Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - IX

Next, let's talk about refinement, magnification and extended "relatives," toward helping you see, directly for yourself, what Time and Space really are!

Universal Physics Truth via Nuclear Relativity/Energy has the power to dilute adversarial tensions around the world because it so powerfully and profoundly proves itself that it would have the same effect as, say, an inescapable acknowledgment of aliens close enough to our planet to invade as third party threat and overtake us all.  It is that force of Nature far more powerful than any segregated, divisive, self-centered alienation on earth. Higher Reality than anything conventional adversaries across the globe could spring forth, Answers everyone could Consciously share and comfortably live with could finally bring "peace on earth."  Of course, that's a lot to hope for, as it would require a general recognition, at least, by the global populace, and that's not going to happen for a long, long "time" (remember to recognize spatial differentiation!), but there would certainly be a powerful "trickle down effect" if "the people" had leaders and "authorities" mindful enough of our inescapable SHARED Reality to position themselves to be respected and emulated.

I know, I know...dream on! That's not likely to happen for ages to come, but technologies in the multidimensional, NonLinear Now, while adversaries wait out their "centuries," would speak volumes and get their attention pretty quickly.  Linear distraction is what keeps everyone trying so hard to be one-up on each other, because it breeds belief in ultimate subjectivity as real reality is REPELLED further and further away from them and everyone is "acting out" their notions against one another. Provable Universal Answers leaving no escape have the power to still/*still* the world. The nature of linear Something, the imperfect jigsaw puzzle trying as hard to put itself together as it does to tear itself apart, will always create and sustain diversity and adversity, but world leaders Consciously mindful enough to step out of the fray and position themselves to be emulated would at least provide the "best case scenario."

Most wars can be traced to religious notions used as weapons against dissenters, but religions are individual and collective "stopping" points unwittingly in search of the exact SAME Universal Truth, where likemindedness meets unconscious comfort zone and buildings and monuments become erected in Space to reflect and provide Time to process those shared states of the art of their hearts. Religions can be lined up along the "yellow brick road" to see the wizard based upon their individual levels of Consciousness/Awakening/Enlightenment, many having a very long way to go ("time") while a few others are almost (at varying levels of) *there.*  Most wide Awake are Buddhism (coming in as second to) Taoism, the difference being that Tao ("Way" things work) at its truest requires NO "acting out"/projection (including as organized religion) in recognition that unconscious projection erases mindful reflection ("The name that can be named is not the eternal Name. The tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao."), parallelling "one (first) grain of sand," the God Particle's mass/*mass* to matter/*matter,* Christianity's original sin,  while Buddhism mindfully projects "just enough" (as the Dalai Lama explains in his books) to give folks enough "something" to adhere to and have a sense of belonging and companionship in, as they collectively grow and move toward Awakening. Notice the 2000+ year old Tao's being in agreement that you have to directly experience it yourself to realize the true physics.

Most forms of Christianity have interpreted the language/energy of Truth/Reality in parallel, such that it is heard quite literally and taken as non-multidimensional language accepted at face value, such that the father/Father (environmental) superimposition is literally anthropomorphized.

In 1945, ancient texts were found in Nag Hammadi, Egypt, written circa 300 AD, dating back to 60 AD and earlier, that suggest a quantum/relativity awakened Christ, while the Dalai Lama has corrected modern scientists he regularly meets with toward a necessary 'unification of science and religion' mindset that quantum physics and relativity were recognized by ancient Buddhists ("buddha" being an ancient Sanskrit word for "realizer," the Buddha dating back 2500 years), with Tao Te Ching (Way Things Work) over 2000 years old, I Ching (NonLinear math of Now "Book of Changes" written 3000 years ago and still/*still* currently applicable in any "current" Now), and Vedas (Wisdoms) much earlier and continuosly added to over the ancient ages.  Upanishads, Patanjali Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharata...  Despite modern science having a long way to go to play catch up, none of these *higher realizations* are new!  Newer questions, perhaps, NonLinear Now Answers.

