Sunday, January 30, 2022

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories, etc. Extended XVIII

And Detailed for Replication Purposes... XVIII (Continuing...)

Going Inside the Living Process, AS It Processes Itself

... and as it Processes...YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable...

*Structure* in *Emptiness'*

Genius is Easy! 

You just have to follow the clues!

Without going out of my door
I can know all things on earth
Without looking out of my window
I can know the ways of heaven

The farther one travels
The less one knows
The less one really knows

Arrive without traveling
See all without looking
Do all without doing

2000+ Year Old Tao Te Ching (The Way Things Work)

George Harrison, playing his India-n sitar, wrote Tao 47 into a song, "The Inner Light."

NonLinearity vs Time Deprivation


Frequency X Intensity: Doing the Math

When is the last time you saw an animal wearing a watch? (You may not want to answer that!)

Everything, everywhere, stays the same. What needs to change is perception. That is what and where "Shangri-La" actually is: *Recognizing* the Universe as it REALLY is! NonLinear!

Remember: (Let's review)

Linearity (conventional notion of one-sided, one directional...

> past > present > future >

...leaving the whole other side of the Universe, and cerebral mindfulness/Consciousness, out) as in...

o) >


NonLinearity (Truth / superConsciousness of forever *Now*)

>< ((((((((( ))))))))) ><

Seriously, which would you really prefer?

How do you suppose animals process their experiences without external clocks telling them what they should or need to be doing? 

Animals retain their close, interactive, interconnected relationship with nature, with the elements, from *within*, so animals are naturally me. Everything, everywhere, works in synergy with one another. And it is all a reflection of yourself!

But humans keep trying to usurp and redefine nature, assuming their ability to make their own rules, to TELL the Universe what it has to be rather than mindfully and humbly ASKING it what it actually is!

As I've said, it seems in the days of the pyramids throughout the world, folks had the misguided notion that dismantling nature and putting it back together again in their own way, under their own terms, would be the way to live forever (so how'd that work for them?) to control nature, as opposed to the other way around. But reality simply doesn't work that way. Resisting the real reality, persistently, obviously has serious and dire consequences.

Animals' retention of higher reality is why they are able to *recognize* imminent, approaching natural calamities. Humans, well...

In the Einstein comedy movie, *IQ* mentioned above, a time deprivation research subject was screaming all over the lab, losing his mind because he was so conventionally dependent upon plugging his definition of everything into clocks, such that he couldn't function any other way. Instead of interconnectedly interacting with the elements, from *within* himself, he was so externally dependent upon conventionally-conceived "time" that he didn't know how to remain, let alone function, in the present.

Remember, the everyday name for the Dalai Lama (keeper of the real reality) is "Presence."

It is understandable that clocks and watches help us to coordinate appointments, meetings, and other social activities and responsibilities, but what is important is for folks to remember how to properly define, to *recognize* and to delineate, to keep themselves mindful of higher reality, and to broaden their perspective, their *presence* in the *Now*. There's so much more going on, all around us, and tuning it out selectively has consequences. That doesn't mean overwhelming and saturating our minds with chaos, but rather with respect and appreciation for Truth. The research subject in the time deprivation experiment would have comfortably experienced mindful harmonic *access* had he appreciated meditation and quiet contemplative *balance* and symmetry. 

Pure unobstructive observation. 

With no way to cognitively move forward in his one-sided linear o)> expectations, he was lost in unfamiliar territory, resulting in stress, anxiety and disorientation. His opposition to NonLinear Reality put him in a distress of his own making because he didn't know how to relinquish his artificial and superficial need for control. In reality, the more we try to control nature, the more we lose control, because opposition has its consequences. His "losing his mind" was his losing 100% linear misinterpretation / control, as his inherent NonLinear nature was working its way back in (that even the researcher wouldn't recognize accurately!). Convention has all sorts of ridiculous notions and definitions of that: ghosts, spirits, aliens, angels, psychics, ... Aka: storytelling.

Consciousness isn't just about recognizing imminent dangers. That's only a part of it, because seeing reality for what it really is is extraordinary! It's not enough to simply ask people throughout the world to be kind toward one another, to have compassion, patience, etc.. Truth that's inescapably recognized is what is needed to elicit change. There are just way too many stories to run and hide in. Instead, people, scientists included, need to confront the reality of what they have done to themselves, individually and collectively, and inescapably redirect themselves!

