Friday, August 31, 2018

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XXIV

Understanding Quantum Entanglement, Gravitational Waves, Dark Energy and Dark Matter Begins in Your Own Reflection

Hidden (by themselves, from themselves) in all that "awful waste of space" that scientists laugh at and won't dare be caught going near are all the Answers they desperately seek, ironically. The only difference between discovering them now, versus centuries from now, is quite simply the courage and Conscious mindfulness to go after them.

The first hurdle to confront is ego, which is the inadvertent by-product of conventional misperception. A true "unified theory" requires your letting go of "cerebral neglect"/one-sided audience stance notions of being able to simply and passively observe the Universal Truth without any personal responsibility or commitment on your part. There is no "unified theory" without you being included in it! No one/One gets off that easily. Either you want the Truth and are ready to handle it, come what may, or you are just irresponsibly hiding out and allowing collective unconscious convention to keep covering for you.

Scientists mistakenly assume that any inclusion of themselves in the Answers would inject subjectivity, opinion, and/or bias into those Answers, but that is unconscious conventional sabotage. That is not at all what higher Consciousness is all about. The True Universal Physics are your True Universal Physics as well, because we are all fully integrated entities within the synergy of it all, so to truly *realize/recognize* what IT is doing, you have to have the courage and foresight to *realize/recognize* what you are actually doing. The Ultimate Dynamic is one/One of Translucent Empathy, and that requires that you are courageous enough to *align* with it. Just think of it as fueling in flight or coupling with the international space station at cosmic velocity.

Bringing your own personal timeXspace signature into empathic alignment with the True Universal Dynamic can be excruciatingly painful, so consider yourself duly warned! It can feel akin to giving birth to yourself! In the movie "The NeverEnding Story" Bastian throws the book across the room when confronted with his true self. Expect to be throwing a lot of things along your way/Way as well! It will not be easy!

The Universal Truth about Dark Energy And Dark Matter

Grasping the true nature of dark energy and dark matter is a lot closer than modern scientists realize. The force behind them is only as elusive as your own. It's that disdained "awful waste of space" / cerebral neglect syndrome again that needs your ownership. Your Nuclear relatives and relationships will guide the way/Way.

There's no need to wait out "centuries" for the Answers. "Centuries" are nothing more than the Universal Core Truth versus your willingness and readiness to see and experience it. All in one/One fell swoop you can fully grasp what Time and Space, relativity, quantum entanglement, and dark energy and dark matter really are! Even locate The God Particle! It's all right there, in YOUR mirror! And it has been all along!

Ready to fall through some very real wormholes, realizing the nature of black holes along your way?

I'll walk you through the process, right here, helping you over that threshold, but you still have to actually *do the work* because science's days of conveniently, uncommittedly sitting out in an audience, detached and personally irresponsible, selectively in search of unification, are gone. You have to *wear* the Answers if you truly want them. be continued.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XXIII

Revisiting Nuclear Relatives and Relationships: Getting Across the Threshold

This is where it all hits the fan.  I begin helping folks really get into it, to awaken to the true nature of their own and the Universe's reality, helping them to actually *wear* it, own it, begin to fall through genuine wormholes, only to turn and see that they've all run away.  It's one thing to read about it, but when it comes to actually applying the physics, well... Collective unconscious convention has a gravity all its own that pulls people back and just won't let them go. At least that's the excuse. It's really about vested interests, defense mechanisms, fear of the unknown and worry what they are getting themselves into, a sense of unworthiness, of betrayal of tradition, faith and culture, of reputation, and the comfort zone of dependency on doing what everybody else is doing.

Allowing yourself to evolve beyond those conventional gravitational waves depends on how good and determined a "swimmer" you are.

Crossing the threshold between being lost in collective unconscious convention and its adhering old boy school science begins in that reflective mirror, whether scientist, simply curious, or anyone, anything in between.

