Thursday, September 20, 2018

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XXVI


Is there consciousness outside the brain? (Further definitive discussion, next post to come.)

Quite simply...yes, when correctly defined!  "Buried within the message itself is the key to decoding it! - Carl Sagan/Contact

Scientists think it's fantasy, but that is only because they haven't bothered to *do the work* required by the Universe itself to directly experience it for themselves. It is not about trying to lazily jump to conclusions, one way or the other, without serious, extensive responsibility. When things look silly or ridiculous to scientists relative to Awakening/Enlightenment/Consciousness, or that "awful waste of space" they disdain, it is because they are approaching them with no effort toward establishing supporting evidence or that extensive foundation. With higher Awareness, Answers are not just floating around or pulled out of the blue, unsubstantiated. Everything is seriously taken to task.

When you *do (that) work,* you come face to face with the truth, the real Truth, having earned your way through a barrage of oftentimes excruciating personal confrontations that force you to recognize what the Universe itself is doing, as you exhaustively take ownership with what you, yourself, are doing, as a reflective entity within that Universe. You are forced to challenge the physics involved as you attempt to deny and escape, and it is through your own ultimate truthfulness with yourself, and a battery of ever-increasingly-complex-albeit-repetitiously-simple *aha!*s along the way, that you surrender yourself to that Truth! Much of it is about redefinition.

Consciousness/consciousness is the domain of the Universe itself, its synergistic dynamic/physics moving and motivating everybody, everything, everywhere. Not just acknowledged sentient life, but all goings-on, on much higher levels than convention can see. The key to grasping/understanding that is to realize the "Consciousness" of the Universe itself as an inescapable physics dynamic from which we come and return, and have really no power over, and the more Awake we are, the more it is very obvious that it is totally undaunted by anything humans try to do to dismantle or usurp it. And, as mentioned below, there is clear physics evidence that we exist as (extended versions of) ourselves when we do not exist in this thing called "life." You will experience this directly for yourself, involving yourself, inescapably, if you *do the work!*

So, the more accurate question would be:

Is the Universe, that Simple Reflective Synergistic Process, alive? Aware of itself?

That depends on whether or not you anthropomorphize that very definitely active, never ever losing, great international (okay, Universal) chess playing process! The Universe is a living, breathing, pulsating entity (physics process) in its own right.

There is a definitive the Translucence, a persistence in the Energy emanating from the Core/Nucleus, a Universal Empathy throughout. Everything is moved and motivated by this Universal Process, inescapably, not just sentient/experiencing beings, but all goings-on: earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, the weather, natural and human-initiated catastrophic events whose details are included (space shuttles' demise, train derailments, plane crashes, building collapses, etc). The cosmos cannot escape dutifully obeying, neither can microscopic or any other activities.

*Doing the work,* a very humbling experience that teaches you a *profound respect* for higher physics Truth, takes you INSIDE the entire Universal Synergy/Dynamic, and relentlessly tempts and taunts you to try to prove it wrong (good luck with that! It won't be happening!  Thousands upon thousands of years, more accurately back to the very first reflective sentients and then some, still/*still* fight-as-you-might inescapable), dare you to share it with millions, and challenge and beat them all *in a single instance." Human Consciousness (Awakening/Enlightenment) is what taunts us in our unawakened state toward higher recognition and processing. Basic human consciousness, at all, is simply dutiful, mindless, physics adherence.

Existential Universal Synergy is locked in place, relevant to and inescapable by all, sentient or otherwise. The whole process exposes and proves itself as you *do the work!* Move any one, move every one. It is extraordinary to witness and experience directly and inescapably, from within.  The mathematics of it messes with your autonomic nervous system a bit here and there. (You may have to remind yourself to "breathe!") But what a shame that most folks live out their whole entire lives and not even/*even* get to realize themselves within it!

What appears to the distracted as LIFE is actually that physics process doing what it does...playing chess with us all, individually and collectively.  It is ourselves, lost in the process and trying to find our way back to the Core Truth, that give it the illusion of movement.

