Saturday, August 13, 2022

Nuclear Relativity: Universities' and Scientists' Inadvertent Complicity in Societal Chaos

NonLinear Physics Reality *Accesses*
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Mistaken Linear ("Modern") "Science" Accesses
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Reality Science and Social Responsibility

Universities and scientists are unwittingly, inadvertently responsible for contributing to the current chaotic societal situation.

Twenty years ago, agencies had to come to terms with the reality that had they'd worked together and shared proprietary information things could have been very different in New York and Washington. Thousands of lives could have been saved. 

Today, not much has changed. Higher Answers capable of saving countless lives are scattered in bits and pieces within and around university campuses and depts, and scientists are being graduated into positions of power and unshakable authority - all while the other side of themselves has been overlooked in that disintegration, leaving them with an unrealized "cerebral neglect", aka...*imbalance*.

Linear logic, in a NonLinear universe.

Nothing "out there" means a thing unless and until the MIND of the *observer* is recognized for what and how it is. Un-Conscious scientists are unwittingly searching for ~ themselves ~ "out there"!

Emulating that linear imbalance, millions of people likewise are entangled in that PROJECTION without REFLECTION.

Time and space are *relative* to the ever-current state of the art of one's perception. Having plasticity, they breathe right along with us, directly observable with superConsciousness.

As if that isn't enough, scientists are spending billions in monies searching and waiting out "centuries" for profound Universal Answers that are very genuinely available - *Now*.

Without *Balance*, there is no access to where the Higher Answers are waiting to be recognized / acknowledged.

Without *Balance*, there is no harmonic / multidimensional / multiple layered processing.

Higher (Universal) Empathy

When I was a small child I experienced such a dilemma. "If I go left, what happens to right? If I choose 'this', what's gonna happen to 'that'?" I felt so compelled to always mindfully, empathically, include "the other side" of everything.

I recognized the math in everything. It was incredibly fascinating, *even* captivating, to me. If various things were seemingly unrelated, but they each somehow had a "2"/two in them, I recognized there was a higher relationship not otherwise obvious at surface glance. I just knew if I observed them more closely, they were, indeed, related.

I loved laying on the floor under lamps to watch the particles floating around in the beams of light. I clearly remember when I quickly came to the conclusion that *everything* in the whole world was actually made up of tiny particles just like that.

"How many leaves are on all the trees, in all the whole world?"...was like glue to lock in that nothing and no one was ever going to distract me away from the profound intrigue my curiosity held. I just knew somebody somewhere had the Answer.

Language was no exception. It was *Energy* (as previously discussed in detail here) that humans created and made up *stories* about. I always needed to know who originally invented specific words, what was going on with them when they first made up a word, and what was going on with those who then also began using it. Language was simply expressions of *Energy*, originated from grunts and groans empathically recognized and made meaningful by others around, as people "act out" the waves of *energies* that constantly flow through us all every moment of our lives.

I never lost my inherent nonlinearity we are all born with but most lose by age 5 or so, as collective unconscious convention rushes in to distract them into its one-sided, linear External Dependency (only "out there" and only past tense, as having any legitimacy).

With my nonlinear nature retained, I likewise never lost my photographic, videographic, audiographic memory, all of which require nonlinear, *forever Now* recognition.

These are the bases of *balanced* multidimensional, translucent, Universal processing.

Linearity and Cerebral Neglect

As collective unconscious convention rushes in to "guide" us in the direction of the *stories it tells itself*, we lose "the other side" of ourselves, and with it the essential *balance* and simultaneous multiple-layed processing, logic, and acknowledgment needed to *access* higher complexity. Most just naively, dutifully, follow along. (Continued below....)


Please see "The Why in the Road" here.

Also please read: 

Unpuzzling the Mystery of Consciousness (Previously written here in 2014):

Understanding "The Something" vs "The Nothing"

A really easy way to *grasp* the basic physics and idea of Consciousness is the following metaphor...

There are two humongous jigsaw puzzles in the Universe...the *One* already put together at the Universal Core (Physics Truth of it All / The Nothing / Emptiness (of all projection / distraction) ), and the one that "burst" into The Something, Existence, that "one grain of sand" / The God Particle (when mass turned into matter) that "began"!

The Nothing's puzzle at the Core is perfectly intact, totally undaunted by human projection/distraction.

