In response to the BBC's (Future page/"Secret to thinking like a genius"/Why Science Needs Imagination and Beauty," with Albert Einstein's "Imagination is more important than knowledge," and Nobel Prize recipient Frank Wilczek's 'but knowledge without imagination is barren"/'what you do is try to understand Mother Nature's mind and her sense of beauty to see how the laws of physics could be more beautiful"...
Genius is not simply imagination or fantasizing about its beauty. It IS a beautiful process Nature/the Universe is using to do what it does, but it really just IS what it IS! Humans are the ones who try to make more of it than it actually is, looking for meaningfulnesses that support and protect those "stories people tell themselves." All species are going to lean favorably toward whatever supports their specific survival needs, but when bad things happen, most humans begin looking for someone (usually a Deified Someone) to blame, at all times keeping "responsibility" projected away from themselves. The physics just are what they are, without taking sides. I'm reminded of something Tibetan Buddhist monks have said, relative to their own or anyone else's becoming Conscious/Enlightened and setting out to teach and share it: "Don't expect any rewards, because they will not be forthcoming!" There is no grand (at least conventionally perceived) prize for getting it right (and correct, too!).
Imagination is fine, for a while, but evolving *higher* is going to require heightened/Enlightened Consciousness, unless, of course, you want to keep losing your grip and sliding back down that metaphorical Dalai Lama (intelligence meter) ladder. Imagination is more an unconscious way of allowing oneself to dream one's way out of the boundaries of convention. Once out of those boundaries, a major feat in itself, there will be little to grasp onto without the heightened recognition and realization of the mathematical, multidimensional, empathic *structure* lurking in the chaos as if waiting for someone to bother to notice.
The rules of physics do NOT really "change" as things get smaller, despite what so many scientists insist upon. That notion comes from scientists attempting to approach the Universal Core from a place of collective unconscious convention/"neglect syndrome" one-sidedly projected away from themselves. If the approach itself was coming from a place of genuine Consciousness, Balance, reflective ownership, it would be Empathically *realized* as one/*One* of consistency.
As I've written in earlier posts here, the rules *change* as the complexity changes, but that just means that the rules are always relative to the level of complexity involved. In other words, if folks realized the extreme importance of the need for everyday Consciousness (to end the relentless WAR-ring, for instance, within and without themselves, there would be profound value attributed to that heightened (more highly evolved) Consciousness/Enlightenment as many scientists assume value in the subatomic world. Since that's not likely to happen due to the complexity and level of personal and collective commitment and the fear and pain of surrender/sacrifice, with most scientists following that same lack of initiative to personally, directly and selflessly commit, modern science instead has relegated itself to the same journey as religion, in which whatever personally adhered to "vehicle of choice" (see: The Goddess Particle) can only carry them so far. (This is the reason so many assumed an apocalyptic ending in 2012). But no one can drive their personal "vehicle of choice" into the Universal Core! Instead, those "vehicles" must be relinquished/stepped out of as the Core is approached, to step into that Universal Core from a place of Emptiness (all projection/distraction relinquished), Balance and, ultimately, Empathy.
You can only take linear projection so far! Eventually, you're going to have to confront yourself/the real reality/Balance/Equanimity, the truth of Translucence / Emptiness / Energy-AS-Universally-SHARED-Empathy to step into that Core/*middle way!*
So, it's not so much about chasing unconsciously-based imagination as it is about *realizing* far more highly evolved Universal Physics early on, so to speak, long before approaching the world of subatmonic particles and waves.
In other words, if "The Nothing" at the Universal Core is blue, you don't need to be out there projecting away in "The Something," unconsciously trying an endless spectrum of colors, mindlessly, blindly feeling around in the dark. You can Consciously, even superConsciously, already *realize* how everything, everybody, all events, the weather/whether, etc., is inherently blue nonlinearly, and from there then approach those minute notions with consistency. It's don't untangle window shade cords or strings of lights from the inside out. You untangle them from the outside in. Only with Consciousness/Enlightenment, you *realize* the consistencies/the "rules" from that Library of Universal Truths inherent in all beings, all activities/goings on, all everything, and reflectively *get* that those subatomic worlds have no choice but to follow the same reflection.
TimeXSpace signatures, introducing themselves to you as the gateway to parallel/other worldly/multiple dimensions, show you the way/Way to Universal Physics Truths/Consistencies if you're Awake enough to *even* notice.
Imagination can only take you so far! The less externally dependent and the more courageous, the further you'll go! You are still going to require reality-based "proof," though, and that can only happen with Balance/Ultimate Empathy.
Subatomic particles/waves, etc., will ultimately be *realized* in truth as consistently SHARING the very same physics as all else, their "rules" consistently reflective through SHARED Ultimate Empathy!
"Genius" is the art of heightened/Enlightened *sensitivity* and Balance, of NonLinear Mathematical, Multidimensional, Multi-Linguistic/Analogical/Poetic-but superConsciously founded *Access.*
You don't "guess" your way to the Universal Core Physics Truth, in other words. Rather, you *genuinely realize* 'the' way / Way to the Core via ...consistent...Empathic...recognition!
Everything else is distraction.
The first thing to let go of is conventional expectation and its "do what everybody else is doing!" The biggest mistake people make is in their believing/trusting that the collective MUST be the way to go, because otherwise 'how could soooo many people be wrong?!" As I've already pointed out...holocaust, slavery, apartheid...relentless WAR!
That self-imposed "less than" to a "Forever More Than" *war within,* overcompensationedly projected away from themselves individually, without themselves, where it is so much easier and, of course, more convenient, to deal with.
There is *structure* in the chaos, the very same (translucent, empty, empathic) *structure* SHARED throughout.
What was/is it like at "the Big Bang/God Particle?"
*The Nothing* IS *the Now!*