Wake up! Recognition of medical cures doesn't have to wait for distant artificial, make-believe "futures"/ "centuries"  when everything is available in the immediate NonLinear Now! Again, the ONLY difference between *Now* and that make-believe "future" is Conscious *recognition* of its ever-presence in the *Now*!

It's almost as if humans have intentionally lost the other side of themselves just so they have something / Something to search for it again over countless aeons! But what would happen if they found it? Would the world stand still? Would all life be over? Of course not!

As I've often said, very accurately, far from its "soft science" definition by hard-core "scientists" who have no clue, psychology is actually quantum physics in inadvertent disguise! *Do the work* to directly see that for yourselves!

Frequency X Intensity: Doing the Math

Despite what shallow humans mindlessly, unconsciously, do with it, everything is actually happening at the *energies* level, in the immediate *Now*.

Continued, next...

Monday, January 24, 2022

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories, etc. Extended XVII

And Detailed for Replication Purposes... XVII (Continuing...)

Going Inside the Living Process, AS It Processes Itself

... and as it Processes...YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable...

*Structure* in *Emptiness'*

You...Living Inside a "Computer Game?!

Yes, it eerily is very similar to our being inside a computer game, mega-sized, inescapably programed, along with all other sentient life, and if you look closely enough you'll discover that earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes / cyclones, floods, the weather, etc., are all actually just as much a part of that sentience (experience) as you are!

Quoting myself here...

Imagine... If you "right-click" on a computer page, and choose "View Page Source," you get to see the underlying physics dynamic, or script, of the page, showing you exactly how what you see actually comes into being.

Now imagine that you could "right-click" on YOU, on your own mind, everyone's mind, to see how that all actually works! And in the process of your increasing realizations and mindful awarenesses, you become fully Present, Enlightened, Awakened to how the Universe, and the Universe of yourself, your family, your friends, acquaintances, others, and ALL sentient (experiencing) beings, events, happenings, and even the weather/whether actually works!

This is the Physics of superConsciousness! 

The Importance of *Doing the Work* and Direct Experience

(Previously written here, in 2012)

The True Meaning of Surrender

...Imagine standing at the top of a perch, at a confidence camp, gazing at the task at hand, as you watch that harness coming closer and closer to your shakey and jittery form, with your inner dialogue resembling something like, "I can't do this!  Yes, you can!  No, I can't!  Yes, I can!  I don't wanna!  Yes, you do!" ...into...  "I'm terrified, but I'm gonna make this happen, no matter what!  I CAN do this!...I think?!?!  Okay, I can't, but darn it, I will!  I'm gonna try!  I am  soooo gonna do this!,..." and just as you are reaching into the depths of your being to master the task, your camp guide rushes in to intervene, places the harness on himself or herself, coddling you with "I've got this!  I've got it!  No worry!  Let me do all the hard stuff FOR you!  I love you too much to let you have to experience fear and uncertainty!  Noooo!  I've got this!  You just stay right there, in your safe place!  I've got this!"  And off they go, flying what was to be YOUR *dream!*  YOUR *journey!*  YOUR *becoming* more highly evolved! =/

That wasn't for you, after all, was it?!  Seems someone had some unfinished business to do!

When a teacher of Enlightenment overzealously attempts to *Name* the Ultimate Universal Truth ...FOR... his or her students, in the form of a Deity, especially when that is already what they are clinging to by learned tradition, he or she inadvertently cheats folks out of their own journey, out of their actually learning to reach waaaay deep down inside themselves, to muster up, and bring forth, all the important and essential hidden strengths, depths of feeling, reaches of intelligence, spontaneous surges of *spirit,* all the extremely important attributes and personal accomplishments that can ONLY come with ACTIONS that permanently redirect misguided learning into *balance!*  Folks need to directly *experience* being confronted with personal challenges and boundaries, one by one, as it is precisely the mastering of those challenges and boundaries that teaches self control, self confidence, self regard, self respect, self trust, self compassion, self empathy, etc., strengthening initiative and commitment, one's *innermost* resolve, toward living a selfless, far more highly evolved, life of *Awakening!*

Consciousness is NOT transferable! 

What does that mean?  It means that the Universe has a specific set of laws, by the *reality* of its own undaunted physics, YOUR undaunted physics, that require each person who wishes to *access* Universal Truth, that Library of *Ultimate Answers* that are as old as *Existence* itself, to surrender all their own personal projections and tangled webs completely, all control, all belief systems acquired in a state of forgetting, aka conventional unconsciousness, to master *Pure (Unobstructed) Observation!* 

NO ONE can do that *work* FOR you!

