Monday, October 1, 2018

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XXVII

Is there Consciousness Outside the Brain? - A Closer Look

"What IS this place?" (Everywhere around her.) She needed to know.

"What IS this thing?," she gestured, looking at herself. "How did I get in here?" Her hands circled her body, her head, her face full of curiosity.

"Where was I before I came here? And why did I have to leave there, to come here?"

She was clearly not a happy camper. She saw visuals of where she had been in a...previous life? She was walking down a long, gravel and dirt road, next to a very, very tall (relative to her own height) skinny man to her left in a suit. She turned and looked back. A small town was far off in the distance. She had such profound feelings of being incomplete: she wasn't ready to leave there, to come here.

"Why does everybody they do, without first stopping everything to figure out what's really going on?," she wondered. "Why does everybody just (automatically buy right into) everything, with no part of them bothering to question what's happening?" *Basic trust* just was never going to be something she could accept without further investigation. There had to be a reason, a purpose, an Answer!

Day after day, she sat all alone on that concrete city sidewalk outside her house, in the big city she was born in, the only child in the whole neighborhood too young to attend the "big school" at the other end of the block. Her best friend Judy got to go to "big school" (kindergarten), leaving her all alone to make friends with nature, a lone tree, digging the pretty lime green moss out of the cracks in the sidewalk. It was her buddy, and day after day she would take it home with her. After commenting that it was always right back out there again and again, despite her digging it up to keep it close to her, her mother told her it was "alive!" She continued digging up the pretty lime green moss and taking it home with her, but vowing never to hurt it she would dig deeper, and she has been "digging deeper" ever since!

That child was me!  I was only 3 years old,** and that was my adamant determination to never get lost in that sleeping collective unconscious convention. I didn't know to call it that at the time, but I wanted nothing to do with it. It never made any sense. I needed to know what the heck was really going on!

Years ago, when I was trying to discuss "Consciousness" with folks on a message board, people insisted, "As opposed to...what?"  They couldn't fathom there was anything else. The mere mention of the word to conventional minds stirs stress in people because they don't know what to do with it. Right away, it becomes "too much information" and somewhat threatening for general consensus. Convention, and unfortunately its like-minded scientists and other authorities, genuinely have no concept of higher mindfulness potential other than their own accepted "norm." After all, it's what everybody else is doing, right? So it seems to make logical sense that what the majority is accepting "has to be" the way to go? After all, how could so many people be wrong, otherwise?

This is one of the biggest hurdles for seekers of higher Consciousness to get themselves beyond.

To process the Answer to the intriguing question: "Can/does Consciousness exist outside the brain?," the concept of "consciousness" needs to be clearly defined. What exactly are we even asking?

It is here that I find it helpful to bring back up the serious-but-silly notion of "ancient alien enthusiasts" that "brilliant"/"genius" minds like Albert Einstein and company had to have been visited by actual extra-planetary aliens from outer space to have even been able to *access* such advanced/complex knowledge, as with Einstein's general relativity.

The level of collective unconscious conventional naivete required to present such notions as serious suggestion screams like a billboard in downtown Times Square, New York, just how profoundly UNconscious conventional minds really are.

Add to that the painful reality that billions of conventional minds the world over are equally unaware, about that and countless other aspects of their own inherent reality of existence, and it leaves little to be wondered why there are always so many wars going on and horrors on the evening news all the time. And with so much advocacy in place to gang up on and destroy the (<1% of the entire world's population Awakened) "messengers," because that's always so much easier than Awakening themselves to the *higher message,* it's no wonder thousands of years have gone by with collective unconscious convention making very little progress in their evolving.

Let's break down the concepts of (1) basic-most consciousness, (2) functional consciousness, (3) higher Consciousness, and (4) superConsciousness, to more specifically define and clarify just what exactly is being asked, and Answered, to the question of its/their potential outside the brain.

(1) basic-most consciousness
(2) functional consciousness
(3) higher Consciousness
(4) superConsciousness

There is a mathematical energy process going on in the Universe, one that has been realized and has proved itself to be very real for thousands of years. It is that mathematical energy that is actually moving and motivating everybody and everything. Do we dare attempt to usurp it and make it all about ourselves? It's kind of like asking: Do radio and TV shows exist if there are no radios or TVs!  Does the process have to be acknowledged to be able to exist? Does it need our awareness of it? Our permission

One look at collective unconscious convention and apparently not!  Billions of people across the globe are inescapably physics-ally existing because of that process, and they have no clue it even exists. It is moving and motivating every breath they take, every move they make.

Let's explore the Universal Energy/Dynamic that we are all inescapably interacting with.

First, a brief review... The Universe is NOT linear (line-ar), meaning not past to present to future.  That is a human invention that proves itself to you directly, as you *do the work* of your Nuclear Relatives and Relationships physics.

