Wednesday, December 30, 2020

*Clear Path* Interactive: Ganesh Obstacles

I've decided to include my Ganesh Obstacles Journal here as a personal ramblings attachment, so the "human being in here" has a place to express itself when needed.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Nuclear Relativity: Disintegration X Re-Congealing: Trusting the Process

I finished my last post with the following:

NOTE: When I read this, there's just soooo much more I want to say, with really important insights and information on how *realizing* how to decipher super(im)posed energies can change essentially everything going on in the world. Everything (everybody, every event, every object, everywhere...) disintegrates into energy (translucence) and re-congeals, all nonlinearly in any and every *Now.* Just imagine what scientists/authorities/even the everyday person could do with that, if only they knew how!

I was born super hyper sensitive to these energy processes and am fluent in them. Please let me teach you "how to."

I am trying soooo hard to Awaken/Enlighten the world.

...but it is waaaay too important to leave there.

So I brought it here, so I can teach you "how to" begin being able to process and function within that disintegration >< re-congealing process, building the TRUST needed to comfortably "go there." That trust has to come from *within.*

This is the physics of...EMPATHY!

When you learn to experience both disintegration and its recongealing (reforming) simultaneously, you learn to experience nonlinearity and translucence! But conventional minds, thanks to their emulating their unconscious scientists being allergic to feelings, are frightened and suspicious of anything that doesn't have a rigid stronghold. But it's not all about them. Either "them." Their refusal to balance themselves and wake up is the origin of relentless warring, both foreign and domestic, religious rivalry, unsolved medical cures, political and social unrest, delayed-for-centuries scientific break-throughs...

It all begins with TRUST and the COURAGE to "go there!" To let go of all the indoctrination collective unconscious convention (the everyday social world) has inadvertently and unwittingly bestowed upon you throughout your life. It wasn't a conspiracy! They just genuinely didn't and don't know any better. When you know better, you do better, right? But trying to find your way out of that can be really hard, and terribly frightening! 

Most folks' first impulse/reaction is anger! But if you take your time and allow yourself to be guided through the process of Awakening/Enlightenment/becoming Conscious, by yourself, you'll soon realize yourself as having bridged a beautiful threshold that has so captured your intrigue and passion and joy that there is just no turning back to anything sleeping convention has to offer! You are soooo much more than you think you are, soooo much more than you've been led to believe.

Everything is!

What begins as a simple sojourn/gaze into your mirror evolves into the Answers to quantum physics, to what's reeeeally going on in the cosmos and under the world's most powerful microscopes!

Be careful what you wish for! 

GO NO FURTHER!...if you are NOT READY to confront and commit to your own personal truths, taking 100% full responsibility for yourself! The real reality is hard to un-see!

You have to go through those truths in your mirror to get to those Answers! It's like the Universe itself is a living, breathing entity of sorts that only allows its Ultimate Answers to those who have earned them and have proved themselves *worthy* of having them. Creepy, for sure, but it's just the nonlinear mathematical physics processes aligning themselves within your confrontation with reflective Balance. The Universe uses your ability to be truthful with yourself way deep down inside to lead you to its Ultimate Truths.

Ostriches are Everywhere!

I've seen scientists on serious documentaries demeaning analogies like an allergy and defiantly protecting their rigid adherence to conventional notions of linear physicality, totally mindfully unaware of just how much they are faith-fully blinding themselves to the real REALITY! I've even been attacked on a famous theoretical physicist's message board for my use of exclamation points! !!! How dare any feelings show up or be expressed in the same context as science!!!! ;) (Just had to do that!!!! =P ) And there I'd only used one! Got relentlessly threatened I'd be banned forever if I mentioned that ridiculous "Consciousness crap" again.

I've been thrown off of geology boards trying to help geologists/seismologists locate earthquakes' true timeXspace signatures in the grand scheme of all things. They'd rather endanger entire cities full of people than step out of their elitist notions of "science!"

TimeXSpace Signatures and the Fabric of the Universe

Every time you change your mind, think another thought, feel another feeling, you change your placement/address in the Universe. Time and space are ever-morphing and relative to the state of the art of your heart/status. What everyone collectively sees is the mean statistical average of their immediate-most perceptions. It's like improv theater! Everyone's (and every-thing's) spontaneous contributions determine their immediate-most experience!

The more *balanced* you are, the closer to the Truth overall, and the more you align yourself with the Universe's "parade view."

When you watch a parade while sitting on a sidewalk, you essentially only see what winds up right there in front of you. But if you watch that parade from the top of a building, you get to see its parts coming together, congealing, forming into the bands and floats and decorations, etc., their early movements as a parade, its/their increasing approach and imminent presence, and then its fading/exiting...disintegration!

The more you align yourself with your own truthful reflection, the more you align yourself with the ability to allow in higher and higher realities around you, cozying up to the Universe and how it "sees." You are falling through a very real wormhole, inching your way through it with every successful confrontation propelling you on.

So you need to decide if you are ...ready... to live in the Truth of what the Universe is really doing, if you are ready to be responsible having and handling that much information, accepting and owning that it's not about you, and that it never has been!

Are YOU ready?

Be careful what you wish for!

aham! **

Really need to add here that the Ultimate Universal Truth is not frivolously floating around out there somewhere. There IS solid proof! It's just proof founded upon an enormous wealth of reflective confrontational "data" experienced and re-experienced by generation after generation over thousands upon thousands of years that is lightyears/nightyears well beyoooond anything conventionally-conceived notions of linear physicality have to offer.  That confrontational "data" uses your ability to look deeply into your own mirror to own your own truths to recognize and realize its/everything's Ultimate Truth!  It forces you to directly experience/witness the higher physics involved, directly, which establishes the necessary foundation of TRUST and RESPECT involved/required.

It's all about learning how to ASK the Universe what it actually IS, not persisting in TELLING IT what it has to be! You cannot be a safely detached audience. You have to directly participate in its Truth! Fascinating, for sure!

** Sanskrit: I am! First and last breath!

Writing...lots more to come! Subject to editing...

Friday, November 27, 2020

Nuclear Relativity: Prince, Parent Trap and Pope

How are these all related?

We'll get to those soon enough (fascinating, though!), but for now...

(A personal aside...)

This is my happy place, my healthy place! When the world is beating me up and beating me down, the Universal Truth is my "...aaaahhhh!!!!" At least the Universe hears, acknowledges and validates me! I'm in excellent company with HH the Dalai Lama, other *highly realized* Buddhist monks (actual doctoral level physicists), Einstein and "his" relativity actually recognized for thousands of years.

I feel like an undercover agent. Nobody knows who I really am! I'd say it's from these childhood experiences, just as profound for me then as now. And the original Starsky and Hutch! I loved the bumbling Starsky because in real life he was very highly educated! And maybe the FBI showing up at my high school to fingerprint me and invite me to join because of my "excellent grades" is encouraging my fun-intended hilarity here further. But this really is a very serious matter! So much more is going on here that only a rare few know to recognize, respect and appreciate. So bear with me and hopefully we'll get through this together.

I didn't invent/create the situation. I was born with it, and gosh knows I've had quite a few "discussions" (okay, arguments) with the Universe for giving me such a beautiful gift, only to make my life a living he(ck) full of obstacles in my trying so hard to share it. Folks the world over, born into other oppressive yet permanent situations such as color, orientation and the like, could identify with that!

