Shangri-La - I
Inspired by a TV program I love and respect, Expedition Unknown*, as it searches the world for profound answers, I feel such a need to guide folks to the ...real... Answer to the reality of "Shangri-La"/Shambhala.
Anyone searching that hard, with that level of devotedness, deserves to actually FIND it.
YOU still have to "do the work." I can only "play tour guide!" But this entire blogset has been devoted all along to teaching Consciousness, Enlightenment, as much everyday language as possible...the true, *Clear Path* to Universal superConsciousness, where all/Awe the Answers to everything/everywhere will ultimately be found.**
More than 99% of the entire world's population is sound asleep and living in a dream-state (with nightmare consequences) and doesn't even/*even* (hear that, as in *balance*?) realize it! Everything going on "out there" has been invented in that dream-state, their entire lives built and established in fantasy. With higher Consciousness, you come to recognize that no matter how much it may look like a duck and quack like a ain't a duck!!!! The whole entire thing is a lie!
Billions of people are themselves! And warring (*within* themselves, *without* themselves) to protect it!
Shangri-La/Shambhala is the state of higher Consciousness/Enlightenment, aka fluent Awakening to the REAL TRUTH of what is really going on, so while it is ...everywhere... only <less than 1% of the entire world's population figures it out!
Thousands upon thousands of years of people making up stories and living in them, individually and collectively, has essentially guaranteed that only a rare few will ever find their way back out of all that. Taoism and Buddhism, high lama level, (rooted in Universal physics) are the most *realized* of the dilemma humans have projected themselves into.
As I have frequently mentioned here over the years, convention has expressed concern about little Buddhist monk novices (young children) joining monasteries as toddlers without first growing up to an age of better understanding so they can choose for themselves if that's for them, but what convention doesn't realize is that, by then, billions of neurons/neural pathways have been soooo led astray by sleeping conventional/unconscious/mistaken establishment that it could take many lifetimes to untangle all the tangled webs they have woven themselves into!
Shangri-La/Shambhala is NOT a place in the highest caves of the Himalayas except that perhaps those choosing life at those heights may have metaphorically and mindfully escaped a life miserably influenced by and wasted in conventional unconsciousness. (Expedition Unknown puts this in context for you! See footnotes below!)
Religions need not apply, however, to process it, because those physics are inherently our own, inescapably, and all that is needed is your mirror, and the courage to be real with yourself.
So, genuinely, YOU still have to "do the work" to "get there," and that is because YOU are the one who mistakenly, inadvertently projected yourself into that sleeping state/bought into conventional establishment, and ONLY YOU can UNproject yourself, your own mistaken projections, your own wrong-way turns, back out of it!
I can help you do that, I can guide you through it, but only YOU can make it happen! While the Ultimate Answer is exactly the same for everyone, for all sentient (experiencing) beings, and all else in Existence as well, no one else can do the work for you.
Just how brave are you? How much courage do you think you have? WARNING: the journey will be terrifying! Do not go any further if you feel you are not *ready* for the REAL Truth...of YOU!
Who are you, reeeeaaaallllyyyy?
If you continue, you are about to find out!***
Truly Enlightened folks often say "I can't imagine going through life NOT knowing/*knowing!*" (the Truth!)
You are so much more than you think you are! Everything is!
You are *worthy* of the Answers!
So, if you feel *ready* and...brave..., as in reeally, reeeeally brave!... Well, here you go!
Your journey to Enlightenment/Awakening will be a lot of fun, but a lot of fear, as well, as you learn to "let go" of everything you think you know...about yourself, your loved ones, your culture, your religion...your mind! The whole entire world! Even/*even* the Cosmos!
First up, how about some homework, so you can have something intriguing to play with, and constantly return to as you go along, and so throughout your journey to Enlightenment you will remember previous references and learn to process them in a whole new light. This will also help you be able to visualize and put in context what you are learning.
Watch the movie "The NeverEnding Story!"
Pay very close attention to every word, every scene, even/*even* the opening/closing theme song.
The Universe is NonLinear! "Turn around, look at what you see...eee.eee.eee!"
Next, get yourself a notebook! A very thick notebook! But one you can keep totally private! For your eyes only! And a pen! No fair erasing! The Universe is watching your every move! It already knows precisely who you are! There is nothing you can ever hide from the Truth! It's time you learn who you are, as well!
Writing... Much more to come!
* Expedition Unknown, Discovery and Science channels. Congrats on such a brilliant two-hour program on Shangri-La, and the related Krishna/Hindu/India one ("India's Atlantis") as well! So beautifully done! Quality TV! Excellent! I highly recommend you watch these on TV! Hugely supportive of your journey to Truth! (Expedition Unknown: Episodes: "Shangri-la/Shambhala" or "Utopia" and "India's Atlantis")
** Years ago, Tibetan Buddhist monks advised me to "teach people HOW I know/*know,*" and university professors instilled in me my "responsibility to elicit *change* in this world," that I "do not have the right to enable people NOT to grow!" I was born with it! More specifically, my NonLinear mathematical multidimensional superConsciousness, a little Dalai Lama/Buddha/Einstein when I was 3 years old. It can actually be very painful, that responsibility! Look what happened to Tibet!
*** DO NOT share with others what you are learning about yourself, personally! You may inadvertently reveal things about yourself that you never meant to reveal, during your early studies. It would be like sharing your sessions with a therapist with family and friends, even strangers, without realizing it. While there will be no hiding place in the entire Universe from yourself during your journey, there is no need whatsoever for anyone else to know what you are personally experiencing! Even I will never know! All your work toward your Enlightenment will be 100% private, for your eyes only! It is perfectly fine, however, to share your Consciousness studies in general, though! Example: "Have you ever seen the movie "The NeverEnding Story"/heard of Shangri-La/heard of Enlightenment...?" You also may inadvertently hurt/terrify others who are not yet *ready* to "go there" relative to themselves. Selfishness or overzealousness will bite you in the butt if you do! "Karma" is very, verrrry real (physics)!
**** So much unnecessary tragedy!