The Universe is NonLinear, which also directly proves itself, and this becomes really important in helping you, in your Awakening, to *grasp* just why and how it is that time and space are relative, what quantum entanglement is all about, how there is *structure* in the Translucence, how language is multidimensional energy, and everything else science is searching for. This is also what the Buddhists would call "Madhyamaka," or "middle way," where Answers are earned through the process of dependent origination (no up without a down, no over without an under...). Kind of like playing "old maids."

Just as natural as perfect-most "The Nothing" is pulsating its way into "The Something" and back again, TheSomethingXTheNothing bounce back and forth like a Mexican jumping bean, weighted to the left, then weighted to the right, like a see-saw, only spherically.

Everything we do is basic energy. That Universal Core Energy fluctuates PatriarchXMatriarch (see Quantum Christ/Nag Hammadi NonLinear Physics blog, linked below), polar opposites/opposing energy forces. Everything in the entire Universe, ourselves included, is processing those opposing, fluctuating/frequencyXintensity energies, based on *where we are* in our timeXspace signatures (ever current state of the art of the heart of functioning). It is this dynamic that got a lot of people in trouble in their total misinterpretations of 2012 (explained in the above Quantum Christ/Nag Hammadi blog here), where they simply actually just ran themselves into an imbalanced end in their discombobulated idealisms.

Quantum Physics/Nag Hammadhi texts

Our basic neurophysiology reflects those timeXspace signatures.

Those Universal pulsating energies flow through us all (and everything, every event, in existence) like "wifi," and we *experience* "life" relative to how balanced or unbalanced our physio/psy processing is.

Just as time and space are human illusions along with past and future, conventional authorities are founding their brain sciences on notions of detached, disjointed, disconnected individualisms that invalidate the *higher* Universal Dynamic.

There is a much *higher* physics process that needs to be considered.

(1) basic-most consciousness
Here, basically your eyes are most likely (though not necessarily) open, you are able to observe your environment, and you are aware of yourself as existing. Dutifully participating, not asking questions. Roboticism.

(2) functional consciousness
If life were a game, here you're in the game and ready to play, enjoying belonging and being a part of everyday life. Blending in, fitting in, dutifully adhering, living up to conventional expectations, maintaining yourself within the artificial walls and boundaries of convention. Boundless advocacy is everywhere and ready at your fingertips. No one else knows there's anything else going on either. Rarely does anyone suspect a thing.

There is comfort and security in compliance. Occasional questions may arise but those are mostly brought to your attention when catastrophic/life JOLTING changes force them to surface, temporarily, relative to their relevancy to yourself personally (personal family loss vs emotionally participating in the trauma of, say...9/11/01, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, warring, etc... After they pass or fade away into memory, you go right back into being as you were. Questions of life are stashed away, swept under the rug in denial, dissociated and displaced...whatever it takes to protect and restore your defense mechanisms/safe places/comfort zones, traditions, belief systems.

(3) higher Consciousness
There are many increasing levels of awareness blossoming that cannot slide right back down that (Dalai Lama's example) "ladder" (from when he was asked if "intelligence is needed" to realize higher Consciousness), into the comforting security and familiarity, and relentless advocacy, of collective unconscious convention.

You've crossed the bridge, that threshold that is so life-changing, and there is no going back. Now you've done it!  You know too much to quit. You've asked questions so long and so much that you have *accessed* enough answers/Answers to begin *realizing* your new level of comfort zone as having some tangible and inescapable haunting evidence and you recognize that old/previous safe place you had been keeping yourself within as having been delusional/an illusion, and that there is far more comfort and security in the real Truth.

Higher growth stirs your curiosity and intrigue and there's no going back to roboticism, no looking back except to wonder why you waited so long to grow. You just can't seem to learn more and more fast enough as if you are free-falling through a wormhole (you are!), as *aha!*s multiply exponentially in every direction, language corners you at every turn, jumps out at you when you least expect it, and is increasingly realized as multidimensional and mathematical, Universally interactive with...everything!, and very much alive! Patterns arise everywhere to "tell on" everybody and everything, yourself included, like it or not.

(4) superConsciousness
To the everyday world of collective unconscious convention, above, everything appears to be disjointed, disconnected, and non-causal, everything and everybody somehow magically plopped down into the world and on its own, completely detached individuals and/or physical stuff having nothing whatsoever to do with anything else, let alone anybody else, anywhere else.

People believe they are somehow floating around in this thing called "life" as totally segregated entities with a personal, private mind full of thoughts and feelings and information that no one in the world could ever *access.*

Physical objects appear rigid and non-interactive. Events of nature, the weather, the cosmos, under the microscope, all appear to be other-worldly, controlled by mystical deities, and as unknowable forces.

With superConsciousness, the Universe reveals itself to you, if you simply have the courage to *go there,* and it'll take a lot of courage because it puts you through the wringer along the way/*Way.* The Answers have never been kept from you.  YOU have been keeping them from yourself!

As fully integrated entities within the entire Universal Process/Dynamics, its physics are our own physics of existence, as well, so we have complete *awareness* of what is going on if we simply allow ourselves to have it.