You wouldn't expect a toy balloon maker to make critical decisions about launching a human-perched rocket into outer space, right? So why is it supposed to be okay for collective unconscious convention to override the highly-informed decisions of a repeatedly documented nonlinear mathematical superConscious  "genius" (Grrr...! I hate that "genus"/origins spin-off, given what people do with it, but it's just a cut-to-the-chase magnitude word helping me get to the point I'm making!) whose life's work has been, and continues to be, devoted to Awakening convention's sleeping authorities, toward protecting and saving the lives of thousands, hundreds of thousands (2004 tsunami in Indonesia), millions for ages to come, loooong after I'm gone, via superConscious applications of nonlinear physics going unrecognized by those distracted conventional authorities?

Try living with all that on your shoulders! This stuff is the real deal!

Where were they, if they know so much, when earthquakes devastated entire cities full of unsuspecting people (Mexico City, Kobe, Japan, L'Aquila, Italy, to name a few), when horrific human-initiated tragedies traumatized the lives of thousands in New York, Washington, D.C., London, Paris, Oklahoma, Kenya, Tanzania, Vegas, etc. ? When those space shuttles killed all those astronauts? And so much more?

Sleeping, that's where! In total lalaland! So where do they get off trying to usurp and invalidate my very important work I do, reaching millions of folks around the world (literally)! How dare they assume the right to tell me how to do my life's work? They have not a clue in...well, yeah! There! Precisely! (Ah, feels soooo good to get my frustration out! =P)

They haven't begun to earn that right!

I have been repeatedly officially documented in real time warning of the imminent manifestations, via observable, teachable, measurable nonlinear mathematical, multidimensional superConsciousness physics,** of all these, and many, many more over decades, ZERO anything whatsoever to do with "psychic" malarkey, which I recognize for the amateurish distraction it is from the real reality.

My childhood, all throughout, was incredibly mathematically mindful and attentive, and to this day I have never lost my photographic, videographic, audiographic memory, which are lost in young children because they are distracted away from their/everything's nonlinear reality by unconscious convention. At 3 years old, I clearly wanted nothing to do with collective, unconscious convention, because they never questioned anything and blindly bought right into "what everybody else was doing". I questioned everything, including origins of words, patterns in mathematics, other ways of defining concepts others didn't bother to see through... Soooo much more!

After repeatedly being punished throughout grade school (I never did get that Hershey Bar!), thank goodness college began with official diagnoses of my "functioning beyoooond the doctoral level" and my being "far more highly evolved," followed by changes in the curriculum at times so professors and I "could talk freely" without my "scaring the hell out of the students"!

I rarely talked in class, afraid the professors didn't want me to. I'd already been given an "A" for the semesters and told not to come back, two months before the end of those terms, after the dept head told me she'd gone around to my professors and told them about me. I'd always wished I'd pursued her further to find out precisely what she'd told them =P, but nevertheless they each cheated me out of several months of a social life on campus and being in classes with my friends.

Remember that! Because you can't have it both ways! Throughout my life I have been repeatedly ganged up on and gotten rid of, by neighbors, at work, even a few times at the hospitals and rehab I was recently in over the last few months. I'd mentioned India's revered elephant Ganesh, Remover of Obstacles, as prominent in my huge Asian art collection, and at another time was overheard talking with the most adorable-personality'd doctor from Africa who was interested in the ancient quantum physics/superConsciousness realizations recognized thousands upon thousands of years ago she and I were discussing. Both times practically got me thrown out by others who darned near lost their minds wanting every tiny sound byte out of their lives forever. Any wonder I stay away from them?

"Get rid of the toxins, to make room for the healthy people you need!" - Professor of Psychology, Dept. Head

You can't have it both ways!

How am I supposed to do what I need to be doing in every healthy sense of the word, when the world is relentlessly beating me up and beating me down for keeping those toxins out of my life so I can accomplish the important work I do!?

You saw thousands of people severely traumatized and running for their lives through the streets on TV? So did I, long before they got there, in nonlinear physics. If I didn't have to relentlessly apologize my life away to sleeping convention, I may have been able to prevent it altogether! And those imminent! It's the worst feeling in the world, and the worst abuse happening to me right now, with collective unconscious conventional lalaland determined to position itself between myself and the important work I do!

Don't assume yourselves in any position to tell me how to do my life's work! You haven't a clue in hell!

Am I angry? Darned right! About time! Loooong overdue!

I didn't ask for this. I was born with it. But recognizing how rare it is (likened to a child born on ice skates vs one trying to learn how to ice skate as an adult), I take my unsolicited but beloved gift very seriously and responsibly.

And recognizing imminent events congealing toward manifestation, profound as they are, is only an unfortunate? side effect of the main event, which is the fluent recognition of all the translucent *structural* physics going on from microbiology to cosmos, from basic science to quantum physics, from everyday event to event, from mirror to mirror in human psychology and psychiatry, global warming, everything! It's all in there, inescapably, sharing the exact same physics, interactively. Existentially. In reality!

It's just that the imminent human tragedies that could have been avoided really take a toll on your soul! Like the 2004 Indonesian tsunami that killed nearly a quarter million people, not counting traumatizing all their loved ones who had to live through all that! It revealed itself about 18 months earlier! Again, who was there to warn? Certainly not collective unconscious conventional lalaland still trying to shut me up to this day!

How on earth can anyone possibly know about a tsunami, its location and, of all things, death toll, 18 months before it actually happens? Parade View! We'll revisit this in my next article above!

I'd promised all those precious infants whose nursery was blown up in the Oklahoma Federal Building in 1995 that I would "climb the highest mountain and SCREAM at the top of my lungs to be heard 'next time'", and despite many incidents I'd detected in between, I failed them miserably in 2001. My every effort was sabotaged and defeated by, you guessed it, sleeping convention.

I poured myself into my work after that, and vowed no one would stand in my way ever again! I postponed two books I was preparing for two publishers who wanted them, having gotten past the initial synopses packages you send first. My books, 27 chapters each, were already written and ready to go, but after 9/11 I felt they were in need of editing, too revealing of the physics involved that needed to be in the hands of authorities instead.  I turned off the TV, never back on even once over the next year, to study about 26/27 world languages to explore communications origins, began working with noted students, and devoted myself to being heard!

And I sought advice from highly realized Tibetan Buddhist monks, who suggested I "teach people HOW (I) *knew,*" and also "not to intervene," saying "those are lessons to be learned by world society." That's always been such a painful struggle for me! But I took their advice (as much as I could, anyway), and devoted myself to teaching people the specific *structure* in translucence, guiding my students through intricate processes involved, enjoying my world language studies, and helping HH Dalai Lama reach the quantum physicists and other scientists in his many symposiums to hear him and take him seriously by my breaking it all down into basic everyday language that's a lot harder to escape without religion in the way to use as an escape route.

All throughout human history, gifted minds/individuals have isolated themselves out of mindful necessity so they (we) can do the complex work we do without the chaotic sabotaging attempts by convention to defeat us. It is that very important! Buddhist and other high lamas head to the hills, as did the Buddha himself (simply, Sanskrit *realizer* of these physics) in search of Enlightenment.

So now, about those opening concepts... Prince, Parent Trap and Pope?

When I was a child, profoundly mindful of nonlinear mathematical multidimensional physics not-so-hiding in ...everything, I felt like there were two of me...the me the world could see and hear, and the me they couldn't begin to recognize, appreciate, empathically *know.* Hence, my empathic love and identification with the movie The Prince and the Pauper, as they exchanged places to experience the other side of themselves.

