Thursday, August 24, 2017

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - III

Scientists, holding onto Heisenberg (uncertainty principle, probability), linearly researching their microscopes, the cosmos, and everything in between, relegating relativity/relative timeXspace, etc., naively dismiss mind, and along with it such topics as psychology, psychotherapy, psychiatry, philosophy, religion, sociology, feelings, meaningfulnesses, language, etc., even physical impermanence, declaring them "soft science" having nothing to do with "real science" or scientific investigation, assuming no way to ever prove anything to come from them, but what they don't realize in their search for unification is that that assumption is simply a reflection of their conventional unconsciousness/distraction, their  inability to *access* enough (totally available in the Now) Consciousness to actually have that proof, that highly supporting (exponentially multiplying in every direction) data to help them process it all.

Scientists are not realizing there are deeply embedded, profoundly inescapable, underlying STRUCTURAL physics going on within and across translucence, emptiness, energy/empathy... (including all of the above) that are the very physics needed to expose the Universal Truth behind everything "out there" in the farthest reaches of the cosmos (dark energy, dark matter, inflation/expansion of the Universe, parallel worlds/multiverses, gravity/gravitational waves, relativity, time, space...and under their most powerful microscopes (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's,...). There can never be unification in a science that excludes whatever seems inconvenient.

It all begins and ends with the processor, with mind, in YOUR mirror, in your ability to reflect upon yourself as a fully integrated entity in the Universe SHARING the exact same physics with all else in Existence, all real time events and goings on.  Despite the "journey of one," as mentioned in the previous post, it is NOT subjective.  The Answer is the same for all, but you can only see/experience OF that Ultimate Answer what you allow and prepare yourself to see. I am preparing you to see and directly experience it all directly for yourself right here. Question is...will you *go there?*

It's like traveling through a wormhole, clearing away the clouds, the clutter, establishing the *balance* required by the Universe itself to propel you further through that wormhole, hindered only by your compulsion to control your need to project, to invent your own ending no matter how much that prevents you from seeing/experiencing reality.

We are all gravitationally *suspended* in time and space relative to our level of awareness/Consciousness. The more aware we are, the more aligned with, and mindfully awakened to, the true dynamic.  Realizing one's own timeXspace signature, or place/address/status within the Universal process exposes us to the mechanisms/mechanics creating all else.  The more in denial scientists are, clinging to and maintaining their perceived status in society, the more they'll continue to project themselves far off into the (non-existent) linear "future," expanding the Universe into neverending questions and chaos, propelled by chess instead of checkmate.

Linear Collective Unconscious Conventional Processing (Cerebral Neglect):

> past > present > future >

NonLinear Multidimensional Relative Processing (Balance):


If you want *access* to the Universe's NonLinear Answers, you have to become proficient in processing everyday life and language, etc., from a comfortably fluent NonLinear place. That cannot take place projected out onto a chalkboard.  It has to happen in your mirror.  Remember, you have to be mindfully INSIDE the physics, IN ACTION, wearing them simultaneously, owning them with integrity, not safely, uncommittedly, irresponsibly hiding out in a detached audience!

Modern Science Run Amok

So, why is it so difficult for folks to process what I am saying?  There's an easy explanation! It's called: Relativity!

Relative timeXspace, to be more exact!

Proximity, for short!

Collective unconscious convention has its own timeXspace signature (address/place to be) in the Universe, but it is not a very balanced place, and Universal Truth requires balance.  It is also, as mentioned above, linear in its reasoning, its logic, its notions of reality.  In a NonLinear Universe determined to keep itself Balanced at the Core at all "times," playing chess with you with every breath you take, every move you make (the even-ing news being the report card on how you're doing), there has to be balance in one's ability to reason, to logically perceive, to function, in order to see it, to align with it all, to empathically *access* it. Empathy is an important key, because when your physics are an identical copy of that of the rest of the Universe, *changing* as it *changes* (and vice versa), you have to be able to identify with what you are searching for, and experiencing, and to logically reason its timeXspace signature ...relative to...your own.  There's so much more to it (like being able to see the math of all that in your own reflection, which comes easily with superConsciousness), but all those supporting physics/dynamics/details have to come from your *doing the work* of your Nuclear Family, which is also Nuclear Relativity.

Let's go inside time and space!

