Originally Written for Grieving Folks, but 100% Applies to All Sentient (Experiencing) Beings
(Keeping the post divisions: A, B, C... for now. I'll probably edit them out later.)
NOTE: The more deeply you delve inside your own Nuclear Family and actually, directly, and genuinely *do the work*, the more you will directly experience and witness again and again for your very own self the NonLinear Physics I am explaining on this blog!
Nuclear Family is where you begin. It establishes your needed baseline that opens your heart and mind, expands your Awareness, steadily increases your Consciousness, and positions you to receive and *process* how the Universe works, interactively, within and without yourself.
A. For anyone who feels *ready*... (this is long but _profoundly rewarding_ for every human being to learn!)
Eternal Psychology of Ourselves/Loved Ones
B. We are ALL superimposed upon one another, inescapably (actual physics wise), *realized* (NOT human invented!) for thousands of years. This is SO accurate that Conscious psychiatrists & doctoral level clinical psychologists...
C...fluently use these physics in their understanding of patients.
So, here goes...a way to stay _very close_ to your loved ones, wherever they are (and fluently understand your own psychology!):
D. Universe is NonLinear:
>< (((( ((( (( ( 0 ) )) ))) )))) ><
Balanced, multidimensional, Forever *Now*
So everybody, everything, everywhere is superimposed & simultaneous.
E. (Relative Simultaneity, Dependent Origination)
Humans mistakenly invented linear one-sided:
There is no such thing...
F...though all society ("collective unconscious convention") has established itself around that mistake w/such vested interests they'll sooner war (*within* themselves X *without* themselves)...
G...than relinquish the *stories they tell themselves* to grow/contribute to Peace.
You can know yourself very deeply, AND your loved ones, becoming _very_ close to them (living or not) simply by learning how your Nuclear Family superimposes.
H. Here's HOW brain *processes Energy*)
(Write or talk about any of your loved ones, *hear* the analogical inescapable Universal Truth about YOURSELF! Invertedly, write or talk about yourself, *hear* your LOVED ONES!)>
I. If you are genuinely honest w/yourself, the physics proves all this _directly_ to you:
This is your opening gateway to processing parallel/multiple dimensions, simultaneously.
Your Nuclear Family (how MIND works):
Mother = your innermost self / your "I, me, my"
J. Father = your outermost self / environment
Sister = your Right brain, feelings
Brother = your Left brain, thinking
K. Female children = your younger feelings
Male children = your younger thinking
(Age determines commitment, like longer term vs newer feelings/thoughts)
L. Example: If you tell a psychologist your "mother lives near a police station", she/he hears both *surface* truth AND that...your own deep self stays close to rules & regulations!
See the super(im)position? (Quantum physicists call it "superposition".)
M. This is because all language is born out of our expressions of *Energy*, from grunts & groans empathically recognized by similar others thousands of yrs ago evolved into language in the Now.
N. By much higher multidimensional physics, it's all happening at the Ultimate *Energy*/*Empathy* level, *Forever Now*!
Fluency in all this IS Consciousness, Awakening, Enlightenment!
Note: Follow the provided links (Shangri-la) and eventually you will also run into your Extended Family physics / super(im)positions, as well (aunts, uncles, grandparents, more on siblings, etc.).
O. While we are ALL born inherently NonLinear, >99% humans get DISTRACTED (into Cerebral Neglect/half mind) by linearly lost society's *storytelling*, & with it lose photo/videographic memory, IQ *access*, etc, ...
P...all requiring NonLinear (Balanced/both sides) processing. (Animals retain theirs! Why they're so in tune w/Nature, and can sense dangers, like earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.!)
Q. Taking yours back totally changes perception about who & what we all are and how the Universe works... And keeps you *Forever Now* close to your Loved Ones!
If you want to *access* parallel universes *without* yourself, you need to learn how to *access* parallel universes *within* yourself!
Nuclear Family is your beginning *gateway*.
It's all Ultimately *Energy*.
After Nuclear Family, begin here: Mastering Shangri-la