Saturday, August 12, 2017

Nuclear Relativity: The Key to Decoding Everything in the Universe

To be honest, this is one of the most excruciating** articles I have ever written, and the reason for that can be summed up in the mass exodus of nearly everyone who just read what I mentioned there...feelings.

Still/*still* here?  So is the Universe!  Can you hear that?  Still!  As in...NonLinear!  While CERN constructs humongous, expensive linear tubes to search for linear Answers, the real truth has been right there all along, waiting to be recognized in that inexpensive little device called a...mirror!

Sounds crazy, huh? Exodus completed? Usually is, and I sit here talking to myself, but I already know all these things. Been at this a long time! I'm trying to save people's lives, and dissolve conventional science's persistent "centuries from now" into the Now!

Born so NonLinear, multidimensional and mathematical, my whole life has been a timeless, spaceless free-fall through one wormhole after the next, such that I can't help but see how it all goes together, how it all connects, interacts, places and replaces everything, how we sentient (experiencing) beings all synergistically fit into it all, how the living, breathing Universe interacts with us, individually and collectively, how it warns of imminent dangers, and provides purpose and meaningfulness (there go the rest out the door)!

If you are thinking I'm off my rocker, that no one can possibly know all that stuff, those really aren't feelings about me but about how you feel about yourself!  Convention has everyone believing in such astronomical and religious "less than" vs "MORE THAN" notions to keep them trapped inside its artificial walls and boundaries, if not inadvertently, because it's so unconscious, unaware of itself. In fact, this entire post is leading you to all the Answers you could ever hope to have, but few will even bother to *do the work* required to become that "far more highly evolved" because they will quickly rush to conventional reasoning and logic, none of which will ever hold the Answers.  That's because it mistakenly, unconsciously, linearly projects, and all that ever does is REPEL the Answers farther and farther away, relative to their level of persistent projecting, because the Universe plays chess with you every time you linearly project. The Answers are NOT out there, and the Universe is not linear, and the only way you are going to realize just how profoundly true that is is to actually *do the work* of the Nuclear Family Physics, to _DIRECTLY EXPERIENCE_ it for yourself, (no escaping left), within which is hidden "the key to decoding it" all/Awe!

The NonLinear Universe requires full integration, 100% participation, if you want its Answers, and that includes you, and (those disdained by most scientists) deeply embedded feelings (here completely redefined from anything convention and its scientists/*authorities* have done with them)!

It is so stressful trying to Awaken the world because scientists and regular folks alike are so wholeheartedly committed to the rules and regulations of convention. But the real truth, and the *Clear Path* to all the Answers you could ever hope to have, are right there in your mirror, and it is agony trying to help folks realize the importance** of the Nuclear (Family) Relativity Physics as the _UNIVERSAL KEY_to decoding it all.

Unable to step outside collective unconscious convention, that's where modern science/scientists start losing their sense of control, get angry, feel threatened, etc., but in reality there is no control in keeping your feet on the (nonexistent) ground, in what truly is our NonLinear Universe. Scientists have a hard-nosed notion of what the Universe "has to be" all about, and so they won't allow themselves to transcend that (seriously wrong) notion to quiet themselves long enough to learn to accept anything else.  Problem is, their hard-nosed notions status is being emulated by billions around the world, and countless people are losing their lives as a result.  It truly IS that serious a problem.

Would you stay longer if I told you Nuclear Family Relativity directly reveals what time and space really are? Wormholes, black holes, gravity/gravitational waves, relativity, dark energy, dark matter, parallel universes/multiverses/multiple dimensions, the God Particle, quantum entanglement, the edge of the Universe, the beginning, the end, etc...?

It is all a reflection of yourself (this is physics, not mystical, unprovable philosophy), but to see it for yourself, you have to actually do that work of your very own Nuclear Relative-ity Physics!


There are tremendously revealing hidden relativity and relative timeXspace (etc.) physics in YOUR Nuclear Family dynamics just waiting for you to simply notice them, truths that place you in the position needed to process higher, more complex reality. It is incredibly intriguing that the Universe "felt" the need to hide its key there, in your very own mirror, but that is exactly where it is!  It is a journey of one (as mentioned in The NeverEnding Story and Contact movies) simply because YOU are the one who projected yourself into disjointedness and distraction from seeing and experiencing it, so you are the ONLY one who can UNproject all those tangled webs you've woven in your life for you to discover that key!

