Friday, January 15, 2021

Nuclear Relativity: Lateral Symmetry, NeuroPhysiology & *Higher Reality*

(How "brain" does not precede or supercede "mind" or consciousness/Consciousness, despite arguments otherwise.)

It would seem to be "common sense," wouldn't it, that before there could even be any kind of basic consciousness, let alone advanced superConsciousness, there would first need to be a mind from which they would arise, and that, of course, for there to be a mind there would first have to be a brain, right?

But what kind of "common sense" would that be? 

Convention-al, because it has inadvertently suspended itself in linear, one-sided notions of time and space.

For collective unconscious convention, it's okay that "time is relative" as long as it stays hidden/safely tucked away in Albert Einstein books, but to bring it out into everyday reality it would cause too much of a hardship, disrupting everyday comfortable establishment, much like, say, someone coming along and officially renaming your street and/or town, creating a lot more work for you, slowing down "progress." It is, in actuality, altered experiences/layers of time and space that higher and lower dimensions of life, of reality, are to be found, not-so-hiding in plain sight!

We tend to function on automaton mode (like our autonomic nervous systems' breathing for us, so we don't have to constantly think about it. That would be exhausting!) It's when we have to slow down and think about what we're doing that stress sets in, overwhelming us. That's because we are relentlessly slipping into and out of different dimensions of time and space (similar to constantly changing speeds while we're driving). Look how different everything appears when we speed up or slow down videos, like of the starry night sky, waking us at least temporarily to another way of perceiving! That is exactly what becoming increasingly more Conscious feels like, and it's all very real!

So to convince people of the need to process from higher Consciousness is quite an uphill Sisyphus boulder-like climb. It's way too easy, way more convenient and comfortable, to simply continue to adhere/regress to what's familiar. Those are the neurons and neural pathways established already. So "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!" But it IS broken! It's not based upon the real reality! And if you don't fix it, you don't wake up to recognize that higher reality! That has devastating consequences to science, to advancement, to basic security, and to everyday life in general.

It's important to address just why it is that folks won't allow themselves to process higher Truth.

People are processing on a different timeXspace signature (placement in the grand scheme of all things) that their neurons and neural pathways have recorded as such, and changing or resisting all that is extremely hard to do, almost like picking up your house and moving it to some place else, when your whole life has been established around its previous placement. Convention has expressed concern about little Buddhist monk novices (young children), saying they should wait until they grow up and become adults and then decide if that's for them. But what isn't understood is that by then there are decades of neural processing so lost in conventional linear assumptions/indoctrination that are so difficult, nearly impossible, to untangle. So to expect anyone to process the seemingly impossible recognition that brain does not precede mind is like asking them to toss out all notions of linear "future." If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...

But in a nonlinear Universe, of course, the chicken and the egg co-dependently originate, each a reflection, or product, of the other, simultaneously arising.

Likewise, brain and mind.

Dependent Origination
So rather than being subject to random brain parts just having evolved independently into simply being where they wound up being, those parts of the brain, its structure, are where they are in response to many other things going on simultaneously, universally, that are continually eventualizing into place.

Let's look at important realities that may be easier to see.

Reincarnation, Redefined
We are, as you've learned if you've "done the work" of your/the matriarchical/goddess particle Consciousness studies here, mapping out mind, an actual physics analogy, or superimposition, "superposition" in quantum physics language, of our "mother" (our ultimate innermost self), and patriarchical/god particle "father" physics (our "outermost" physics self), inescapably. These not only expand to our sisters (right brain, feeling side) and brothers (left brain, thinking side), but neverendingly to our extended relatives/"relatives" (hear that? As in...Einstein!) as well. Grandparents, great grandparents, great-great grandparents., great-great-great, etc.... Aunts and uncles, great and great-great...etc. Older and younger siblings expose conviction in feelings and thought. (See the higher physics taking off?) This means that all those who came before us (as well as after), even long before (and after) our conception, apply as well, an element of higher Consciousness expanding exponentially (closed fingers example in previous article) opening further and further, relative/"relative" to our expanding/increasing Consciousness.

And of course these very real physics not only multiply exponentially forward, but backward as well, given nonlinearity. So a 3-year old, for instance, seeing nonlinearly far ahead (into what convention considers/assumes as "the future") would, given dependent origination, likewise have that extended vision/insight simultaneously into "the past," equally distanced, and all those goddess and god particle physics super(im)positions are nonlinearly fully in place, present in the Now as Truths of one's immediate-most presence, incredibly revealing higher reality of "chicken and the egg" brain and mind.