The Parent Trap had me passionately rushing home from the theater to grab my broom guitar to sing "Let's get together, yeah, yeah, yeah..." along with the movie's identical twins, played by Hayley Mills in the original version.

And my beloved Shoes of the Fisherman, in which the becoming-Conscious/Enlightened/Awakened Pope "ran away from home." Aka, the Vatican, where he "just had to get out", into the dark streets of Rome, to experience how the other side lived, very reminiscent of the Buddha escaping his princely palace for much the same adventure into Truth!

I know what I'm doing! It's about time the world respect me and BACK OFF!!!!

I deserve to be RESPECTED for the choices I make and not relentlessly sabotaged and overridden if I'm not choosing for myself and my work as collective unconscious convention would choose.

So if you're waiting for an apology, world, you've got a long, loooong wait!

I "do NOT have the right to enable people NOT to grow!" That includes you! Back off, lalaland! Learn! Awaken yourselves! 


I am waaay more than fine! Worry about yourselves, instead! 

I am doing precisely what I was born to do! I have enormous responsibilities that inescapably come with my giftedness (no apologies), and I am living up to those responsibilities. 

I love my life's work! This IS how I play!

This IS how I "toss a ball around!"


(Darn, that felt soooo good to write/get out! Ahhh...!! ;)

NOTE: When I read this, there's just soooo much more I want to say, with really important insights and information on how *realizing* how to decipher super(im)posed energies can change essentially everything going on in the world. Everything (everybody, every event, every object, everywhere...) disintegrates into energy (translucence) and re-congeals, all nonlinearly in any and every *Now.* Just imagine what scientists/authorities/even the everyday person could do with that, if only they knew how!

I was born super hyper sensitive to these energy processes and am fluent in them. Please let me teach you "how to."

I am trying soooo hard to Awaken/Enlighten the world.

** I intentionally keep saying/writing these all together because I'm trying to help folks put it all together in one place for themselves. Kind of like their opening a package and checking to make sure all the parts are there. It's a lot for anyone to wrap their mind around, but Universal Truth requires the ability to process multidimensionally, simultaneously so I'm helping you learn to feel comfortable there!

Saturday, November 7, 2020

The NonLinear Physics of Wormholes

(Brought forward)

Hey, they're a whole lot closer than you think! And you'll never find them without your feelings, which a true, all-inclusive "unified theory" requires! *Think*...reversibility! NonLinearity. Process *higher* !

Wormholes are all over your everyday life, and I'm going to introduce you to them, and teach you to *experience* them directly, for yourself, right here!

From there, it's all about allowing yourself to *far more highly evolve* into *higher* Universal physics reality!

Scientists (and others) so often claim that Answers won't be discoverable "for centuries," but...why?  What does that really mean?

What is it, exactly, that is supposed to transpire between now/Now and then?

The answer to that question is rather obvious: time!  But what IS time, anyway, other than simply an evolution in thought, in a more highly evolved ability to *process* on the necessary advanced level of dealing with (seeming) complexities, as if something magical is supposed to happen between today and "centuries" off into "the future."  But, what if there is no "future?"  What if everything is!  (And higher and lower dimensions, *accesses,* of now?!)

Humans are unwittingly (almost pathologically) socially-dependent creatures, nearly to the point of their own demise, seeking to find solace in doing "what everybody else is doing!"  Look at old pics on the internet and it is almost disturbing how it brings to light just how externally dependent folks really are! Everyone dresses alike, grooms alike in personal appearance, speaks alike, behaves/conducts themselves alike, etc., according to their era.  It's as shockingly undeniable as it is frustrating, especially when the task of awakening folks to their own inherent nature requires getting them to step out of that external dependency, long enough to evolve/grow into Universal Inherent Balance, from *within!* Observing folks moving through life like a bunch of closely-huddled cartoon characters all bunched up together, taking baby steps, leaves little to be wondered about why it takes so long for any kind of progress to be made.  Reality is...the only thing standing in the way of that evolution in thought/*processing* is the Conscious mindfulness required to step out of those huddled masses with the courage and forethought to grow in the Now, and not store away that mindful courage in an inaccessible linear "future" passively and naively (and conveniently) delegated ~ away from ~ oneself.

Evolving "in the NonLinear Now" requires giving oneself permission to process the dynamics of life more extensively than the floating social cartoon aroma of "what everybody else is doing!"  One of the biggest mistakes people make is in their misguided belief that there MUST be truth in whatever the masses are doing and believing because otherwise "how could so many people be wrong?!"  Well, a few words for ya: holocaust, apartheid, slavery, war...!  Need I go on?!  Passive or aggressive or both, massive participation!

The collective unconscious, linearly-lost convention has a long, long way to go to be able to claim any legitimate authority.

In NonLinear reality, everything is accessible in the Now, sitting right there on layers upon layers of not-at-all-hidden dimensions, immediately available to anyone with enough mindfulness to notice.  Trust to "go there" and advocacy to evolve further and further into those *accesses* as they multiply exponentially has got to come from *within* oneself, when the rest of the world is sound asleep!

Complexity is simply a matter of *focus,* of ridding oneself of distractions in the way of noticing what ELSE is going on in the world, in the Universe, besides the limited allure of blind convention.

NonLinear physics revealed just about every detail of September 11, 2001, screaming its presence several years before it manifested (including the towers, Pentagon, the dome/Capitol as another intended target, and Pennsylvania was also already known, not a random accident in nature... How creepy is that?!), building a tidal wave as it approached, but ALL events do that very same thing! 

NonLinear physics detected the Indonesian EQ and tsunami that killed nearly a quarter of a million people, revealing its multi-country involvement and horrific death toll intensity more than a year prior to December 26, 2004.  Many earthquakes (Kobe, Japan, Mexico City, Northern California's pancaked freeway EQ, etc.) have been detected NonLinearly, without any actual attempt to look for them.  Their dynamics come to you, via math and multidimensional language recognition, when you are fluent in the physics revealing time and space reality.  It's just the way the physics work, in the real world of reality.

NonLinear physics revealed the separate kidnappings of five female children, detailed the kidnappers (name, appearance, etc.), and warned of the death of a man upon the fifth kidnapping, all of which manifested precisely as detected.  Can you see the *structure* in (only seeming) chaos?

Hurricane paths before the hurricanes have even begun, accidents, incidents and the evening/*even*-ing news!

Medical conditions and cures also can be heard!  And soooo, soooo much more!  You name it, it'll find it, if you simply learn to ASK the right/correct questions! 

Still/*still* here, reading this?  This thread is entitled "In Search of Wormholes," and from the looks of my site stats, folks rush in, intrigued, apparently don't find what their immediate-most perception of such things by conventional understanding would have them locked into, and so quickly they run away!  But if you do what you've always done, you're gonna get what you've always got, right?!  If you really want to find those very real wormholes you're looking for, you have to commit yourself to *processing* the Universe from a far more highly evolved manner of processing...and that is exactly where I am guiding you!

How on earth can NonLinear Reality NOT be important enough to stir the Awakening of modern science to the REAL Universal Answers they seek, and many they didn't *even* yet know to seek!

What only looks like "hocus pocus" to modern science is, in actuality, its simply attempting to approach/address a situation similar to, say, ancient alien devotees taking their HUGE LEAPS from conventional "la-la-land" to "the aliens did it," with little to no consideration for a more highly evolved functioning of regular folks, aka earthlings, right here on our own planet!

