Monday, October 1, 2012

NonLinear Cognition vs "Impossible" Precognition

The concept of "pre-cognition" has been so misused, abused, and soooo totally lost and exploited in conventional unconsciousness that the very REAL *reality* of NONLINEAR COGNITION has been rendered "impossible," far too complex and so instantly unduly paired with that mess that distracted scientists and conventional "authorities" can't find their way out of the tangled webs they've naively woven themselves into, and millions of folks are literally suffering the consequences of that entanglement, with billions more to come until they do!

Folks need the appropriate tools, direction and guidance to reawaken themselves, and society needs its scientists to get it right/*right,* and correct two/too, because when they don't *get it,* their relied-upon political leaders, law enforcement agencies and emergency personnel, etc., emulating them, ALSO don't *get it!*

Repeatedly, Enlightened Ones have nonlinearly detected the horrors of imminent natural and human-initiated disasters, in the most extraordinary and life-saving detail, but conventionally celebrated scientists, unable to hear or process nonlinear physics, have taught convention's "authorities" that "precognition is impossible," and the Enlightened Ones continue to be called "charlatans" and completely ignored.  

Exploitation by Conventional "Psychics"
The extremely unfortunate charade of conventionally-initiated "psychics/mediums/seers" who admittedly have no clue what they are really doing and believe no one capable of seeing through their exploitations of their equally unconscious followers has inadvertently guaranteed that the already lost and misguided scientists and conventional "authorities" would also not have a clue how to decipher / delineate genuine Enlightened Ones (fluent in measurable, teachable nonlinear physics) from the charlatans of conventional exploitation, and millions upon millions of folks continue to die unnecessarily, when the information needed to save their lives was right there all along!

"Precognition is impossible," the celebrated scientists taught those "authorities," a mantra repeated by the scientists/authorities in L'Aquila, Italy recently, of many others, in their efforts to shut up one of their own who had accurately predicted an imminent earthquake and was desperately trying to WARN.  "Earthquake prediction is impossible," they said, bringing out their equally unconscious law enforcement to quell that 'public nuisance.'  The earthquake manifested shortly thereafter and unnecessarily killed over 300 people, who would be alive today had anyone bothered to WAKE UP and *LISTEN!!*

Over a quarter of a million people died in the Indonesian/multi-country tsunami. Enlightened Ones watched it happening...for MANY MONTHS...all year long, prior to its December 26, 2004 manifestation.  And on and and on...'s getting worse.

"The earth is flat" and "time is locked into place" are still behind the unrelinquished ritualisms of convention, and its past > present > future misinterpretation, misguided as it is, borrows on that continued misguided "logic" that "no one can know the future," but when you ACCURATELY process the Universe NONlinearly, that "future" is neither what nor where it seemed to be!  It is simply a far more highly evolved *ACCESS,* and with millions of folks suffering the consequences of a sleeping society with its equally sleeping "scientists," let alone its unconscious political leaders, there's no excuse that those entrusted  to protect them are given so much power and authority, when they haven't even/*even* bothered to...

...*do the work* of Awakening!