"superConsciousness" is the fluent Awareness of the Universal Process/Dynamic from direct experience from going ...inside... the physics of it all/Awe!, of all of us, directly wearing it (via Nuclear Relatives and Relationships), and where all that leads to, as it all multiplies exponentially, spherically, multidimensionally, transcendently, exposing time and space for what and where they really are, relativity, quantum entanglement, parallel worlds, all of it, the true nature of nature, and what is really going on!

It is a profoundly daunting and humbling Awakening, garnering a *respect* like nothing/Nothing you've ever experienced before!

The whole process not only reveals itself to you with superConsciousness, but it is the gift that keeps on giving, as it constantly keeps you "up to date" and ever-mindful, not allowing you to mosey too far away from its Nucleus/Core.

A side-effect of it though is that you will discover yourself constantly, often painfully, *realizing* what next horrific events are congealing, forming, coming into being, headed for the even-*even*-ing news!  Earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, catastrophes, accidents, human-initiated tragedies, domestic and foreign, near and far.

It is all simply *energy*/Energy/Empathy emanating from and to the Universal Core. Translucent Energy-Empathy, and yet there is observable, measurable, experience-able, teachable ...*Structure*... to that Translucence, fluently recognizable, realizable, "living" structure.

So, it is here that the question becomes: Is it all going on without us?

From any one/One individual's perspective, it could eerily come down to the scary prospect that he or she is the ONLY one EVER to exist, an aloneness like no other, a terrifying proposition. But for that terror to exist, even just long enough to "go there," there would need to be a reason to fear/feel fear/feel alone. That would require dependent origination. Questioning it down to making it all about yourself as the only person ever to exist on the planet, in the Universe, creates a moot point. Like having an Answer when the concept of questioning does not exist.  But for all intents and purposes, you can't stay there! You can't live on the Core anyway, AS that stillness. You have to move on, and that right there shows you there is something more going on. Reflection.

We *experience* all... because we are moving both toward and away from, the Two Truths, simultaneously (simultaneity being relative). It is that polar opposite energy, the living force, the living, breathing, pulsating, highly interactive, spherical Universal Dynamic, the Universal fabric/tapestry that is inescapable. In other words, you may assume everything reduces down to your brain, but dare to apply any of what you learn or project and you cannot escape "the other side."  It is that polar opposite energy/those polarizing forces (projectionXreflection), The Something (home of The God Particle), movement away from the Core, and The Nothing, The Goddess Particle, movement toward the Core/Nucleus, that pulsates that "life" into us overall.

The NonLinear *Now* so persistently keeps on keeping on that it's nearly impossible to catch/capture that *Now.* The stillness/*still*-ness at the Core is required.

But the more Conscious aka superConscious we are, fluently and fluidly multidimensionally and mathematically aware, the broader our *Now* becomes, because the more Awakened to the Universal Physics Dynamic, in action, in the Now, the more *Access* we have, aligning ourselves with the Universal Parade View.

It is our Awakened Alignment with the Universal Parade View that we can *realize* our own Presence as both preceding our manifestation (via Nuclear Relatives and Relationships) and following it. Aka...a Consciousness (physics/math/energy process) taking place outside the brain. Otherwise, it all collapses, the whole thing, and with thousands upon thousands of years of recognition, for any of our intents and purposes, it clearly does NOT. shared throughout!

If there's no mindfulness outside the brain, the entire withinXwithout, palm facing youXpalm facing away, reflective process is invalidated, and we are all just making it up along the way. But to prove need reflection, to counter projection...and here we go again.  From selfish, one-sided perspective, there is then the question: how do you so accurately know about the approach of horrific events? Why are we devastated by the forces of the natural world (let alone human-initiated/recognized away from yourself? What are we interacting with? If it doesn't affect us, why are we bothered by it/impacted in any way?

It is messing with our math, our timeXspace signatures. Try to escape it. It is inescapable. Try to disprove it with billions of people. It can't be done. You have to actually ...use... its Universal Physics Process/Dynamic to argue that it doesn't exist!

The Universe is a living, breathing, pulsating, highly interactive mathematical, multidimensional, Translucent (Structured, observable, wearable, measurable, teachable***) Energy. Ultimately, Empathy. And so are we!

Inescapably, likewise all/Awe in existence/Existence, entire Cosmos included.


** It has been agreed and acknowledged by psychiatrists during university and over 20 years, who btw use some of these physics in their work by advanced training (so they could actually hear me, which was wonderful) that, like a flower opening into itself, when I was becoming most basically aware of myself at age 3, I just kept on going, opening my mind like the energizer bunny, profoundly so at 3, and that it has continued its prolific journey nonstop all along. (I have dissolved myself off the planet many, many times!) I have never been afraid of it, waaaay too intrigued, born already way too fluent in it all, but it does get painful having to recognize horrific events congealing toward manifestation, with collective unconscious convention so dismissive.

*** Hence, this blog.