Saturday, May 12, 2018

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XIX

Dialogue Between Russian Scientists & Buddhist Scholars
Dialogue II : Understanding the World
May 3-4, 2018

(NEW) (Please see update below!)

The Russian scientists open by telling the Dalai Lama they have all been feeling inspired by his book, "The Universe in a Single Atom." (The Convergence of Science and Spirituality)

VIDEOS of 2-Day Sessions

(I already have wonderful notes to get on here within minutes of HH Dalai Lama's opening address, relating the Dalai Lama's discussion on world humanity to the inner Core of Universal Physics, in continuation of my writings here on NonLinear vs linear processing/cerebral mindfulness toward Awakening "modern" science (microscope to Cosmos) and world society.

Back to add my notes as I "attend" these new Dalai Lama and Russian scientists dialogues.)

UPDATE: July 12, 2018
I have intentionally backed off from commenting on these sessions between HH the Dalai Lama and the Russian scientists, because while I see important things to comment on, I love just sitting back and respectfully *listening* to their discussions.  I love these guys, and I enjoy observing *where* their hearts are taking them.

They are "bridging" important gaps between east and west, between science and spirituality.

If I feel a need to comment later on, I will, and the little kid in me is moving toward doing just that, but for the moment I just really am enjoying *listening.* (Multidimensionally/NonLinearly, of course! ;) I have lots of wonderful notes to share! )  My resistance comes from feeling lonely *there,* abandoned, all alone with where I can go with it, so I back off, but the prolific me is bursting with the joy of wanting to write about it! We'll see... 

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XVIII

The (Nuclear) Physics of  "Genius"

I'm inspired to write this particular blog post because whenever a circumstance in basic everyday life presents itself as an opportunity for folks to be collectively drawn to a search for higher Answers, and to question, relative to higher processing and other-than-convention suggestiveness, it's important to address it.

The situation/circumstance here is the curious-to-conventional minds television program "Genius Junior," with young children performing what appear to be unconscionable feats of beyond-human skill that have so many folks scratching their heads in disbelief. The seemingly impossible abilities these kids are demonstrating ancient alien enthusiasts are likely to lay claim to as coming from extraterrestrial intervention, as they have with Albert Einstein and company, while conventionally-minded academics/modern scientists most likely are looking in all the wrong places for reasonable conventional explanations.

But the real Answer can be *realized* with higher Consciousness, relative to Nuclear Relativity.

Our ability to *access* other-than-conventional expectation depends upon balance, what Tibetan Buddhists call (in Sanskrit) "Madhyamaka," or "middle way."

The reason it is so important to address the dynamics behind these children's seemingly inexplicable feats is because the Answers are important bridges toward solving/resolving situations in other areas of life that are hazardous to millions of people the world over.

The producers of "Genius Junior" have no idea what they are really sitting on, and its significance to the Awakening of collective unconscious convention.

When conventional minds process linearly (past to present to future), it's like they've inadvertently opened floodgates that pour in so many unnecessary distractions that their minds then have to process, and that distracts and smothers their ability to stay-on-task to *access* the Answers to complex tasks the Genius Junior children are handling/tackling.

NonLinear processing keeps the Universal Core *clear* for immediate *focus.* Instead of chasing endless possibilities off into a non-existent "future," as if the "deck of cards" has endless considerations, instead of concentrations, it's like playing the game of Old Maids, matching and canceling, matching and canceling your way to the Core.  There is a math involved, a very simple pairing of opposites. Just don't be heading off in all the wrong directions!

NonLinearity keeps all Answers immediately available, as if staying "at home," whereas linear processing would be like having to travel long distances in all sorts of various directions to scoop up all the various pieces of the puzzle needed to put it all back together again, like Humpty Dumpty, when you already had it together before you got yourself tangled in all that chaos.

NonLinear processing keeps all aspects of the puzzle within arm's reach, immediately available in its natural state of UNprojection. Linear projection creates unnecessary problems/obstacles, such that you are constantly getting in your own way, falling over your own projected chaos.

As the host posing the questions presents them to these children, these Genius Juniors are immediately manifestating/experiencing it all videographically, photographically, "audiographically," most importantly...Translucently...before them, similar to dreaming while wide awake.  Without linear distractions, they are able to hold their visuals, etc., in NonLinear stillness/*still*-ness, and process nonlinearly, so it's like NOT moving left or right, but rather like falling through wormholes, or depths of multidimensional *access,* suspended like Alice through her lookingglass.

Time and space are creations of our own doing. We can't live on the Universal Core, so we create relentless imbalances by leaving it, over and over again, then struggle to find our way back out of all that. The more entangled we become in the *stories we tell ourselves,* the more "impossible" it seems toward resolutions.

