Monday, March 29, 2021

Unpuzzling the Mystery of Consciousness - A God Particle Review

(Brought forward from *Clear Path* to Universal superConsciousness 1...for Everyone, article from 2017. See God Particle link just below.) In continuation of the ongoing topic...

The Two Truths

A really easy way to *grasp* the basic physics and idea of Consciousness is the following metaphor..

There are two humongous jigsaw puzzles in the Universe...the *One* already put together at the Universal Core (Physics Truth of it All / The Nothing / Emptiness (of all projection / distraction) ), and the one that "burst" into The Something, Existence, that "one grain of sand" / The God Particle (when mass turned into matter) that "began"!

The Nothing's puzzle at the Core is perfectly intact, totally undaunted by human projection/distraction.

The Something's puzzle has exploded ~ away from ~ the Core into total chaos, and humans are living in that massive mess of jumbled up jigsaw puzzle pieces, unwittingly trying to figure out how to make sense of "the Bigger Picture, " and how it all applies to themselves collectively and individually.

Most people put just enough pieces together, even wrongfully (though for them they "seem" to go together), to find/create meaningfulness and purpose in their lives. Once established in those "comfort zones," they are so resistant to redirection that they will go to war (within themselves and without themselves) to protect those *stories they tell themselves* over and over again until even they have forgotten they've invented them!

But, just as with a jigsaw puzzle, there is...

...noticeable, observable, measurable ~ structure ~ in all the chaos... 
...of the jumbled up puzzle/tangled webs they've woven for themselves, and those with superConsciousness/Enlightenment (meaning those fluent in the TRUE Universal Physics, who are able to see/*realize* the completed puzzle at the Universal Core), are those who are compassionately trying to redirect the collective unconscious convention (what everybody else is doing) to the right/correct way to perceive that Universal Puzzle, so there can finally be peace on earth, and an end to the relentless worldwide warring, hating, hurting, killing chaos that's destroying it.

Please also see:

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Epistemology: Meaningfulness, Free Will, Roboticis!m/Automaticity & Knowing

With mind and brain separate entities co-dependently arising/originating (see previous article on how that is). what is really going on in the Universe, and how do we know what we think we know?

(Epistemology: How do we know what we know?)

The easiest Answer is...Empathy! But what exactly is empathy? Where does it come from? And in a world of convention, rigidly attached to its linearly-conceived notions of physicality, assuming everything is and forever will otherwise be nothing more than personal "opinion," can there ever be actual *knowing*? Actual Answers?

As I wrote about over on my accompanying "Ganesh, Remover of Obstacles" journal, I have been struggling to write (already handwritten, but needed to be typed onto my blog) my latest promised article on "The Physics of Knowing," which included the dynamic truth behind the "creepy" movie. I am the real deal, but it's lonely being me, all alone with that much information. But it just happened yet again, and the best way to not be all alone with it is to "teach people how I knew" (as I was advised by Tibetan Buddhist monks)! So I just rewrote the article, long-hand as always, and this is it. May take a while to type it on here (or should I say..."tap"?), but here goes...

Avoiding typing this article about Knowing  / epistemology because it gets painful being me, I wound up knowing about the horrific tragedy in Colorado that happened yesterday: Boulder, Colorado, 10, "super," and a powerful, persistent, overwhelming, aura / sensation of mass human tragedy (murder). Painful to write that. It got debilitatingly unshakable, and, as always when the event is imminently manifesting, I became extremely agitated. And...there it was.

HOW...??? Well, I am Non-Linearly superConscious, but what exactly does that mean, to have had *access* to that much accurate, specific information prior to the event?

The Answer is the easiest part! Communicating where it gets hard! Folks have to be *ready* to receive it! **

Language was born out of particles and waves of *energy.* I was born with the ability, or mindfulness, to dissolve language and mathematical patterning back to the Core, see what's going on there, at that level, and bring that information back out to the "surface" to reveal it to the world.

But that world has everything so disjointed, so disconnected. It doesn't *remember* how to *listen.*

Everything is simply *energy*!

Relative Simultaneity
Everything "dis-integrates" into Energy / Translucence / Ultimately...Empathy, the Answer to Quantum Physics, and "re-congeals," all simultaneously, nonlinearly, into the concepts we've inadvertently, unwittingly assigned to them as a species, and our minds, sharing that *One* Energy/Physics throughout, have the ability to recognize and decipher/decode the particles and waves of *energies* / frequencies X intensities coming into being, very tsunami-like. As those energies wash over and through us all, the more Conscious we are, the more we recognize and can decode the specific energies' messages they are carrying. The more distracted we are, the more we can only see and experience those distractions. While I was born with the mindful ability to decipher what the energies are conveying, it is all just simply very observable, measurable, teachable physics! The purpose of this blog-set!

