Have you ever
tried to put a puzzle together and none of the scrambled up pieces
seemed to fit, until suddenly there is a slight recognition of something
on a puzzle piece or two that springs you into action such that, after
hours of wonderment, suddenly "in no time" you whip it all together in a
flash, because of your sudden *aha!* moment? =)
THAT...is a wormhole you've just fallen through!
Wormholes are not some mystical, magical places that,
again, are OBJECTS hiding out in the universe somewhere!
are *ALIGNMENTS* (of yourself with Universal physics Truth) with soooo
much information all at once that you can't go left, you can't go right,
you can't go up, you can't go down, etc... (because they are perfectly Empathically
*balanced*)...til you find yourself falling through the lookingglass
like Alice in Wonderland, propelled by the trapped *energies* that had
no other place to go! Relative to just how much you have Consciously figured out,
your *accesses* rush you into other superimposed dimensions, through
your wormhole you've fallen through, and...*suspend* you *there,*
relative to the frequencyXintensity of your own reflection!
kind of like falling in an elevator and the elevator suddenly stops at a
floor, relative to *where* you are in your nonlinear physics awarenesses
Multiple dimensions would be every possible
possibility along the way during your freefall, and those dimensions
you've *accessed* would be relative to how *empathically* aligned you
are with your own, and the Universe's, parallel *Core Truth!*
you are falling through a wormhole, either you have dissolved space and
are traveling through time (sudden *aha!* recognition on your puzzle
pieces, as you stand there frozen), or you've dissolved time and are
traveling through space (rushing into "physically" putting those pieces
together)! (Time and Space being each the other's relative inverse, or
this manner, life itself, as we know it, is a wormhole, in which we are
traveling through time while suspended in space, simultaneously
traveling through space while suspended in time.
Fun thing is, simultaneity really IS... *relative!* =)