Once modern science learns to clear away the clutter of its having gotten lost in misguided convention, it'll become obvious to its' scientists that there are actual observable, measurable physics behind what they had been considering "fantasy!"

You can't just rush in with labels and stereotypical name calling without being responsible enough to put some verbs in your sentences, and adverbs, adjectives, and so on.  Conventional fad and fashion name calling is anything but science, but so quickly scientists jump on that bandwagon to laugh with the rest, irate at any suggestion that they evolve!

Wormholes are considered only "theoretical," and if real at all won't be found for (here we go again) centuries!  But why wait hundreds of years when you can actually *experience* falling through them, today?

Wormholes are not physicality-exclusive objects, they are realizations, shared translucent accesses, as I have already pointed out.  NOT being objects, if you really want to "locate" (realize, access) them in the Universe, you have to ...earn... your way into them!  For that to happen, you have to learn how to start small, master that task, stay consistent, not allow yourself to slide back down that ladder to "what everybody else is doing," and permit yourself to grow from there, into larger and more complex wormhole situations, and then evolve further from that level of accomplishment, solidifying your commitment and trust with each "aha!" along the way, as you master the task of the necessary increases in complexity you encounter to reach your goal. 

In the true Universal Physics, the more complex the task seems to become, the easier, ironically, and that is because the Universe is using a very simple dynamic, repetitiously, and once you master that simple dynamic, you can *know* / realize / *access* whatever it is you choose!

Wormholes are everywhere, all around you, taunting you constantly!

If you have been reading all these interconnecting, superConsciousness teaching blogs, and have actually been *doing the work* suggested in them, you surely by now can see that the Universe is NonLinear, that everything is Now, and higher and lower dimensions/*accesses*/realizations of Now, and that everything is superimposed and transpiring simultaneously, whether or not you are attentively aware of their presence in your Now!

The Universe, being NonLinear and all, is at all times still/*still,* resolved, and dauntingly holding firm to that stillness/*stillness,* and as a result, neverendingly, relentlessly protecting the Ultimate-most  Balance at the Universal Core (that dot "in the middle" of the circles/harmonics you were to draw), as that jigsaw puzzle with all its pieces already put together.  The only "chaos" is the Something/Existence side of the Physics, made up of the jumbled up puzzle pieces of living life itself, which requires, by its very nature, the imbalance of projection!  Modern science appears to the world to be making all sorts of wonderful advances in technology, space exploration, etc., but those are all ...projections/movement away from... the Universal Core!  Higher Truth requires that you turn around and begin the often painful journey of UNprojecting all those *stories you tell yourself,* those tangled webs you weave, as you dream your way through life!  Getting scientists to turn around, to reflect upon their own mirrors, is precisely where the walls and barriers are these days, because scientists have established a very convenient little niche for themselves in the world, one providing them with social status, monies for their dreamworks, and a seemingly untouchable, unchallenge-able place on the planet that the "little people" don't feel learned or confident enough in themselves to bridge!  And so the scientific community laughs away when someone does challenge them to grow beyond themselves!

"Buried within the message itself is the key to decoding it" is a line in the Carl Sagan movie, "Contact," but it is a very profound line, because it is blatant Universal Truth!  The NonLinear Universe requires ultimate-most *Balance,* and it is that profound level of *Balance* that allows you to *access* genuine wormholes!  But scientists are never going to achieve that profound *access* if they don't have the forethought and mindfulness to include themselves in their work, and moreso the *Balance* of themselves in their work!  Why? Because what NonLinearly propels you through wormholes is when you have soooo mastered that *Balance* that you can't go right, you can't go left, you can't go up, you can't go down, etc... which moves you into a higher dimension than the one you've just mastered into "the middle way," upon which you once again begin the *work* of owning your way into that next level of ultimate-most *Balance,* and on and on you evolve!

A previous example I provided quite a long while ago is that of another example of exploring a jigsaw puzzle.  As you ponder the complexity of all those jumbled, abstract pieces, your *energy* is trapped, the more you are stuck in bewilderment.  Then you happen to notice something familiar and realize that other pieces nearby increase that familiarity, and you fumble with the pieces and find a natural fit, and then another and another and another!  Suddenly, your stuckness begins to thaw, your movement increases, both mentally and physically, and the more success you find the faster you move, and then faster and faster and faster as you rush to place all those pieces,'ve just fallen through a wormhole, like playing the children's game of chutes and ladders, or like Alice falling through her looking glass/mirror/reflection, only to discover herself *suspended* in her falling at a level consistent with her progress/depth of Awakening.  According to *where* she is on her level of realizations/*aha!s," she begins again, in search of that ultimate-most *Balance,* her ticket for her next ride through Reality.  At each level, the "physical" manifestations coming into her/your life directly *reflect* precisely *where* you *are,* but none of this happens if you try to hide out from your own inherent physics, discard your feelings, deny the Universe's system of opposing forces/opposites, and lock yourself into linear, one-sided perceptions of life.

Remember, one-sided linear notions of life (past>present>future) repels the Answers away from yourself! 

As you *do the work* toward Awakening/superConsciousness (of NonLinear Truth/Physics inherently SHARED by all beings, all things, all events, all manifestations, all in Existence at the *Universal Core*), with each *aha!* you turn toward the world of life to apply your newly discovered *realization*/*access* to the reality of life needing to be lived, experienced, and with each of those applications, you learn *even* more! 

With all of this being *accessible* to you relative to your own courage and commitment to make it all happen, can you see how passively and dutifully (blindly) "doing what everybody else is doing" to be a comforted member of the collective unconscious convention and its bandwagon advocacy is the ONLY true obstacle standing in your way, and NOT those "centuries" earlier attributed/blamed for the wait?!

Away from this, explore the similarities and superimpositions of relative timeXspace to your system of opposing forces/opposites, by creating a personalized list of situations in which you have felt very stuck in life, unable to move forward, and write about what you believe the obstacles are for you!

Write about situations in which you have found yourself with very little time, but lots and lots of space!  For example: Being in a mall with hundreds of stores, but you are pressed for time and need to be outta there in just a few minutes! 

Invertedly, list examples of when you had lots of time on your hands, but very little space to enjoy it.  A prisoner in jail may well be able to vouch for the frustration of that!  Standing in a checkout line on a busy shopping day! A long plane ride across the country or world!  The 'hurry up and wait' of a doctor's office or other appointment!

Allow yourself to explore each of these very carefully, and watch for the consistencies, the *hints* and clues in the Universal physics that are your own inherent physics, as well!  Meditate on these, and write about what you are Awakening yourself to discovering, Universally.

So, wormholes are already here, all around us, and of course they would be in an 'everything already said and done' (at the *Core*) NonLinear Universe!  But now you can see that to actually use wormholes to traverse vast distances in space and time, it isn't actually the wormholes themselves (mere jolts/growth spurts in timeXspace) that have to grow broader, larger, but rather the mindfulnesses, the Awakenings, of the scientists and others hoping to exploit these wormholes for their cosmic odysseys.

And once again, it all goes back to those disdained-by-scientists Nuclear relatives/*relatives* that have to be *experienced,* realized and owned within each scientist himself or herself, along the way.  Why? Because they teach you the way to recognizing those mathematical patterns in the chaos, the *structure* in abstraction and translucence, relative timeXspace signatures so you can traverse them, the ultimate *energy* and empathy in complexity!

You cannot objectify wormholes and sit passively in an audience, making no personal commitment, shirking all inherent responsibility, conveniently playing detached "scientist" like those folks in "Contact"'s unconscious conventionally-minded control room, and hope to successfully traverse those "wormholes" in the Cosmos!

