Please read the Two-Part Review in Synergy VIII and Synergy IX, immediately below!
Please also click on the "...superConsciousness for Scientists" link in this post, to see the timeXspace/wormhole/fabric/multidimensionality, etc., posts that began this blog.
X *Relativity* X speaking...
Please also click on the "...superConsciousness for Scientists" link in this post, to see the timeXspace/wormhole/fabric/multidimensionality, etc., posts that began this blog.
X *Relativity* X speaking...
This is where The God Particle so duly comes into place, so let's (timeXspace) *address* this, as we move on...
The best REVIEW is a Universal overview, and *Now,* to include one of the most revealing, incredibly intriguing new editions/additions to this *Clear Path* to Universal superConsciousness blog set...
Please be sure to explore all FOUR (4) connecting blogs, and *do the work* provided for you in all of them, toward your superConsciousness, your *Ultimate Answers!*
Please be sure to explore all FOUR (4) connecting blogs, and *do the work* provided for you in all of them, toward your superConsciousness, your *Ultimate Answers!*
I have previously warned you that as you genuinely *do the work* required of your Awakening, you will discover that the folks you've held most dear to you will become total strangers, and strangers you thought you never knew will be *realized* as closer to your heart than you ever imagined!
Will the Quantum Christ be one/*One* of them? Ancient documents strongly suggest that the historical Jesus was a NonLinear, superConscious/Enlightened scientist of his day, 2000 years ago, as was the Buddha 2500 years ago! Will it take another 2000 years for the conventional world, and its scientists, to wake up? To catch up?
Science... On behalf of billions of people the world over, who ~ need you ~ to selfLESSly resolve your lifelong battle with your dreaded ego/nemesis, Philosophy, PLEASE STAY and put forth that selfLESS effort to *do the work* required of you to once and for all come to terms with that nemesis, and let's get on with the business, extraordinary responsibility, and TRUST of saving and protecting people's lives, in Truth!
With so much more to come, unless and until you *do that work,* you will not be able to *process* what I am trying so hard to teach you here!
*Clear Path* to Universal superConsciousness (for Everyone!)
*Clear Path* to Universal superConsciousness...for Scientists
*Clear Path* to Universal superConsciousness...The Workbook!
*Clear Path* to Universal superConsciousness...The Workbook!