Time and Space are the problem.  They are nothing more than sentient (experiencing) inventions.  What you assume or believe becomes the very elementary math game you play every moment of your life, as you pulsate your way through your everyday world. Individual experiences (timeXspace signatures) collectively create a statistical mean that creates and establishes the illusion of everyday/overall "reality."

If the Universal Truth is 18 and you behave 12, that existing/Exist-ing/Existential discrepancy has to have a place to go. You've created your own "spatial distance" away from the Core/Universal Nucleus and you need to find your way/Way back to balance/stillness/*still*-ness. Your ability to realize your own projections is what establishes and presents itself as "time." The further from the Core/Nucleus you are in your assumptions and beliefs, the more "time" you'll need to resolve your projections into reflections. Neither the "future" nor the "past" are what and where most folks assume them to be. Letting go of conventional notions of time and space is an important step in Universal Awakening.

Please see:**

Projection vs Reflection

Spirit vs Soul...The Reflectivity of a Pulsating Universe

Resistance is revelation. The further away you go, the more linear space, and the more resistance you feel, as the Universe tries to draw you back to the Truth. The closer to the Core/Nucleus (pen example) you remain, the less resistance/less time you experience (NonLinearity).

Your Nuclear Family begins your Awakening by teaching you to recognize Time and Space for what they truly are, as you evolve into multidimensional *realization* (recognition of multiple dimensions going on that you are inescapably a part of but may have not *realized* were going on).

When I was in college, a 73 year old classmate was giving her course presentation one day, in a theater-type seating arrangement room, and I was exploding out of myself as I sat further to the right and above my professor, the head of the psychology department. I wanted so much to contribute, to help my classmate along, but I felt very conflicted about whether or not I had "permission" to say anything.  The professor knew *where* I was and kept turning around and glancing up at me with an angry look on her face that pierced my soul.

I worried she was warning me NOT to say anything, so I didn't. Later, as I left my philosophy dept. head/professor's office after he and I set up an entire "course of one" for the semester in which I was to be the only student in that class (because "you're scaring the hell outta the students! This way we can talk freely!"), my psychology professor diagonally across the hall zapped me really good!  I had been exploding with energy that was seeking a place for me to simply express my overly prolific me, without hurting anyone in the process, and my philosophy professor heard me and was ready to help and personally intrigued. After we had one of our wonderful one-on-one talks in his office, he got down on the floor and stacked 14 books he pulled out of his bookcase that I had to read for our student-of-one course. Whoa! I was still in shock as I was leaving, and she caught me off guard as I breezed past her office door almost directly across from his.

"Just who do you think you are?!," she called to me from her desk.

No one else was around.  She had to be talking to ME! As I headed down the hall, her words were piercing my soul to the Core, and she meant them to do just that! I backed up and peered inside. She was sitting at her desk, sideways, waiting for me. I was shaking, pretty hard!

"You do NOT have the right to enable people NOT to grow!"

She'd been listening to our conversation. My philosophy professor had even actively cried as we so closely related to each other. He said he had waited all his life to finally meet another person who had been born as fluently Conscious as he himself had been.  We shared a beautiful bond, our loneliness/aloneness with our *realizations* was feeling somewhat alleviated in the moment, and I felt so close to him, until I learned that the stack of 14 books he was on his knees selecting from his stash were not intended to be a loan. Instead, I was to write down every description and go to the university bookstore to buy them all for myself. I didn't mind. I was delighted! Books were my best friends, and he was introducing me to these mostly ancient ones/*Ones* that would remain in my heart forever!

"You have a RESPONSIBILITY to elicit *change* in the world!," my psychology professor sternly continued.  She was leaving no doubt in my mind just where I *was* and what the Universe itself expected from me. It was the most profound gift I'd waited a lifetime to receive! Took me a while to realize it, but I love her so much for what she did for my heart and soul!

She was reprimanding me for NOT speaking up in class, any class.  I had been terrified to contribute, punished all my entire life, dare I ever say anything. That 73 year old classmate was just beginning to hear through language, multidimensionally. She was a novice whose presentation was on "jokes" and her beginning to suspect that there was maybe more to language and the effect comedians' suddenly switching definitions of words on their audiences had on people's minds. Maybe, she was curiously beginning to explore, just maybe there was something hidden in language, in the words we speak, and how we use and hear them, that could possibly hold higher answers/truths about...everything?!

