There are the physics, and then there are sentient (experiencing) beings, humans in our case, but do these really have to be mutually exclusive?
Do human meaningfulnesses have to be precluded by a Higher Universal Reality?
Where do we come in, in the process and definition of ourselves?
Does the physics of "karma" invalidate us? Our choices?
The movie "Knowing" also asks some intriguing questions that most would assume there are no Answers to. Let's explore those, and these, as well...
Several years ago a man was very vocally expressing his concern, aka anger and (unacknowledged) fear and insecurity that the concepts of Buddhism and the teachings of the Dalai Lama were so invalidating of everything meaningful to him, and generalized that to everyone else's life, as well. But realization and recognition of the process underlying all that we do will never deny us our own personal interests. We can still enjoy our lives, as well. In between writing this. I am starting a new vegetable garden and self-established bonsai tree collection. It's just that folks, especially those newly exploring higher Consciousness, confuse Awakening with sleeping on all sorts of levels. But once experiencing enough "aha!"s and "wow!"s they do find themselves across the threshold into more extensive, even deeper meaningfulness that they vow never to go back ever again! It is extraordinary recognizing life, ourselves, those around us, all sentient life, in fact all in existence, including processes, for what we/they really are!
So how do we reconcile "the two truths" into one/One incredble life experience?
What roles do "free will" and "determinism" play in all this?
The most important first step is always to do your Nuclear Family work (mother, father, sisters, brothers, grandparents (processed as mother's mother, mother's father, father's mother, father's father...aunts and uncles as their siblings, and so on. Every one of them aspects of yourself, mapping out your mind, *within,* and the universe *without* simultaneously. See the tightly woven conventional world of distraction beginning to unravel? Multidimensionality begins to come into your mindfulness, and you learn to become more comfortable "going there!" Non-Linearity begins sneaking in, time and space seem more relative, and you learn to appreciate how and why that is! And your being real with yourself, confronting your own personal truths, teaches you to respect and trust the process.
You learn to read and see and process between the lines!
Until you actually *do the work* of your Nuclear Family, extended "relatives" included, you will never learn to appreciate why you're jumping the fence until you learn to recognize that fence for what it is: distraction! It is teaching you to process the process, expanding your mind, your higher *accesses,* helping you to answer your own questions as you go along.
Ending this article here, to begin the next new article. If there's something more I feel a need to cover, I'll address those later. Gotta dig up my notes...
I actually have this entire article totally written in longhand, so when I get a chance to type that all on here, I will. It's interesting.
Sorry I was pulled away for a bit. Getting back asap to continue this article. Also catching up with HH Dalai Lama on his dialogues on Scientific Meditation with Russian researchers, and Neuroscience.
Writing...This is a long article, an intriguing, interesting one as well, already handwritten as always, so I'm looking forward to getting it on here. Then subject to editing, as usual. Every time I read these, even after writing them on here, I think of more to say and also tweak them in places to help make them easier to grasp.