That's not "science!"  That's unconsciousness.

Wormholes, dimensions, parallel worlds, and other similarly sought concepts are not objects, but *accesses,* and those *accesses* evolve through relative time and space with increasing/deepening Awakening, step by step, one *Aha!* at a "time!"


Everyday Wormholes Can Be Fun! - A Review

So, imagine playing a video game in which you plunge your way through enemy territory, with protagonists coming at you from every direction.  With every success you plow your way further, having mastered each incidence of resistance.

With the intrinsic/inherent nature of the Universe one of NonLinear translucence, those pathways and resistances are multiplying exponentially all around you, fueled by your own intent.

With the Ultimate Nature of human capability one of extreme Balance of all possible balances, what propels you deeper into extraordinary accesses is your game-like ability to meet every next circumstance from a place of ultimate "can't go any further" balance, aka resolution of all dependently-arisen opposites, into the *core truth* of each of those  circumstances, and upon your having *accessed* those core realities, you "fall through" that reflective black hole-ish mirror of yourself, your dissolution into it all, as part of it all, to every next, deeper, more highly evolved challenge, where again and again your goal is to reason every next circumstance/Now presentation into Ultimate Balance, earning your way/Way into becoming more highly evolved.

The complexity comes from the inescapable task of having every next task complicated further, as it all multiplies exponentially in every direction, making the increasing resistances you experience a *reflection* of your own ability to handle them.

You're attempting to put a jigsaw puzzle together.  Your energy is trapped relative to the complexity of the pieces/task and the clues they suggest/offer.  Recognition of pattern consistency stirs that trapped energy into action.  Suddenly things are realized as *dependently arising* to make sense of a previously senseless situation, and your stuck energy bursts 'forward' as you rush to resolve those previously complex pieces of the puzzle with one another.  That spurt of fresh energy, stirred by resolution onto the next task, is, in actuality, a wormhole, *accessed* by such extreme "middle way" balance that you couldn't go left, you couldn't go right, forward or back, or any other preposition, and you just *evolved* a tiny movement onto the next task, the every next resolution, every next wormhole, toward *higher reality.* 

 And... Of course, this all boils down to the process of Awakening, the resolution of thought and feelings into Universal Truth/One!

Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Key to Decoding the Universe

(Brought forward. Previously The Physics of Meditation)

You know how you can run all over the house looking for your glasses, only to discover they were on your head all along? :)  Well, life itself is like that...quite literally!  As I've been helping you to *realize,* it is your very own inherent nature, the physics of your *beingness,* of your *presence* in the Universe, as one who is part of *Existence* itself, to inescapably hold ~ within yourself ~ the entire Library of Universal Truths!  Every Answer to Every Question!  Even/*even* those the most brilliant quantum physicists would just LOVE to have!

But the thing do you get there, to that Library within yourself?

I've also mentioned that there are going to be all sorts of "unfathomable" Alice in Wonderland/lookingglass wormholes for you to be falling through as well! 

Meditation is one/*One* of them! 

Meditation, despite its seeming "pop culture" fad disguise, is an ACTUAL WORMHOLE in the Universe, and if you allow yourself to be true to yourself, you get to *experience* falling through that wormhole!  There are many, in reality!  And in meditation! =)  Scientists are desperately searching for "wormholes," and if they would learn to *do the work* toward becoming Enlightened, first, they would find them a lot closer to home than they otherwise suspect!

Multidimensional Universe
The Universe is multidimensional.  That means that while there appears to be a single established way of life going on, on one level, or dimension, there are, in truth, all sorts of parallel realities all superimposed upon one other, and while that may seem like an invitation to chaos, it really isn't, at all, with superConsciousness.  How could that be?  Well, the more *realized* you become, the more you have successfully mastered your way through all sorts of *higher accesses* that have each prepared you for what's next, similar to how you go through school beginning with kindergarten, first grade, second grade and so on...each level preparing you to tackle the next.

The Universe is an ~ open book ~ readily revealing all its Answers. It even/*even* provides us with the *key* to decoding it, but that *key* has to be earned along the way, and the way to that *key* is courage, self trust, and, as the Dalai Lama has added, intelligence to hold onto your newest ladder rung!  The Universe *hints* and *haunts* and *taunts* you, at every moment, to discover it!  It plants clues EVERYWHERE you go! You simply need to be ~ paying very close attention to those clues, ~ that's all!

The Key to Decoding It
Everywhere you have ever gone, from the time you were born, you have carried within yourself that very *key* to decoding the Truth.  It has surfaced millions of times, hinting and suggesting, creating little pin-hole synchronicities (simultaneous parallels) that have caught your momentary attention and wonderment.  We'll explore synchronicity later on, along with soooo much more intrigue, but for now, let's locate that *key to decoding* the Universal Truth *within yourself!*

We've already discussed the differences and locations of  *within* vs *without,* *spirit* vs *soul,* hinted toward relativity (yes, the real one! Much more on that to come, as well!), explored Y and X and ...O..., and talked about the importance of letting go, of "surrendering" your need to control what is happening around you.  Once again, let's begin with that ...O...!

Draw a circle and put a dot *in the middle* of it.  That really is what the Universe looks like, and the Universe of YOU!  When I was a child, a fun game the kids loved to play was to "draw a circle, and then place a dot in the middle of it, without lifting your pencil!"  Try it!  It's possible!  See if you can figure it out! 

The *key* to that accomplishment is that you have to 'bend the rules of reasoning' a little.  Okay, okay...a lot!  =)  *Doing the work* of Awakening, you are going to have to bend a lot of conventional rules of reasoning!  Conventional rules are in place to protect convention!  That's why it's so hard to escape it!  The only thing that seems to make sense is...more convention!   Right?  You have to think out of the box, to get into *the middle* of the circle! =)  I'll leave that one for you to figure out.  Well, at least the game!  But the idea, here, is that you have to allow yourself to step outside the realm of *collective conventional reasoning* to reach the *higher accesses* inherent within yourself!  You have to take your *processing* to a new dimension!

Meditation is one of those "weird" kinda things that folks using the typical everyday rules of reasoning have trouble wrapping their minds around. It's a jolting of relative *energy* that seems really hard to "fathom!" What on earth is simply sitting still ever going to actually do for you?  Everyone knows how busy, busy, busy their thought processes seem to be when they attempt to sit quietly and tune everything else out.  It seems to go against everything you've learned in life to just sit there while a noisy world goes on without you, seemingly beckoning you to return.  You're naturally going to wonder what all you are missing, and even find yourself worrying you should be doing something else that you're not.  And, of course, there's that other ruined game plan associated with meditation called..."falling asleep!"  You're tired, stressed, looking for respite!  That's at least in part why you are considering meditation in the first place, right, so...  What's it really for, then?  What's the enduring *new age* hype?  Is it really just some pop culture fad that some cool people or college student types seem to be getting into, or at least talking about ("gonna, gonna") getting into?

Years ago, when I was teaching meditation, a guy asked me, "Is there REALLY something *there?*"  He was frightened, but curious.  Tempted, but worried he wouldn't be able to "get back" or quickly escape if he found himself uncomfortable in what he may be experiencing.

Remember the pen with the rubber band, the pen being the Universal *Core* at its Perfectmost place of *Balance,* with all movement ~ away from ~ the *Core* being your *spirit?*  Well, with the birth of your *spirit,* that *one grain of sand* movement into your own *becoming* in your life, comes projection, and that's okay, because all life is projection.  It's the inescapable reality of living.  It's your creativity, your dreaming for yourself, those inventions you get to act out, and to be proud of as coming uniquely from yourself.  What would life be without them? 

