Friday, February 22, 2019

Nuclear Relativity: Key to Decoding the Universe - XLVII

Consciousness as Domain of and Throughout the Universe Itself Inherently Separate from Brain and Biology**

(In Support of HH Dalai Lama's Citing the Same via Ancient Indian Psychology/Quantum Physics Dating Back Thousands of Years, and Chinese Ancient Wisdoms of I Ching, Tao Te Ching, etc.)

Everybody and everything, every event/happening is *interconnected,* SHARING the exact same physics/*energies* flowing Nonlinearly throughout, all simultaneously (simultaneity being *relative*).

That simultaneous *interactive energy* IS ...consciousness/Consciousness... inherent in the Universe itself. Hence, quantum entanglement.

The more Conscious/Awakened you are, the more you can directly experience and recognize this for yourself. It's a very specific, consistent, undaunted dynamic, and hence gravity itself!

Humans are darned determined to make everything about themselves, everything else just backdrop scenery for them to exploit and explore, and they couldn't care less what the real Truth is, as long as they can convince themselves they are personally in control. Any suggestion that they aren't is met with disdain, even war, whatever it takes to maintain the illusion. The complexity of higher Consciousness inadvertently provides them a security blanket to hide behind, and the mistaken notions of "opinion" and ultimate subjectivity are taken as permission to dismiss any other way of processing.

This blog is not intended to take away from the every day world its personal meaningfulnesses or to "pull the rug out from under" anyone. It is intended to awaken scientists and important-to-survival social authorities supposedly in place to protect millions of people's lives from totally unnecessary devastations that reveal their approach in the higher NonLinear Translucent Physics, in the process assisting and guiding those unconscious, unrealizing modern scientists over the relative timeXspace threshold into being more highly evolved.

All throughout human history, *realizers* such as myself have been punished, persecuted, imprisoned and worse for trying to wake people up. The Dalai Lama himself lost his whole country. (Read "The Heart Treasure of the Enlightened Ones" for Buddhist frustration in being laughed at and dismissed going back a long way). The Bible was conveniently edited during the Constantine era to ban the likes of the highly realizing Nag Hammadi Library. Artists, likewise recognizing Universal Answers in their attention to details, layers and intensities, have been forced to quietly hide their realizations in their works, otherwise prohibited from expression. I myself have lost essentially every friend I've ever had, some who never even met each other citing the exact same "You are soooo exhausting to be around!" years apart. Ouch!

But there's a lot of reality to that, because the more Awakened one is, the more one has transcended the misguided notions of time and space, language and energy, etc. as processed and perceived by collective unconscious convention. Even the most basic notions of projection and reflection are misunderstood by convention and fodder for war.

Consciousness evolves you into higher and higher very real dimensions of far more highly evolved processing that less realized folks struggle to even basically grasp, similar to how your autonomic nervous system allows you to do things you don't actually have to think about, versus surface functioning where you do. Even in same level processing of everyday folks, conventional expectation, if not immediately met, will cause folks to feel invalidated if someone hesitates and doesn't so readily respond or agree with them. So imagine the distance in time and space between one who is of conventional mind versus one who is highly aware. The "Genius Junior" game show on TV boggled millions of folks' minds as to just how those children were able to realize complex answers that seemed to defy timeXspace, and perform the most extraordinary mind-boggling tasks, but they were simply processing Nonlinearly as I (and *highly realizing* Tibetan Buddhist monks) do, something collective unconscious convention was born inherently capable of, but became distracted from long ago, decades ago in their personal lives, centuries, thousands of years ago overall.

Trying to reach and redirect collective unconscious-minded scientists founding themselves in convention is quite a task.

Relativity, for instance, is not something that can be conveniently kept hidden from everyday conventional life in Einstein texts, because it permeates every aspect of life itself. Things are not locked in place, but rather in *constant* Nonlinear motion, manifestating in every *Now* the ever-changing mean statistical average state of the art of the heart perceptions of all in Existence.