It is as though the Universe itself has intentionally ensured that anyone coming face to face with its *Core Truths* has genuinely ~ earned ~ that *access,* and has proven themselves responsible enough to handle having *that much information!*


"You must go alone!  You must leave all your weapons behind...  Fancy armor doesn't help!  The sphinxes can see straight into your heart!"  (The Neverending Story)

Feel your own *worth!*

How else are you going to learn, from *within,* just how very *worthy* YOU really are?!

"That was Only for You!"

There are a couple TV shows that are incredibly stressful to watch, because in each of them a person is on a horrible downward spiral, and worse than what they are doing to themselves is what those closest to them are doing to contribute to their decline, supposedly "outta love". The dynamic of that decline parallels what I have been writing here about the tragedy of what bandwagon convention has done to itself, to how unconscious and robotic they've become, and the horrific consequences of their mindless actions.

It's made me contemplate even more deeply into the advice about a dozen or so years ago given to me by the Tibetan Buddhist monks: "Not to intervene" with imminent events I recognize as congealing toward manifestation, saying "They are lessons for the world / society to learn."

I have always struggled with that, because the consequences often seem far beyond anything folks deserve, especially children. I sometimes try to justify my feeling so compelled to help, remembering a Tibetan Buddhist monk / teacher of another prominent center telling me I was way more evolved and Conscious than he, himself was. That was not exactly what I was hoping to hear at the time. I was highly impressed and very respectful of his graciously admitting that, though.

Folks learn from relevant consequences, from actually being able to directly witness in real time not only the consequences of their actions but that of the choices and decisions they make for themselves.

In both of those programs, those closest to them seem obsessed with trying to help them by thinking and choosing and even behaving FOR them, on their behalf, relentlessly frustrated that the ones they are so desperately trying to help never learn anything and persist in making the same toxic decisions, doing the same toxic behaviors, over and over again.

How can they genuinely learn when the whole dynamic of learning in itself is taken from them?!

There's an expression I've always respected that goes: "That was only for you!"

So, the teachers themselves need to selflessly get out of their way, as a way for folks to directly experience consequences and learn from them.

My primary focus here, at least on this "...for Scientists" blog, is to reach and Awaken those in positions to elicit change on behalf of the masses. It's frustrating and stressful to constantly hear scientists' adamant, and blatantly wrong, insistence that "no one can predict earthquakes," etc.. They got off in L'Aquila, Italy after being charged with hindering another's desperate earthquake warnings, using that excuse. Over 300 people died! Thousands have lost their lives in situations I tried to protect them from. 

How could a science that negligent be what still passes as "science"?

Those in positions of authority need to Awaken themselves to their responsibility to grow, to evolve beyond comfortable, established conventional notions of Universal Reality, on behalf of those they serve. Scientists need to recognize the higher physics behind and beyond their conventional notions / definition of what constitutes "physicality", as Taiwanese quantum physicists themselves acknowledged in their 3 day / 9 hour meeting with the Dalai Lama.

Nobel laureate Dr. Yuan T. Lee, quantum chemist, summed up his presentation with HH Dalai Lama,  quoting scientific colleague and friend, Frank Sherwood Rowland, with...

"What's the use of having developed a science well enough to make predictions if, in the end, all we're willing to do is stand around and wait for them to come true?"

Nearly a quarter MILLION people died in a single event, the 2004 Indonesian tsunami *recognized* in these NonLinear Physics 18 months BEFORE it manifested, death toll intensity included! And still "modern" science sleeps.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories etc.. Extended XVI

... And Detailed for Replication Purposes... XVI (Continuing...)

Going Inside the Living Process, AS It Processes Itself

... and as it Processes...YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable...

*Structure* in *Emptiness*

Your Extended Relatives / Relativity: YOU, an "Ocean of Wisdom" Multiplying Exponentially

"Imagine All the People"...being washed away in a powerful tsunami. It is happening, right now!

Let's understand missed clues!

*Balance* yourself, close your eyes, and settle yourself into...

...  >> meditation << ...

Imagine yourself at the ocean, watching the waves. Experience your environment. Smell the salt in the air. Feel the breezes flowing around you. Hear the roar of the ocean as it approaches you. Feel the vibrations, the power of each approach, the stress, the release as the waves fade away. Over and over... Coming and going... Taste the sand. Delight in the water washing through you. Where...have you seen it all before?

