Thursday, August 28, 2014

TimeXSpace Signatures of Multidimensionality

Please see the following NEW Notebook addition to this site: for my
"Not-Necessarily-So-Random Mutterings:" 

*ExtraOrdinary Access*...A General Social OverView

It is incredibly difficult to successfully convey what comes next (in every analogy) if the folks I am sharing the information with are not actually doing the work required of them to be in a *place* to receive, trust, *process* and *realize* the far more highly evolved data involved in that process for themselves.  The *higher* one moves into the complexity and abstraction of Universal Reality, the more language becomes multidimensional and more obviously superimposes mathematics, and so much of what is conveyed *there* needs to be shared via (it would be accurate to say here) quantum entanglement! It's a lot easier than it sounds if folks are on the same page in their ability to *process!* The essential physics of *higher access* are soooo complex to most folks that mere conventional persistence upon indirect observation, minus any genuine personal reflection/*reflection* commitment, as if a member of an audience passively, safely watching a performance, will simply only guarantee more convention, with its limited and dismissive reasoning that stops folks in their tracks from *far more highly evolving.*

I can teach folks toward it, guiding them directly into it, but if they haven't done their part to prepare themselves to truly *hear* what I'm saying, it is all gonna go straight through them, instead.  Think of it as if the language of a particular profession, or "shop talk," except that with higher Universal Physics that language, at such an advanced level of *processing* that physics, becomes, essentially, telepathy. Aka...Experiential! Now, of course, mention "telepathy," and instantly it becomes apparent who has truly been doing their work, and who hasn't, because if one instantly rushes to the collective unconscious convention's naive and distracted usages and misinterpretations of that word, and gets lost in the "stories they tell themselves" around those usages and misinterpretations, then he or she is only going to totally dis/miss what I am conveying, and won't be able to evolve any further.

Telepathy, when heard from a place of Enlightenment/superConsciousness, without all the chaos from unconscious folks and their "stories," is actually about being able to ...empathically... *process* the *experience* of NonLinear multidimensionality. This is where the essential timeXspace signatures, or addresses, are to be found!  So, it is crucial to Awakening that one personally commit oneself to the *process,* leaving out all their previous notions and dismissive reasonings.

To be continued...

The Myth of Mystics and Mysticism

Perhaps the hardest message to convey in the teaching of Consciousness, next to folks having such a difficult time defining/delineating "consciousness" vs "Consciousness," that is, is that "what's there" is NOT make-believe, religion, subjectivity or wayward "unscientific," unprovable, unmeasurable notions.

*Quite the contrary!*

Notions of "mystics" and "mysticism," by convention and its "sciences," come from adamant determination, realized or not, to keep themselves firmly planted in their extremely limited scope and definition of what actually constitutes "scientific proof!"

Little does conventional science realize that its standard of "proof" is really simply a way for convention to only prove and support...more convention!  It is not in a place to *process higher* than conventional understanding.  That *higher processing/proof* requires *higher Consciousness!*

Real proof is far more complex than convention's naïve, incredibly limited notion of "physical" measurement.

In other words, the ...rules... of "proof" change as the complexity changes, as one advances *higher* and further into Core Universal NonLinear Truth / Physics.  With *higher* Consciousness / superConsciousness, aka Enlightenment, those rather elementary conventional notions of what constitutes physicality and manifestation are replaced with consistently *realized* *patterns in the chaos,* of abstractions as having structure, of complexity as involving SHARED Universal Empathy!

As I've previously discussed, dimensions, wormholes, relative timeXspace signatures, parallel worlds, etc., are NOT "objects!"  As this blog set teaches you to experience directly for yourself, they are far more highly evolved  *realizations*/*accesses!*

(To be continued...)