Thursday, January 13, 2022

Quantum Physics of Reincarnation & Past Life Memories, etc...Extended XV

...And Detailed for Replication Purposes XV (Continuing...)

Going INSIDE the Living Process, AS It Processes Itself

And as it Processes...YOU!

You are also going INSIDE the observable, measurable...

*Structure* in *Emptiness* 

Reverberating Universe, Grandfather Clocks, Time Travel and Mathematical Patterns of Mind, 2 (continued...)

Your grandfather is your analogical, super(im)posed "father's father", your environment's (broader) environment. Broader harmonics! )))))))))(((((((((

He is also your "mother's father", the environment of your ultimate innermost you. Your inverted other harmonics.

A way to locate and understand this *energy* would be in what I wrote here in 2012 about recognizing imminent earthquakes and other natural, as well as human-initiated, dangers:  


Parade View

Hold your hands up in front of yourself, as if getting ready to applaud.

See that space in between your hands?

If that's all you are studying and observing, are too close to it.... to see it for what it REALLY is!

An earthquake is never just an earthquake! A tsunami is never just a tsunami, and so on. You need to learn a far more universal/*Universe*-al perspective of what it is you are trying to understand! 

Relative to "parade view," if all you are focusing on is your immediate-most focal point (EQ, etc.), you are sitting on a sidewalk waiting for what only appears immediately in front of yourself. You are totally unable to observe and detect the energies congealing in empathy with one another long before they get to your EQ or whatever, and unable to see where that empathy takes them, unable to realize the *relative intensity* of their approach, and likewise unable to observe the dismantling and where those energies go on to re-congeal elsewhere from there! Is it then any wonder that you would perhaps only manage to muster out a "5 second warning?" You need to take it *higher!* You need to be putting forth just as much effort into everything else that surrounds your focal point.

Energy and AFTERmath

What is an earthquake, a tsunami, a volcanic eruption (etc) relative to all else going on in the universe? Take any one of those, whatever your focus may be, and ask: How does it fit into the world of everything else? Where would that much *energy* be coming from, AWAY FROM itself? Whatever you're thinking, you're probably wrong!

It NEVER ....BEGINS.... with the earthquake (tsunami, volcanic eruption, etc.), alone! Your gadgets only measure AFTERmath! The *energy* comes from ripples so much greater than itself!


My NonLinear multidimensional ("synesthetic") math mind, with all my senses Consciously interacting and synergistically experiencing what the Universe is doing, simultaneously, is super hyper sensitive to what is going on on those extended harmonics. In other words, what is congealing, forming, coming into manifestation, long BEFORE it does!

In addition, it recognizes the *energies'* patterns from which humans projected language and numbers, etc.

This is how I can not only see what's going to be on the *even*-ing news long before it gets there, but the specifics involved (names, dates, faces, places, intensities, death tolls, etc.). Zero anything to do with "psychic" malarkey! It's just basic *energy physics*, that's all! Imagine how many lives could be saved, and the quality of life for billions around the world, if sleeping convention and its scientists and protection agencies would simply...wake up!

Stuff happens because the conditions are in place for them to happen! The very same *energies* that are congealing an imminent earthquake (etc.) into manifesting are flowing through each and every one of us, and the "language" energies (the bits and pieces of energies that humans have long ago projected labels onto) actually express those congealing events as they flow through us all. The language that will become used to express the event "in the news" is NOT "new" to you! You and everyone else were using those words in your everyday life but not *connecting* all the dots, so to speak. Folks often say "I had a feeling..." And they probably did, by feeling the *felt energies* that flow through every one of us all the time. But they unconsciously dismissed them.

When something is getting ready to happen, you may find yourself using a word you don't typically use, and wondering where that came from. The energy physics of the imminent event are flowing through you, and since everything we do is in interactive response to those ever flowing (ocean like) energy waves, out comes the imminent event's details, but sleeping convention doesn't recognize them.

But I do!

They will act them out, though!

For instance, prior to 9/11/01 talk show hosts "Regis and Kelly" were doing a skit, that they repeated between a sitcom and the talk show, in which Regis kept saying "9-11" (in reference to what young children should learn so they can call for emergency help). Kelly, having young children, persisted that he say "9-1-1" instead, because there is no eleven on their phones, which could confuse them. 

Prior to another tragic event, I knew what was going to happen, but not yet the location...until I recognized the persistent repetition in the news using that location in another context.