Ants and Encores


>< ((((((((((((((((((  )))))))))))))))))) ><  

Everything above these harmonics were written BEFORE the Tonga tsunami. Witnessed! Unedited! Now / *Now* Documented!

Next... *HOW* I *knew*!

First, before I paused writing further here, to document that (It is now Tuesday, 1/18/2022), I left an intentional clue toward helping you *experience* the physics involved for yourself!

Did you catch it?

Okay, it is:  Let's understand missed clues!

"Buried within the message itself is the key to decoding it!" - Carl Sagan 

Those harmonics >< (((( )))) >< are not-so-hiding immediately in front of us , at all times, just taunting us to notice!

Even your grocery shopping list isn't immune! (You may remember your junior high "lettuce turnip and pea" exposure?)

The same way you can see the buddha translucently through this text, what's going on on those multidimensional extended layers is super(im)posed and just daring us to notice! Language, actions...nothing gets a free pass!

In the last post or so explaining how the exact same *energies* fueling earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanos, etc. are also flowing through all of us, simultaneously (simultaneity being relative),** those *energies* nonlinearly *shared* with all else, "telling on" everything, while I wrote those a co-worker from years ago, from Tonga, was pestering me, memory wise, as I also could fluently recognize and visualize those flowing *energies* like ocean waves earlier mentioned that pick you up and carry you along with them, conventionally creating a shallow existence for those unconsciously "doing what everybody else is doing."

Add nonlinear math frequencies, intensities, patterns and geometric shapes, all senses synesthetically, synergistically super(im)posed and...there it was! The tsunami in Tonga.****

*Now*...About Those Ants and Encores

I love the movie "Kundun," the story of the Dalai Lama's life from the time he was *recognized* as a toddler until he escaped into India, having to flee Lhasa, Tibet in 1959.

It was such a relief, a companion, when it came out in 1997. I remember playing it around and around and around, nonstop, 24/7, on vhs, for so long that when the phone rang, my (also Conscious) psychiatrist calling, wondering where I was the following Friday (I'd been watching it from the moment I brought it home the Saturday before, my new "wallpaper" in my home), I'd lost what day it was, thinking it was Thursday. A lifetime of being all alone with these profound physics and their NonLinear Cognitions had been horribly lonely. Suddenly, I had the *realizing* Dalai Lama himself, acknowledging me.

"Kundun" is the Tibetan word for "Presence," as in the presence of a *realizer* of these physics. It is the everyday name for HH! What was so comforting and compelling was that the movie showed the Dalai Lama himself relentlessly having these same NonLinear Cognitive experiences repeatedly all throughout the movie! A second full length copy of the movie has director Martin Scorsese talking over it, revealing the intrigue in the making of the movie. He confirmed the real Dalai Lama's participation as advisor throughout (as well as other real life Buddhist monks playing monks in the movie, as well as being advisers themselves), and that they mindfully, intentionally presented some of HHDL's experiences with it as dreamstates to make them more palpable for a general conventional audience.

This NonLinear Cognitive dynamic is also prominent with the Dalai Lama in "Seven Years in Tibet." In both, HHDL's real life family members play his family in the movies, his own sister Jetsun Pema (Tibetan Children's Village) as his Mom in the latter. You can see her in the movie trailer here!

It was such a relief to know I wasn't alone with it anymore. There had been a child my age in a TV show when I was a small child with it, as well, my first ever encounter with someone like me.

Thing is, everybody has it, but >99% of the world has been distracted from their inherent ability to *access* it.

Back in 2012 I had written that an ant would be in dire circumstances without its ability to *feel* the vibrations of an approaching human, unable to out-run that approach and getting squashed. Documentaries have been done on animals, trying to understand how they *knew* to escape the devastating 2004 Indonesian tsunami, after a noticeable absence of animals in all that! It included research on snakes, though researchers couldn't explain how they were doing it. Scientists themselves have lost their own *accesses* along with even /*even* their knowledge of it.***

Humans have distracted themselves into shallow processing, with deadly consequences, while animals retain their nonlinear nature, *accesses* and corresponding abilities intact.

Encores *wise*, the Universe, despite its seeming complexities, is actually using a very simple, basic system that is repetitious throughout, so once you figure out its general foundation, everything else pretty much falls right into place, again and again and again... Everybody, everything, everywhere is sharing that very same repetitious dynamic. Humans have everything so disjointed, in their minds, so disconnected, so...story-told, they've woven themselves into a totally unnecessary tangled web of their own making. If they only knew...

