In NonLinear superConsciousness, one transcends convention and its/one's own linear projections/*stories*/tangled webs/vested interests/need for control, to allow the Truth to *dependently arise* from both within and without, simultaneously! In a living, breathing, pulsating Universe, of course, that simultaneity is relative, and it is that relative simultaneity, along with the concept of withinXwithout reflection, that is causing conventionally-minded scientists to negate the whole process. I have actually seen scientists laughing at reflectivity by behaving in a certain manner and instantly using what appears an absence of immediate (recognizable) gratification/reflection from that world "out there" as instant "proof" that it's all nonsense. But that kind of reasoning comes from linear, conventional unconsciousness, the inability to *process* the Universe *higher* than the collective unconscious convention and its artificial boundaries allow.
Little old men hanging their heads over "chicken scratch" mathematical symbols is likely the most conjured-up image in folks' minds of the only valid (as in taught) way to approach scientific investigation. But, avoiding the pitfalls of "neglect syndrome" limitations, it's not the "only" way! That whole scenario comes from conventional stereotypes and learned expectations. Those "chicken scratch" formulations are really nothing more than a language (like any other) invented by humans to communicate and share their ideas, leaving it up to their own projections within those formulas to validate whatever outcomes arise.
But that's like programming a robot to perform in specifically-desired manners, and then relying on that robot to produce an other-than-yourself outcome!
Reality is, though, that the Answers then still have to be filtered through the human mind, which does all that computation quite naturally within itself, at least for one Awake enough to their own inherent processes, so why not employ the higher accesses of the mind directly, skip the projected "chicken scratch," and go straight to the Truth as Nature originally intended?!
No matter what we tiny, miniscule humans are doing with it, the Universal *energy* underlying all things is ruling the entire roost from the *Core!* While humans live in the *stories* they've made up about words and concepts, or language in general, underneath surface language, any language, are minute *energies,* frequencies, intensities, that process things as they really are, reality as it really is! It is those *energies* that need to be brought into awareness, because there are persistent patterns in the chaos, consistent structural integrity, undaunted by human projection, that persistence and integrity discoverable through (wormhole-required) *balance.* To reach that level of equanimity, one needs to look into the inescapable physics of their own intrinsic *reflectivity.*
Scientists quickly run away/balk at any suggestion of extensive analogical function, screaming "fantasy" and fearing losing control. But rejecting/devaluing the NonLinear Universe's inescapably established superimpositions and fighting to maintain rigid control are precisely where the problems/serious oppressions are to be found in legitimate issues with modern science itself, because the only way to *access* higher, superConscious fluency is in their actually behaving/conducting themselves in the context of relativity, and relinquishing their need to maintain control. You can't hope to ASK the Universe what it is REALLY doing and expect any credible outcome/Answer while standing guard over that outcome/Answer! Again... "In NonLinear superConsciousness, one transcends convention and its/one's own linear projections/*stories*/tangled webs/vested interests/need for control, to allow the Truth to *dependently arise* from both within and without, simultaneously!"
Imagine, to make a simple example here, a V, and you and the world outside yourself begin to face off at the open end of the V, you on one side, the Universe you assume is out there at the other. As you each make a legitimate effort to reflect upon the other in search of a truth/the Truth, with each balanced transcendence, each newly acquired *Aha!,* you slide down that V, edging closer and closer to the other...until you eventually meet at the point/pinnacle, dissolve empathically into each other, and become *One!*
In true scientific investigation, you can't just stand there on your side of the V, refuse to acknowledge your own reflection *out there,* and expect the Universe to come to you! "No One-der" it'll take "centuries" with that kind of approach! In fact, these NonLinear physics have been *realized* as Universal Truth for thousands upon thousands of years, but modern science is still "lightyears" behind!
Universal Answers are transparently available/*accessible* to anyone via acquired/earned points of *balance,* and that *balance* is accomplished when the questions being asked/answers being sought are respectfully done so in the context of translucence.
To *access* those translucent Answers/outcomes, scientists need to be superConscious enough to *access/process* and respect the ...structure... in that translucence, and that can only be achieved/accomplished *empathically* through the *accessing* of their own structured translucence.
In other words, when translucence is accessed from *within* yourself, the reflection/superimposition *without* yourself is also able to be seen/*realized* via alignment, that Ultimate Empathy SHARED throughout all/Awe that explains quantum entanglement! When you *realize* the truth within yourself as inescapable, that is when you learn to respect the validity of its reflection without yourself! So, if you don't put in the selfLESS effort to *do the work* within yourself to earn that trust, you're going to get the same unconscionable *neglect syndrome* that modern science is confronting with its "philosophical" disdain!
Quantum entanglement provides a convenient catalyst/vehicle here to help transition rigid-minded, linear, conventionally unconscious scientists into their permitting themselves to step back, welcome the scary vulnerability of higher processes of balance requiring them to surrender/relinquish control, and get beyond their mistaken notions of "philosophy" barriers, so they can get on with their own fluency in NonLinear superConsciousness and its *far more highly evolved* *extraordinary accesses!*
Here, then, it is essential for scientists, and others interested, to at least humor themselves, if nothing more, long enough to stop resisting *doing the work* provided them in the Nuclear Relatives posts in the original *Clear Path* to Universal superConsciousness* blog (for everyone,) that includes The Matriarch, The God Particle, The Goddess Particle, YinXYang, etc... posts, which include instructions for what to do towards learning to process the Universe multidimensionally.
You cannot hope to *access* multiple dimensions, transcend time and space, discover wormholes all around you, realize the presence of parallel universes, etc., if you won't actually put yourself into the *places* needed within yourself to realize their reflections without yourself!
There's so much more to come, as I walk you through all these processes, but if you assume success will come without any actual personal commitment to participate directly in experiencing these relative reflections for yourself, that's just never going to be possible! You'll only be trapping yourself at that wall of disdained-by-scientists he said/she said "philosophy." The only way to transcend that wall and get on with it is through direct confrontation!