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Scientists have a HUGE RESPONSIBILITY, first and foremost, to SELFLESSLY protect, enhance and save the lives of billions of people, and in the messages they send to the world through their own actions and attitudes, and invalidating, devaluing and disrespecting FEELINGS in their work is about as irresponsible and naïve as they can get, in both the interests of science as well as the social world that emulates that irresponsible behavior. Read further to realize this connection to the issues of VIOLENCE in our world today!
Scientific "authority" originates in a little-if-ever explored source found in the early lives of the scientists themselves, and the convention from which they come, and represent. Scientists are taught to function myopically, to deny, ignore, *neglect* a well-rounded influence of contributing factors, to focus only on the imbalanced/intellectualized task at hand. So, it's important to take a closer look here to help put things in perspective.
It's a sad but so easily-witnessed reality in our world, around the world, that feelings and intuition, the softer side of everyday life, are held in little if any regard by primarily male dominated society, and are the least valued activities taking place within those societies.
Unfortunately, this includes the old boy schools of conventional science, politics, and pretty much all goings-on within those societies considered to have any semblance of trusted "authority."
Again, I am reminded of a line in the movie Contact:
"Seems like an awful waste of space!"
I mean, WHY would feelings and intuition even exist at all in the Universe unless they were of equal value to the overall workings/scheme of things in that Universe?! Would you invalidate the energies floating around the cosmos holding those planets and other celestial bodies in place? What if those celestial bodies were really only there to hold those *energies* in place?!
Ironically, to one with *balanced* superConsciousness, it is very obvious just where all those Answers are not-so-hiding that scientists would rather put off for "centuries" than to wake up to in the NonLinear Now! Their imbalances being far more valued by them than ...dare I suggest... their feelings!
But where does that imbalance really come from? What really is behind modern sciences' increasing "neglect syndrome?"
As with everything else being overlooked in the world, the unfortunate dumping ground, and blatant confrontation "measuring" precisely how society/collective unconscious convention is doing in its inadvertent attempt to redirect/right/correct itself, is ...where else but ... the *even*-ing news!
Hear that? EVEN-ing news! As in...
NonLinear Universal Truth* - Imbalances** = the Even-ing News***
* reality
** - mistakes made by unconscious society
*** = what unfortunately becomes the lessons needing to be learned to bring about that necessary *Balance.*
Again, I hear the Tibetan Buddhist monks advising me "not to intervene" when I detect imminent catastrophes in the NonLinear Physics, saying they are lessons society in general/overall needs to learn!
So, the *even*-ing news is...
the great equalizer!
And... World society gets to decide that weather/whether report!
It is all SHARED *energy,* interacting with the Universal *Core!*
Try to play chess with it and...well, good luck with that! It holds the completed jigsaw puzzle, after all! The model, the *One* to meet, not arrogantly hope to beat!
All the "wiggle room" of life consists of all the wrong turns made, and the attempts to right those wrong turns.
Some of those most serious wrong turns begin when male children are taught NOT to feel! Really, is it any wonder why so many grow up (I'm being a bit generous here!) to ~
OBJECT-ify ~ everything, including their notions of "science?!"
It isn't only "science" that gets lost in such object imbalances! It's people, too! Night after night, horrific reports on "the *even*-ing news" tell of domestic abuses, of women/wives and children being treated like objects/possessions and systematically discarded as if objects. Gangs and fighting, violence, terrorism, an inability to reason away every excuse possible to go to war ...after war after war after war! ...a direct reflection of those wars *within* themselves, conveniently projected/displaced *without.*
Like it or not, feelings and intuition are an inescapable reality of our own inherent physics. Trap those physics into imbalance, and worse yet years, decades of oppression, and that is one heckuva lot of unexpressed energy seeking relief, in any one individual, so imagine the pent up energies of the collective! All that expression finds its outlet in convenient niches of society! Males are taught to perceive any sort of vulnerability as failure, and so they fight to be sure they present themselves as anything but vulnerable, whatever and wherever it takes!
War is glorified, endlessly waged, celebrated like a sport, and like a sport, it is a socially rewarded expression of all that pent up energy! Under a microscope, those relentlessly initiating the projected fighting unwittingly exhibit cowardice/fear of direct, personal confrontation. Fear of Universal *balance* requiring feelings and intuition, seen as "weak" and sissified, "less than" a more validated, even deified "More Than," a backing up for males who are constantly taught to present themselves with, again imbalance, strength/brute force and socio-cultural king-of-the-castle/media/etc., "authority," in collective unconscious society, is running rampant.