Conventional minds find it difficult to fathom advanced scientific understandings among ancient cultures, wondering (rote-ly) where they could possibly have been getting their information and insights from ("aliens?!"), but they, too, only needed their mirror/reflection, and a simple gaze into water (an ancient analogy to Truth) would do, to see the other side of themselves.**

Speaking of which...  Your Nuclear (Family) Relatives/Relativities NonLinearly continue with your sibling superimpositions, such that "sister" is your Yin/female/feelings/right hemispheric physics and "brother" is your Yang/male/thinking/left hemispheric physics.  Older sisters and/or brothers refine and reveal your more deeply held/committed feelings and/or thoughts, while younger sisters and/or brothers refine and reveal your less deeply held/committed feelings and/or thoughts.

So, here, get out your notebook and pen and write several pages about your sister(s) and brother(s).  Be as 100% truthful as possible, because the Universe "already knows" the real Truth and can never, ever be lied to successfully.  Try to be sly and there will be "hell to pay," for real, as everything multiplies exponentially and lies can send you into needless painful chaos if you try to beat the Universe at its very own chess game!  The Universal Physics are at all times fully accounted for, simultaneously. There is no hope, after all, in beating your mirror image to a match! Darned that relative/relativity!

Having written several pages to or about your sister(s) and brother(s) (separately in your notebook), go back over what you have written about your sister(s) and read it again, and again and again and again, until it starts talking back to you...as long as it takes (can you see TIME expanding in ACTION between projection and reflection, between convention and reality?) for you to discover yourself feeling higher and deeper truths about yourself than you ever realized you could, and then do the same for your brother(s), writing several pages about or to them, and then allowing yourself to hear the higher truths and complexities of your very own thoughts, understanding, intelligence.

Again, no amount of pretense or short-cutting attempts to fudge the process will jolt/evolve you out of collective unconscious convention and its mistaken "logic" and "reasoning." ("Either you want the Truth or you don't!")  It is your actually experiencing the pain and confrontation (energy) of your conventional imbalances, distractions and ownership of your unconscious projections that provides the KEYS that open NonLinear, multidimensional, *higher accesses,* as you propel yourself through wormholes threading the fabric/tapestry of Universal Truth.

It is never enough to pretend, project, know about the truth, while you keep yourself safely hiding out in conventional audience disguise.  ONLY actual, direct experience will provide the KEY required to unlock your exponentially higher and Higher and HIGHER *realizations.*  The Universe can never be fooled by pretense.

Within (mother/Mother), Without (father/Father), left (brother(s)), right (sister(s)), religion to science, Cosmos to microscope, weather to all events to the *even*-ing news, Energy to Empathy, every cell in your body, every subatomic particle, every event, every everything responds favorably to balance, still/*still*ness.  Freed by your no longer resisting your own fully integrated, reflective, withinXwithout reality, meditation can now be realized as far from any conventionally laughed at pop culture amusement, and instead the stilling/*still*ing aka balancing of your escapisms into the real Reality, as every part and particle of you has always known, and the stress you've felt has been the clash between your neurophysiology and energy *knowing* and your every conventional unconscious attempt to interfere.  Hence, the health benefits of *surrender,* as your no longer resisting frees those parts and particles of you to return to the balance they always knew was there.  Meditation, and even much of "new age" music, as well, previously considered nothing more than college-types' craziness and/or "metaphysical" nonsense, have been hinting higher truths at you all along.  There's a humongous difference between fantasy and genuine recognition/Awakening.

Remember to *remember*...that your Nuclear Relatives persist to haunt you far beyond your notebooks, so learn to keep yourself *aha!*-ing all throughout your everyday experiences, as every mention of, or interaction with, your "relatives"/relativities, "moment by moment," becomes yet another inescapable revelation about yourself, like a neverending homework, and along with those countless opportunities to hear and recognize and own all the additional and supporting language superimpositions that are so revealing of both yourself and everything else, Cosmos to evening news, going on in the real Universal Reality.

*Remember* to refine the refinements (older sibling vs younger sibling) of yourself, which further propel you into multdimensionality.

Your NonLinear Now Awakening is beginning to multiply exponentially, expanding and constricting relative time, relative space, allowing you to witness the living, breathing Universal fabric/tapestry weaving itself before, within and after your very own eyes, directly for yourself!

*Energy* Wise and Mindful

(To be continued...)

**Anthropologists, historians, etc., would learn a heckuva lot more about their ancient idols if they were fluent in NonLinear multidimensionality.