All of those physics of ourselves were in place, inescapably, long before our brain was "even" conceived! Long before our brain manifested, let alone ourselves! Parade view and all!

Neurologists, among other scientists, like to insist/argue that the linearly conceived "physical" brain has to precede mind, but clearly here you can see how brain didn't even yet exist (as convention knows it) while mind was already being well-formed ages before ourselves. And brain is needed to figure that out, in the nonlinear Now.

LEMS (Lateral Eye Movements)
Scientists (including neurologists) run into a serious problem with their conventional linear notions of brain and mind when it comes to the truth of LEMs, or lateral eye movements.

It is impossible to escape the higher physics dynamics expressed, exposed, while we are talking, because the left brain automatically projects out to our right visual field, and the right brain automatically projects out to our left visual field, faster than reflex. Try as one might to usurp the situation, the darting of our eyes like that "tells on"/exposes the depths and levels of truth/conviction/reality we inadvertently express in the process. The more intense our feelings the further left our eyes dart, and even entire heads turn, while the more deeply we are thinking the farther our eyes, even entire heads, are jolted to our right.** Balanced expressions maintain a forward gaze, in nonlinear Now. 

But faster than any attempts to "fake it" we could hope to muster, particularly because sudden far right jolting suggests lying, there is no escaping the reality that our brain and mind are designed by Nature itself, exposing the higher truth that the left hemisphere stores our thinking/thoughts/intellectualizations and our right hemisphere houses our feeling experiences, despite scientists persisting otherwise. (It's actually how the brain mathematically processes felt energies / patterns.)

Even if our mother/Mother lived on the other side of the planet, or just down the street, and we never, ever met her and/or never knew her behaviors or actions or kept up with them, our ultimate innermost selves are still inescapable identical analogies, actual nonlinear physics super(im)positions, of hers. 

Likewise, father/Father. Sisters, brothers (conviction relative/"relative" to age level). 

Mind does not solely belong to any one of us, exclusively. We have no proprietary ownership of mind! Furthermore, our borrowed, shared minds are not only all interconnected with each other but likewise share the exact same physics as earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, accidents, terror attacks and all other human-initiated tragedies, kidnappings, murders, domestic abuses, all ongoing events/happenings, all microbiology to cosmos... whether/weather we like it or not.

One physics, nonlinearly shared throughout!

Therefore, the more mindful we are, the more Consciously attentive, aware, Awake, Enlightened we are, to all else going on in the Now, and/or coming/congealing/forming into manifestation. Ongoing. overlapping, layered, multidimensional reality. All sentient (experiencing) beings exist as such.***

How do we *access* these other layers, dimensions, of super(im)posed reality? We free ourselves of collective unconscious convention-al notions, misinterpretations, of time and space.

Everything is happening, existing, simultaneously! But...simultaneity is relative!

And the way to *access* that relative/relative simultaneity is through our very own nuclear family, which guides us over the threshold into mindfulness and teaches us to directly experience the nonlinear, mathematical, multidimensional translucent truth of higher reality.


The more we confront our own higher truth, the more we learn to recognize and trust the higher process of all else ongoing. That trust coming from one's being truthful within oneself, directly, experientially ...via inescapable ownership.

All events happening everywhere in the entire Universe, nanotechnology to cosmos, are super(im)positions of one another. Those shared processes morph everything into everything else, borrowing on each others' interconnectedness and inescapable influence.

Empathic *energy.*

It is incredibly fascinating to observe, but it is the morphing and our ability to Consciously observe it, to empathically identify with it, or not, that creates the illusion, or perception, of space and time!

Therefore, it is only our self-diminished willingness to awaken ourselves. and not any restricted barrier, keeping us from nonlinearly evolving.

Mind is Universally, infinitely SHARED throughout, unhinged from time and space. 

Brain is manifested reflection that allows us, only when we're ready, to recognize that Truth!

** It has been estimated that in approximately 11% of left-handers, the situation is reversed.

*** There was a noticeable absence of animals in the 2004 tsunami, earthquakes and the like, because those sentient beings were mindful enough to recognize the imminent dangers congealing their way. Even documentaries have been done to explore how they *knew.* Not so lucky, nor mindful, the humans!