Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Mind and Soul of an "Atom"

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There will never be a time, or space, when the Universe, and/or any and all of its answers, will be perceived by any scientist, or anyone else, except through the human mind. Sure, other sentients perceive as well, but other sentients are not the ones building atom smashers or space shuttles or powerful telescopes, looking for answers. In fact, those other sentients (*experiencing* beings) are not getting themselves lost in convention, so they are able to maintain their *higher accesses,* while most humans get completely distracted. This is the reason that so many animals seem to be precognitive. They perceive the nonlinearity of it all/awe! In other words, they maintain the multidimensional, nonlinear, mathematical *access,* which is inherent in all life!

"Hard core science," on the other hand, makes a huge mistake in the ....very first step... it takes!

Just as if "time" were completely locked into place, and the earth was flat, "hard core science" BEGINS its own foundation with the misguided rule that everything has to be rigidly perceived, that something first has to happen for it to be measured, and that that measured AFTERmath has to be the currentmost answer. Problem is, the universe is NOT conventionally rigid, and when you are measuring conventional AFTERmath and calling that your answers, you are totally missing the *reality* that you are not really measuring uninvaded, uncorrupted Core Universal Physics at all, but simply your own manipulations! Your very own projections!

Rigid scientists step into "science" already trying to TELL the universe what it has to be! "Rigid!"

It isn't!

Everything's already said and done, actually, in a nonlinear universe...but it is far from being "rigid!"

To truly understand this, you have to rid yourself of *conventional expectation.*

If you want to get to the Core physics of it all, you have to learn *how to* truly remove yourself from what you are measuring, in the ultimate-most possibility of that ever happening. But, if you want to understand the "mind" and "soul" of an atom, you first have to understand the mind and soul of the *perceiver* of that atom!

Everything in the Universe is using the very same physics, inescapably, and an atom is no exception. Neither is a black hole, a wormhole, or anything else you are hoping to understand! They are actually aspects of yourself! There is a repetitious, persistent, totally undaunted-by-humans dynamic taking place throughout all Existence, and if you want to understand how it does what it does, you first have to truly understand the mind and soul of yourself! There will never be a time, or space, when even the most rigid scientist will *get* the answers to the dynamics of an atom, black hole, wormhole or any other whatever, otherwise.

There is a reason monks meditate, shall we say?! They are removing their own projections, back to the Core, where the Unity of All Things becomes accessible, and *realizable.*

The movie "Contact?" There is a very specific, and very accurate, reason that Ellie meets her "father" when she falls through that wormhole! Soooo many prominent scientists have commented about that "fantasy" and "fictitious" movie, not even/*even* recognizing that it is another "Neverending Story" in disguise!  Consciousness/Enlightenment makes you fluent in multidimensional language, as well, present throughout those movies.  If you *do the work* already provided so far on the primary text page of this new blog, and apply it to the movie "Contact," well...try it, to see what you discover! =)

If you want to find the Ultimate Answer, the Unity of it All/Awe, you can't possibly do that if you are standing there gazing at a Universe with any part of it left out, and that includes your own mind and soul! A perceiver can't see the Universe for what it is if he or she doesn't see the perceiver for what she or he is! ;)

So, how do you get yourself, as perceiver, INTO the Unity of All Things picture, without corrupting that picture?

This is where Consciousness, aka Enlightenment, comes in. You have to take your universal physics to a much *higher place,* where truly EVERYTHING in the entire Universe, INCLUDING YOURSELF (the mind and soul of the perceiver), SHARES that very same physics!

You share the same physics with what you are perceiving at ANY level (move any one, move every one!), but with genuine Consciousness, you are able to *realize* the answers without corrupting the questions! Having learned *how to* ASK the Universe what it is doing, as opposed to trying to TELL IT what it 'has to' be based on misguided learning ("rigid," etc.), you become *beautifully aligned* with it at the Ultimate SHARED *Core,* within X without, where everything is revealed, where everything (and everybody) tells on itself, including the living, breathing, pulsating Universe.

Including atoms and black holes and wormholes, multiple dimensions, etc... =)

You have to become *far more highly evolved* to realize this.

The universe is a living, breathing, pulsating, highly interactive (however inadvertent - which I'll explain as we go along) creature.  Is it any wonder so many give it a Name?  It's a living dynamic, but soooo much more than that!  I'll leave that part for YOU to discover when reach your Ultimate *Access!* =)

Decades ago I drew today's favorite "science" illustrations of X's and doughnut shapes right out of my own head, because it's all reflection/*reflection!* Turn those hourglass X's on their sides and...tada! There's your left and right cerebral hemispheres, and what "lies" *in the middle?*  Your corpus callosum! ;)

Send those fluent withinXwithout dynamics around and around in a loop, and there's your doughnut-shaped universe!

Aka...the *mind* and *soul* of an atom!

The Universe in a Single...Adam!  (My play on the title of the Dalai Lama's book, "The Universe in a Single Atom!" =D )

Scientists are actually looking for *themselves*...*out there!*

When they find themselves, they'll find the *Soul* of the entire pulsating Universe, winking right back at them and saying..."It's about time!" ;)