Your Nuclear Extended Relatives / Relativ-ity (Harmonic *Accesses*) Multiplying Exponentially

Aunts and Uncles

"Aunt" is your nonlinear, nuclear relative that reveals / exposes your mother's sisters, those right brain feeling aspects of your "mother" / ultimate innermost self. She is also your nonlinear, nuclear relative revealing / exposing your father's sisters, the feeling side of your outermost self / environment.

"Uncle" is your nonlinear, nuclear relative revealing  / exposing your mother's / Mother's brothers, the left, intelligent / intellectualizing side of your ultimate innermost self. And of course, invertedly, of your father's / Father's outermost environment...what's going on "out there" intellectually. 

Older and younger "siblings" continue to refine commitment and maturity level of your own convictions.


** An easy way to understand "relative simultaneity" is simply that in a NonLinear Universe, when the truth of a given situation is 9 and you behave 6, it will bring the missing 3 into your life as your destiny, or karma. If 8 then 1, if 4 then 5 and so on. It's "The Something" catching up with "The Nothing."

*** Historical Jesus addressed this physics.

**** I had just previously been telling my therapist about my friend / co-worker from Tonga, including that she was Tongan.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories, etc...Extended XV

...And Detailed for Replication Purposes XV (Continuing...)

Going INSIDE the Living Process, AS It Processes Itself

And as it Processes...YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable...

*Structure* in *Emptiness* 

Reverberating Universe, Grandfather Clocks, Time Travel and Mathematical Patterns of Mind, 2 (continued...)

Your grandfather is your analogical, super(im)posed "father's father", your environment's (broader) environment. Broader harmonics! )))))))))(((((((((

He is also your "mother's father", the environment of your ultimate innermost you. Your inverted other harmonics.

A way to locate and understand this *energy* would be in what I wrote here in 2012 about recognizing imminent earthquakes and other natural, as well as human-initiated, dangers:  


Parade View

Hold your hands up in front of yourself, as if getting ready to applaud.

See that space in between your hands?

If that's all you are studying and observing, are too close to it.... to see it for what it REALLY is!

An earthquake is never just an earthquake! A tsunami is never just a tsunami, and so on. You need to learn a far more universal/*Universe*-al perspective of what it is you are trying to understand! 

Relative to "parade view," if all you are focusing on is your immediate-most focal point (EQ, etc.), you are sitting on a sidewalk waiting for what only appears immediately in front of yourself. You are totally unable to observe and detect the energies congealing in empathy with one another long before they get to your EQ or whatever, and unable to see where that empathy takes them, unable to realize the *relative intensity* of their approach, and likewise unable to observe the dismantling and where those energies go on to re-congeal elsewhere from there! Is it then any wonder that you would perhaps only manage to muster out a "5 second warning?" You need to take it *higher!* You need to be putting forth just as much effort into everything else that surrounds your focal point.

Energy and AFTERmath

What is an earthquake, a tsunami, a volcanic eruption (etc) relative to all else going on in the universe? Take any one of those, whatever your focus may be, and ask: How does it fit into the world of everything else? Where would that much *energy* be coming from, AWAY FROM itself? Whatever you're thinking, you're probably wrong!

It NEVER ....BEGINS.... with the earthquake (tsunami, volcanic eruption, etc.), alone! Your gadgets only measure AFTERmath! The *energy* comes from ripples so much greater than itself!


My NonLinear multidimensional ("synesthetic") math mind, with all my senses Consciously interacting and synergistically experiencing what the Universe is doing, simultaneously, is super hyper sensitive to what is going on on those extended harmonics. In other words, what is congealing, forming, coming into manifestation, long BEFORE it does!

In addition, it recognizes the *energies'* patterns from which humans projected language and numbers, etc.

This is how I can not only see what's going to be on the *even*-ing news long before it gets there, but the specifics involved (names, dates, faces, places, intensities, death tolls, etc.). Zero anything to do with "psychic" malarkey! It's just basic *energy physics*, that's all! Imagine how many lives could be saved, and the quality of life for billions around the world, if sleeping convention and its scientists and protection agencies would simply...wake up!

Stuff happens because the conditions are in place for them to happen! The very same *energies* that are congealing an imminent earthquake (etc.) into manifesting are flowing through each and every one of us, and the "language" energies (the bits and pieces of energies that humans have long ago projected labels onto) actually express those congealing events as they flow through us all. The language that will become used to express the event "in the news" is NOT "new" to you! You and everyone else were using those words in your everyday life but not *connecting* all the dots, so to speak. Folks often say "I had a feeling..." And they probably did, by feeling the *felt energies* that flow through every one of us all the time. But they unconsciously dismissed them.

