Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XXII

The Importance of Science Consciously Recognizing and...

Respecting the Translucent Structure Underlying the Universal Dynamic

...and Presenting/Modeling that _Respect_ on Behalf of All Humanity

Modern scientists are unwittingly horrible (inadvertently irresponsible) unconscious role models for the tremendously troubling world we all live in.

As long as they continue to present themselves and the world of science to global society as a difficult, elitist-like environment that "has (or only can have) all the answers that no one else could ever possibly figure out, that overall MESSAGE is what is emulated by billions of people around the world who are struggling to find their way, and it SCREAMS hopelessness, helplessness, unworthiness and division in the hearts of the social planet.  It constantly imposes itself into their everyday lives, telling them that unless they're one of those elitists they have no way/Way to ever know the true nature/Nature of what the Universe is all about, and that breeds beliefs in billions of minds that the very best they can do is settle for a Universal Reality of subjective opinion devoid of proof...and its relentless consequential WARRING!

As a result, global society is going haywire, and the chaos that becomes the evening/*even*-ing news belittles and humbles the individual and collective soul into a sense of hopeless, helpless passivity and smallness, causing everyone the world over to believe any contribution from themselves a mere and "awful waste of space."

It is long overdue for modern science to wake up!

Science needs to recognize itself as dangerously and selfishly flawed, unbalanced, undeservedly elitist, and causing global society emulating all that to likewise be  dangerously selfish, flawed and unbalanced.

That "clock" invention is truly, genuinely, one of the WORST, most destructive creations humankind has ever devised.  Its immediate implementation and division of the other side of life (feelings, religions, spirituality, wonderment, etc.) as worthless subjectivity has blinded nearly all of humanity, misdefined the REAL Reality, and stolen away Universal Truth!

Its resulting disease is one of Cerebral Neglect. The whole other half of basic reality is being invalidated by science itself, and emulated across the globe!

Modern science has got to Awaken itself to the damage it has done and continues to do to global humanity, not to mention the far more complex Answers they are waiting "centuries" to discover!  Selfless ownership begins the journey back to the TRUE Universal Dynamic.

There is STRUCTURE in all of Reality, and that ...Structure... is NonLinear, Translucent, Timeless, Spaceless, Empathic and *Empty!"

And most importantly...immediately *accessible,* realizable, recognizable and available to every heart that wants it, equally! No matter the scientist, no matter the simply curious.

Science has got to selflessly, Consciously present THAT Reality/Truth to the world as its PRIMARY MESSAGE! the TRUER, *higher* "scientific method!"

Science's unapproachable elitism, however unintentional or inadvertent, has run its course and is coming to an end.  Gradually, scientists around the world are having to recognize that the reason they have run into a wall of "philosophy" is because the other half of themselves, their Cerebral Neglect Syndrome, (linked above), was bound to present itself as the KARMA of their own doing/making.

There is no true/accurate "scientific method" without mindful *reflection.*

Reflect upon that for a moment: Modern science has persisted in searching for a "unified" theory all the while leaving out the other half of life, of learning, of themselves, reflectively, considering it useless "awful waste of space!" What kind of "unity" is that?

Too bad countless emulating generations the world over have had to suffer the harsh consequences of unconscious "science" on global society. Billions of people have felt and continue to feel "less than" they were born to realize of themselves, of others, of reality, to feel helpless and hopeless to *change,* and drawn to religions and spiritualities for comfort that may or may not be in their, and the collective unconscious convention's, best interest.

As HH the Dalai Lama reaches out to assist in the Awakening of newly recognizing, accepting scientists around the world of what they have done, those who have inadvertently and unwittingly chased themselves into their own mirrors, the art of *reflection* is little by little redirecting how global society is emulating modern science, and the Dalai Lama's heart-felt, Awakened presentation/modeling of himself as a "simple buddhist monk" needs to be emulated by elitist-lost, resisting scientists as "simple human beings like any other" who are first and foremost, and ultimately, learning about themselves *reflectively,* as they search outside themselves for their overall Universal, Unified Answers they simultaneously seek *within.*

Every answer/Answer, microscope to Cosmos, and everything in between, is immediately available to ANYONE, no matter how formally or life educated, or simply curious, in Timeless, Spaceless reflection/*reflection.*