Problem is, when you get so wrapped up in your creative living, you too quickly can totally forget that there's soooo much more going on, in *reality,* in YOUR *reality,* and that's when what you have projected takes on a world of its own, but it's a world that isn't as *reality*-based as the Ultimate Universal Truth, the home of the Answers, and projecting even more in search of those answers only serves to make matters worse.  The unfortunate result is stress, chaos, and disorder(s)!  When millions, billions, of folks are getting lost the same way, the result is WAR!  Mental illnesses, like depression, domestic issues, bullying, social and political chaos, it's all the result of distraction, a search for the answers outside yourself, when they really are waiting for you to notice them from *within!*

Trying so hard to control, you actually lose control, and that's when it is time to slow down and start *remembering* those inherent origins of your own *Existence!*  Believe it or not, it really IS related to an alteration in timeXspace itself.  The more you progress in your awareness, the more those *much, much higher* connections begin to become *realized* as well, when the quantum physicist hiding inside you begins to show itself!  Yep, it really is *there!*  What a joy for you to discover within yourself, as you progress!

YOU...the Quantum Physicist!
So, sitting *quietly* in meditation is going to resolve world issues, take you on actual wormhole adventures through Alice's lookingglass, and even turn you into a quantum physicist?  

YES! =)  Who *new?*  ;)  Actually, you've had it all along!  Then obviously it becomes apparent that a return to the home of those answers is in order...

So, let's get started, at least...  There is so much more to come, on meditation!  But, for *Now* the most important thing to know is this:

When you *sit quietly* in meditation, something extraordinary begins to happen!  Your heart and your brain, and all your other parts, have ~ ALWAYS KNOWN ~ the truth, your truth, the Universe's truth, and they have, at all times, been trying again and again to return to the Universal *Core!*  That's why the more you are ...pulling away... with that  metaphorical "rubber band," stretching your need for control, the more stressed, lost and unhealthy you feel.  Your heart and your brain have always *remembered* their own *dna!*  They've hinted and haunted and taunted you, right along with the Universe, trying to get your attention!  You who...dares to trust enough to "let go" of your need to control, of your need to TELL the Universe what it has to be, to *quiet* yourself enough to learn how to ASK it, instead, are in for an extraordinary treat! 

A Meditation on... *Math?!*
With more guided, and not-so-guided, meditations yet to come, for now... 

After reading this:

...  Get yourself into a *quiet place* where you will not be distracted by others around you.

...  Sit in a comfortable, symmetrical manner, legs crossed, arms outstretched, hands resting on your legs, head slightly tilted down, most naturally.

...  Close your eyes, and begin counting your breaths.  Find the number most comfortable for yourself, while breathing in, holding that same count, and then breathing out, holding that same count.  Whatever number count most works for you, to begin, just keep all four breathing exercises the same.

...  Nothing more!  That's it, for *Now.* ;)  You simply want to learn to work on *quieting* your need to control your environment, because, *remember,* when you are trying so hard to TELL the Universe what it 'has to' be, you totally "forget" how to ASK!

The Universe is a living, breathing, pulsating, highly interactive (however inadvertent) eclectic *presence,* which you are just now learning how to *listen* to!  It can be the best friend you ever dreamed of having, but it can also be your worst enemy!  When you allow the process to unfold, the most magnificent something occurs, which is why, when you ultimately *get there,* you get to *Name* it, but you will have to go there alone, to earn your way to that *Ultimate Confrontation!*

But, whoaaaa! 

Can't wait for you to discover that...*Whoa!*  

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Nuclear Relativity: A superConsciousness Perspective on Global Warming

Without the benefit of higher, far more *realized* Universal physics processes/superConsciousness perspective, this article is probably going to be difficult for most readers to fathom, but in keeping with realizations thousands of years ongoing, these insights are important for the concerns the world is having with global warming nowadays.

Everything, everywhere, is shared energy. Shared interconnected physics.

Language itself is energy, made up of energy values built over nonlinear time from moans and grunts, to recognizable purpose and meaningfulnesses pieced together, to what we share with each other today as purposeful dialogue, exchanging thoughts, feelings, ideas, wonderment...

In ancient times folks were exceptionally attentive and mindful of the energies going on in the world around them. They recognized the differences in aggressive energies, like storms, earthquakes and the like, vs passive energies of peaceful, gentle evenings.

To communicate and discuss these energies around them, they likewise likened passive vs aggressive energies to the natures of female and male earth events, assigning likenesses to them such as yin, female, matriarchical passivities to yang, male, patriarchical aggression.

They incorporated their acknowledgments of male and female universal energies into their languages, assigning aggressive vs passive energy opposites, and all levels in between, to such words and concepts as yin, female, right, feelings, intuition, warmth, gentleness, etc., and yang, male, left, thinking, cognition, cold, harshness, etc..**

Panini even wrote Consciousness into Sanskrit, for anyone advanced enough to be assisted toward Awakening/Enlightenment.

The Universe is a system of energies that swing from one polar opposite to the other. In other words, from aggressive energies to passive energies (and of course through everything in between).

Professors in Canada have estimated that it takes about 26,000 years for this exchange to happen. As it is happening, the natural forces of our planet (weather, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.) go through changes relating to and reflective of the ever-changing shifting of the polar opposites exchange.

The weather, earth elements (geological, etc.) are not the only life matters being influenced by the natural shifting of the ever-ongoing polar opposites exchange.

We, ourselves, are also being influenced/affected by this process.

Nowadays, as the patriarchical aggressive energies swing over to the matriarch, the cold to the warm, humans are unwittingly pouring out of their chuches, temples and other authoritative gatherings and into the streets in protest of established authority. Collective unconscious conventional minds are woefully unaware of the much higher than convention forces/physics processes going on in the Universe influencing what they are doing. They think everybody and everything are all disjointed, and that everything they do in their mistaken notions that each of us is somehow magically plopped down into the world completely disconnected from each other and from all else, everywhere else, is all their idea, completely under their control.****

It seriously is NOT!

The more unconscious the collective unconscious convention is, the more they are unwittingly little more than dominos being knocked over when the Universe, in all its polar opposite energies, flows their way.***

Move anything, anyone, move everything, everyone. Nothing and no one can opt out of that reality!

So, does this mean global warming is science based?

Absolutely, but...!

In keeping with Western science, in particular, and Eastern scientists today finding themselves caught between their ancient countries' realizations/*remembering* the higher Universal physics realities and modern sciences' conventional lack of mindful reflection, today's scientists/science overall, are only looking at the (conventionally/linearly conceived) physical elements in their attempt to understand global warming and dangerously leaving out the other side of themselves, blinding themselves to the higher processes taking place within that higher *balance.*

There will never be a true "unified theory" recognition of *reality* until modern science evolves enough to accept that its determined physical-only acknowledgment leaves out the higher Truth that everything is ultimately Translucent, and that there is *structure* in that Translucence, which includes modern sciences' disrespected feelings, intuitions and "soft science" (psychology, philosophy, etc.).

Psychology is actually quantum physics in disguise! (It is not loosely out there floating around in an unprove-able state, but is actually adhering to serious physics, as we are ourselves!) The two become *One* at the Core, dissolving into each other. Quantum physicists are, again, not the first to know about quantum physics.They are the last to know! Even HH the Dalai Lama in his many week-long symposiums with them tries so hard to help them process and grasp that Buddhist monks figured out quantum physics thousands of years ago!