But when we STOP! the Universe stops too/two, and all that "impossible chaos" resolves its own self, the self-imposed clouds *clear* away, and the needed Answers that were there all along reveal themselves, the chicken and the egg dependently having arisen.

The Universe is a system of opposing forces/energies, so the solution is simply to recognize that and stop creating your own unnecessary opposition.

The reason this is so important for collective unconscious convention to bother interrupting its misguided make-believe is because all the horrors on the evening/*even*-ing (hear that?) news serve as sudden, unexpected JOLTS/wake-up calls to conventional dreamworks as all those oppositional forces of its own doing are forever in play to slap it in the face, trying to awaken world society's pathologically distracted mindset to the REAL Reality that, despite their sleepwalking, there is an inescapable Universal dynamic in place that all the denying in the world can never usurp.  The inevitability of it catching up to you is what "karma" is all about.  If the Universal Core is 9 and you behave 7, you've created your own destiny of having the missing 2 come into your life.  If convention has behaved 4, then 5 is headed for the *even*-ing news!

Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, the weather, human-initiated catastrophes, accidents, incidents, criminal activities (murders, kidnappings, etc), everything destined for the *even*-ing news all throughout the world, SHARE the exact same Core dynamics with all else!  Nothing is excluded (and only the balanced Nothing)!  Everything else, microscope to Cosmos, is subjected to re-balancing/even-ing.

An earthquake or tsunami, for instance, is never just an earthquake or tsunami, and they never begin disjointedly from all else, nor from sentient (experiencing) beings, segregated within themselves. On their relative-to-humans/sentient beings' most immediate surroundings, on the scale of those natural forces, their level of participation in the exact same NonLinear Reality is that the *energies* going on throughout all else in Existence directly impose themselves on the underlying physics of earthquakes/tsunamis and "erupt" as those natural forces, so the more superConscious convention could be, if only it allowed itself to wake up, the more and broader warning/recognition society would have of their imminent approach, because all energies can be observed/recognized as congealing/forming/coming into being toward manifestation, as a children's playground parachute game in which they stand on an outer circle, toss up the parachute, and all run together to the center/Core, to meet "in the middle." Madhyamaka!  Old Maids matching and canceling, matching and canceling their way to the Nothing...the Old Maid, or Universal Intuitive Empathy.

The children on "Genius Junior" are still holding on to their higher-than-convention NonLinear *accesses,* processing what they encounter videographically, photographically, audio-graphically.  Rather than being constantly distracted into linear chaos, injecting "time" (distance to resolution, creating a wedge between The Something and The Nothing), they are simply still/*still* balanced enough (thinking with their feelings and feeling with their thinking/balancing Yin X Yang), and all the manifested "stuff"/"space" arising from totally unnecessary projections, their Answers appear for them immediately, in the Now, held, as if gel'd, *suspended* in their Now/wormhole position of balance.

Time and space are, in reality, nothing more than the linear *stories* we tell ourselves as we invent our way through life, and the manifestations (props, set, characters) of those *stories* as we project our way into chaos and then try to find our way back out of it all, again and again and again...  *Order* is simply *NonLinear Now* resolution.

I've advised the children/parents/producers on "Genius Junior" (via twitter) not to get lost/caught up in convention's misinterpretation/objectification of the concept of "genius." They will LOSE IT if they do! "Genius" is really nothing more than the "genus," or origins," arising *from within,* as opposed to rote repetition from without. It is the same dynamic of Universal NonLinear Core/Presence ("Kundun" in Tibetan language, or Presence, being the everyday name for the Dalai Lama). Inject/project linear collective unconscious convention interpretation onto it, and there it goes, off into linear OBJECT**-ification, as world society then tells itself stories similar to its religious notions of themselves being "forever less than" to its "Forever More Than" characterizations.

Once your brain creates divisions like that and makes matters/matters worse by putting up imaginary walls and boundaries, and laws, then the stories you tell yourself become filled with deprecations, invisible hurdles and destroyed self-esteem. You then don't even/*even* try, believing yourself unworthy, and you defeat your own effort.

The ...genus... arises within you, in the Now, in every Now, because your own inherent physics of Existence are NonLinear and multidimensional. Your Nuclear (Core) Relativity (dependently originating relationships *within*) is an exact reflection of all/ALL/Awe that is ongoing *without.*

Einstein simply Awakened to Reflective Relative Reality recognized thousands upon thousands of years ago!

You can, too/two!


** "Genius" is an enormous self-less RESPONSIBILITY, not an object to possess away from/in exclusion of others!