Thursday, June 13, 2013

Synergy: The Holy Grail of Seismology IX

REVIEW, continuing from Synergy VIII, before we move on...

As the past moves into the future, the future moves into the past, *suspending* the *Now* in *relative simultaneity.*

past > present > future
past < present < future

This means that the past and future cancel each other out, leaving the...

 >< present >< 


 *NonLinear Now*

... as the only true *reality.* 

That >< present >< can be *realized* more accurately as simply...

*Translucent Presence.* (*Emptiness*)

Ultimately, *Empathy!*

This *Translucent Presence,* as observed (realized or not) by all in Existence, is pulsating multidimensionality, projecting away from, reflecting toward, the *Universal Core.*  It is The Nothing at its perfectmost center (Emptiness/absence of projection), The Something (Existence/Life as sentients *experience* it) away from itself, where "the God Particle" begins with that very first *one grain of sand!*

Everybody and everything in Existence is SHARING  the very same physics (Soul!) at the *Universal Core!*  (Reality of *Oneness*)

The "spooky action" of quantum entanglement is, most basically, that *Universal Empathy!*  That *Universal Empathy* is *experienced* by everybody and everything in Existence via NonLinear Mathematics, which when taken *higher* (toward the *Core*) is simply *patterns in the (chaos),* which are projections/reflections of *Energy,* >< *Universal Empathy!*

Sentient (experiencing) beings can *realize* these Universal Truths Empathically, because we, as part of the Universal process (along with everything else) are NonLinearly mathematical, multidimensionally linguistic, moved and motivated by that SHARED *Universal Empathy!*  The more Conscious one is, the more mathematically, multidimensionally *realized* one is, of what is going on in the Universe, *within* as well as *without!*

Scientists have been trying to figure it all out, conveniently leaving the human being/mind/their personal selves out of their processing, but you know what they say about finding what you were looking for in the last place you look!

Despite what the "collective unconscious convention" (99.9999% of people in the world) does with its distracted notions of reality, the *Universal Core* remains undaunted throughout.

All life events, including disasters and tragedies, whether Nature or human-initiated, manifest because...

...the conditions are in place for them to happen!

While distracted convention assumes what it sees (or, rather, allows itself to see) is "all there is," conveniently storing anything and everything too complex and abstract to process on notions of "past" and "future," those complexities and abstractions are actually just as much a part of the ongoing *Now,* the Empathic Presence, as the limited reality they permit themselves to acknowledge or recognize!

Because we all SHARE that Empathic Presence, that NonLinear mathematical, multidimensional, multi-linguistic physics, as all else, with *higher* Consciousness we have the ability to readily *ACCESS* what is happening on layers upon layers upon layers upon layers of pulsating *presence/reality,* where those conditions are forming, congealing empathically with one another, all very much a part of the *Now,* as they evolve toward manifestating on a level of multidimensionality that CAN be seen and experienced by the (JOLTED) collective unconscious convention!

Unfortunately, that is when it is TOO LATE to take precautionary action, except by linear scientists, who relish in studying that AFTERmath as their respected "science!" With Universal Empathy *higher* than math, can you see why and how there is a *higher* WARNING  of imminent processes?

Important to repeat this:

Universal EMPATHY is much *higher* than mathematics!

Fearing their mistaken, conventional pop-culture notion of "philosophy," which they also mistakenly assume cannot be observed, measured or captured in some element of solid "proof," they miss the essential clues ever-present in the Universe about imminent earthquakes, tsunamis, etc., etc., etc., because they won't allow themselves the *higher Consciousness* required of them, to notice, preferring instead to continue on with their AFTERmath!  Science needs to evolve beyond borrowing the collective unconscious convention as its model, to far more Consciously *realize* their dreaded "Philosophy" as a much, much *higher* Universal process (order) than ever before respected and appreciated!

With Universal superConsciousness, scientists would *realize* that what they have been missing all along is the CONSISTENCY of the undaunted *Universal Core Process!*

Scientists who persist in projecting their notions of "probability" onto the Universal process are not realizing that when they approach the Universe from a place of linearity, they inadvertently REPELL their Answers from themselves as they go!  But when they STOP, the Universe STOPS, too/two, reflectively, and their Answers appear!  This proves that the Universe is, indeed, NonLinear, because when you persist in playing a game of chess with it, it persists in matching you until you do learn to STOP projecting!

The easiest, most accessible route to *accessing* what is happening, forming, congealing, on layers upon layers of multidimensionality, is to learn how to traverse relative timeXspace!

Traversing relative time and relative space is most immediately *accessible* through the fluent *realization* and *grasp* of multidimensional language!  As I have earlier pointed out...

"Language is to humans as Exhaust is to a vehicle!"

Despite what distracted convention has done with it, locking itself into notions it won't allow itself to evolve beyond, language is the expulsion of mathematical *Energy* as it ripples and flows throughout, an encoding (mapping) of the entire *state of the art of the heart* of the Universe, and all that is happening throughout!

With superConsciousness, *One* is fluent in NonLinear, mathematical, multidimensional, multi-linguistic *access,* far more highly evolved in *realizing* and traversing relative timeXspace than the narrow limitations and expectations of the "collective unconscious convention!"

At the pinnacle of extreme superConsciousness/Enlightenment, all physicality disappears.

Even/*even* mind!

x Translucence x


Science's elusive...