Relative time and space are like a pair of stretch jeans.  Seems like a comfortable fit, but you don't really see that with your every move the fabric is constantly redefining itself. You're not watching every weave of the tapestry pushing and pulling, but every action redefines its timeXspace signature (address/place in the Universe). Another way of looking at it would be if you wrote down or observed the physics of water in an otherwise empty aquarium, then swooshed the water with your hand, you would then have an entirely different physics going on than when you started, and with every subsequent swoosh!

And so with your kaleidoscope. The idea is that to get to the NonLinear Core of the Universe, where all the Answers are waiting to be *realized* as having been there all along, in every Now, you have to find the balance of every situation you encounter (dependent origination), which propels you into your every next dimension, where, (as if a junior high star having to humble himself or herself to the relegated bottom position of beginner when starting high school), you begin again to maneuver your way through one wormhole after the next, via earned balance every inch of the way. As you go along, you experience one "aha!" after the next, again and again, putting your jigsaw puzzle pieces together, and the more "aha!"s you *access,* the more you start to recognize important and persistent patterns and repetitions, as everything multiplies exponentially in every direction, spherically, and eventually the seemingly incomprehensible vastness of the Universe all collapses in on itself, into clarity, and becomes...*One.*

To see it directly for yourself, you have to allow yourself to grow, to transcend the unbalanced timeXspace signature of collective unconscious convention. Transcending time and space gets easier and easier with your increasing Consciousness (balance), and that requires that you approach your notions of time and space from a fresh perspective, as if you've never ever heard of them before.

Conventional thinking (and usages of words/concepts) is like a religion that has run amok, having become so distracted, so individually and collectively lost, so trapped in the stories it has been telling itself, like-mindedly advocated throughout, that it refuses to allow in anything else, refuses to accept *change,* refuses to process any other way.  With enough advocacy the world over, all buying into all that momentum, never questioning or challenging, blindly accepting, so socially dependent and personally invested, it is a monumental task to redirect/awaken them, even a little.

This is the unfortunate dynamic behind much of modern science today, as it tries to keep its feet on conventional grounds.  Scientists are not realizing that they are not actually living that time is relative, that space is relative, that relativity even exists, that physicality is translucent, impermanent, and...relative!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - II

The Universal dynamic is so intricately interwoven, and even more magnificent is that we, as fully integrated beings within it, are part of that weave. We SHARE our underlying physics with all else in the Universe, including every moment by moment happening, the weather, natural and human initiated stories on the even-ing news (earthquakes, tsunamis, tragedies, celestial events, etc.), which you can directly and inescapably see for yourself if you allow yourself to become fluent in your Nuclear Family relatives (yes, Einstein's), which are far more than you are likely recognizing at this point. Once you realize the basics, as you progress further the Universe increasingly opens itself to you, like clouds departing, clearing away the clutter, revealing all its most intricate, most amazing hidden dynamics.

Collective unconscious convention (world society's shared mindset) has made itself a prisoner of its own doing, having locked itself into a place of such severe oppression that it won't allow in any other ways or means, or levels, of (higher Consciousness/multidimensional/NonLinear) processing, punishing those who dare to be different.  If you have seen @NatGeo 's recent extensive documentary/series on Albert Einstein's (early) life, the problems shown that he so painfully encountered in school and with others, including his own parents/parents, were a direct result of his, as with my own, having transcended collective unconscious convention, and folks who perceive Einstein as having the unfathomable mind of "an alien," or that of an unconscionable dreamer, essentially, are demonstrating their unconscious imprisonment inside the artificial walls and boundaries of that sleeping society.

Feelings felt too deeply and/or thoughts and behaviors threatening the status quo have all sorts of mental health diagnoses waiting for them, and many homeless folks living on the streets or tucked away in mental hospitals are what happens in society, and nature, when folks who are legitimately different are not helped to understand exactly why they are different, and why and how that is a good thing, not something bad or unhealthy. Problem is, there are very few within that society who are, themselves, insightful enough, capable enough, to teach them. I did a thesis on this in college in the 1980s and in my research found wonderful support, including from famous psychiatrists, suggesting homeless folks, and other rightful escapees from convention, need classrooms, not asylums, to help them (as I call it) over the threshold, because they know that they know, but they don't yet quite know what it is that they know! That is caused by our minds being mathematical, and the math of the primitive brain supercedes. In other words, the natural math is jumping far ahead of the language folks need to make sense of what is happening to them, and language filtered through tremendously oppressed, unaware convention only serves to tangle their webs even further.