When something is getting ready to happen, you may find yourself using a word you don't typically use, and wondering where that came from. The energy physics of the imminent event are flowing through you, and since everything we do is in interactive response to those ever flowing (ocean like) energy waves, out comes the imminent event's details, but sleeping convention doesn't recognize them.

But I do!

They will act them out, though!

For instance, prior to 9/11/01 talk show hosts "Regis and Kelly" were doing a skit, that they repeated between a sitcom and the talk show, in which Regis kept saying "9-11" (in reference to what young children should learn so they can call for emergency help). Kelly, having young children, persisted that he say "9-1-1" instead, because there is no eleven on their phones, which could confuse them. 

Prior to another tragic event, I knew what was going to happen, but not yet the location...until I recognized the persistent repetition in the news using that location in another context.

The information is SCREAMING at the world, in every detail, but sleeping collective unconscious convention sleeps away!

Scientific AFTER-math! Modern scientists, worse yet western minded, persist in only valuing half the Universe, waiting for something / "Something" to happen FIRST (hear that?), and only then measuring their coveted... AFTER-math!

Can you hear, then, where the REAL math actually is?

Recognition manifests in many other ways, as well. Driving down a road, I suddenly *recognize* "there's a body of a dead man / woman out here" (in the area). Sure enough, every time, there was! I sense what I've described as "an abrupt halt in the energy!"

Driving home one evening, I drove past a group of people walking toward the ocean and immediately, in a *flash*, knew the young woman would be on the news in the morning, having drowned. She was, but they couldn't find her body. Annoyed by two days of very low flying helicopters doing grids in search of her, I just impulsively knew where she was, marched myself down to the ocean, flagged the helicopter going the wrong way, and sharply pointed to where they'd find her. (I had not gone to her myself. Glad I didn't. News confirmed it was a gruesome scene. She was in the lava rocks.)

I have also suddenly *recognized* what's going on in buildings / "buildings" (hear that?) such as: An imminent robbery and murder of a store owner (complete w/heritage identity of that owner. I'd never been in that store, ever!), a mass murder employee situation, with details, and seeing inside a building to see the people and what they were doing before I went inside. Just *flashes* right at me! Many others!

I constantly saw every detail of a church I would one day eventually move into the neighborhood of, as a teen. Others like this.

I knew about 5 separate kidnappings of young girls, saw kidnappers' clothing, first, middle and last names, etc., and that I would come upon the body of a dead man upon the 5th event (Inverse!). Leaving work one day shortly afterward, I did!

I *saw* Jon Benet Ramsey months before that happened, just as clearly as looking at a photo of her, after inverting the physics of the OJ trial within minutes of his "not guilty." I intentionally reversed those physics to see what the next infamous similar event to that would be in the media.

I can *see* culprits rehearsing or training for their events, in incredible detail, before they do them.

I often *recognize* several imminent events congealing into manifestation all at once, and as additional information "comes in" to my awareness, I can know which goes with which, accurately, without getting lost or confused, because each event, and their corresponding data, are traveling on their own specific frequency X intensity, so it's easy to match what goes with which! Super simplifying such complexity here, if data-points c e a b d are variously coming into my awareness, events a b c d and e are easy to match for what goes with what. I *recognized* the details in the stabbing of Beatle George Harrison this way, at his Friar Park home years ago, when I had other events I was also observing at the same time.

I detected that a ("vehicle of one") motorcyclist was going to hit the car in front of him and fly up over it, perfectly vertically, and back down again, exactly as he went up there. Weeks later, I *recognized* him among thousands on the road that day, and... Well, I detailed this one here on my blogs. Intriguing, what happened! Angel for a Day

I could fill an encyclopedia trying to list all these! I repeat the same few in reference to the dynamics involved (Indonesian tsunami killing nearly a quarter million people on 12/26/2004, detected 18 months prior, etc.), because it's easier, and also too painful, when the world isn't listening anyway (and NOT wanting to stir even more for me to detect. Detected the Vegas massacre simply reading my own blog here!). Worthless information to sleeping convention. Just born waaaay ahead of my time, I suppose. Frustration is that the NonLinear Physics behind all of this could change the world!

It's simply physics recognition, that's all! Buddhist monks, Geshe (doctoral) level, have it, too! Tibetan Buddhist monks advised me years ago "not to intervene", saying "they are lessons for the world / society to learn," and that I should instead "teach people HOW (I) know!" (Hence, these blogs!)