Yet scientists themselves, no matter how much they may agree with Einstein about relativity, don't actually live that truth of relative timeXspace in their everyday lives, relegating/segregating it to those Einstein texts. Otherwise, they wouldn't be so lost, so heavily invested in their (cerebral neglect) linear approach to their expensive, life-devoted "it'll take centuries to figure it out" works, and they would have the Answers they seek in the *Now.*

Quantum physicists are totally baffled by how atoms/quasars simultaneously interact, stressed because there's no time or space for them to linearly measure within that simultaneity.

Seismologists persist in believing that "no one can predict earthquakes" because, lost in their linear unconscious conventional "logic," an enormity of information and *access* genuinely available to them in the *Now* is going completely overlooked. In Italy, scientists were on trial a few years ago for shutting up another scientist who was accurately and desperately warning of an imminent earthquake that manifested as warned and killed hundreds of people. Their "no one can predict earthquakes/the future" got them off and sent science plummeting deeper into collective unconsciousness, endangering millions of lives around the world.

Authorities in place to protect entire cities full of millions of people have unconsciously, passively, unwittingly allowed thousands of people to die in events that could have been avoided, stating "We don't employ that technology" (What technology, the Truth? They don't employ the Truth?!), and "I'm not interested in no numerology!," (actual quotes, and...neither am I! This has nothing whatsoever to do with "numerology!"). At that point I was so angry that I screamed at the top of my promised mountain, "You have no business working for an intelligence agency if you don't have the intelligence to *know* what Consciousness is!" The police across the street then bullied me out of their station minutes later. What I was trying to warn about manifested "48 hours/two days" later, and thousands of people have died related to that situation since.

You wanna talk about reality? THAT'S reality! And so is Nonlinear Translucence.

There is NO EXCUSE for scientists and other authorities in world society to present themselves so irresponsibly!

In the 1980s I did a thesis at my university on the deeper/higher layers of reality buried within language and how mental illnesses, including those of the homeless, could be abated with higher Consciousness/*access* to *realizers* in their lives to teach/redirect them. Though rare (with psychiatrists/neurobiologists still unevolved enough to separate Consciousness from biology, a primary topic of discussion in Dalai Lama dialogues with world scientists nowadays), noted, more highly evolved UK and other psychiatrists at the time were in agreement with me and had published books and other works to show how many mental patients/illnesses/the homeless need only a classroom to learn higher Consciousness, not mental institutions, because they had evolved themselves enough to begin transcending collective unconscious convention but had no way to know what or how to go any further from there, making their lives miserable. Much of confused folks' seemingly distorted language was actually "right on" in terms of increasing awareness levels but had no application recognizable to surface reality. The higher physics were rushing in, in other words, before they were in any position to handle them, causing some folks neurons to look like a train wreck.

Likewise, as shown on the PBS/NOVA documentary "Einstein's Quantum Riddle," recently discussed here, "flower child" era (1960s, 1970s) younger physicists were recognizing the super(im)position of quantum mechanics and higher/superConsciousness (citing the book, "The Tao of Physics"), but were laughed at, dismissed, by collectively unconscious physicists even on the current NOVA documentary itself (that at least went on to say those young physicists were way ahead of their time).

But even the Dalai Lama persists in his relentless attempts to Awaken modern scientists/quantum physicists to the reality that ancient Indian psychology/science dating back 3000 years *realized*/*recognized* extremely advanced levels of that super(im)position, including that consciousness is separate from the brain and biology, that Consciousness is inherent in the Universe itself, as I have been teaching here in my blogs for years.

The 3000 year old I Ching/Book of Changes is founded upon NonLinearity, as is the 2000+ year old Tao Te Ching/The Way Things Work, 3000 year old Bhagavad Gita, the ancient Vedas/Wisdoms, and even the Nag Hammadi Library of 300 AD, dating back to 60 AD and before.

** Neither exclusively originating from, nor confined to...

More to come, already handwritten, when I make the time to write it all on here.