Collective unconscious convention has seriously mistaken, imbalanced notions of what constitutes "trusted authority!"
And it all begins with the male child repeatedly told not to cry, not to feel, to "man up" no matter how young, and to never ever be a "sissy" or, behave like a lowly girl! "Be a little man"...and you'll remain a little man all your life!
The sad REALITY is that little "men" repeatedly taught not to value feelings and intuition grow up with the inability to feel the feelings of their victims, because they have never truly learned ~ how to feel
their own feelings! ~
SHARED *Empathy,* the Ultimate Answer of the entire Translucent, NonLinear Universe (and of course, to
"spooky actions" of
quantum entanglement), totally eludes those who invalidate feelings and intuition, because, having learned to experience no empathy for
the other side of themselves, which, on the Universal level includes their own Awakening/Consciousness, they have no empathy for their victims and what those victims experience in their wrath, and scientists living in similar denial cannot experience Universal *Energy* / Empathy / empathy without those *key*-to-*Balance*-of-Universal Truth/Physics...
No, of course I am not suggesting that scientists are intentionally invalidating of those around them, but unfortunately it
is a reality that scientists who rigidly adhere to an old boys' school of scientific thought are at least
inadvertently putting the lives of millions at risk! Case in point: the Indonesian tsunami that killed nearly a quarter of a million people in 2004, earthquakes all around the world that devastate entire cities, human-initiated tragedies, horrific weather situations, etc., all of which reveal themselves long
BEFORE they manifest, to anyone *balanced* and Conscious enough to realize the importance and validity of *processing* NonLinearly / multidimensionally, who are timeXspace relative / transcendent, etc... Seismologists, for instance, are so proud of their "5 second warning," but why settle for a mere 5 seconds when those warnings could be weeks, months, even years prior?
It's just a matter/*matter* of
The simplest explanation tends to be the right one...
and correct, too/two!
Otherwise, it really IS an awful waste of space...AND time!
The Universe demands *balance,* and nothing distracted humans or conventionally unconscious scientists ever do to deny it will ever change that reality!
Raising male children with such *imbalance* (which cannot all be blamed on male parents) produces generations upon generations of grown men caught up in a vicious cycle of resentment, inherently programmed by Nature itself to feel and empathize, but punished and sanctioned by collective unconscious society if they
*even* dare! What follows is the simultaneous craving to feel and the need to degrade and invalidate that "weakling"/softer side they hide *within* and interact with *without,* resenting women and girls (those inescapable
superimposed nuclear relatives their
denied *energy* deflects toward) they've
object-ified as possessions because
they freely
are allowed to feel. Folks with such imbalanced experiences even grow to resent male children as well, in retrospect, because they resent and displace "the child" who didn't get to feel when they were small.
That inescapable, simultaneous
moving toward/moving away from stirs the need for resolution, and in a convention sanctioning male feelings, that "resolution" becomes one of "justification" by "authority," and staying within the permitted boundaries of collective unconscious convention, the doting and dutiful unconscious mistakenly assign such intellectualizations to brute force sports, politics, and, unfortunately, to modern science, devaluing, ...*neglecting*... and invalidating *affect* altogether!
Lacking the *balanced* mindfulness to realize they've bought right into that societal / conventional, inadvertently volunteered *neglect (half-hemisphere) syndrome* settlement, scientists give such little credence and respect to their own or anyone else's feelings and intuition that they fail to recognize, or *even* know how to evolve enough to
realize, the presence of observable, measurable STRUCTURE in those feelings and intuitions that provide the very tools of *balanced reality* that carry us all *higher!*
Feelings and intuition are the very tools required in a NonLinear Universe to hold and *process* multiple dimensions in place, mindfully, long enough to truly *grasp* and traverse them! With everything multiplying exponentially in every direction all around you as you evolve and *realize higher,* feelings and intuition are
precisely the facilities needed to process layers upon layers, depths and heights of reality, without getting lost and losing sight of it all! Intellectualizing (
Yang energy) only gets you halfway! It takes the support of affect/feelings (Yin energy) to bring up the other side required in
dependent origination. There IS no "intellect" without "feelings!" There are no feelings without intellect! Scientists need to learn to "think with their feelings and feel with their thinking."
As with *wormholes,* it is ultimately the resolution/dissolution of opposing forces/opposite *energies* that evolve you into the Balanced Universal Core, through NonLinear Now and its *extraordinary accesses!*