They weren't the only ones. Other sages before them figured it out, as well! The Universal Truth is that consistent, through Nonlinear space and time. Over thousands upon thousands of years, the Answer is always the same!

Modern (and in particular Western) scientists have inadvertently founded themselves in a faith-based notion of the Universe, determined that it all "has to be" physical, not yet evolved enough to recognize that both time and space are Nonlinearly relative and that the Universe is Translucent!

Feelings, the disdain of many unevolved scientists today, are essential guidelines constantly warning us how far away we are straying from perfect *balance.* Energy forces rush in whenever we lean too far to the left, for instance, bringing into our lives right experiences that remind us to *turn around.*

Left (thinking) ><-------|------------O------------------->< Right (feeling)

Invertedly, the left comes forth when we lean too far to the right:

Left (thinking) ><--------------------O------------|------->< Right (feeling)

It is a quantum physics concept that there are no forces at equilibrium state, that imbalance causes those forces. Can you see here how there are serious physics behind meditation? There is a long article I've long ago written here detailing the physics of meditation

There is no such thing as "soft science psychology"! Psychology (again) is quantum physics in unintended disguise, but it is only/primarily Western-minded collective unconscious convention that is sleeping on the job.

We wouldn't exist without the reality of these shared physics. We ARE these physics! They (we) are also the physics of all else in Existence, including the forces of natural earthquakes, tsunamis, other geological events, weather (including global warming), all events/happenings including human-initiated activities (terrorist attacks, murders, kidnappings, accidents, space shuttles' demise, domestic abuses, the "even"-ing news (hear that?), all 100% realizable as congealing toward manifestation by anyone mindful enough to notice. See why you may have "had a feeling" about some of these, though it wasn't Consciously developed enough to carry it through?! It was all there! It always is! The entire Universe in all its profound Truths is forever within yourself, and it is your place in life to figure that out!

*One* physics, interactively shared throughout. Translucent and *structured*, inescapable, persistent and rigidly determined. A beautiful process...we are!

This blog teaches you that *structure* in *Translucence.*

** A wonderfully insightful book written decades ago by June Singer, called "Androgyny", beautifully explains these further.

*** The benevolent Taoist based martial art Aikido teaches one/*One* how, with mindfulness, to simply ~ step out of the way ~ when aggressive opposition comes rushing their Way, in keeping with Universal Truth and the benefits of Enlightenment/Awakening/Consciousness.

**** The 2012 apocalypse scare was actually folks' unwittingly acting out their having run their energy projections to the ends of their conventional notions, that then could not come full circle into fruition because they were missing important higher truth elements required for manifestation. So, it was back to the drawing board for them to try again.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Nuclear Relativity...and me. Universal Truth is helping me through a Trauma

Instead of losing my passion and joy for the physics of Nonlinear mathematical supeConsciousness, through a personal health trauma, I am even more profoundly Aware.

Can't wait to share my physics realizations here, asap.

I am soooo baaaccckkk! Even created a new twitter account in honor of a young Thai surgical resident who helped save my life!   @drbuddhathai

Long, highly insightful article to write here. Gonna be slow going for a while, but we'll get there. Been in and out of hospitals and rehab (currently), because my severely damaged left hand, wrist and forearm had to be amputated (just last week), and trying to go from totally isolating myself from convention, in all its chaos, to being suddenly saturated by medical staff coming at me in every direction, has been quite challenging.  Working with people who can comfortably hear me, to communicating with folks who can't begin to process where I'm coming from, has been, shall I say, an adventure. Through it all, I've learned that meaningful dialogue can help pave the way to at least some basic interest, and that I wanted to share my basic explanations here, on my way back to my Nuclear Relativity writings.

Why "nuclear relativity"? Because the ...exact same physics... underlying our very own "nuclear family" dynamics are the very same physics revealing all else going on in the Universe itself, nanotechnology to cosmos, earthquakes to human-initiated devastations, it's all there! Two nuclear physicists from Los Alamos Nuclear facility in New Mexico, aka atomic bomb,** Nagasaki and Hiroshima top secret facility, once read a two-book set I had written, and loved them. It's important for folks here to learn to comfortably recognize the super(im)position Oneness of all in Existence! 

Right-Clicking to Instant "Ah-ha!"
One of the quickest and most comprehensive explanations I shared with curious folks comes from a simple right-click with your mouse!

When you right-click on your mouse and choose "View Page Source" from the small list that pops up, the page you're on turns into code (like html), revealing/exposing the underlying dynamics creating the page we all see "on the surface" (font type, colors, pictures, design,  etc.)

Well, that's a great analogy to how life works! Underlying everything going on "on the surface" (that nearly everyone ONLY sees), is the highly complex (and yet incredibly simple) higher physics dynamic underlying all things, all processes, all of life itself, ourselves included!

I was born seeing that higher dynamic (aka with a nonlinear mathematical, multidimensional superConsciousness*), which clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, certain professors, and very highly realized buddhist monks also learn to recognize. It has been realized/recognized for thousands of years!

Elusive "Big Bang"
Another cut-to-the-chase way of explaining the underlying dynamics of superConsciousness and its enormous importance to science is that, while scientists search the cosmos for evidence of the elusive "big bang", it isn't really out there, exclusively expanding away. It's everywhere!

The *Now* IS the "big bang," nonlinearly happening again and again with every *Now*.

Try this: Hold up your hand and close your fingers together to a point. Open your fingers out as far as they can go, close them again. Open, close, open, close...  See the nonlinear "big bang"? It's pulsating, like a heart! It's happening right now...every now! (See the "expansion"? As in...linearly conceived?)

The more Conscious you are, the broader your simultaneous *Now* accesses. In other words, the more you are able to see and recognize/realize as transpiring simultaneously in every direction all around you, multidimensionally, represented by your hand outstretched relative to those Conscious *accesses.*

Thing is, in keeping with "dependent origination," (which HH Dalai Lama and other highly realized buddhist monks adhere to: No up without a down, no over without an under, etc..) your outstretched Conscious *accesses* also reverse, allowing you, if you're really paying attention, to see what is congealing/forming toward imminent manifestation, which is how I am able to recognize, report and warn of horrific events as they approach, hopefully in time to save people's lives. Teachable, measurable physics! Earthquakes, tsunamis, other natural and human-initiated devastations, space shuttles' demise! You name it! The nonlinear universe already knows! It is ourselves who are catching up!

Convention (everyday blind acceptance to what everybody else is doing) has inadvertently established itself in linear/one-sided perception. (Read on...)

Past, Present, Future
Quite simply, there is no linear (line-ar -->) one-sided past>present>future, which is why we can never step out of the Now. Sure, it all seems to work perfectly well, but that's only because conventional mindsets have no other expectations, no other ways and means of processing/functioning that makes sense out of everyday "reality." Folks worldwide buy into the mistaken notion/belief that if "everybody else is doing it", it has to be correct, because how could soooo many people otherwise be wrong?! They are! 

Selective Convenience
Conventionally minded folks (99%+ of the world's population) are in good company. Western scientists have themselves fallen into the conventional, linear establishment.

