Darkness is faster than the speed of light!
Why? Because nonlinearly, it's already *there!*
"God" does not play dice with the Universe.
We do!
Einstein simply *forgot* to...turn around! Into...*Emptiness!* (100% projection onto it removed!)
It's all/awe about... *telepathy!* (Quantum entanglement! The Universe's very own wifi!)
If you chase after, or observe, something from a linear perspective, it IS going to "move," and that actually ...proves... that the Universe has a specific set of laws that protect its nonlinearity.
If you move left, it moves right, when you move within, it moves without, etc...
But if you meet it halfway, through *pure (unobstructed) observation,* aka *Empathy,* (Alignment), it all becomes so clear/*Clear!*
Stillness begets stillness.
*Telepathy*/quantum entanglement is fluent, superConscious *SHARED* alignment, *Oneness*... Empathy!
At the pinnacle of extreme superConsciousness/Awakening/Enlightenment, all conventional definitive notions of what constitutes physicality disappear. There is observable, measurable ...*Structure*... in Emptiness.
Einstein simply *forgot* to...turn around! Into...*Emptiness!* (100% projection onto it removed!)
It's all/awe about... *telepathy!* (Quantum entanglement! The Universe's very own wifi!)
If you chase after, or observe, something from a linear perspective, it IS going to "move," and that actually ...proves... that the Universe has a specific set of laws that protect its nonlinearity.
If you move left, it moves right, when you move within, it moves without, etc...
But if you meet it halfway, through *pure (unobstructed) observation,* aka *Empathy,* (Alignment), it all becomes so clear/*Clear!*
Stillness begets stillness.
*Telepathy*/quantum entanglement is fluent, superConscious *SHARED* alignment, *Oneness*... Empathy!
At the pinnacle of extreme superConsciousness/Awakening/Enlightenment, all conventional definitive notions of what constitutes physicality disappear. There is observable, measurable ...*Structure*... in Emptiness.
Even/*even* mind.
x Translucence x