Thursday, October 11, 2012

Quantum Entanglement: "Spooky Action" to the Linear Unconscious

Einstein's "spooky action" of quantum entanglement is no where near as "spooky" as it may appear!  In fact, to one/One with nonlinear superConsciousness, there is no mystery whatsoever!

Everything, everybody, everywhere, from rocks to trees to mountains to rivers to sediment, to volcanoes to earthquakes to tsunamis, to human-initiated objects to people to the weather/whether, to horrific events on the evening news, and every subatomic particle, wave or whathaveyou, is SHARING the exact same physics at the Universal *Core!*  There is no escaping this *higher reality!*

That "spooky action" isn't spooky, after all!  It is very simply...Empathy! 

Universally SHARED Empathy!

The reason the concepts of quantum entanglement, empathy, telepathy, esp, precognition, "remote viewing," etc., all seem so "spooky," and, to many scientists and others influenced by them, downright ridiculous, is because those folks are mistakenly perceiving life as linear (past>present>future), which sets up all sorts of "impossible" scenarios, in their minds, when in the REAL *reality,* those scenarios, aka accesses, are sitting right there, immediately available, just waiting for someone to notice!  Those same minds are also unconsciously perceiving everything and everybody as somehow magically plopped down into the world, completely other than everything and everyone around them!  That is conventional unconsciousness at its finest!  Everybody, everything, every event, action, happening, experience, everything in existence, including the weather/whether, is all connected at the Universal *Core.*  Move any one, move every one!

It is essential that scientists learn to separate, though, in their minds, what unconscious convention has done with its notion of linear precognition FROM the reality of NonLinear Cognition!   The consequences, otherwise, are horrific, as repeatedly seen when scientists, and the political and emergency services folks they've wrongfully used misplaced authority to convince, rush forward to "scientifically" claim is "impossible to predict earthquakes," etc... That is unconscious linearity talking, and it is irresponsibly costing thousands of people their lives, hundreds of thousands in the 2004 Indonesian tsunami situation!

If you've done any of the *work* provided for you in the *Clear Path* to Universal superConsciousness blog accompanying this version ("...for Scientists," meant to be an extension, not an exclusive detachment in any manner),  particularly the *work* toward the nonlinear processing of the *withinXwithout* superimpositions of ultimate innermostXoutermost physics, including the *God Particle* and *Goddess Particle*  superimpositions and polar shifts, you can begin to actually *experience* the "quantum entanglement" of your own reflective reality.  While those are incredibly profound, there are plenty more to be *realized* as an inescapable truth of your very own inherent physics.  Master thousands upon thousands of those superimpositions and parallels, and it becomes inescapably *clear* just how determined/*determined* the Universe really is in its revealing itself to you!  If you don't *get it,* IT gets you, until you do!  When you do *get it,* and you fluently master the *reality* of Universal multidimensionality and nonlinearity, along with its superimpositions and parallels, that is when those "downright ridiculous" and "impossible" concepts mentioned above take on a whole 'nother respect altogether!

All throughout human existence, there has been the profound, inescapable Universal Truth, and a very distracted, uneducated, culturally-blinded world of people trying to make sense of it, evolving into comfort zones of fabrications and belief systems they establish their lives around, and the more established they become, the more vested their interests in maintaining those belief systems become, until it is nearly impossible for them to untangle those tangled webs they've mistakenly and inadvertently woven themselves into.  Questioning those long-established vested interests is experienced by them as a serious threat, because, after all, should they be wrong, their entire lives would seem like a lie, and so they hold onto those tangled webs because the alternative feels like severe loss, even death!  Mixed in with all those tangles are the social factors involved in collective unconscious reasoning, and this is where concepts such as precognition, remote viewing, telepathy, etc., take on only what that collective unconscious conventional reasoning has been able to process!  For instance, if you buy into the linear notion of ONLY past>present>future, it is easy to see how one would "reason" that that past is no longer accessible, "because it's gone forever," and that that future is as yet inaccessible, "because it hasn't happened yet," and with enough of those mistakened notions floating around, and social influences making a mockery of such related things as precognition, telepathy, etc., rendering them "impossible," well, it's easy to see how linear science would also have bought into all that, as well!  But the living, breathing, pulsating Universe proves just how wrong that linear stance would be!

