Friday, December 28, 2018

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XXXVII

Why Can't We Go Back in Time?...(Yet!)

It is all/Awe about *recognition.*

A phenomenon I have always enjoyed all my life has been as much fun as it has been frustrating. When I walk into a room the circular clocks go backward! For real! The second hand reverses and goes back one or two or three seconds or so. It won't do it if I am looking for it to happen (because that messes with the math). It has to catch me off guard.

The frustrating part is that it is so incredibly and profoundly intriguing that I want so much to hold it in place, to not lose it, to observe it longer, loving the experience. But of course, again, that means I'd be messing with the math, and it won't let me do it. (See what I mean about the Universe having a mind/consciousness/Consciousness of its own?!)

When I was 18, a clock started going backward and just kept going and going and going, but I digress. Surely that had to be a malfunctioning in the clock itself. But it was so interesting to see happening, anyway. It seriously just suddenly started going backward and wouldn't stop. To add to the fun, though, I just feel such a need here to include, just for the heckuvit, that I am often awake and asleep at the same "time," which really became prominent when I was running a crisis center all night long, 11 pm to 7 am, during college, where I had to be awake all night long enough to handle the crisis lines and intakes, but if things were slow I could go lay on the couch and doze off...just a few feet away from the office and phones.  I had to go straight back to campus when I got off at 7 am, or thereabouts, and my college classes would go on, off and on, until 9:15 pm, at which point I still didn't have enough time to go home (between Tuesday and Thursdays) and had to go right back to work again. I was taking 6 courses at college at the time, and though I have always hated to sleep at all, all my whole life being a night owl, I would occasionally be exhausted and doze off.  But it was so much fun! I would be "sound asleep and dreaming a very active dream," all the while my eyes could be open and attentive to clients in the safe house who would come out in the middle of the night wanting to talk. Of course,  then I had to let the dream go and wake up the rest of the way, to be there for the clients.

The most magnificent dream I have ever had, and certainly the most curious, dynamic wise, happened about 2000-ish or so, when I was fully asleep and nearly my entire visual field was filled, in giant cartoon conversation bubble mode, with Einstein videos, dozens, more like hundreds of them, each of them eye-shaped, tightly packed into that cartoon bubble filling every possible space, overtaking nearly 100% of my visual field, and each and every one of them was all actively "playing" as the "videos" they were simultaneously! As if that isn't fascinating enough, each "video" was different, in that Einstein was wearing different clothes, was with different people, in different settings and scenery, every one of them perfectly normal (furniture in place, clothing of his era, etc). He and they (also all different) were all moving around, talking with each other, doing different things in different places, which fascinates the heck outta me! I mean, my mind was producing all those dozens/hundreds of Einstein videos, all simultaneously! Whoa! I quickly became aware that I was dreaming and consciously tried so hard to "hold it" all in place, to capture the moment, so I could watch them all, and explore the phenomenon, not wanting to lose a single moment. I can still see them, at least overall, and it still amazes me! I mean, geesh, talk about multidimensionality! Multi-tasking! What was going on with me at the "time" that was able to produce each video as a video in its own right, let alone soooo many, and to keep every one of them in place, appropriately! I've had some super-fascinating dreams, and awake and asleep experiences, but that one tops them all, I think. It was really cool! And they were all black and white. It was kind of like falling through an Einstein-themed wormhole. I cherish having had that experience and have always wished it would return.

Relative Time, Relative Space. and Traveling Back in Time
We are already "time traveling," of course. What one believes/assumes/perceives (aka, projects) away from the real Core Truth, and how long it'll take to get back to the Universal Truth, happening with every breath we take and move we make, is what determines "time." It is the difference between Core Reality and non-reality, between the Something and the Nothing, between the God Particle and the Goddess Particle. Between scientists linearly waiting centuries for answers vs NonLinearly *recognizing* their availability in the *Now.*

Space, then, becomes the manifestation of those projections, as everything in Existence manifests the difference between perception and reality.  Overall, time "out there" is simply the mean statistical average of the collective unconscious convention's *stories it tells itself* and space is the manifestation of those moment by moment projections. Sounds weird, but you can really see this, up close and personal, when you *do the work* to position yourself to directly recognize it for yourself.

In our NonLinear Universe, where there is no beginning and no ending, everything simply being *Now,* there is no actual "future." Without a "future" there is no real "past" to be traveling back to, right?  But what is there are the broader and broader *accesses* you have with increasing Consciousness, meaning that what you see and experience in that *Now* is larger and larger, like a much larger "playing field" for you than for those who are lost, confining themselves in linearity. Your Universal "parade view" becomes vast, relative to human capability overall, compared to unconscious convention's tiny parade view of only seeing that "parade" as it appears in front of them. With a vast parade view you are sitting on a cloud, watching it forming, congealing, coming into being, watching its approach, seeing its *presence* in the immediate, and then watching as it moves on until it dismantles and disintegrates into wherever that energy is going next.

What is really, actually *changing* as "time" appears to move on, one "second/minute/day..." to the next, is not really a forward linear moving "time," but rather the constantly reconfigured mean statistical average of collective unconscious convention's constant redefinition/re-perception/re-experiencing of each and every "current" mean statistical average.

Some extremely simplifying examples: relentlessly re-perceiving an abstract painting; a jigsaw puzzle where each piece (to make it easy here) is a different color, making a different picture with each change, an ever-changing possibility of childrens' building block formations, random numbers jumbled and resettled into "new" formations, except that one individual or collective perception slowly morphs into the next via relative/relationship connections, everything always *Now*...just redefined, remorphing, NonLinearly, in the *Now.*

Plasticity of TimeXSpace Transcendence
Relentless morphing and remorphing/ever-*changing* Translucent *Energy* is plasticity, like perception getting up, turning and sitting back down again. Getting back up, turning and sitting back down again...and again and again and again... Constant redefinition.

Going back in time is already there, as a process, as it would be in a NonLinear Universe...

<--------- o ---------> 

...but of course it comes in partnership with its own dependent origination. Problem is, collective unconscious convention only sees reality one-sidedly...


...and so it is only going to recognize what manifests their projections in that direction. We all only see the manifestations of our perceptions, so if you are able to process reality NonLinearly, you will at least get glimpses of backward "time" travel, such as my clocks going backward, etc. I have had all sorts of flashes of "previous" life experiences throughout my life, that are profoundly interesting to at least play with, and respect, and no doubt this is where scientists are getting their notions of parallel universes and that all of us have thousands of ourselves "out there" simultaneously on all those parallel universes, all living every possible possibility (required in a NonLinear Universe where everything is actually already all said and done)! I've seen all this myself all along. It's just a simple math reality of NonLinearity. It is extraordinary to experience and enjoy observing. This also goes along with Tibetan Buddhist notions that a worm could be your mother.

In a Universe where you have to experience every possibly possibility, where everyone and everything goes "next" would be in keeping with wherever the natural physics left off in a previous experience. It doesn't jump around. It smoothly continues morphing. With all my many animals, I never have enough arms and hands, so I figure I'm destined to become an octopus in my next life, haha! When a NonLinear Universe collapses in on itself, into the Nothing (Translucence, Emptiness), every possible possibility for all has to have taken place.

Remembering that everybody and everything has its own timeXspace signature, or ever-changing address in the evolution of Awakening, and hence stretching time and space back out to where we all are in the now/*Now,* traveling back in time can simply be appreciated as requiring our mindfulness, enough of our Consciousness, to be in place enough to have its partner, space, manifest (where we can see it) the inversion.