Nuclear family physics/relativities not only untangle all those matted webs, but go on to untangle the whole entire Universe and everything in it, as well!  Dark energy, dark matter, wormholes, timeXspace, quantum entanglement, inflationary universe, multiverses, etc... They're all reflections of ourselves, individually and collectively. We are not what we think we are! We are soooo much more!  So a question is...can you handle the profundity of that?! The real Truth of you?!

Convention processes life/"reality" as a single, one directional (linear) line , like...



...but that only leads to a path of confusion, distraction, disjointedness, cerebral (one-sided) neglect, their own research and answers repelled away from them in rigid time and space as they go.

Real Universal Answers are processed multidimensionally, like a spherical weave, nonlinear layers upon layers of woven tapestry all beginning and ending in simultaneous, timeless, spaceless, relative Now, physicality completely redefined, taken higher, reconsidered.

To process the way the Universe processes, which is the true reality of you, you have to transcend mistaken collective unconscious convention, as Einstein was able to do, and Nuclear Family physics are your path to making that happen.

There is ...Structure... in the translucence, the *emptiness,* the chaos. If you want to decode that structure, you have to go inside it, inside you!

Nuclear Family Relativity tears apart convention's tangled webs/fabric, shows you where and how it all went/goes horribly wrong, and puts it all back together based on reality and Truth, proving every bit of it every step of the way, and that proof comes from its relentless challenging of you to be and remain completely honest with yourself.

As I've mentioned in previous posts, and to momentarily anthropomorphize here, it is incredibly intriguing that the Universe is such that a seeker of its Truths has to go through profound, often excruciating, challenges, almost akin to giving birth to oneself, to even/*even* be permitted to *access* the Universe's actual Answers. It is as though it is ascertaining that no one who has yet to earn that *access,* who has yet proved himself/herself *worthy* enough to handle them, who has yet learned to *respect* the process and not in any way exploit it for selfish personal gain, will ever be permitted that *access.* Within the dynamic, it is easy to see the physics of this phenomenon, but it definitely causes you to humble yourself to the reality of it.

To be continued...

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Nuclear Relativity: The Key to Decoding Everything in the Universe

To be honest, this is one of the most excruciating** articles I have ever written, and the reason for that can be summed up in the mass exodus of nearly everyone who just read what I mentioned there...feelings.

Still/*still* here?  So is the Universe!  Can you hear that?  Still!  As in...NonLinear!  While CERN constructs humongous, expensive linear tubes to search for linear Answers, the real truth has been right there all along, waiting to be recognized in that inexpensive little device called a...mirror!

Sounds crazy, huh? Exodus completed? Usually is, and I sit here talking to myself, but I already know all these things. Been at this a long time! I'm trying to save people's lives, and dissolve conventional science's persistent "centuries from now" into the Now!

Born so NonLinear, multidimensional and mathematical, my whole life has been a timeless, spaceless free-fall through one wormhole after the next, such that I can't help but see how it all goes together, how it all connects, interacts, places and replaces everything, how we sentient (experiencing) beings all synergistically fit into it all, how the living, breathing Universe interacts with us, individually and collectively, how it warns of imminent dangers, and provides purpose and meaningfulness (there go the rest out the door)!

If you are thinking I'm off my rocker, that no one can possibly know all that stuff, those really aren't feelings about me but about how you feel about yourself!  Convention has everyone believing in such astronomical and religious "less than" vs "MORE THAN" notions to keep them trapped inside its artificial walls and boundaries, if not inadvertently, because it's so unconscious, unaware of itself. In fact, this entire post is leading you to all the Answers you could ever hope to have, but few will even bother to *do the work* required to become that "far more highly evolved" because they will quickly rush to conventional reasoning and logic, none of which will ever hold the Answers.  That's because it mistakenly, unconsciously, linearly projects, and all that ever does is REPEL the Answers farther and farther away, relative to their level of persistent projecting, because the Universe plays chess with you every time you linearly project. The Answers are NOT out there, and the Universe is not linear, and the only way you are going to realize just how profoundly true that is is to actually *do the work* of the Nuclear Family Physics, to _DIRECTLY EXPERIENCE_ it for yourself, (no escaping left), within which is hidden "the key to decoding it" all/Awe!

The NonLinear Universe requires full integration, 100% participation, if you want its Answers, and that includes you, and (those disdained by most scientists) deeply embedded feelings (here completely redefined from anything convention and its scientists/*authorities* have done with them)!