I was fluent in multidimensionality, but I was afraid to speak up in class, which is why I didn't help her further along. Worse yet, she was part of my group of friends I hung out with on campus. I felt awful, but who was I to redirect anyone, try to tell people there was so much more going on in the world, in the Universe, that they were unaware of?  I was just a nobody, a "freak of nature" I oftentimes considered myself, and being punished all my life, including by teachers and professors, locked that in pretty deeply.

I had been booted out of my desperately loved and needed social life on campus by intimidated professors who gave me an "A" for the semesters and told me not to return.  It was 6-7 weeks before the end of the term!

My psychology dept head realized what was happening.  She went on to tell me that she had gone around to all my other professors and talked with them about me, explaining to (and assuring) them that I was not maliciously trying to be "one-up" on them.

Soon after that my passionately loved physiological psychology (brain science) prof, who had punished my deserved 108 score on my exam down to 94, saying I had "answered too much,"*** totally, unsolicitedly, out of the blue approached me in her class and handed me several printed-out pages of a fantastic magazine article (Scientific American?) beautifully detailing the brain and brain science that I loved and cherished and held close to me for years! I suspect it was her quiet way of apologizing. To me, it was a long-awaited "Hershey bar!"

There's a whole 'nother Universal definition/dynamic of life, of reality/Reality, hidden in the language you speak/*energy* you express/expel (Language is to humans :as: Exhaust is to a Vehicle), energy expressed/expelled at the Core/Nucleus level as that Universal "wifi" flows through us, and all else, everywhere else, absolutely nothing and no one excluded.

Consciousness is the *realization/recognition* of that *higher truth.*  You have to go through it, to get to the kazillion other truths forever present and waiting for you to notice! It is not enough to know about it! You have to actually *WEAR* it, 100% within yourself! You have to OWN it!

One *aha!* at a time!

Nuclear family begins that process. Everything else is selfish collective unconscious convention and its seriously misguided "modern science," taking a horrific toll on humanity and the planet.  Until you are *there* that is really hard to fathom, because without *access* to the higher, multidimensional synergy of it all/Awe, everything seems subjective, disjointed, disconnected, discombobulated, and it feels safer to slide right back down that (Dalai Lama's example) ladder into the arms of that advocating yet so unaware convention.

That's the easier way out, but there is no real "out"/escaping the physics from the Universal Truth/Dynamic controlling everybody, everywhere, everything going on, only selfish naivete that bites you in the butt as "karma," destiny, in its demand for balance.

Let's again work on Nuclear Relatives toward helping those Universal Relationships spring forth into your Awareness. It is time to fall through some more very, very REAL wormholes and visit/*access* some more very, very REAL (multiple) dimensions, genuinely transcending linear time and space.


** Working on editing and including my original *Clear Path* to Universal superConsciousness blog "for Everyone" into this one "for scientists" to help scientists realize where they have lost touch with themselves and how to become "far more highly evolved" on behalf of all of science and global humanity!  There are really important posts there addressing such topics as "The God Particle," The Goddess Particle, and the NonLinear physics behind ancient religion (Quantum Christ, Nag Hammadi Library, for instance) that are so essential to science's Awakening!

The God Particle
The Goddess Particle
Nag Hammadi Library: Quantum (Relativity Realizing) Christ

*** It wasn't like I'd whipped out notebook paper and rambled away. She said "turn the (exam) page over" and that's what I did! I simply divided it into four sections and answered what she'd wanted. It was all correct, but I got punished for it.

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XXII

The Importance of Science Consciously Recognizing and...

Respecting the Translucent Structure Underlying the Universal Dynamic

...and Presenting/Modeling that _Respect_ on Behalf of All Humanity

Modern scientists are unwittingly horrible (inadvertently irresponsible) unconscious role models for the tremendously troubling world we all live in.

