

I was (somewhat) surprised and disappointed that in all those years of his medical training he had somehow not been taught at least toward the real Universal physics truth of his patients overall, as well as his own, and I wanted to reach through the screen and wake him up!

How could something so easy, so important, so so missed, by so many! Soooo frustrating!

If you realize the Universal Truth as being Ultimate *Balance,* aka "in the middle" (Sanskrit: Madhyamaka) and relaxation as the art of undoing imbalances/escape attempts/distractions from balance in everyday life, with hypnosis a journey (similar to meditation) *back*... Well, there's your Answer to how hypnosis works, and why it can be so successful. At least to those open to suggestion!

Upcoming... (Updated 8/5/2021) 
This article's getting long, so I'll continue this topic in my next article, including:

Middle Way/Madhyamaka Consciousness and Its Relevance/Important Relationship to:
The Value of Dreaming
Visual Recognition
The Naivete of So-Called "Psychics" and How to Catch Them in Their Invalidity

Monday, July 12, 2021

Nuclear Relativity - Predictive Analytics and Sensory Physicality

Everything going on in the world, in the universe, is physics. There is absolutely nothing, anywhere, that's floating around out there that, pardon the pun, doesn't matter/"matter"! 100% everything, everywhere, is a recognizable, observable, measurable, teachable dynamic at play, and by the very nature of empathy itself, it is our destination, as inadvertent keepers of "the Something " in life, to figure that out.

As I've previously written, there is a perfectly constructed "jigsaw puzzle" revealing what's really going on and how it all goes together, interconnectedly, and we are a copy of that "jigsaw puzzle" with all its pieces discombobulated, each and every one of us with our own "timeXspace signature," aka level of figuring it out.

Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism... suggest we keep coming back until we have evolved enough to get it right, to figure out how to empathically align our minds with the Truth of what is really going on.

And it's not personal opinion or projection. It is an actual physics process that is very, very unmistakable.

The 2012 notions of "end of times" caused many people to wonder what went wrong after they'd sold or given away all their worldly possessions in anticipation of "the end/the coming." But what was really "wrong" was their misguided interpretations, kind of like they drove their "vehicles" to the end of the road and couldn't go any further, because they'd taken the wrong path to reality, taken the wrong road, gone the wrong direction.

That's similar to what modern scientists persist in mistakenly doing and why they keep running into a wall of dreaded (to them) "philosophy." The solid Answers are accessible, but they just keep putting their puzzle pieces together all wrong and can't figure out why they find themselves with leftover pieces that just don't ever seem to fit.

Quantum physicists, mistakenly insisting it's all "new," are baffled how a second quasar simultaneously "knows" about any changes to a first one, without any time or space happening between them so they have something to measure to figure out how that's even possible.

That's the same mistake as their adamant determination to leave out all sensory/feeling experiences from "legitimate" respectable Answers because they're actually naive enough, aka un-evolved enough, not to recognize the very real, and very important, physics dynamic involved in the sensory/feeling aspects of life/all existence.

Everything, everywhere, is made up of *energy,* ourselves included, and the more Conscious we are of our own Truths, the more accurate our empathic recognition of all else going on around us, throughout the whole entire Universe.

Sensory/feeling experiences are just as much physicality as physicality is sensory.

It is all happening on a much higher level of mindfulness. It is happening everywhere, but it requires a much higher level of Consciousness / mindfulness to see it, to notice it, let alone respect and appreciate it.

Predictive Analytics

Agencies are spending countless millions trying to figure out how to "predict the future." Banks, Wall Street, and other financial institutions are hoping to find a way to predict how not to lose money on future-dependent investments, and of course to make money, while government agencies are interested in warding off dangerous enemies. Millions of people are betting their money on so-called "psychics" in hope of getting an edge on their lives or contacting lost loved ones.

All the while the Answer is totally free, and at all times immediately available to anyone and everyone *ready* and open enough to receive it. After all, it is the physics of our very own existence. None of us, nothing anywhere, exists without it. One physics SHARED by all, throughout, sentient (experiencing) beings, objects, events/happenings, the entire cosmos, the even-ing news! Everybody, everything, everywhere. See why it is so important to begin with your own Nuclear Family as your baseline foundation to Consciousness? You need that level of empathy, of identification with all outside yourself, to evolve *higher.*

It is 100% teachable, but I can only play "tour guide." You have to do your own work! While the Ultimate Answer is exactly the same for everyone, no matter what race, religion, culture, class, education level or what have you, each person is enmeshed in their very own place in the grand scheme of all things, their very own level of processing and understanding, their very own level of putting that jumbled jigsaw puzzle back together. Their very own obstacles in the way of their Awakening.

Predictive Analytics and 6equj5

So, what does the 1970s "Wow!" signal from the cosmos have to do with predictive analytics? (See the discussion I began on this on my Ganesh Obstacles blog : Where on Planet Earth...? I have since extended it even further as a precursor/lead in to this article.)

Convention, as usual, is processing everything on a linear, one-sided, wait-until-something-happens aka two/too late level of perceiving, a neglect-syndrome in its own right. In other words, one-sided neural/cerebral processing. 

