Saturday, September 8, 2012

Roboticism & Automaticity: Tragedy of the Linear Lost

On December 26, 2004, over a quarter of a million people died unnecessarily in the Indonesian tsunami.

If they only had *known*...

It didn't have to happen!  Certainly not that way!

The earthquakes in Mexico City, Haiti, Chile, Pakistan, Italy, China, etc., that claimed thousands upon thousands of lives?  They were NOT meant to be!  Sadly, the sleeping convention is too unconscious to *realize* that, to empower themselves!  The horrific nightmare of otherwise contemplative Japan's own 2011 earthquake and tsunami from...heck! Volcanic eruptions! Hurricanes, floods, droughts...

The horrors of the evening / *evening* news...  Wake up, world!  Please!

*Something* ELSE is going on.  It's called...


As in... *Nonlinear Now!*  As in... *Accessible Nonlinear Now!*

Consciousness / Enlightenment is the art of rising above, or allowing oneself to step outside of, the naive, narrow processing of the collective unconscious convention, the mistaken "reasoning" of more than 99% of the entire world's population, to become *aware* of what is REALLY going on in the Universe, in everyday life.  No longer confining oneself to the roboticism and automaticity of the sleeping convention, the Universe is *realized* as completely *other than* the mystery and mindlessness of assumption.

"The future" is neither what nor where most folks assume it to be! 

Everything is *Now,* and higher and lower dimensions of *Now,* higher and lower *ACCESSES,* available in the *Now,* but you have to superConsciously *realize* your way into having those *accesses!*  Consciousness / Enlightenment IS the way to those *realizations* and *accesses.*

There are physics processes going on in the Universe that WARN of imminent manifestations.  These physics processes are teachable and measure-able, capable of saving and changing literally billions of people's lives, for ages to come.  They warn of imminent earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, all sorts of weather-related situations, literally MONTHS or more in advance!  The more horrific, the longer the warning!  They warn of approaching human-initiated devastations!  They "tell on" medical diseases and disorders, and even offer the cures for them...those very cures medical researchers are spending fortunes and wasting valuable life-saving time looking for in their mistaken linearity.  They warn of all of these, and so much more, and they do so IN SUCH INCREDIBLE DETAIL  that you could literally write their headlines and factual stories  MONTHS, YEARS, in advance!

But the collective unconscious convention places equally unconscious representatives in the very positions of power and authority they trust will protect them from those imminent, often devastating manifestations, totally unaware of what they've done, and it continues to cost them their lives!

What a tragedy!  Automatons, robots...unconscious collective convention!  Wind-up toys...winding up dead!  Wake up, world!

Please! Wake up!  The Universe is completely *other than* the assumptions of the unconscious collective convention and its equally sleeping representatives. 

Do YOU have the COURAGE to *do the work,* to *know* the real Universal Truth, to *realize* your own superConsciousness?  To take responsibility for yourself?  To selfLESSly rise above and beyond yourself, to compassionately and empathically strive to change and literally save billions of people's lives?  Or, is it really still all about you?!

What's it gonna take? =(