It is so stressful trying to Awaken the world because scientists and regular folks alike are so wholeheartedly committed to the rules and regulations of convention. But the real truth, and the *Clear Path* to all the Answers you could ever hope to have, are right there in your mirror, and it is agony trying to help folks realize the importance** of the Nuclear (Family) Relativity Physics as the _UNIVERSAL KEY_to decoding it all.

Unable to step outside collective unconscious convention, that's where modern science/scientists start losing their sense of control, get angry, feel threatened, etc., but in reality there is no control in keeping your feet on the (nonexistent) ground, in what truly is our NonLinear Universe. Scientists have a hard-nosed notion of what the Universe "has to be" all about, and so they won't allow themselves to transcend that (seriously wrong) notion to quiet themselves long enough to learn to accept anything else.  Problem is, their hard-nosed notions status is being emulated by billions around the world, and countless people are losing their lives as a result.  It truly IS that serious a problem.

Would you stay longer if I told you Nuclear Family Relativity directly reveals what time and space really are? Wormholes, black holes, gravity/gravitational waves, relativity, dark energy, dark matter, parallel universes/multiverses/multiple dimensions, the God Particle, quantum entanglement, the edge of the Universe, the beginning, the end, etc...?

It is all a reflection of yourself (this is physics, not mystical, unprovable philosophy), but to see it for yourself, you have to actually do that work of your very own Nuclear Relative-ity Physics!


There are tremendously revealing hidden relativity and relative timeXspace (etc.) physics in YOUR Nuclear Family dynamics just waiting for you to simply notice them, truths that place you in the position needed to process higher, more complex reality. It is incredibly intriguing that the Universe "felt" the need to hide its key there, in your very own mirror, but that is exactly where it is!  It is a journey of one (as mentioned in The NeverEnding Story and Contact movies) simply because YOU are the one who projected yourself into disjointedness and distraction from seeing and experiencing it, so you are the ONLY one who can UNproject all those tangled webs you've woven in your life for you to discover that key!

Try this: Draw a large V on a sheet of paper.  On the top left point write *within* and on the top right point write *without.* At the point on the bottom write *One.*  Game on!  You begin at the top with unconsciousness, the distance between your recognition of *within* being an exact copy of your *without.*  The space inside your V is the distance between projection and reflection.  The idea is for you to *do the work* of your Nuclear Family Physics so you can actually transcend the artificial walls and boundaries of collective unconscious convention, so you can find yourself actually INSIDE the Universal dynamic you are trying to discover!  If you've seen the science documentaries where animation has scientists teleporting themselves, or Contact's Ellie touching a gelatin-like nothingness when she emerges from her pod, or The NeverEnding Story's Atreyu touching and then walking through his mirror, or Alice falling through hers, well, this is where you actually do that...FOR REAL!  (I've locked the door!  No more mass exodus for you!) And you keep doing it until your *within* and *without* become increasingly resolved into...*One.*

Yes, I know, it sounds ridiculous, but do you truly want the real Universal Truth, or do you just want to continue to delude yourself into conventionally believing you control what you need it to be for yourself?  Can you handle the Truth?  Are you genuinely *ready* for it? (Universal Reality is NOT subjective!)

As I was saying, hidden inside your Nuclear Family Relativity Physics dynamics is the VERY REAL *key* to decoding it all...microscope to Cosmos and everything in between.  How could that be?  The true Universal dynamic, that very simple Answer scientists the world over are searching for, requires perfect *Balance* for you to become Conscious of it.  Your actually doing (not pretending to do) the very hard work of re-balancing yourself, unprojecting all your projections until you are capable of *pure (unobstructed) observation,* IS your very own kaleidoscope to turn, your jumbled up jigsaw puzzle pieces to put together, your ticket to the Universal Truth of whatever it is you hope to discover!  Universal Truth and all its Answers have to actually be directly experienced, directly worn, not merely observed as if an audience member hiding out safely and uncommittedly (irresponsibly). The Answers are ONLY *accessible* through your being fully and empathically integrated within the all-encompassing Universal Process, and ONLY your learning how to be truthful with yourself, and hence *worthy* enough to have those Universal Answers, will make that happen. In that process, your timeXspace signature is gradually shifted into position for higher Answers to be noticed.