Try this: Draw a large V on a sheet of paper.  On the top left point write *within* and on the top right point write *without.* At the point on the bottom write *One.*  Game on!  You begin at the top with unconsciousness, the distance between your recognition of *within* being an exact copy of your *without.*  The space inside your V is the distance between projection and reflection.  The idea is for you to *do the work* of your Nuclear Family Physics so you can actually transcend the artificial walls and boundaries of collective unconscious convention, so you can find yourself actually INSIDE the Universal dynamic you are trying to discover!  If you've seen the science documentaries where animation has scientists teleporting themselves, or Contact's Ellie touching a gelatin-like nothingness when she emerges from her pod, or The NeverEnding Story's Atreyu touching and then walking through his mirror, or Alice falling through hers, well, this is where you actually do that...FOR REAL!  (I've locked the door!  No more mass exodus for you!) And you keep doing it until your *within* and *without* become increasingly resolved into...*One.*

Yes, I know, it sounds ridiculous, but do you truly want the real Universal Truth, or do you just want to continue to delude yourself into conventionally believing you control what you need it to be for yourself?  Can you handle the Truth?  Are you genuinely *ready* for it? (Universal Reality is NOT subjective!)

As I was saying, hidden inside your Nuclear Family Relativity Physics dynamics is the VERY REAL *key* to decoding it all...microscope to Cosmos and everything in between.  How could that be?  The true Universal dynamic, that very simple Answer scientists the world over are searching for, requires perfect *Balance* for you to become Conscious of it.  Your actually doing (not pretending to do) the very hard work of re-balancing yourself, unprojecting all your projections until you are capable of *pure (unobstructed) observation,* IS your very own kaleidoscope to turn, your jumbled up jigsaw puzzle pieces to put together, your ticket to the Universal Truth of whatever it is you hope to discover!  Universal Truth and all its Answers have to actually be directly experienced, directly worn, not merely observed as if an audience member hiding out safely and uncommittedly (irresponsibly). The Answers are ONLY *accessible* through your being fully and empathically integrated within the all-encompassing Universal Process, and ONLY your learning how to be truthful with yourself, and hence *worthy* enough to have those Universal Answers, will make that happen. In that process, your timeXspace signature is gradually shifted into position for higher Answers to be noticed.

All sorts of incredibly profound physics dynamics come into your awareness while you actually *do the work* of your Nuclear Family.  One revelation after the next will arise within you as you feel feelings far more deeply than you ever imagined you could, think far more multidimensionally than you ever dreamed, directly experience and hence realize time and space for what they really are, in action, watch the Universal fabric/tapestry actually weaving itself right before your eyes, reflectively, find dark matter and dark energy where you least expected, get lost and refound again and again inside the true quantum entanglement, and carry relativity with you everywhere you go!  And so, soooo much more!

But you have to actually do that work, actually experience everything directly for yourself, and humble yourself to the process! You'll know you're getting there when your autonomic nervous system starts playing tricks on you (breathing requires your attention, heartbeat seems to be waiting for instructions to beat again, etc...)  Say what?  There is nothing like discovering yourself actually INSIDE the physics of you, which is also the physics of the whole entire Universe!

Scientists need to value themselves more.  There are no other eyes and ears, no other ways, ever, to explore and make sense of the Universe than through the human mind.  Why bother, otherwise?!  What do you need Answers for if not for your mind?  So why not begin where it all ends, and stop chasing those Answers "centuries" into that conventionally conceived, fabricated, fictitious "future" that doesn't exist and only relentlessly REPELS the Answers from yourself as you go?!

** NonLinear Nuclear Family physics revealed nearly every detail of 9/11/01 (many similar), the 2004 tsunami that killed a quarter million people (including multi-country and death toll intensity), earthquakes threatening entire cities, and so much more, but authorities were unconscious, unable to process or handle the data.

(Continued in next post...)