Monday, January 15, 2018

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XV

(Review, continued...)

De-Mystifying the Reality of Multidimensional, Mathematical, Translucent ...MIND...

("How to" find YOURSELF Einstein!)

The earth is not flat, timeXspaceXphysicality are directly, observably, experientially relative (and non-existent), as is simultaneity, we are not detached, disjointed, segregated individuals somehow conveniently, magically plopped down into the world disconnected from all else, and MIND is not the personal, private, inaccessible inner sanctuary nearly everyone the world over self-ishly, mistakenly, unconsciously assumes.

"Nuclear Family" is a psychology term referring to one's immediate-most family members and what your relationships with those members reveals about yourself on closer look. Taken higher, ownership of oneself, in reflection, begins the process of transcending your participation in and contribution to collective unconscious convention, tearing down its artificial walls and boundaries, logic, reasoning, "cartoon aroma"/allure, freeing you from that bunched hurdle of doing "what everybody else is doing" so you can think more clearly, feel more deeply, process far more independently, which releases you from convention's timeXspace signature (place in the grand scheme of things), which is far from any hope of balanced perception.

On closer look, a complex synergy starts coming into view, and respect for truth in your own mirror paves the way for an appreciation of higher and deeper, previously overlooked relationships.

Extended relatives loosen your tight hold on language, labels and concepts, and patterning begins to emerge as if calling you from afar, asking you to *remember* relationships long forgotten.

Time and space begin to crumble, clocks appear to spin faster and slower, forward and back, their sizes and shapes warping out of your control, and your own physicality stretches and morphs as you rush to your mirror, remote at hand, in an attempt to remove the static. "Where did (YOU) go?," you wonder, as that remote suggests seeing clear/*clear* through your reflection.

Disoriented, you regain a moment or two to allow your defenses to find you.

"How can that be?," you ponder. "Where did it all go?  Where am I now?  Will I ever get back?  Do I ever wanna go back?  What IS 'back?' 'back?'"

Suddenly you feel a need to...Question everything!

They say "you can never go home again!"  It all seems like just yesterday until it becomes obvious it never really even/*even* had a tomorrow.

Nuclear Relative...ity?  Say what?!**

*Now* what?

*Realizing* Relationships/*Relationships*
Quantum entanglement begins in your very own family portrait. What may seem as though it only belongs in an advanced university classroom, at Cern, Nasa or in difficult Einstein texts is actually a very real and natural part of yourself that you were born with that unfortunately collective unconscious convention, aka world society's accepted mindset, distracted you away from when you were a young toddler. You are so much more than you believe yourself to be, and life itself, and everything going on within it, is completely *other than* what you have been influenced to believe. There is soooo much more going on, and the only way for you to see it, to realize it, to respect and appreciate its profound importance is to directly experience it consistently for yourself, and that requires that you transcend the reasoning, logic and misguided advocacy of conventional interpretation.

* These teases are intentional physics hints and clues.
** Albert Einstein coming to mind?