Fluent in the nonlinear physics I am discussing here, I had detected BOTH the 1986 Challenger space shuttle disaster and the 2003 Columbia space shuttle disaster, each long BEFORE the manifestation of their demise, in plenty enough time in each incident to protect and save the lives of your astronauts, as well as those shuttles!
The NonLinear Universe, with its ENORMOUS *parade view,* already knew!
Thousands of miles away, and very busy with work elsewhere, but superConscious / Enlightened nonetheless, I therefore empathically also *knew!*
Please don't look away!
As always, I am NOT talking about "psychic" malarky here. I am talking about actual nonlinear physics!
As always, I am NOT talking about "psychic" malarky here. I am talking about actual nonlinear physics!
These physics are *far more highly evolved* than anything your linear science of AFTERmath has to offer!