I am listing these, while considering including many others, so scientists can replicate / recognize how the harmonics are carrying detailed information that are critically important to science, such as medical cures, early earthquake / tsunami / geological / weather detection, safety and security protocols, etc..

I may add to this list for that reason.


Write about your aunts and uncles, separate pages for each.

Remember, if you don't actually *do the work* you are hiding out in collective unconscious convention, determined to stay that way! Universal Truth / harmonics have to be directly *experienced.*

And don't worry! You probably will not have to be concerned you will detect imminent events like these. That's all very advanced physics recognitions with *access* to so much involved all at once. You'll likely just be at the "had a feeling" level, enough to just be...intriguingly curious.

Next... Tsunami

Imagine all the people...being swept up and washed away! It is happening, now!

Subject to editing, additions and typo repair...

Monday, January 10, 2022

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories, etc...Extended XIV

 ...And Detailed for Replication Purposes XIV (Continuing...)

Going Inside the Living Process, AS It Processes Itself

...and as it Processes... YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable...

*Structure* in *Emptiness*

Reverberating Universe, Grandfather Clocks, Time Travel and Mathematical Patterns of Mind

*Being* (mindfully) NonLinear does have its drawbacks! 

Literally! All my life, the weirdest phenomenon has happened that would creep me out if I wasn't so immediately and profoundly intrigued! That three year old child hasn't moved off that sidewalk yet, when it comes to relentless fascination to follow the physics further and further into the Universe to see what all I can *access* and bring back out to share with the world.

I should say "phenomen-a" because there are just soooo many (coming up!), but one/One thing at a...well, that thing called "time" that is not at all what most people assume!

Observing life in layers upon layers of super(im)posed multiple dimensions... 

>< (((( )))) >< 

...all at once is truly extraordinary! "The best toy ever!" I've often said.

That one/One thing? Believe it or not, all my life, circular O clocks go backwards (counter-clockwise) when I walk into a room! Absolutely for real! It has to happen naturally. I can't make it happen. It has to catch me off guard, like if my mind is completely elsewhere. This has gone on for decades, and what intrigues me the most is how it serves as an element of "physical" proof that everything "out there" is an ever-changing reflection of ourselves. The second hand backs up a second or two or so, which is particularly compelling and thought-provoking for folks who know me nowadays. 

One day, I kid you not, a clock started going backward like that...and never stopped! But I suppose that's a whole 'nother "matter."

I have always wished my brain could "capture" and "print out" a video of what I *see* when stuff like these happen, to show the world. As for the clock that continued to back up, I was not alone in seeing it. The darned thing stayed wonky after that! Still intriguing and fun though. Maybe the childlike Dalai Lama, with his love for mechanical devices, could figure that one out. (And my therapist! Haha! BP) 

But...WARN!NG! This post is about to get waaaay creepier than that, because in order to take you inside the super-compelling NonLinear *Accesses* possible and immediately available to science, to humanity, to all sentient beings, I am going to, well... Take you deep INSIDE the REAL reality of Time and Space!

This is going to redefine who YOU are, as well, as we delve even / *even* further into that Pandora's Box of your own, and you can't so easily UNsee it once you are exposed to it, so be sure you are *ready* to have that much information...about yourself!

Simply because I have retained my NonLinear inherent nature all my life, I have not been confined to the tiny immediate "now" that collective unconscious convention has imprisoned itself in. When stuff happens, such as tragedies on the "even-ing" news, folks are genuinely jolted, surprised, shocked, emotionally devastated. They didn't see it coming!

At least, they didn't realize they HAD the information all along but dismissed it! Science, too!

"AfterMATH"...I call it! As in..."too late!"

Our brains are processors of **ENERGY!** That energy has frequencies X intensities. Those form patterns, which create mathematics, which create concepts and...US!

Enter sentient beings, which spin off to humans...and it's all downhill from there! Handbasket and all! 

Grunts and Groans, Roboticism and...the Beginning of the End

As processors and experiencers of *felt energies*, humans began expressing those energies with grunts and groans while working through them. Those shared grunts and groans, empathically recognized and assigned species-specific values, were embellished, collaborated upon and, hence, made meaningful, eventually evolved into language and, as humans physically interacted with their environments, drawing-turned-writing was born, with writing being seriously nothing more than bits and pieces of mathematical / geometrical shapes expressing *felt energies*.