In reality, much higher reality, everything is nonlinear...


...and linear perception... 


...leaves out "the other half" of the real reality. Universal Reality! Linearly, you can search and search and search for answers, but they just keep running away from you! That's because you are unwittingly repelling the answers away from yourself as you go! Aka, projecting, as opposed to reflecting!

When I first saw "6equj5" several years ago, my nonlinear math brain not only saw it as <----O----> but also converted to nonlinear mathematics (because language is math that humans have projected felt-energy onto). In other words, not only as 6equj5 converted math perspective of...


...but also from a "middle way" (Sanskrit Madhyamaka) perspective of...


Everything being *energy*, can you see the emerging "flying saucer"/space ship coordinates coming into manifestation, even before it is graphed? All it took from a nonlinear perspective is a simple glance.

Now what does this have to do with 9-11-01?

Thousands of lives could have been saved, millions from the trauma, but authorities didn't *know* how to apply the real, higher physics because they are emulating the misguided notions of modern science.

Everything is *energy.* Humans over time have labeled their felt energies so much they've gotten themselves lost in language/guesswork/concepts of their own creation and, contributed to, embellished and supported by those who surround them, they've henceforth bought into their own inventions, aka projections, blocking themselves from seeing beyond their own *storytelling.*

Convention processes a "crust" version of the real, higher Universal Reality, barely touching the surface, so they've long ago forgotten how to *access* the Truth.

From my nonlinear mathematical perspective, I began recognizing imminent danger congealing/manifesting toward the WTC in 1996. An *energy*-driven concern was born out of a painting that was taunting me when I rented a mountain retreat on the ocean about important analogies...had previously been occupied by a nuclear physicist who had moved on to the top secret Los Alamos Nuclear Facility (atomic bomb, Hiroshima, Nagasaki) in New Mexico.** His relative/*relative* was an artist who'd studied around the world and geometric paintings of that relative/*relative* were there. Loving abstract art, I left them up, but was haunted by what appeared to be a cityscape that included a vertical geometric of a very tall tower/building because its left-of-center-ness was screaming at my need for *balance,* and the only way I could visually quiet all that noise was to reverse the tower image left-of-center to also being right-of-center, as well.*** And there it was!


A world away, I had no immediate familiarity with NYC, let alone the WTC, but 5 years is not even a hiccup to a nonlinear Universe in which everything is all already said and done. It already *knows* what's going to happen, given its massive "parade view." It is ourselves who are catching up! Aka, in search of *balance.* It was almost begging me to notice!

From then on, that served as a "black hole," as everything that was congealing its way was pulled into that image. Everything in the Universe has its own *timeXspace signature * (placement/address in the grand scheme of all things) and, at any moment, can serve as the "center of the Universe" in that same way...the very secret behind gravity itself. Any extended attention to that nonlinear geometric image acted as a magnet with its own gravity luring in everything around it that was relevant. In every conventional moment, as events manifested, that "updated" information became simultaneously available to anyone Conscious enough to notice...with no time or space between them to measure!

Everything going on in the Universe relative to that double geometric only naturally got drawn into it, in other words, becoming the additional information (names, dates, faces, places...) convention would totally sleep itself through, the tragedy everyone else saw "too late."

Further, it was extremely important at the time that they were "sharing a common base," such as...


People are unwittingly throwing away/ignoring half of the Universe to keep themselves comfortable in their delusional perceptions/version of "reality," living "on the surface" and rarely, if ever, "digging deeper" into what is really going on. The *even*-ing news becomes their "too late" confrontation with reality/the Truth, as they then complacently rush to protect themselves with further storytelling so they don't have to own what they've individually and collectively done.

After such events, people often say they "had a feeling" but they just dismissed it, the same way modern scientists unconsciously dismiss feelings/sensory reality as if they were "an awful waste of space." ****

Modern scientists are perplexed trying to figure out quantum physics because they are still looking for Universal Answers, aka their "Unified" theory of "everything," all the while conveniently, selectively, leaving out the sensory side of reality...feelings! Those "feelings" are our processing of *felt energy,* aka mathematics, gravity, magnetism, inherent within ourselves by our very existence, trying to lure us back into *balance* to wake us up!

Mistakenly clinging to linear physicality, they claim quantum physics as "new" despite even HH Dalai Lama trying to tell them it was realized and resolved thousands of years ago. Meanwhile, the sensory half of the Universe is still perceived as a waste of time, and space, having nothing of validity or relevancy to contribute to real Answers.

Nearly a quarter of a million people lost their lives in that 2004 Indonesian tsunami, thanks to that kind of unconscious thinking! It had revealed itself 18 months earlier, location, death toll included, but sleeping lalaland slept away.

Next, maybe we'll talk more about Nuclear Relativity, Felt Energy & Hypnosis - A Closer Look at How That Works

** Where he and another nuclear physicist in charge of 25 people there both read and enjoyed my 2 books!

*** If you look at the back of your right hand and then turn it over to the right, you'll see what I'm referring to.

**** Carl Sagan in "Contact," trying unsuccessfully to wake them up. They still think that movie was fiction!