Quantum physicists, realizing that quasar 2 immediately / simultaneously knows / recognizes / acknowledges any changes to quasar 1 without any time or space for them to measure between that phenomenon are baffled and distressed in their linear approach toward understanding. Quantum physicists insist "this is all new" to the dismay of HH the Dalai Lama, who tries so hard in his symposiums with them to help them understand that Buddhist monks realized the Answer to quantum physics thousands of years ago! As I often say here: modern scientists are not the first to know! They are the last to know!

Earthquakes are still argued to be unpredictable because "no one can know the future." How very, very wrong that is! Scientists in L'Aquila, Italy escaped prosecution a few years back, using that defense, after shutting up another who was desperately trying to warn of an imminent quake. It killed hundreds of people! That acquittal sent science lightyears behind in its missed opportunity toward growth and Awakening. I had recognized for a year and a half the imminent approach of the tsunami that would go on to kill nearly a quarter of a million people in Indonesia in 2004, location and death toll intensity included. Who was there to warn? Convention persists in learning the hard way. Everybody and everything is connected and influencing everything else. It's all shared energy! Move any one, move every one!

The Universe is Non-Linear! "Future," as collective unconscious convention assumes it, does NOT exist!

Everything is *Now,* and higher and lower *accesses* of *Now.* The more Conscious/realized you are, the broader/more vast your Now *accesses,* including their reverses congealing into/toward manifestation.

All natural and human-initiated phenomena reveal themselves to those who are Consciously paying close enough attention.

This blog teaches you every essential "how to." You just have to "do the work" required by the Universe itself to see it.

* Of course, I had to grow into it, but by the time I was 3 years old I was way beyond the threshold into Consciousness and adamant I was having nothing to do with sleeping convention. Documented, dissected, repeatedly proved by doctoral level professionals.

** Statement on the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons - Dalai Lama

Much more to come... Subject to editing.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

What in the World is Going On?

In here, out there...

What the heck?

A reflection/*reflection*...

Let's start *with in here".

Several years ago (well, 6), I bought a new home (well, old),  with the intent of uniting my long-separated family and maybe renovating it (the mid-century home, that is) and eventually selling it toward retirement. But I'm the one who wound up needing renovation. Essentially, my whole family died, close together, eight loved ones in all, one after another, never getting to reunite or even see the house. It had been years since we'd been together, living across the globe from one another! Decades. Totally depleted (meaning me), renovation was out, too.

Suddenly, there was only me, in a huge house and property I could no longer afford to handle alone, and a horrific hand injury oppressing me further.

My dream was sabotaged, though I still had my writing. But I was focused on helping to redirect society at large, distressed by all the school and other mass shootings and similar, watching the world kinda losing its mind. "Reality" TV, unscripted, was teaching countless millions to emulate selfish, temper tantrum narcissism where impulsive "terrible twos" acting out, competing for camera attention, became the only "authority" millions felt they needed to emulate and justify the same for themselves.

Society has been (d)evolving into everyone performing to an empty (in every analogy) "audience".

So I was trying to make the point that if one's very first immediate impulse is more an "I'll get them before they get me" kind of demonstration, and millions are collectively sharing those feelings of "threat," what was popping out of that were horrific attacks upon one another, en masse.

I was hoping to provide some insight with hope of eliciting *change.* What I got was misinterpreted and sent away.

With so much loss in my life already, the loss of even yet another loved one was too much to bear, so I needed to take a break. Problem is, I lost myself in the process.

Truth isn't truth only when it's comfortable and/or convenient. One science. One world. Shared by all/Awe. Ouch! Sometimes Love is totally there but overlooked.

Whatever the case, the message I was receiving was that I had gone too far and wasn't needed anymore. Convention was fine without the likes of me. Or...was it?

With so much going on over here, I decided to give myself some time

My physics insights had run into my social life, and I found myself all alone again...naturally. Everywhere. Painful to accept, I needed to get used to being all alone.

Who was I, when I was all alone? It wasn't a nice place to be. I've always had a war going on within myself. Being me, my beautiful superConscious me from childhood, created an unintentional divide. A very lonely, painful distance, where, while everyone else began a race at START, I was already well around the track, and when the race began, I was prolifically speeding farther and faster than my fellow racers could keep/catch up. But there was never any reward. Only loneliness, being me. And I've spent my entire life holding myself back, all the while starving to know where all my naturally prolific me could take me, if only I just "went for it"!

Again and again, the resolution has been...loneliness. Beautiful insight, with quite a price.

Soooo, I disappeared. Okay, okay...went away. And I pouted, and isolated. Pouted some more, isolated some more. And pondered. And I really, really, really missed me!

So I sulked, and isolated. Sulked some more... Isolated *even* more.. You know the drill.  Within, without. Toldja  I was "prolific." I covered all my bases. Now all my *energy* was trapped!  I'm thorough if not consistent.

Then, last fall the universe, in all its *balancing act,* brought a psychologist** into my life, young enough to be my son, wise enough to get on the other side of me and give me a good swift "whack-a-mole" kick into reality. The real reality. My reality! Withinxwithout, I was running away from home!  That wasn't the "prolific" I was going for. I was running out of running away space. It was time to stop running. It was time to accept me for me. So what if I'm not loved there. It doesn't mean anything if I don't first love myself.

The distance is always gonna be there. The divide is the only way to follow my own rainbow.

In the Pacific islands, the rainbows go all the way around, full circle. There is no end. Just *process.* The proverbial pot of gold is the nirvana recognition of that reality.

Life is a process, and if I'm not processing me, what on earth am I doing?

We teach people how to treat us, and I was teaching people how to send me away. Again.

"Get rid of the toxins, to make room for the healthy people you need!", my beloved professor admonished me one day.  You remember her by now:

"Just who do you think you are?!

"You do NOT have the right to enable people NOT to grow!

"You have a responsibility to elicit *change* in this world!"

Yeah, that one! Omg, I loved her! She was instilling in me the permission I felt I needed to suggest folks *higher*!

Have I been farther and faster around the track because I've been running more and more toward me? Or, away from them? I still struggle from time to time. Miss my beloved professor!

We teach people how to treat us.

I was born with an extraordinary gift. I have no right to selfishly keep it to myself. The more I do, the more I lose it anyway, because it's not about me. It never has been.

I've been really selfish, running...away.

It's time to get back to my writing.

HH the Dalai Lama is giving himself space to unselfishly protect himself right now, and time to take care of his health over the last year or so.  So he hasn't been traveling the world, meeting with quantum physicists and other scientists. I had been supporting him by converting their interactions into basic, everyday (Consciousness/secular) language, where it's a lot harder for scientists to escape the reality of super(im)position at the Core.

*One* science throughout, shared by all/Awe.

There are intriguing past videos of HHDL with scientists I could work on.

And then there's what's going on in that world "out there" right now that has nearly everyone isolating themselves.

Interesting, isn't it?! The inversion. Hmmm...

I'll find my place, and what's important, and most relevant.

I have my me back. I'm no longer apologizing. (for now) for trying to protect people, en masse, toward eliciting *change.* My heart was in the right place. Physics, too.

I'll figure it out.

Right now I'm just an observer.

  • (Note: Only have my phone right now, so getting this on here, already handwritten,  edited, may take a while. Days, weeks... Ugh! Gonna be a work in progress...)

** He's (and speaks) Italian, so we've been having some wonderful, intriguing conversations about my beloved 1967 movie, "The Shoes of the Fisherman," previously discussed here, in which, during the Cold War, the Pope and the Vatican become Conscious/Enlightened/Awakened, and confront the dilemma of what on earth to do next.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Struggling with some stuff going on over here, but I tremendously miss being here and I am working my way back here asap!