Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XII

The Awakened vs Sleeping Scientist (Brought forward from my December 16, 2014 blog post, so important to include here with the Wormholes discussion in NR XI below):

It is essential here to reiterate the profound importance, the incredible empowerment, of Awakening to the real *reality* of our Universe as NonLinear!

Wormholes, dimensions, parallel worlds, timeXspace signatures, dark energy, dark matter...are NOT OBJECTS!

They are *realized accesses!*

And so are the ongoing, ever-current dynamics of imminent devastations!

These NonLinear Physics reveal, actually detail (names, dates, faces, places...) the horrors of the evening/*even*-ing news, days, weeks, months, even years before they manifest to traumatize the world! Officially documented! Repeatedly proved! Actual observable, measurable physics!** (Hence, my "umpf!" in trying so hard to be heard and taken seriously here!). 9/11/01 detailed itself years before it manifested! The Indonesian/multi-country tsunami that killed a quarter of a million people in 2004 was detected more than a year prior to its manifestation, including the frequencyXintensity of its massive death toll! Earthquakes that devastate entire cities scream their imminent approach through "time" like a freight train that can be heard coming for miles! Hurricanes expose the paths they'll take when they haven't even begun yet! All 100% true! How can this not be CRUCIAL for scientists to wake up to, and the political, emergency management, and other conventionally unaware folks who EMULATE their taken-for-granted "authority?"

"Hocus pocus?" Absolutely NOT!  Don't fool yourself, getting further lost in conventional misuse and abuse of language physics! Everything happening is SHARING the exact same physics at the Core, including with yourself, and inescapably using that physics to do what it's all doing, with or without your awareness of those events! Why not evolve into those *higher accesses?!* If you're a scientist/emulated authority figure, you have a responsibility to evolve!  It's all ...*energy*..., taken away from collective unconscious convention and its make-believe notions, and redefined in the REAL REALITY!

Our NonLinear Universe has an ENORMOUS "parade view," a totally 'open book' for the world, anyone superConscious enough of its true physics dynamics (which inherently superimpose their own), to tap into! Don't stunt yourself into processing life from only the perspective of relatively tiny little, highly distracted from the "Bigger Picture" humans! A tsunami is barely a trickle of water to the overall Universe! A volcano is a blip in your spaghetti sauce pot!  Earthquakes destroying cities are hiccups! Humans have trapped themselves into extremely self-oppressive perspectives, but if you process like the Universe itself, which you CAN with superConsciousness because you are an integrated part of that Universe and hence its physics are your true, inherent physics, as well, SHARED at the *Core,* you really can Awaken yourself to what is really going on!

No matter how far out into the cosmos, no matter how tiny or minute under the most powerful microscopes, 100% of ALL Answers sought by "hard science" must inescapably be processed through the human mind!

The most rigid laboratory investigations are only as good as the mind(s) perceiving them, yet while all sorts of supposed safeguards and controls are put into place to ascertain a valid, respectable outcome, scientists again and again persist in ignoring the ultimate processor/perceiver of their work, of all: their own mind(s)!

There is no such thing as "hard science" vs "soft science," in reality! The only thing "hard" about science is its hard-nosed refusal to reflect upon itself!

A vivid demonstration of this reality can be found in the Carl Sagan movie, "Contact," which is, for adults, what "The NeverEnding Story" is for children: a serious hidden revelation of Universal Physics Truth / Consciousness / Enlightenment.  For unconscious conventional scientists, however, the movie is laughable "fantasy!"

In "Contact," while ripe for *higher truth* Ellie falls through wormholes via her contact-inspired pod, realizing and experiencing the mathematical structure in translucence, the multidimensionality of language, the living, breathing Universe right before her very own eyes, the supposed best of the best scientists staffing the control room witness only static, haven't a clue what's really going on, and proclaim the mission a failure, because "nothing happened!"

Nothing happened, all right! And left, too/two!

Deemed top secret/confidential, the White House inquisition *quietly* acknowledges within its own walls that those seconds of "nothing happening" / static were measured as lasting..."18 hours!"

*Now* ...Do you really want to be the last to know?

** Stuff happens because the conditions are in place for them to happen. NonLinear physics detect those conditions forming, congealing, coming together (spherically, mathematically, w/dependent origination, etc.), "every second," keenly zeroing in on precisely what is happening and going to happen, recognizing that congealing hours/days/weeks/months/years before manifestation. The specifics/details share the same physics, likewise reduce to *energy* as all else, and that *energy* of those specifics consistently repeats and repeats along with the congealing, approaching, overall event.