The Universal Reality of Telepathy
I've already mentioned, and even specifically posted about, the need for folks, including and especially scientists (and political and emergency services personnel) entrusted in positions to save enormities of people's lives, to wake up to a very clear distinction between the conventionally-perceived magical thinking of "precognition" vs the very real Universal physics reality of NonLinear Cognition!   "Precognition" is one of those words, as with countless others, that has been soooo misused and abused that any hope of its retaining a sense of reality "in the real world" has been lost to its social reputation, so any further use of it, particularly as a teaching tool, is only likely to be lost as well.  That "real world" it has been lost to is the world of unconscious convention!  The reality and practical applications of NonLinear Truth are far too important to be conflicted with all that mess, especially in terms of saving people's lives, so let's move on to the, as yet undamaged, concept of NonLinear Cognition, and we'll focus, here, on the reality of *telepathy!*

I have actually experienced telepathy, and that experience was so incredibly profound, in addition to a timeXspace signature redefinition, that it is certainly unforgettable.  In fact, much of what I do, given my nonlinear, mathematical, multidimensional superConsciousness, is closely related to "telepathy!"

Years ago, I had an extended acquaintance with someone who, like myself, however rare, was fluent in nonlinear superConsciousness, including nonlinear mathematical superConsciousness, which essentially means that the *patterns in the chaos,* which seem so permanently chaotic to the unconscious collective convention, and so lost to "probability" to unconscious, linear scientists, were just as fluently ordered and organized, aka Universally *realized,* for that acquaintance, as with myself!  As a result, nearly every interaction was like endlessly falling through wormholes with a simple momentary gaze!  It was such an extraordinary experience!  It was like, by simply observing each others' eyes, every split-second balanced itself out and kept on going, as if falling through space and time!  It was like standing on a beach, gazing out across thousands of miles of ocean, *experiencing* it calling to you with the same anticipation of a future as with the *remembrance* of a past, suspending you into the depth of forever *Now,* into layers upon layers of multidimensionality.  It was like a roller coaster whose every hill and valley were leveling themselves fluidly, instantaneously, every step of the way!  And it all happened so quickly that time and space themselves appeared to disappear!  Nonlinearly mathematical from birth, Consciously, I've been to the Universal *Core* repeatedly, where all physicality disappears, all everything disappears, even/*even* mind, and there truly are "No words! No words!  ...Poetry!" as Contact's Ellie expresses.  All that energy out there floating around you?  It's made up of all the "minds" of all those who (and that) came before you, and after you, all dissolved into *One!*  It's like visiting *The Nothing!* (Emptiness of all projection, not meant as conventional "nothing!")  It's next to "impossible" to explain!  You have to go there yourself to directly experience it!  There truly are "no words" sufficient enough to explain it (though dark energy and dark matter can be understood from it)!  But to experience that *non-experience* of being so much a part of that Universal *energy* and *empathy* that there is nothing/Nothing more is the most profound *experience*/*non-experience* of all/Awe!

Telepathy is shared empathy, and the more similarly fluent each entity is with the nonlinear physics of Universal Truth, the more profound that shared empathy!  Likewise, within convention, the more similar or close any two entities are in their functioning and/or shared experience, such as twins, for instance, the more each others' immediate-most experiences, at least, can be empathically *realized.*

Albert Einstein, to someone with superConsciousness such as myself, can be realized as a fairly Universally Enlightened individual, which scientists of the "old boy school" always rush to quickly squash, insulted by any such suggestion, as if someone is daring to damage the reputation of a brilliant man who, in their minds, wouldn't have anything whatsoever to do with "soft science" or "mysticism!"  But that is only their linear misinterpretation of life talking, because there is no such thing as "soft science" or "mysticism!"  The Universe is what it is, and everything else is distraction and/or escape!  Much of Einstein's words and expressions refer to, and were born from, his Universal Enlightenment!  Conscious, enlightened folks can clearly hear and recognize his multidimensionality in his words! In fact, what makes brilliant scientists so brilliant, as I've mentioned in another post, is precisely their ability to Consciously reflect, and then to reflect that reflection upon their work, multidimensionally!  Therefore, I would suggest that Einstein's use of the "spooky action" terminology was more an intentional effort to communicate with distracted scientists than any such distraction from himself!  The only thing that messed Einstein up was his era's need to have everything presented to them in linear AFTERmath!... the very math Einstein couldn't do!