Thursday, June 1, 2017

The *Now* _IS_ The Nothing, Translucence, Emptiness, Beginning & End... (II)

Before going any further, let's break down the gobbleygook in that last paragraph in the previous post, where simplicity just didn't quite appear to jive with all that seeming complexity, because Universal Truth and Consciousness really are a whole lot easier than any of that sounds!

First, here are those bewildering words that seem to suggest a complexity where none actually exists:

"Consciousness" (Awakening/Enlightenment), despite what highly distracted convention and its equally naïve scientists try to do with it, has nothing whatsoever to do with cultural/college fads, make believe, metaphysical unprovable fantasy, religion, etc.. Higher Consciousness is the fluent and fluid reflection/*realization* (via dependent origination, without imposing projection or distortion) of the TRUE Universal SYNERGISTIC NonLinear physics moving/motivating/bringing into being all things, all events, all sentient (experiencing/living) beings, which brings with it profound *access* to multidimensional language/math, timeXspace relativity/ability to transcend time and space relative to Awareness, and the ability to apply One's realizations to the everyday superimpositional world (microscope to Cosmos) toward the most incredible and inescapable insights!  Everything is connected and SHARING the exact same physics at the Universal Core! Suddenly the world just got a whole lot smaller than most folks allow themselves to see!

It really is a simple (easy enough for anyone to *grasp*) One Answer!

Now... (Oh, that mysterious catchword!) let's break all this gobbleygook down to show just how easy and simple all this Universal Consciousness/physics stuff really is, one sentence at a *cough* time:

"Consciousness" (Awakening/Enlightenment), despite what highly distracted convention and its equally naïve scientists try to do with it, has nothing whatsoever to do with cultural/college fads, make believe, metaphysical unprovable fantasy, religion, etc..

Ever try stepping out of the  It follows you everywhere you try to go! Past and future don't really exist! They are human inventions, albeit very convincing ones, but that's only because humans have established and embedded themselves so firmly and deeply into those *stories they've told themselves* that they've got everything commitedly set up to look that way! To evolve beyond that notion, so much else of conventional life has to be navigated beyond, and most folks won't allow themselves to "go there" because their entire comfort zones, defense mechanisms, religious beliefs, cultural and familial traditions, etc., get in the way.

One of the worst, most unfortunate human inventions, is the "clock," the device that pretty much guarantees a worldwide *neglect syndrome* in which one-sided, linear (line-ar) perception becomes the only way to go, distracting countless billions of folks from regularly "turning around" to reflect upon themselves, and to *even* (hear that! Aka, *balance?!) notice the whole other side of the Universe, and the other side of themselves! Even more, that one-sided-only linear projection, so devoted upon by modern science, only serves to further the illusion (any wonder "the universe is expanding?") because processing linearly actually REPELS the real Universal Answers further away from themselves, because the true NonLinear Universe, adamant in remaining NonLinear, plays chess with you with every breath you take, every move you make, until you do learn to STOP PROJECTING and start REFLECTING upon yourself and all else from a place of Balance! When you move left it moves right, when you go up it goes down, over-under, yes-no, and on and on and on...via dependent origination (no need for an up if there is no down, no over without an under...).

So, the more you unconsciously project, the more the true Universal Answers are REPELLED away from you, and the more the (yes, Einstein) relative "Something" (one sided linear/cerebral neglect) enlarges in time and space (expanding the Universe) to accommodate that projection. The living, breathing, pulsating Universe takes an extended deep breath but never gets to let it back out again, as it awaits your reflection. Scientists who conventionally think this is a bunch of malarkey are still persisting upon defining their scientific method as...first they TELL the Universe what it "has to" be, and then they set out to make that come true. True scientific method ASKS from a place of raw (pure) observation, via *realization,* not TELLS!

The implications and consequences of all that one-sided, linear projection/neglect syndrome are ENORMOUS! Wars within themselves, caused by neglecting the other side of themselves, become all the wars without themselves! Social and domestic rivalries, medical cures, sleeping/equally distracted scientists proud of their mere 5 second earthquake warnings when it could easily be hours/days/months or more, and insisting it'll take "centuries" to have Answers that are already available in the Now if only they'd turn around! Agencies serving as protectors of entire cities remaining totally clueless about imminent tragedies and catastrophes that are screaming their approach and imminent manifestation!

Clearly, it is "beyond time" to wake up!

Consciousness is the fluent processing of the TRUE Universal dynamic from that NonLinear place of Balance/*pure/raw observation!*

(Writing...8/05/2017  Edited/added to. Got called away. Be back asap to continue this discussion in upcoming posts.)