All sorts of incredibly profound physics dynamics come into your awareness while you actually *do the work* of your Nuclear Family.  One revelation after the next will arise within you as you feel feelings far more deeply than you ever imagined you could, think far more multidimensionally than you ever dreamed, directly experience and hence realize time and space for what they really are, in action, watch the Universal fabric/tapestry actually weaving itself right before your eyes, reflectively, find dark matter and dark energy where you least expected, get lost and refound again and again inside the true quantum entanglement, and carry relativity with you everywhere you go!  And so, soooo much more!

But you have to actually do that work, actually experience everything directly for yourself, and humble yourself to the process! You'll know you're getting there when your autonomic nervous system starts playing tricks on you (breathing requires your attention, heartbeat seems to be waiting for instructions to beat again, etc...)  Say what?  There is nothing like discovering yourself actually INSIDE the physics of you, which is also the physics of the whole entire Universe!

Scientists need to value themselves more.  There are no other eyes and ears, no other ways, ever, to explore and make sense of the Universe than through the human mind.  Why bother, otherwise?!  What do you need Answers for if not for your mind?  So why not begin where it all ends, and stop chasing those Answers "centuries" into that conventionally conceived, fabricated, fictitious "future" that doesn't exist and only relentlessly REPELS the Answers from yourself as you go?!

** NonLinear Nuclear Family physics revealed nearly every detail of 9/11/01 (many similar), the 2004 tsunami that killed a quarter million people (including multi-country and death toll intensity), earthquakes threatening entire cities, and so much more, but authorities were unconscious, unable to process or handle the data.

(Continued in next post...)

Sunday, August 6, 2017

The Nature of Consciousness w/Dalai Lama & Russian Scientists

Dalai Lama _LIVE STREAM_ on The Nature of Consciousness, New Delhi, India, with Russian scientists.

Update: This event is now over, but video is available with this link. (Click VIDEOS there, choose "The Nature of Consciousness.")


On...Now! (They've taken a break for lunch. Should be back on around 3:30 am ET).

LIVE STREAMING AGAIN TONIGHT: Monday, August 7 (Aug 8 India Time)

Some of what they are addressing, as they go along:
Russian neuroscience, neurophysiology, psychology, (evolution of) mind, past life memory/rebirth, Einstein, relativity, Big Bang, energy, quantum physics, Darwin, cross-cultural approach, epistemology, perception, cognition, physical phenomena, Truth, analytical approach, Heisenberg, Pavlov, Schrödinger's Cat, neural linguistics, Niels Bohr, Maxwell's physical reality, parallelism...

I will be commenting on their detailed discussions (mostly) after their meetings, asap.

11/28/17  Edit: I still want to get to this, and to write about it more here. Busy elsewhere, but I'll get there. Used to study Russian language. Love healthy global unification, folks Awakening together!

After second sessions:
Wow, even from quick glances I can immediately see problems in their thinking/processing on several topics and wrote out (handwritten) lots of notes that I hope to get on here asap! So many that if I were to go through everything they were discussing, my current books I am writing would turn into sets of encyclopedia volumes. And I didn't yet watch the second sessions (middle of the night for me).  Can't wait to get to all this!

I can't wait to have time to write these! The physics are so easy for anyone to see, actually prove themselves reality, and are soooo fascinating! Brings out the prolific little kid in me who can go deeper and deeper into complex physics and still keep going and going like the energizer bunny.

My handwritten insights for them, so far, resolve their "problem of (basic) consciousness," Schrödinger's Cat physics/issue, and I can't wait to explain the very easy-to-see (and highly intriguing) physics/dynamics of "past life memory!"

Passionately love redirecting collective unconscious convention. (As does HH Dalai Lama! Oh, the frustration, though!)

Notes (from what they are discussing):

I, myself, at age 3 (see my profile, bottom left), *remembered* past life, but I can (and will, here, later) very easily explain how! There are very common sense physics behind it that anyone with basic awareness of Nuclear Family physics can directly see for themselves, OF themselves! Incredibly intriguing! (See Nuclear Family physics I am teaching on Facebook)

I love the opening statements about how folks in eastern Russia have been influenced by eastern contemplative processing while those in western Russia lean toward rigorous scientific thought, and how they hope to bridge the divide.

In Universal Reality, higher Consciousness, they hold each other's balance/Answers.