The information is SCREAMING at the world, in every detail, but sleeping collective unconscious convention sleeps away!

Scientific AFTER-math! Modern scientists, worse yet western minded, persist in only valuing half the Universe, waiting for something / "Something" to happen FIRST (hear that?), and only then measuring their coveted... AFTER-math!

Can you hear, then, where the REAL math actually is?

Recognition manifests in many other ways, as well. Driving down a road, I suddenly *recognize* "there's a body of a dead man / woman out here" (in the area). Sure enough, every time, there was! I sense what I've described as "an abrupt halt in the energy!"

Driving home one evening, I drove past a group of people walking toward the ocean and immediately, in a *flash*, knew the young woman would be on the news in the morning, having drowned. She was, but they couldn't find her body. Annoyed by two days of very low flying helicopters doing grids in search of her, I just impulsively knew where she was, marched myself down to the ocean, flagged the helicopter going the wrong way, and sharply pointed to where they'd find her. (I had not gone to her myself. Glad I didn't. News confirmed it was a gruesome scene. She was in the lava rocks.)

I have also suddenly *recognized* what's going on in buildings / "buildings" (hear that?) such as: An imminent robbery and murder of a store owner (complete w/heritage identity of that owner. I'd never been in that store, ever!), a mass murder employee situation, with details, and seeing inside a building to see the people and what they were doing before I went inside. Just *flashes* right at me! Many others!

I constantly saw every detail of a church I would one day eventually move into the neighborhood of, as a teen. Others like this.

I knew about 5 separate kidnappings of young girls, saw kidnappers' clothing, first, middle and last names, etc., and that I would come upon the body of a dead man upon the 5th event (Inverse!). Leaving work one day shortly afterward, I did!

I *saw* Jon Benet Ramsey months before that happened, just as clearly as looking at a photo of her, after inverting the physics of the OJ trial within minutes of his "not guilty." I intentionally reversed those physics to see what the next infamous similar event to that would be in the media.

I can *see* culprits rehearsing or training for their events, in incredible detail, before they do them.

I often *recognize* several imminent events congealing into manifestation all at once, and as additional information "comes in" to my awareness, I can know which goes with which, accurately, without getting lost or confused, because each event, and their corresponding data, are traveling on their own specific frequency X intensity, so it's easy to match what goes with which! Super simplifying such complexity here, if data-points c e a b d are variously coming into my awareness, events a b c d and e are easy to match for what goes with what. I *recognized* the details in the stabbing of Beatle George Harrison this way, at his Friar Park home years ago, when I had other events I was also observing at the same time.

I detected that a ("vehicle of one") motorcyclist was going to hit the car in front of him and fly up over it, perfectly vertically, and back down again, exactly as he went up there. Weeks later, I *recognized* him among thousands on the road that day, and... Well, I detailed this one here on my blogs. Intriguing, what happened! Angel for a Day

I could fill an encyclopedia trying to list all these! I repeat the same few in reference to the dynamics involved (Indonesian tsunami killing nearly a quarter million people on 12/26/2004, detected 18 months prior, etc.), because it's easier, and also too painful, when the world isn't listening anyway (and NOT wanting to stir even more for me to detect. Detected the Vegas massacre simply reading my own blog here!). Worthless information to sleeping convention. Just born waaaay ahead of my time, I suppose. Frustration is that the NonLinear Physics behind all of this could change the world!

It's simply physics recognition, that's all! Buddhist monks, Geshe (doctoral) level, have it, too! Tibetan Buddhist monks advised me years ago "not to intervene", saying "they are lessons for the world / society to learn," and that I should instead "teach people HOW (I) know!" (Hence, these blogs!)

I am listing these, while considering including many others, so scientists can replicate / recognize how the harmonics are carrying detailed information that are critically important to science, such as medical cures, early earthquake / tsunami / geological / weather detection, safety and security protocols, etc..

I may add to this list for that reason.


Write about your aunts and uncles, separate pages for each.

Remember, if you don't actually *do the work* you are hiding out in collective unconscious convention, determined to stay that way! Universal Truth / harmonics have to be directly *experienced.*

And don't worry! You probably will not have to be concerned you will detect imminent events like these. That's all very advanced physics recognitions with *access* to so much involved all at once. You'll likely just be at the "had a feeling" level, enough to just be...intriguingly curious.

Next... Tsunami

Imagine all the people...being swept up and washed away! It is happening, now!

Subject to editing, additions and typo repair...