Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Scientific Buddha & The Physics of Philosophy

This blog set began with an exceptionally eclectic, every-day background of an empty chair, in an empty house, which I loved because it felt so inviting, and, I hoped...non-threatening.  Then, a couple weeks into it, the formatting disappeared overnight.  It was a lot of work reformatting everything, and the empty chair, empty house background that felt so right was, at least then, no longer available. 

I stumbled upon the beautiful buddha background, and decided it would create at least a temporary *atmosphere* relative to my writing, and so I went with it for the primary Consciousness blog and its accompanying Workbook. (I'd written there that I am Universally Eclectic, that these blogs are not Buddhist, and that I *realizingly* perceive the buddha completely other than Buddhist-specific, which I will explain below.) Then, I created this "...for Scientists" blog, here, as part of the blog set, and chose a non-threatening-to-scientists space-to-earth background for it, but I was never happy with it myself.  After all, why bother helping scientists realize "how science, religion, spirit and love" become *One* at the *Universal Core,* if I'm going to assist them in segregating and isolating themselves from that *Core!*  I changed the "...for Scientists" blog background to the buddha image, and have wondered, ever since, just how many folks follow a url/topic, via Twitter or elsewhere, to this blog, only to quickly run away at the sight of that potentially threatening buddha!  o.O

"When they're ready, they're ready," I reminded myself.  If you've gotten this far, reading this "...for Scientists" superConsciousness blog, this post, then... you're *ready!* :)

No science student should ever be permitted to graduate from a college or university without at least a respectful, appreciative, required curriculum in basic philosophy and world religion, primarily for the purpose of learning what they are REALLY all about, in the real world, and not to be afraid of them, or to perceive them as "less than."  Time wasted, monies spent, otherwise, on an imbalanced direction that persists in TELLING the Universe what it 'has to' be, from the get-go (rigid, linear, AFTERmath), as opposed to learning "how to" ASK the Universe what it actually IS,  takes a humongous toll on humanity, overall, otherwise!   Unconscious scientists profoundly influence unconscious political and emergency services authorities, among others, as I've pointed out in other blog posts. The naïve comments and mistaken notions scientists persist upon, so often repeated by those who perceive their work as sanitized investigation, and themselves as 'above' all that "soft science" stuff, unwittingly destroy their own Answers out from under themselves, and in the case of those entrusted with the lives of millions of people, that's just not good enough!  There's no excuse!  Scientists have to put in the extra effort to approach their work selflessly.

Invertedly, of course, philosophy and religion students need to be respectfully and appreciatively exposed to science as required curriculum.  Enormous advances could be made if students of religion, in particular, were eclectically exposed to religions all around the world, along with science students, because after many are studied, it begins to become obvious that the *higher* question to ask becomes:

What is everybody REALLY doing? 

This would include scientists!!

If ever there was a *gateway* movement, or threshold to cross, toward Universal Consciousness/Enlightenment, one's evolving enough to at least begin to seriously ask that question would be it!  Suddenly walls begin to crumble, formulas start to fly out of campus windows!  There's something ELSE going on, beyond conventional understanding, that changes everything...for scientists as well as religionists!

Religion, in other words, is secondary to the primary dynamic taking place, as would likewise be science, and when folks begin to *realize* that primary dynamic, EVERYTHING begins to change, as *higher realizations* rush forth to provide Answers to questions almost before they are asked!  What do they all share in common?  People are all looking for the Truth, of themselves, of the Universe, of *Reality!* I mentioned only students of religion in that, because students of philosophy do tend to be exposed to various world religions, far moreso than, say, students of a particular religious focus, and are inescapably exposed to suggestions of mathematical patterning in those Answers, and therefore are far more likely to comfortably then..."question everything!"   Adding to that would be the relativity of each religion to have become *realized* already on its own (as I've suggested elsewhere to line up all religions along the 'yellow brick road' to truth, from least Universally *realized* to most!).  Which brings us back to...

"Buddha" is a Sanskrit word that simply refers to someone who is...Awake, Aware, Enlightened, Universally (NonLinearly) *realized.*  That's all!   It doesn't have to be applied to any particular religion or person to exist as such in its own right!  It is just a word, but one/*One* that says so much...

The "Buddha" that cultures have established meaningful religious life around is NOT some mystical, magical, invented, make-believe "God" of sorts, as many assume, but simply a regular man like any other, a simple, everyday person such as yourself, who just so happened to "figure it all out!"  That's all!  Nothing more!  His name was Siddhartha Gautama, and while he was born a prince over 2500 years ago, he grew to require more of himself than segregation from regular folks and their plight in life, and so he joined them to explore life from a more *balanced* perspective.  After years of self-and-other exploration, he *evolved* into becoming Universally *realized,* and set out to share what he had learned.  That's all there is to it!  Folks who respected his teachings enough to devote their lives aspiring to share in his *realizations* created then, and have maintained to this day, a following and meaningful lifestyle that many label as "Buddhism," although clearly, as with the extraordinary popularity of the (comes with the territory) highly eclectic Dalai Lama, that label isn't necessary to the task.