The only obstacle is one's unwillingness to evolve, to wake up to the higher truth / reality of what is really going on, to reflect, to grow.

The Universe is a verrrry different place/entity than what >99% of the entire world's population has been led to believe.

Meaningfulness is determined based on each species' specific survival needs, and basic, immediate-most survival has led folks to the *stories people tell themselves,* about the world, about life. Those *stories* have been embellished, built upon, collaborated upon, exaggerated and made deeply meaningful to people. Religions and customs become traditions, vested interests, and conventionally-based "modern" science has unwittingly been born out of those conventional (not Conscious) establishments. So those modern sciences keep running into barriers / obstacles of their own unconscious creation, traditional scientists not yet in a place to *mindfully* redirect themselves.

These obstacles/barriers modern scientists have inadvertently trapped themselves into are a product of linear, one-way, past>to>present>to>future conventional processing / thinking / distraction / misinterpretation of time and space. Lacking the ability to "turn around," to *reflect* upon themselves, can be easily recognized in the every-day social / psychological *neglect syndrome* where males (predominantly, though not exclusively)*** are taught not to feel their own feelings, to mistakenly assume that feelings are only for females, and that females are the weaker sex because of it.

Quantum physics, as I've already previously pointed out, IS psychology in disguise, and vice versa, and solid mathematical physics only when feelings, the seriously neglected other side of the Higher Real Reality, are acknowledged, realized, respected and included.

Be careful what you emulate! Or...model! Imagine billions in research monies being wasted by conventionally distracted scientists coming from all the wrong places looking in all the wrong places for essential Answers!

Scientists, mistakenly, wrongfully assuming there could never be any solid, tangible evidence, don't know what to do with feelings, other than to dismiss them, often with naive disdain, to take them seriously, because they have been raised to disregard and disrespect and invalidate anything having to do with emotions. And sometimes female/feminine contributions as a result. This can be seen in the everyday world as predominantly male violence in society, and in domestic situations, and in war being so celebrated as a sport, with warring a socially-condoned outlet, aka excuse, for the expression of the anger, misplaced identity, insecurity, and protection of the imbalanced *stories* patriarchical society individually and collectively tells itself, and knows / recognizes / realizes no other way out of.

In other words, lack of empathy!

Such males (predominantly) grow up lacking the ability to empathically feel the feelings of their victims because they never learned to feel their own feelings.

The anger, resentment and insecurity that inescapably festers from the resulting imbalance can also manifest themselves as prejudice and fear of other races and cultures that are mindlessly perceived as a threat to their ego. The inherent, existential physics of themselves can never, ever be escaped, so the missing other side of themselves, the feeling needs side, is always present, underlying everything they do in life, every encounter.

The more fearful of their own higher, inherent physics needs/reality, going unmet, the more threatened, and the less modern scientists are mindful enough to include and respect feelings/emotions, even intuition, as legitimate and valuable, inescapable requirements needed to realize the true Unified Answer to...Everything!

Psychology IS Quantum Physics!
Sigmund Freud was no where near the first to map out the mind, and Albert Einstein was no where near the first to realize relative time. Those are just conventional recognitions still unwittingly trying to catch up.

As the Dalai Lama loves to (very rightfully and accurately) say, "Western psychology is kindergarten compared to ancient Indian psychology!" And of course he also tries so hard to correct scientists attending his week-long symposiums when they persist in declaring that quantum physics "is all new," because it was not only recognized but also Answered thousands of years ago!

Once again, modern scientists are not the first to know. They are the last to know!

But even ancient Indian scholars and Buddhist monks weren't the first to know. As long as humans have existed in any form, the Universal Truth of ourselves has been *realizable* / *accessible.* It is the physics of our very existence, after all! Of all/Awe in Existence.

Human footprints were found in the UK dating back 700,000 years! "Lucy," (not the Desi one) dates back over a million! The same disjointed mindfulness that has humans claiming "flat earth" and no life on any other planets or place in the cosmos would likewise assume human consciousness / Consciousness could only go back 2,000 years, if at all, ("the aliens did it!"), or even 100 (Freud, Jung, psychology, psychoanalytics). "Buddha"(simply a Sanskrit word for "realizer" of higher Universal physics) dates "back" 2500 years. Historical man Jesus was trying to teach these very same nonlinear physics 2000 years ago (see my Quantum Christ / Nag Hammadi, Library blog deciphering its 114 "Sayings of Jesus" dating back to his time, found in Egypt in 1945). The Vedas (Wisdoms) are 3500 years old...Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, Patanjali Sutras... Tao Te Ching (the Way things work), I Ching (Book of Changes), etc., all recognized and acknowledged the Truth.