The Something's puzzle has exploded ~ away from ~ the Core into total chaos, and humans are living in that massive mess of jumbled up jigsaw puzzle pieces, unwittingly trying to figure out how to make sense of "the Bigger Picture, " and how it all applies to themselves collectively and individually.

Most people put just enough pieces together, even wrongfully (though for them they "seem" to go together), to find/create meaningfulness and purpose in their lives. Once established in those "comfort zones," they are so resistant to redirection that they will go to war (within themselves and without themselves) to protect those *stories they tell themselves* over and over again until even they have forgotten they've invented them!

But, just as with a jigsaw puzzle, there is...

...noticeable, observable, measurable ~ structure ~ in all the chaos...

...of the jumbled up puzzle/tangled webs they've woven for themselves, and those with superConsciousness/Enlightenment (meaning those fluent in the TRUE Universal Physics, who are able to see/*realize* the completed puzzle at the Universal Core), are those who are compassionately trying to redirect the collective unconscious convention (what everybody else is doing) to the right/correct way to perceive that Universal Puzzle, so there can finally be peace on earth, and an end to the relentless worldwide warring, hating, hurting, killing chaos that's destroying it.



From this conventional *imbalance*/disjointedness, we then unwittingly spend the rest of our lives in search of *the other side* of ourselves.

From microscopes to telescopes to cosmos, scientists are unconsciously in search of...themselves..."out there"! The ultimate super(im)position! That lost-to-convention *other side* of themselves that takes with it photographic, videographic, audiographic memory, gone by early childhood, all requiring mindfulness of inherent nonlinear multidimensionality.

They're the first to go, but from then on everything in life is experienced linearly (line-arity), like...


The whole other side of the Universe is lost from one's mindfulness / Consciousness wise.

Of course, it is still 100% all *still* there (hear that?), inescapably present in every moment of life / existence, without your awareness, but that is precisely what moves and motivates you to do what you do, think what you think, feel what you feel...

Anything but..."an awful waste of space".

If you go left, it tempts you to go right. If you go up, you feel compelled to go down, etc.. Can you see the *energy* in action, forever (*Now*) rebalancing itself? 

Relative simultaneity!

It is at all times trying to rebalance YOU, back to your nonlinear nature.

Obviously, therefore, your *feelings* are the gravity and magnetism of your natural, inescapable inherent physics. The karma / destiny of your own choices, redirecting you.

So imagine, if you will, spending your life approaching your work Conscious, Awakened to...BOTH sides of yourself, aligned with Universal Reality!

Imagine having that much empathic *access* (balance, multidimensionality, nonlinearity)...

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...helping you process your work, whether it be exploring the cosmos, microbiology, sociology, geological sciences, etc..

Earthquakes, tsunamis, tragedies, catastrophes on the *even*-ing (hear that?) news...detected months, years in advance, in extraordinary detail. Repeatedly witnessed, documented (from me, physics / specifics detailed) by highest authorities for decades!

Wormholes, black holes, dark energy, dark matter, higher gravity, magnetism...nonlinear propulsion! (As in...inexplicable uaps' speed, directional changes, etc...nonlinearity!)

Alzheimer's, Parkinson's diseases, etc., physics recognized *higher*!

Yet modern science rejects any suggestion of reality beyond its linear AFTERmath.

You can't reason yourself out of that mindset using the same linear logic that trapped you into it in the first place! You need to take it *higher*.

Multidimensionality: "Buried within the message itself is the key to decoding it!"

Likewise, society, emulating modern science's modeling of one-sided linear, External Dependency...projection without essential *reflection*, is crumbling.

Universities need to understand and recognize the trickle-down effect of what they graduate into positions respected and copied by millions all over the world!  Many scientists mistakenly, naively, even arrogantly belittle psychology as "soft science"/less than, when in Higher Reality psychology is actually, very genuinely, quantum physics.

When everything becomes so tiny it can no longer be seen, such that it has to be *experienced* to know it is there, that is when and where sentience! 

Sentient (experiencing) beings.

Millions of people all around the world are unwittingly, inadvertently "acting out" modern scientists' authoritative modeling of..."the only thing that's real is 'out there' and past tense", aka...projection, projection, projection, which, by the way, repels the Answers further and further *away from*, as that linear unconscious "logic" neglects all sense of... personal responsibility.