In essence, we are the Universe as it turns around to reflect upon itself. The more self-aware we are to our own inherent physics reality/process, to what is actually moving and motivating every little thing we do, the more balanced we are, and therefore the more aligned, and hence able to directly *access* the true overall Universal Dynamic.

In other words, you have to be very balanced to "eclipse" the True Universal ...Reflective...Process, AS it is happening, which, as mentioned, can really do a number (an actual math situation) on your autonomic nervous system (that part of you that does what it does without your having to think about it, like breathing, heartbeat, etc.).

Before you are born, and after you are gone, your *presence* is very definitely, by physics itself, in the Universe. I have explained why and how that is, in previous Nuclear Family Physics work in my writings here and on facebook, and we will explore that further in upcoming writings and "step by step *how to.*" It is incredible to recognize. We are far more than collective unconscious convention has assumed and trapped billions into believing. We are part of a synergy that goes far beyond anything most folks realize. But just think about this for a moment: we exist before we are born, and after we are gone, by physics itself,** and there is no conventionally conceived mind or brain *there.*  Going to be interesting when we get back into Nuclear Relatives and Relationships, where this reveals itself *even* more. For now, just realize that we are mathematical, multidimensional, empathic, translucent *energy,* not unlike the language we use to communicate. (Define this as an actual physics process, rather than convention's persistent object-ification).

Information that humans can process "on the surface" is actually carried by that *energy.*

All language reduces to energy, and that energy is mathematically patterned based on the Universal Core Dynamic that is (NonLinearly) taking place.

Invertedly, that Core Energy can be decoded back "to the surface" with enough Consciousness/*realization*/recognition, where everyday conventional minds can hear it in the only language they understand.  Problem is, they just quickly dismiss it, because they have inadvertently trapped themselves into mistaken notions/perceptions/horseblinders view about Reality and so the warnings, by nature/the Universe itself, go unheeded.

The rare superConscious folks, estimated by a major university as "way less than 1% of the entire world's population," who process the real Reality multidimensionally, aka...not just only "on the surface" (science's rigidly adhered to AFTERmath), but rather in layers upon layers/multiple dimensions, energy/patterns of energy/mathematics/constructs/concepts/language/labels/surface activities, all at the same time, simultaneity being relative, can recognize horrific events congealing/forming/coming into being toward manifestation "on the surface," where the world has no choice but to see it through to its only then scientifically acknowledged AFTERmath.

NonLinear Universal Physics Dynamics reveal those events to the superConsciousness days, weeks, months, years before they "surface." Those revelation physics are what science is invalidating and dismissing. They have no right to do that!

Stuff happens because the conditions are in place for them to happen. The higher your Nonlinear Consciousness, the broader your *Now*/*access* to the activities of those conditions.

What I am trying to do here is TEACH science and other conventional authorities "how to" confidently recognize/realize and acknowledge *higher* reality/definition, so "Reality" is not just perceived and validated as AFTERmath (aka too late)! Higher reality broadens your mindful *Now,* your *access* to true relative timeXspace to include multiple dimensions, parallel worlds, the REAL reality, all contributing to what transpires "on the surface," devastating people's lives.  Scientists and other conventional authorities need to Consciously take action BEFORE it's too late.

It's what they want! *Access* to parallel worlds, multiple dimensions, cosmic understanding, medical cures, crime intervention, etc., but if you do what you've always done, you get what you've always got! Again, waiting "centuries" for awarenesses to come into being, when those centuries and awarenesses are, in Truth, nothing more than unconscious minds stretching out time and space while they learn to grow further.  All of those Answers are available in the *Now,* and your ability to grow and evolve further is *Now.*

"Future" is a human invention, a convenient place to store everything they aren't *ready* for. Any "scientific method" waiting for that non-existent "future" is, quite basically...wrong!...founded upon downright UNconsciousness.

