Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XVI

The Inevitable Convergence of Science and Religion...Happening *Now*
TimeXSpace Relativity meets superConsciousness: (A Review)

(Updating April 1, 2018)
Wonderful Dalai Lama VIDEOS to Include in this ScienceXReligion Convergence Review (Extraordinary):

Quantum Physics, Relativity in Ancient Awakening w/HH Dalai Lama & Modern Scientists
The Nature of Reality - Theory of Relativity, Quantum Science and Buddhist Thought 1/2
The Nature of Reality - Theory of Relativity, Quantum Science and Buddhist Thought 2/2

Notice how quickly the Dalai Lama CORRECTS the opening scientist (beginning of first video), as soon as it's the Dalai Lama's turn to speak (beginning of second video), about how this is NOT NEW, that it has been realized by those with Awakening for a very long, long time! (Thousands of years!)

Please spend a few hours "participating" in these brilliant, fun and friendly albeit complex conversations.  

Includes current and other noted scientists: Copernicus, Galileo, Einstein, Kant, Aristotle, Newton, Bohr, etc...


Quantum Physics and Madhyamaka (Middle Way/Balance) with the Dalai Lama and attending scientists.

(High level Buddhist monks are first and foremost very serious, highly-realized physicists.)

This is an incredibly important topic toward the detection of earthquakes, tsunamis and other natural disasters, and human-initiated chaos, long before they manifest to reach the (get) even-ing news!  Mention wave-particle duality and everyone runs away so fast they leave you in the dust of their escape, but yet it is all so much easier to grasp and process, and in a very every-day meaningful and feelings-inclusive way, if folks would simply stop trying to tell the Universe what it has to be and instead quiet themselves enough to simply *listen* as it reveals precisely what it is!

The dynamic the Universe is using is actually very basic, and repetitious.  The complexity mostly comes from human resistance, from folks' refusal to learn anything new, to let go of their collective conventional assumptions, and to have enough courage to simply *focus* and stay-on-task long enough to realize their way beyond unconscious convention.

When you mistakenly process the Universe linearly, as if there are past and future (there aren't!), you inadvertently REPEL the Answers ~ away from ~ yourself. Hence, unconscious scientists' "centuries" waiting, probability, and uncertainty principle. Any wonder "the Universe is expanding?!" Projection is far more than scientists are evolved enough to grasp!

If you process the Universe NonLinearly, as a donut/circle pulsating through relative timeXspace, the more Aware/Awake/superConscious you are, the more *access*/multidimensionality you have in detecting horrific events as they congeal toward manifestation. Tiny parade view of collective unconscious convention vs VAST Universal Parade View! Documented/proved/demonstrated (by me) for decades with highly credible, highly interested authorities. Do you really prefer a "5 second modern science warning" of earthquakes/tsunamis/tragedies heading your way when you could have days/weeks/months or more to prepare?!

(Note: Buddhists, high lama level, Dalai Lama included, are first and foremost very serious actual PhD/Doctoral (Geshe) level physicists.)

Additional notes are already handwritten and ready. I just have to get them here. In time...**

** I have intentionally slowed down my extensive writing here for a while, needing to recover from becoming bombarded with *realizations*/recognitions of horrific events congealing toward manifestation, which actually gets very painful, because society/unconscious convention cannot process it, dismissing my warnings of imminent horrors approaching the evening news, and it is agony *realizing* that hundreds, thousands of people are going to be harmed or killed, when it is considered worthless information to the unconscious world. Writing this blog, *focusing* on the NonLinear Physics, I detected the Vegas/Mandalay Bay massacre, the Washington state train derailment, the horrible human-initiated incidents in New York City, etc...  Way too much information to be alone with, given that society's collective unconscious convention and its "authorities" so quickly dismiss it, and me. I am not one iota "psychic" and have zero interest in any of that stuff.  This is simply basic NonLinear Physics that everyone is born with, but most quickly forget to *remember.*