Siddhartha Gautama was not the only *One!*

All throughout human history, sages and other "solitary realizers" have *balanced* themselves into Universal Truth, but most have met the fate, or kept themselves protected from meeting the fate, put forth by politicized religious zealots who, in all their insecurity, have brought forth laws of blasphemy and heresy and the like, to demand no one ever dare question their chosen-for-others life direction.  These political and religious leaders were too personally insecure to risk folks' evolving beyond those perceptions, and so anyone overtly daring to question such narrow authority were quickly severely punished, imprisoned, and/or put to death!  Famous artists, for instance, whose tedious work on minutia eventually led them to *higher realizations* through countless hours of artistic contemplation, were forced to express their *more highly evolved* awakenings *quietly* by hiding them in their work for future recognition and resolution.

The historical Jesus, when approached from an Enlightened perspective, was perhaps the most famous of those whose less than covert *realizations* got them sentenced to death for being Conscious and trying to awaken others! 

In the 1940s, ancient books dating back to around 300 AD, were found in Nag Hammadi, Egypt.  These books, now called "The Nag Hammadi Library," represent the many additional "gospels" (simply, accounts) that were conveniently left out of the Bible when Constantine chose to politicize Christianity for his own purposes, leading to the banning of any and all gospels/accounts that would convince anyone otherwise.  These banned Gnostic (knowledge-based) texts were hidden, rather than destroyed, and can you just imagine what it must have felt like to have their cherished *higher realizations* actually rendered illegal, punishable by death, such that they weren't even allowed to have them in their possession?  All Gnostic writings aside, imagine what it felt like to not even/*even* be permitted to live in one's own *far more highly realized* reality!  I personally can totally identify with that, having been born directly into such extraordinary *realized accesses* that there was just no way I was ever going to be lost in the mistaken notions of convention.  As a result, I've found myself feeling like an alien, having landed on a planet of the lightyears lost!  It's excruciating, but never moreso than when I am detecting the approach of events that will take thousands, hundreds of thousands, of people's lives, and there's no way to communicate it to them, to protect them!  There's so much more going on in life than infantilized, external dependency.  We are NonLinear creatures with extraordinary accesses, in a NonLinear world, but most have forgotten how to *remember* that!  Always reminds me of one of those little animated icons of *whack-whack!*

The Nag Hammadi Library, meaning those Gnostic texts found in Nag Hammadi, Egypt in the 1940s, include "The Gospel of Thomas," which dates back to Jesus's time (believed 60 AD and earlier).  This "Gospel of Thomas" is made up of a list of "The Sayings of Jesus," and nothing more (no additional commentary),  and if one reads those sayings from a place of Enlightenment, they consistently suggest that the person attempting to share them with the poorest of the poor, to free and empower them, (meaning Jesus himself), was indeed Universally Conscious, which inescapably includes an advanced understanding of NonLinear Physics, which is rather interesting, given how advanced science today assumes itself, relative to 2000 years ago!  But much of what is being spoken in those "Sayings of Jesus" could not even/*even* be mathematically *realized* without those *higher* Universal Physics acknowledgments!  If for no other reason, scientists today should be incredibly intrigued by what was being ac-*knowledge*-d in Jesus' time!  But, keep in mind that the 2500+ year old Siddhartha Gautama/Buddha was also NonLinearly *Realized,* 500 years before Jesus came along, and many sages before him!

*Now* what does that suggest about "modern" science/physics today?  When with Enlightenment comes NonLinear Cognition, and with *highly realized* sages throughout the ages (over thousands of years) able to detect imminent earthquakes and other disasters months or more in advance (inescapably, because it comes with the territory of Universal Physics Enlightenment), and given those *accesses,* many, many more, multiplying exponentially, modern science, with its adamant determination not to be caught dead going near the "soft sciences," has obviously gotten itself distracted and detached somewhere along the way. And that is precisely why modern science is running into its dreaded nemesis: Philosophy!

In those historic times, perhaps the conventionally-determined political leaders oppressed the incredible *accesses* of the more highly evolved Enlightened, threatened by science as well, but where is the oppression coming from today?

Interesting, isn't it, that because Linearity inescapably leads to something / Something...More, it seems science itself has been the epitome of all things philosophical all along!  Any declaration of (unproven) "rigidity" in its very first breath reveals modern science to have unwittingly and inadvertently founded itself! =0

The Universe is... *Translucent,* which can so easily be fluently Empathically *experienced* at its *Core* with superConsciousness / Enlightenment, and the only way for scientists to fluently Awaken themselves to that *reality* is to approach their work from a NonLinear, *reflective* stance, which then provides that Unifying *Access* to, and *Pure (Unobstructed) Observation* of, the physics of...   

...The (*Empty*) Nothing.