Sunday, September 9, 2012

Synergy: The Holy Grail of Seismology I

There is soooo much more going on in the Universe than most humans (including scientists) assume, especially those who reason through conventional interpretation (aka misinterpretation) of life.

With nonlinear, mathematical superConsciousness, you hold the information into "how to" launch extremely important research studies (by major universities, USGS, other interested parties, etc.) that would totally redefine how earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, weather patterns and related dynamics, such as floods, etc, are perceived, bringing those perceptions into the *Now,* where timely predictions and life-saving actions can be made available to countless millions of people around the world.

It's All/Awe...Patterned
Earthquakes and tsunamis are predictable well in advance, in time to save countless lives!

It's all *patterned,* and the Universe is not waiting for conventional human acknowledgment or perception of time and space to do what it does, but it desperately tries to "tell on itself" with everything it does!

Will YOU know how to *listen?*

Observing "modern" efforts by noted scientists on programs regarding earthquake, tsunami and volcanic eruption prediction, I've repeatedly noticed major flaws and oversights that need to be realized by those involved. As important as their work is, it is, nevertheless, in many respects, rather primitive.  It isn't about just measuring rocks or historical geological processes!  Those are linear approaches.  And... They say they don't know where the *energy* is coming from?  I do!

There is so much more available to these scientists that's not being realized.

Parade View
Hold your hands up in front of yourself, as if getting ready to applaud.

See that space in between your hands?

If that's all you are studying and observing, are too close to it.... to see it for what it REALLY is!

An earthquake is never just an earthquake! A tsunami is never just a tsunami, and so on. You need to learn a far more universal/*Universe*-al perspective of what it is you are trying to understand!

Humans have turned those events of nature into nouns, isolating and individualizing them! Science has mistakenly and conventionally bought into that isolation! You need to undo those nouns, to see them for the more *universal processes* that they actually are!

Relative to "parade view," if all you are focusing on is your immediate-most focal point (EQ, etc.), you are sitting on a sidewalk waiting for what only appears immediately in front of yourself. You are totally unable to observe and detect the energies congealing in empathy with one another long before they get to your EQ or whatever, and unable to see where that empathy takes them, unable to realize the *relative intensity* of their approach, and likewise unable to observe the dismantling and where those energies go on to re-congeal elsewhere from there! Is it then any wonder that you would perhaps only manage to muster out a "5 second warning?" You need to take it *higher!* You need to be putting forth just as much effort into everything else that surrounds your focal point.

Energy and AFTERmath
What is an earthquake, a tsunami, a volcanic eruption (etc) relative to all else going on in the universe? Take any one of those, whatever your focus may be, and ask: How does it fit into the world of everything else? Where would that much *energy* be coming from, AWAY FROM itself? Whatever you're thinking, you're probably wrong!

It NEVER ....BEGINS.... with the earthquake (tsunami, volcanic eruption, etc.), alone! Your gadgets only measure AFTERmath! The *energy* comes from ripples so much greater than itself!

Likewise, as it reacts in kind to the energy it is responding to, long BEFORE an eruption reaches manifestation, it is giving off energy that, at every second, is going on to ripple throughout all else. Everything else receives and transmits that energy relative to its own needs.

With Consciousness / Enlightenment of Universal Truth (fluent nonlinear, mathematical, multidimensional, harmonic *access*) you understand all this, and you *realize* how to *process* these far more Universal dynamics taking place! You *know* how to find that *energy* that precedes a major eruption, how to *listen* to the Universe, the synergy of it all, noticing what's happening months in advance or more. You detect the specifics of it, the details involved, the frequencyXintensity involved.

Stuff Happens...
As I often say, "stuff happens because the conditions are in place for them to happen," but those conditions are forming on a much grander level than most (conventionally-minded, linear-assuming) humans have a clue about! If you are sitting there with your earthquake, etc., under a microscope, hoping to get ahead of it, you are looking for linear AFTERmath, distracting yourself from the Nonlinear Universe's HUMONGOUS running start! You are like an ant suddenly hoping to outrun a human walking over it, hoping not to be squashed!

With superConsciousness, that ant would detect the approaching human loooong before the earth began to shake, and would have a really good running start!

If you are Conscious/Enlightened, it is as though you are sitting in outer space gazing at the planet Earth, watching it all/awe happening, from a far more universal/Universe-al physics perspective! But if you are simply gazing at your gauges and other instruments, focusing on your ("applause")...

You are not totally ....*grasping*.... what it REALLY is that you are trying to *know!*

You need to take it *higher!* You MUST become *far more highly evolved!*

Please also see:

Synergy: The Holy Grail of Seismology II 
Roboticism & Automaticity: Tragedy of the Linear Lost