As with grunts and groans, tiny marks became drawings, empathically recognized, increasingly so, such that numbers, letters, Asian characters, etc. became increasingly more quickly recognized as words and phrases, sentences and paragraphs expressed, and interactive language was born and solidified as a projection of human *felt energies*.

One may recognize all this as primitive "social media" energy going on thousands of years ago! Surely, that's how it played out, captured interest, and created a bandwagon effect, such that, as humans tried making sense out of finding themselves and their predicament of existing at all, their individual and collective *storytelling* began, got expressed in their ever-evolving written wonderment mirroring back to them that existence in itself, and... "surface" acceptance and routine gave birth to convention.

Routine acceptance meant folks increasingly became less and less contemplative, as "surface" acceptance suggests. Folks just (d)evolved themselves out of their need to process more deeply, and the bandwagon effect replaced *balanced* reasoning and feeling with roboticism and automaticity.

People simply began "doing what everybody else was doing", without questioning themselves, assuming "if everybody else is doing it, it must be the right and correct way to go." Unfortunately, as I've written here over the years, there are words for that, too: slavery, holocaust, terrorism, war!

Buying into the energy stream of collective unconscious convention is where it all went to...well, straight into that handbasket!

Time and space, in the minds of convention, have been increasingly discombobulated ever since, and it is still spinning way out of control today!

One such concern I have had is what commercials are doing to destroy the human condition of already being so dangerously lost in itself. You can barely breathe these days without ads being tossed at you at every turn. Try watching a TV program or movie, or even a basic human conversation, and just as you find yourself getting into it...which requires you to go deeper and deeper inside yourself, into your thoughts/reasoning, into your feelings/intuitions, your wonderment, and...WHAM! Another and another and another commercial to quickly snap you like a slingshot back to the "surface" and switch you off into something else! Making and keeping you increasingly more and more... Well, a word for that: Shallow!

And with that "shallow" roboticism and automaticity comes altered time and space. And with that altered timeXspace conundrum, the prison of losing your ability to think for yourself, to feel more deeply for and about yourself, about others, and a total loss of contact with the REAL...Reality!

Unconsciousness! Loss of timeXspace reality, of empathy, of compassion, patience, depth of *experience*. *Access* to Truth! To Answers!

Higher and higher *Universal Empathy* is required to *access* a broader *Now* perspective on what's happening on those extended NonLinear harmonics: >< ((((((((( )))))))) ><

We'll talk a lot more about these harmonic multidimensional *accesses* and that Universal Empathy as we go along.

Human technology doesn't have to create robots! Conventionally lost humans...ARE...the robots!

They are their own worst enemies, and its costing countless people their lives! And quality of life!

Reverberating Energies, TimeXSpace Reality and Extended *Accesses*

As I have previously written, time and space are constantly reflecting, ever-changing with your every thought, every feeling, every action, very similar to constantly changing speeds while driving / "driving" (hear that?), so obviously if you allow yourself to get lost in collective unconscious convention's rut of robotic distraction, you are confining your mind to what essentially would look something like... o)) < ... where you are barely able to process outside that unconscious rut, trapped in one-sided linearity.

Harmonics ))))))))) ((((((((( are reverberating *energies* (like sound waves from the ringing of a bell) and humans are processing those reverberating (*felt*) energy waves relative to their level of awareness.

Meditation and your nuclear family *work* sloooow you down, stop you from mindlessly projecting and storytelling, and get you out of your own way so your own natural, inherent nonlinear reality can flow, like water being unblocked, back into your awareness. It's not enough to just meditate, though. It's not an escape. There is no easy way out. You need to directly experience and be able to actually understand the reality of what the Universe is actually doing, the reality of what you are doing, and how it all works interconnectedly. You have to earn your harmonics back, in other words. Kinda like, earning your stripes! Like, your linearly-assuming o)) < becomes (o) and with more *work* rebalances you further to...

 > (o) < and then < (( o )) > and then < ((( o ))) > and then...

>< (((( O )))) ><

...and so on... As you extend your harmonic *accesses* you see more into what is really going on, and how it is doing what it is doing.

 Congealing Energies and Imminent Recognitions

Scary realities...

To be continued... Soooo much more to come. If you feel in any way impatient reading this, that's your automaticity / altered spaceXtime fighting your inherent NonLinearity, as I sloooow you down and help you rebalance yourself so you can take back your Higher Consciousness / *Accesses* !

(Writing... subject to editing, additions and typo repair.)