Friday, January 30, 2015

*Structure* Within: Mapping the Mind of the (Conscious vs Old Boy School) Scientist

The more you actually *do the work* to *balance* yourself, the more the Answers you seek "out there"/*without* yourself arise within you, reflectively.  Fight as you might, it really is all a reflection of yourself, but that reflection cannot easily be seen by conventional minds.  It is a far more complex process than collective unconscious convention allows itself to see or accept.

I'll walk you through that complex process, but you can't just passively observe.  You have to apply yourself to that process, and that process to yourself.

The last post ended with:

"The most important lesson for modern scientists to learn is that they can no longer project safely and conveniently away from themselves the Universal Answers they seek. They have to "wear them" into *Balance,* dependent origination and all!  But dependent origination does NOT mean that the Ultimate Answers are going to be subjectively different for each person.  Rather, it means that those Ultimate Universal Truths will come to you only when you are *ready* for them!  I've always found it fascinating that it is as though, while each of us is inherently entrusted with the entire Library of Universal Truths in our dna, the Universal Physics Processes ensure that they don't wind up in the hands of anyone who has not yet earned the right/trust in having *access* to them!  That's the power of *Ultimate Balance!*

"If you really want to truly *realize* the ...structure... in the chaos, in the emptiness/translucence of the Universe, in other words, you have to also realize the ...structure... in the chaos, emptiness and translucence of you!

"No one is magically, individually plopped down into the world disconnected, disjointed from all else!  Our physics processes are fully integrated into the Universe's processes, because we are an inescapable part of its process. There is no hope of your ever legitimately figuring out the Universe without yourself until you have figured out its reflection within yourself!  Alignment is the *key!*"

So you have to actually *experience* the physics involved in the Universal Process through your very own inherent physics, directly, for that unified reality to lead you to the Universal truth.  You can't conveniently hope to observe those Universal Answers from a safe, uncommitted, audience-like distance.  You really do have to *wear* the Answers directly by locating their physics counterpart in your own mirror.

If you try to settle for forever playing the role of "the missing link" to justify partaking in "old boy school science," it won't be just yourself that's missing, but rather an entire, reflective turn-around of *neglected* data relative to your inquiry.  It's that powerful, and that important!

YOU are that important!  (We are not what we think we are!  We are all soooo much more important in this Universe than that, via our inherent physics processes!)

Again, and I cannot emphasize this enough... If you want to truly *realize* the Universal ...structure... in the (seeming) chaos, in the Emptiness and Translucence, of the Universe, you have to first realize the ...structure... in the (seeming) chaos, Emptiness and Translucence of YOU!  How else will you *even* know how to process your findings in terms of Ultimate Reality, otherwise?!  There will never be a time or space when anyone, scientist or not, will be able to process the farthest reaches of the cosmos or the most minute goings-on under their microscopes, except through their human mind.  None of those findings will be true without the integration of the physics of the inquirer.

The Answers all scientists (everyone) seek are locked inside themselves, and already NonLinearly present, everything you could ever want or hope to discover.  YOU are that extraordinary, that powerful, that entrusted, that far more highly evolve-able!  Getting to those Universal Answers is only a matter of balance.  The only obstacles standing between yourself and those Universal Answers you seek are your own imbalances.  Reconfigure those, and the more you behave your way back into equilibrium, the more those inquiries you pursue will reveal themselves to you.  You are looking at life through a kaleidescope, turning it into seemingly endless combinations of those puzzle pieces (previously discussed).  Every time you hit the jackpot of aligning those pieces with what the Universe itself is actually doing, you suddenly find yourself with the most magnificent *access* to Answers!  Every next "aha!" reveals a myriad of new clues, as the Universe hints and haunts, teases and taunts you toward its, and your own, inherent *Core.*

One of the most shocking (and for many, frightening) realizations on the way to evolving *higher* is in your learning and having to come to terms with the reality that "mind" is NOT a private, impenetrable sanctuary within yourself!  Try as you might to hold onto that notion, the reality is that "mind" is a Universally SHARED physics process running throughout everybody and everything, everywhere, including events, happenings, the weather, geological activities (earthquakes, tsunami, etc.), and...that *even*-ing news!  There is nothing "soft science" about "mind!"  What causes folks to assume so is that they have macro-attributed labels and ideas to concepts and happenings, via language, and, unbeknownst to them, that language is actually made up of tiny, minute *energies* moving and motivating everybody and everything *at the Core,* no matter how distracted humans are or how much they think it's all about themselves and their surface notions.  We are all really responding to and interacting with those *energies* deeply and mathematically hidden within language.

"Mind" is an interconnecting thread running unchallenged, undaunted by human redefinition, throughout all things, all beings.  It is a SHARED *Energy* that humans actually have little to say about when it comes to trying to deny or change that fact.  While you may assume your mind is yours and yours alone, the physics truth is that it is a totally open book that anyone Conscious enough can invade.  But don't rush away just yet here, because those fluent enough in the SHARED Universal Physics are also by that level responsible enough to know how to respectfully  and responsibly turn it off (their *access,* that is!) when needed.  But when needed, having fluent, superConscious *access* to those SHARED mindful *energies* running throughout all beings and all things, events, including those imminent, is...extraordinary!

The important thing to grasp here from this, though, is that "mind" is SHARED *energy,* inescapably being moved and motivated at the Universal *Core.*  That NonLinear Core, demanding *balance* at all times, is relentless in its great universal chess game it plays with each and every one of us, hinting and haunting, teasing and taunting every move we make, every breath we take, toward that *balance.* The more we comply, the more *even* we behave, the more *even* we are able to *process* the true Universal Physics, and the more we fall through those wormholes of penetrating *accesses,* as the true Universal process reveals itself to us.  There's no going around it.  If you want its true Answers, you have to actually *experience* its NonLinear, multidimensional physics processes directly!

Your mind is like a map to Universal Physics Truth!  *Realize* it within yourself, empathically/Empathically *access* it all, without yourself!  Like going on an adventurous ride through an amusement park, the deeper and higher you go, the more the most extraordinary, and yes often terrifying, events/experiences/Answers expose themselves to you!

On this Universal journey, each newly revealed complexity shows you, directly, via your firsthand experience, the physics it is using to do what it does and be where it is.

You can argue with it, try to fight it off, debate it with thousands, millions of people (highly recommended) all you want, and the truth remains what it is, where it is!

The Universe realizes what it is doing!  What's missing is the seekers' learning to realize it, too/two! ;)

We'll continue mapping the ...structure... of SHARED Universal Mind in the next post, as we go through the assignments already posted in the...

...(that's separate from this ..."for Scientists" blog), since scientists are people, too, and extend and apply your readings there, to the topic of Awakening scientists, here!