But written history is hardly where Conscious recognition all began. As I have recently yet again acknowledged, animals, mistakenly assumed by most humans to be less than human intelligence, have repeatedly proved themselves Conscious enough of the higher Universal physics that they've taken themselves to higher ground and safer places before the onslaughts of tsunamis, earthquakes, other geological and imminent dangers that distracted humans, "not so lucky," didn't see coming. Animals are empathically feeling and accurately deciphering the underlying mathematical frequencyXintensity *energies* / physics to be doing that!

No Granny Cell
So, as I have been explaining, the brain is not a storage device of memories, but rather a decoder of math patterns and energy, and the more Conscious one is of balance, translucent energies, empathic everything, the broader one's *accesses* in the *Non-Linear Now!* 


Linear, one-sided distracted convention, its scientists and authorities, would simply only be allowing themselves to access... 


*Knowing* and Mathematics/Numbers...It's All/Awe in the Mind
Humans invented numbers/mathematics, at least the name(s), the concept as perceived nowadays by most. In reality, it is all simply energy, which essentially invented us! Projecting conventional notions onto math/numbers/arithmetic, as with everything else, once they became a part of the *stories people tell themselves* people breathed a different (linear) life into and onto them that they became entities so distracting from their origin that folks just no longer looked back, embellishing their projections further and further over generations, assigning non-threatening placement ("keep it at college/school"), each buying right into previous establishments, and what originated as simply energy values we were all born to decipher wound up seeming too complex, too boring to bother exploring reflectively.

So that simple "math," aka very basic values of energies, has taken on inadvertently hidden (from ourselves) information, timeXspace signatures that are inescapably and elusively forever present, haunting and taunting us all to awaken ourselves to, stirred by imbalances, and those are what modern scientists mistakenly disdain!


*Clear Path* to the Answers! Always guiding the way! Always trying to redirect us back to *Balanced Truth.*

Plasticity of Time and Space
In a previous article I mentioned how perception is changed, however temporarily, when you speed up or slow down videos, such as of the starry night sky or cosmos. But when the videos are abandoned, so are those altered perceptions, and the chance to wake up, to Consciously recognize that there's a lot more life, a lot more reality, going on, far beyond the bubble more than 99% of the entire world's population has mistakenly, inadvertently trapped itself into.

The Answers are right there, hiding in plain sight, and all the linear mind needs to do is simply turn around!

The Value of Imperfection
Imagine that very first step, or breath, of life...

The West calls it "original sin." To the East, "one grain of sand." To scientists...the "god particle": when mass turned into matter. To millions worldwide, it's when mass began to matter! 

Can you hear the analogies? Humans are unwittingly projecting onto felt energy!

That's the math they are feeling! The patterning, frequency, intensity, the nonlinear multidimensionality! And yet feelings continue to be devalued and dismissed.

(Dark energy/dark matter/expanding universe would be a great spin-off topic to address here.)

As the Carl Sagan movie "Contact"**** suggests: "Seems like an awful waste of space!"

Psychology IS quantum physics!

Om Money Pay Me Hum
The Dalai Lama has been on a campaign for quite a while now toward awakening educators, scientists and others that compassion and other sensory experiences are dangerously being left out (hear that? As right!) of modern education across the globe, that "om mani padme hum" is more valued as "om money pay me om" (he has such a sense of humor) while so seriously expressing his convictions that materialistic scientists and growing children alike are processing their world in a lopsided manner, with dangerous and unfortunate consequences to world society.

EDIT: All New HHDL Video:
Wow, what perfect timing! Just discovered a new HH Dalai Lama meeting (3/29/2021) today with students from 5 Russian universities on "Our World in the Time of Change," explaining this very conviction, essentially defending my entire article! And my previous one on brain and mind. (Soooo much so it's like he read my posts! o.O ) Please watch! It's really important!

To be continued... Much more to come, probably in a new article, since this is long. 

** ((((My prize physics student)))) is hearing through this even before I can finish writing it! 

*** Of course, I don't mean absolutely all males, or all scientists, but the problem is rather pervasive in society, and has shown itself in numerous science and other documentaries, and on social media.

**** The movie "Contact" (linked to wormhole scenes in recent article here) is the scientists version of the children's Consciousness-hinting/directive movie, "The NeverEnding Story."