As long as they continue to present themselves and the world of science to global society as a difficult, elitist-like environment that "has (or only can have) all the answers that no one else could ever possibly figure out, that overall MESSAGE is what is emulated by billions of people around the world who are struggling to find their way, and it SCREAMS hopelessness, helplessness, unworthiness and division in the hearts of the social planet.  It constantly imposes itself into their everyday lives, telling them that unless they're one of those elitists they have no way/Way to ever know the true nature/Nature of what the Universe is all about, and that breeds beliefs in billions of minds that the very best they can do is settle for a Universal Reality of subjective opinion devoid of proof...and its relentless consequential WARRING!

As a result, global society is going haywire, and the chaos that becomes the evening/*even*-ing news belittles and humbles the individual and collective soul into a sense of hopeless, helpless passivity and smallness, causing everyone the world over to believe any contribution from themselves a mere and "awful waste of space."

It is long overdue for modern science to wake up!

Science needs to recognize itself as dangerously and selfishly flawed, unbalanced, undeservedly elitist, and causing global society emulating all that to likewise be  dangerously selfish, flawed and unbalanced.

That "clock" invention is truly, genuinely, one of the WORST, most destructive creations humankind has ever devised.  Its immediate implementation and division of the other side of life (feelings, religions, spirituality, wonderment, etc.) as worthless subjectivity has blinded nearly all of humanity, misdefined the REAL Reality, and stolen away Universal Truth!

Its resulting disease is one of Cerebral Neglect. The whole other half of basic reality is being invalidated by science itself, and emulated across the globe!

Modern science has got to Awaken itself to the damage it has done and continues to do to global humanity, not to mention the far more complex Answers they are waiting "centuries" to discover!  Selfless ownership begins the journey back to the TRUE Universal Dynamic.

There is STRUCTURE in all of Reality, and that ...Structure... is NonLinear, Translucent, Timeless, Spaceless, Empathic and *Empty!"

And most importantly...immediately *accessible,* realizable, recognizable and available to every heart that wants it, equally! No matter the scientist, no matter the simply curious.

Science has got to selflessly, Consciously present THAT Reality/Truth to the world as its PRIMARY MESSAGE! the TRUER, *higher* "scientific method!"

Science's unapproachable elitism, however unintentional or inadvertent, has run its course and is coming to an end.  Gradually, scientists around the world are having to recognize that the reason they have run into a wall of "philosophy" is because the other half of themselves, their Cerebral Neglect Syndrome, (linked above), was bound to present itself as the KARMA of their own doing/making.

There is no true/accurate "scientific method" without mindful *reflection.*

Reflect upon that for a moment: Modern science has persisted in searching for a "unified" theory all the while leaving out the other half of life, of learning, of themselves, reflectively, considering it useless "awful waste of space!" What kind of "unity" is that?

Too bad countless emulating generations the world over have had to suffer the harsh consequences of unconscious "science" on global society. Billions of people have felt and continue to feel "less than" they were born to realize of themselves, of others, of reality, to feel helpless and hopeless to *change,* and drawn to religions and spiritualities for comfort that may or may not be in their, and the collective unconscious convention's, best interest.

As HH the Dalai Lama reaches out to assist in the Awakening of newly recognizing, accepting scientists around the world of what they have done, those who have inadvertently and unwittingly chased themselves into their own mirrors, the art of *reflection* is little by little redirecting how global society is emulating modern science, and the Dalai Lama's heart-felt, Awakened presentation/modeling of himself as a "simple buddhist monk" needs to be emulated by elitist-lost, resisting scientists as "simple human beings like any other" who are first and foremost, and ultimately, learning about themselves *reflectively,* as they search outside themselves for their overall Universal, Unified Answers they simultaneously seek *within.*

Every answer/Answer, microscope to Cosmos, and everything in between, is immediately available to ANYONE, no matter how formally or life educated, or simply curious, in Timeless, Spaceless reflection/*reflection.*