Russian scientists, in these hours and hours/days of discussions with the Dalai Lama (keeping in mind that high level Buddhist monks are first and foremost physicists, which is the very foundation of Buddhism itself), are proving themselves highly advanced ("holistic") over American ("third person") scientists in their philosophical approach to what constitutes advanced scientific method! And they are agreeing with me that western scientists are continuing to try to remain a detached, disjointed audience to Universal Reality!  Wise Dalai Lama Consciously challenges the Russian scientists to prove to him that their approach is truly holistic! :)

(Working on going through these videos to comment on what they're discussing, asap. Love it! Can't wait!)

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Gravitational Waves, Inflationary Universe, TimeXSpace Relativity, Reflection

There's a physics dynamic going on in the Universe (and the Universe of all of us as fully integrated entities within it) that makes the vastness of it all really, really tiny, in actuality.  Scientists tend to agree that if ever its true dynamic is found it will be incredibly simple.  What they don't realize is that that incredibly simple formula they (half)heartedly seek has long been *realized* for thousands upon thousands of years, but by only a relative few.

I was inspired to write this blog post after (yet again) watching seriously presented science documentaries on television in which "hard core" scientists are discussing cosmic complexities with their infamous "centuries from now" collective conventional unconsciousness so locked into place that they genuinely cannot "even" hear themselves actually speaking those very Answers they insist won't be available for a long, long time.

As I've written before, if they'd only realize what "time" really is, which is also easy to grasp with superConsciousness, they would be able to connect that that "long, long time" and those "centuries" are nothing more than conventional distractions that can easily be the NOW!

For now, let's just refer to time (and space) as "distraction," with so much of conventional language needing to be redefined if you want to move on toward processing higher Consciousness.  Much of the trap of convention (and modern scientists within it) comes from folks' inability to process language from a NonLinear perspective, to get themselves beyond the misinterpretations and *stories people tell themselves* that make becoming more highly evolved extremely difficult, if not impossible. And for now, let's also just again mention that scientists hear the word "consciousness" and immediately rush off to all sorts of conventional misinterpretations that guarantee they won't evolve beyond themselves. (There are many posts here, and on its matching blog "*Clear Path*...for Everyone" that explain "consciousness" outside of conventional distraction).

To one such as myself with superConsciousness, which simply means the ability to fluently and fluidly process essentially everything and everybody NonLinearly, including language, timeXspace, etc., it truly "boggles the mind" (new scientific term) that these seemingly advanced scientists on super-serious science documentaries don't hear themselves multidimensionally as they speak, don't *realize* the Universe is actually so blatantly Answering them as they wonder and ponder and detail what they are searching for.  They are not recognizing their own personal timeXspace signature, or place in the Universe, relative to Universal Truth.

There is no such thing as "future," in reality, despite conventional minds having trapped themselves into not being able to get "past" that. "Past" is also an illusion, with *access* not-so-hiding where folks won't allow themselves to go. "Centuries" merely reflect intensity between asleep and awake, between unconsciousness and Consciousness. Combine everyone's unbalanced *places of the heart* and there's the source of the status of the *Now.* (As I've mentioned "repeatedly" in my blogs, the "even-ing news" and "weather/whether" really are reflecting the differences between global behavior/*energy* vs Universal Balance.)

It really is that simple!  (Though I can "simply" detail it all so much more, as needed, to process a given situation.)

Draw a dot in the middle of a page, and then circles around the dot again and again progressively larger in size/expansively to create ((((harmonics.)))) The incredibly simple dynamic the Universe is using is yes, quite simply, repetitiously repeating itself, to repeat myself, over and over again, as everything multiplies exponentially in every direction (spherically), no matter how complexity would seem to suggest otherwise.  What makes it hard to recognize/see is that the Universal fabric/tapestry is interwoven (like a tissue paper bell or pumpkin), meaning all the multiple dimensions are interacting with each other, not segregated, disjointed or isolated from one another.  As you genuinely *do the work* of the Nuclear Family physics (which I am teaching on fb), you can actually and directly witness that weaving, in action, for your very own self!  The more advanced/evolved/Conscious/superConscious you become, the more you can directly witness the complex inter-weaving in action.

So...the Universe is using a very, very simple dynamic, and that dynamic (physics) is simply repeating itself over and over again.  Whatever it is you are searching for, you simply need to overlay simplicity with complexity and..tada!  There it is!

To shorten the distance/divide between the vastness of the cosmos and a long-sought *aha!,* you simply need to overlay your elementary recognition repetitiously upon it to accomplish your every next (no where near as complex as assumed) insight. There's a word for this you may find intriguing... wormhole! (Important, relevant read for this topic!)

(To be continued. Subject to editing...)