I realized the physics of the Indonesian tsunami that would kill nearly a quarter MILLION people on December 26, 2004, well over a year before it manifested! Earthquakes scream their approach long before they happen. The Cosmos was no match for my realizing the demise of both space shuttles long before those manifested.

The Universe is like a computer that immediately writes down/documents absolutely everything, everywhere, going on, in real time and space (except that it knows about it before it happens, being Nonlinear), and if you are Conscious enough to know where to go to read all that writing, you, too, can know exactly what is happening, congealing, approaching manifestation "on the surface." The information is always immediately available, and that goes for anything and everything you could ever want to know about the cosmos, your microscopes, and everything in between, because the Universe is NonLinear, and so are you!

In this instance, as an example... Draw a dot in the middle of a page, and then circles around and around it, progressively outward.  The dot in the middle is the *NonLinear Now,* and the circles around it represent multiple dimensions/parallel worlds.

Collective unconscious convention, and its scientists and other authorities whose foundations are rooted in that convention, only recognize and validate what happens in their immediate conventionally-conceived now, assuming that's all there is. They don't know that the Universe is NonLinear, let alone that they, themselves, are as well.  They aren't evolved enough to realize how life works, how they work (their inherent physics of existence), and they assume everything not manifested where they can see it is nothing more than that "awful waste of space." But that's the epitome of unconsciousness! When you *do the work* of Nuclear relatives and relationships, etc., you are taken inside the true Universal Dynamic, where you come face to face with the REAL Truth, where you experience, directly for yourself, exactly what the Universe is doing, what you, as a fully integrated entity within the Universe, are really doing, how it all works, how your own inherent physics work, and the more *work* you do, and the more truthful you are with yourself, the more *access* you have to those multiple dimensions and parallel worlds, to the higher Answers revealing the synergy of it all, the interconnectedness of it all. Anything your heart and soul could ever want to know, no matter how personal or rigidly scientific, will be revealed to you.

And this has been *realized* for thousands upon thousands of years!

With less than 1% of the entire world's population Awake and Aware, *access* to the Universal Truth is seriously going extinct.

Tibet is a country whose entire culture is founded upon Universal Physics Truth. Don't let the maroon robes fool you: Tibetan Buddhist monks, HH the Dalai Lama included, are first and foremost physicists of the heart, and hold Geshe (PhD equivalent degrees!). HHDL says in his books that their projections into what looks like a religion are fluently recognized as projections by high lamas and are purposely applied to help the conventionally-minded masses have something to cling to, find meaningfulness and companionship in, as they *do the work* along their way to Awakening. In other words, they *access* the Universal truth by living their own individual truths reflectively. As the Dalai Lama states in the video with Richard Gere and Dr. Thupten Jinpa, and I studied in my own university world religions studies, India, with its Hinduism influences, used to know the Universal Truth, but has been losing *access* to it because of conventional adherences. What used to be Consciously realized and respected as representative of Balance and Core Truth in their "third eye" decoration is simply seen nowadays as nothing more than decoration. Taoist China and Buddhist Japan, and other Asian countries with ties to the ancient world, are barely clinging to Universal Truth, much of their *accesses* falling prey to conventional notions and distractions as well.

But Tibet actively *remembers!*

I will teach you "how to" actively *remember* the Universal Physics Truth/Dynamic directly for yourself, right here, but you still have to *do the work* involved because it cannot and will not be *accessed* from any detached, safe comfort zone "audience" stance, such as professed by rigidly-minded conventional scientists and protection agency authorities.

The Truth about "Physicality"
…(Already addressed below.)


** In the same way that events coming into surface manifestation can be realized/recognized long before they happen, likewise we, ourselves, can be realized/recognized as congealing toward our own existence in this thing we call "life." We don't just magically pop onto the scene, and we aren't detached, disconnected, disjointed from all else. You will see and experience this of yourself in your Nuclear Relatives and Relationships physics.